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It is the aim of the paper to study within the framework of an ‘overlapping generation model’ the evolution of temporary equilibria. At date t, there are ‘newborn’ agents and ‘old’ agents who were born in previous periods; the old agents hold cash balances (fiat money) that they carried over from the previous period. At the beginning of period t, all agents receive a random endowment of consumption goods. Then the agents exchange these endowments and money on spot markets at date t (trading in future markets is not considered). Once a temporary equilibrium is reached, the economy move to the next date. Agents who were born at date t then become old and meet agents born at period t+1.It is shown that the evolution of temporary equilibria in this model leads to analyse the ergodic properties of a certain class of Markov processes with stationary transition probability.  相似文献   

We construct a dynamic general equilibrium model of tax evasion where agents choose to report some of their income. Unreported income requires using a payment method that avoids recordkeeping in some markets—cash. Trade using cash to avoid taxes is the ‘shadow economy’ in our model. We then calibrate our model using money, interest rate and GDP data to back out the size of the shadow economy for a sample of countries and compare our measures to traditional reduced form estimates.  相似文献   

王新 《城市发展研究》2006,13(2):20-22,68
我国历年在对基础货币进行管理的同时,对银行体系外的现金存量也实施着计划性控制.论文认为,当前我国的公众消费仍以现金交易为主要手段,现金和基础货币管理的双轨制度虽然能够抑制价格上涨,但也极易引起消费需求与信贷投资之间的非均衡增长,形成消费需求缺口.并以我国近些年几种现金需求量的变化趋势进行了实证.  相似文献   

Economic agents try to find out the composition of different forms of assets, and the amount of each, that maximizes total wealth. The money demanded by firms is a function of the benefits and costs of holding it considering other forms of assets. The money held in cash can be remunerated by some earning asset. Even when the money is invested in bank funds or bonds, the interest rate is usually lower than the return that the firm’s business may yield. When the firm keeps idle money in cash, the firm renounces to part of its profitability, incurring in the opportunity cost of not investing in alternatives, named Holding Cost. If the firm gives preference to other assets over cash, the balance level may be insufficient for its disbursement needs. The Shortage Cost is the price of obtaining money by other means. The Expectancy Balance Model (EBM) proposed minimizes the Total Cost (combined Holding and Shortage Costs) of maintaining and transforming money from or into other forms of assets. The EBM is an instrument of cash flow decision that deals with the demand for money by firms employing the maximizing utility of total wealth (set of assets) rule.  相似文献   

张海宁  许飞  冯晓岗 《价值工程》2012,31(1):173-174
卡把是指对捆钱的把数进行数目的核定。目前的卡把操作是人工的,不仅费时,而且可能出现误判。基于机器视觉的卡把系统通过摄像机取像,将被摄取的目标信号转换成图像信号,并将此图像信号传送给专用的图像处理系统,抽取图像的特征,进而根据判别的结果来控制智能设备的执行相应的操作。本系统能够自动进行智能卡把操作,并对不符合规范的钱捆进行报警和处理。不仅提高了卡把速度,而且极大降低了卡把的误判率。  相似文献   

We describe a financial market as a noncooperative game in strategic form. Agents may borrow or deposit money at a central bank and use the cash available to them in order to purchase a commodity for immediate consumption. They derive positive utility from consumption and from having cash reserves at the end of the day, whereas being bankrupt entails negative utility. The bank fixes interest rates. The existence of Nash equilibria (both mixed and pure) of the ensuing game is proved under various assumptions. In particular, no agent is bankrupt at equilibrium. Asymptotic behavior of replica markets is discussed, and it is shown that given appropriate assumptions, the difference between a strategic player and a price taker is negligible in a large economy.  相似文献   

李刚 《企业技术开发》2009,28(10):131-132
现金持有问题的相关论述最早可以追溯到凯恩斯(1936)的货币需求理论。尽管凯恩斯的货币需求理论也能部分解释企业的现金持有决策,但它毕竟探讨的是宏观经济学的视角,因而还称不上真正微观企业的现金持有理论。文章将目前流行的解释现金持有的理论进行梳理,对它们进行回顾、分析和提炼。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the time series aggregate consumption function for the Hungarian economy. The empirical econometric analysis presented produces several new results. First, it shows that the income and consumption variables used in this type of model by previous studies are I(2) variables. Consequently, error correction models formulated in terms of their first differences are mis-specified. Second, it provides a strong empirical evidence supporting the view that consumption (and thus saving) was (real) interest rate elastic during the period under investigation, having impact both on the long run and on the short relationships between income and consumption. Third, it provides empirical evidence on choosing the proper income variable in the consumption function. The model selection results clearly supports the model with unadjusted total real money income variable. Fourth, it shows that for the period 1960–1986 a correctly specified and stable error correction model can be established. Finally, the analysis shows that when used for the period beyond 1986, this model suffers from a structural break.  相似文献   

When the money supply increased exogenously, Marshall's vs. Wicksell's versions of short run inflation transmission are shown to be different because of their ideas on money demand. During the approach to monetary equilibrium, the implication was that the demand for transactions cash balances would have to increase in order for inflation to stop. Marshall focused on the real, while Wicksell focused on the nominal, demand for such balances; Marshall assumed velocity of money was constant, while Wicksell assumed it to be pro-cyclic. These assumptions about money demand caused them to make different predictions on how much prices would eventually rise: Marshall described a price-undershoot, while Wicksell described a price-overshoot mechanism.  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that money can matter for macroeconomic stability under interest rate policy when transactions frictions are non-negligible. We develop a sticky price model with a shopping time function, which induces the marginal utility of consumption to depend on the (predetermined) stock of money held at the beginning of the period. Equilibrium stability and uniqueness are then ensured by a passive interest rate policy, whereas activeness is associated with an explosive equilibrium. By reacting to changes in beginning-of-period real balances, the central bank can restore stability. Interest rates further depend on lagged real balances even if the central bank acts in an entirely forward-looking way, as under discretionary optimization. If the model is revised such that end-of-period money provides transaction services, money can in principle be neglected for a stabilizing interest rate policy. Discretionary monetary policy is, however, likely to be associated with equilibrium indeterminacy, which can be avoided if interest rates are set contingent on beginning-of-period real balances.  相似文献   

采用双重差分方法实证检验政府审计对国有企业公款消费的影响,研究发现:在政府审计介入当年及以后年度,被审计的国企控股上市公司消费性现金支出费用化率和波动性显著下降,公款消费实质性减少,公款消费计入存货的费用操纵行为显著减少,政府审计对公款消费的监督和治理职能得以证实;然而,管理层仍然可能会将消费性现金支出转入非流动资产处置损失等营业外支出科目,并且在政府审计介入之后,消费性现金支出的粘性并没有显著降低,可见政府审计并没有完全解决公款消费相关的代理问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the occurrence of local indeterminacy in two-sector monetary economies. We consider a general MIUF model with two alternative timings in monetary payments: the Cash-In-Advance timing, in which the cash available to buy goods is money in the consumers’ hands after they leave the bond market but before they enter the goods market, and the Cash-After-the-Market timing, in which agents hold money for transactions after leaving the goods market. We consider three standard specifications of preferences: the additively separable formulation, the Greenwood–Hercovitz–Huffman (GHH) (Greenwood et al., 1988) formulation and the King–Plosser–Rebelo (KPR) (King et al., 1988) formulation. First, we show that for all the three types of preferences, local indeterminacy occurs under the CIA timing with a low enough interest rate elasticity of money demand. Second, we show that with the CAM timing, although determinacy always holds under separable preferences, local indeterminacy can occur with GHH and KPR preferences. We thus prove that compared to aggregate models, two-sector models provide new rooms for local indeterminacy when non-separable standard preferences are considered.  相似文献   

We study optimal monetary policy in a New Keynesian model at the zero bound interest rate where households use cash alongside house equity borrowing to conduct transactions. The amount of borrowing is limited by a collateral constraint. When either the loan to value ratio declines or house prices fall, we observe a decrease in the money multiplier. We argue that the central bank should respond to the fall in the money multiplier and therefore to the reduction in house prices or the loan to collateral value ratio. We also find that optimal monetary policy generates a large and persistent fall in the money multiplier in response to the drop in the loan to collateral value ratio.  相似文献   

西方财务学界充斥着“现金为王”的行为准则,由此就可看出现金流管理在企业财务管理中的重要地位,如何更好地实施企业现金流管理,笔者对国内外相关领域文献进行了整理分析,得出了价值创造理念与动态管理方法相结合的企业现金流管理应该是比较符合现金流本质特征和适应企业未来发展的一种方法,并进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

This paper develops an agent-based model of a stylized low income region in order to study the impact of natural disasters on population displacement, income, prices, and consumption with a focus on distributions and coping strategies of low income groups. Key features of the model include the integration of decentralized markets into a full economy in a spatially explicit way and the analysis of short-run adjustment processes. The model is calibrated to a low income region of rural agrarian Pakistan that faced severe floods in 2010. Dynamic adaptation by agents in response to falling income includes migrating and running down savings. Despite these consumption smoothing strategies, some low income groups are vulnerable to starvation. The paper showcases two hypothetical policy scenarios, a cash and a food transfer program, and tracks their effects on the welfare of low income groups in the economy.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the connection between the assumptions often made on the utility functions of economic agents when general equilibrium is considered. Concretely, we analyse the effect of certain assumptions regarding the elasticity of marginal utility for both the existence of equilibrium and, assuming equilibrium exists, for the effect that raising the nominal interest rate has on the equilibrium inflation rate. Typical macroeconomic wisdom states that an increase in the interest rate will decrease inflation, and this seems to have been the basis for real-life macroeconomic policy in several countries. However, this wisdom is based on models in which the money supply, and not the interest rate, is the policy instrument. Using a very simple general equilibrium model of intertemporal consumption, this paper finds sufficient conditions for the negative relationship to hold (and for it not to hold) in the short run, when monetary policy is characterised by a given nominal interest rate. Above all, it is shown how the relative risk aversion characteristics that are assumed of the economic agents are important.  相似文献   

This paper investigates three classic questions in monetary theory: How can an intrinsically worthless asset, such as fiat money, maintain value as a medium of exchange? What are the short-run and long-run effects of a change in the money supply? What is the social cost of inflation? I answer these questions using a microfounded model of monetary exchange that replaces the rational expectations assumption with an adaptive learning rule. First, I show that monetary exchange is a robust arrangement in the sense that agents are able to learn the stationary monetary equilibrium while the non-monetary equilibrium is unstable under learning. Second, an unanticipated monetary injection has real effects in the short-run because learning the value of money takes time. In the long run, agents successfully learn the value of money, hence money is neutral. Third, under a constant money growth policy, an increase in the growth rate of money increases output in the short-run producing a short-run Phillips curve. A ten percent increase in the money growth rate has a social cost of 0.41 percent of output per year. Alternatively, a ten percent decrease in the money growth rate has a social benefit of 0.37 percent of output per year.  相似文献   

企业的现金及银行存款作为企业流动性最强的资产,对它的内部会计控制尤为重要。目前一些企业对现金及银行存款的内部控制还存在不少问题,企业应从建立货币资金业务的岗位责任制,配备合格的人员,严格的授权批准制度以及货币资金控制的监督检查制度方面,完善货币资金的内部控制。  相似文献   

The claim that volatility of money leads people to increase their demand for money is tested using recently developed cointegration techniques and error-correction modeling. This approach offers an alternative to the standard Granger-causality test for establishing the long-run relation of velocity and money growth variability. In this paper, we employ these procedures on quarterly data from Japan over the 1973:1–1992:1 flexible exchange rate period. Our findings are supportive of the Friedman hypothesis for both the short and long runs. These results are important empirical additions to the new classical theory of economics which suggests that unanticipated movements in the money supply are non-neutral.  相似文献   

A bstract Even more than most nineteenth-century economists, Henry Dunning Macleod recognized the importance of trust in a properly functioning monetary system. Macleod developed a credit theory of money in which he argued that money originated as a debt claim against society. The value of money depends on the willingness of economic agents to accept it, no matter what material the money is made of. Macleod applied this theory to the evaluation of other systems in which money is not based on debt, showing the dangerous consequences that could arise from pursuing other theories of money creation to their logical conclusions.  相似文献   

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