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城市环境治理投入中地方政府与中央政府的博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
文章从中央政府与地方政府总收益函数分析出发,指出中央政府与地方政府在地方政府环境治理、财政支出比例选择上存在的差异;运用混合战略博弈模型对中央政府与地方政府博弈行为进行分析,得出地方政府执行环境政策的最优概率及中央政府对地方政府环境政策执行情况进行监督的最优概率;提出循环经济的推广使用及环境治理问责制的实施有利于提高城市环境治理投入,改善城市环境质量,实现社会经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

审计监督是党和国家监督体系的重要组成,财政审计能对政府财政收支的真实性、合法性和效益性进行有效监督。以省以下地方审计机关人财物管理改革这一试点政策为准自然实验,从地方政府财政治理视角出发,运用双重差分法分析提升地市级审计机关独立性对地方政府财政支出效率的影响。研究发现,审计机关人财物管理改革能够有效提高地方政府财政支出效率,试点地区财政支出效率提高1.87个百分点。异质性分析结果发现,审计独立性的治理效应在财政透明度低、距离省会城市远和财政自主程度高的城市更大。通过进一步的机制分析,发现试点政策通过提高审计监督质量和优化财政支出结构两条路径提高地方政府财政支出效率。研究表明提高地方审计机关独立性可以对地方政府财政支出产生积极的治理效应。  相似文献   

缓解地方财政压力和风险,保持经济健康可持续发展,需要提升地方财政支出效率。基于此,本文以我国30个省份2007~2018年的数据为样本,实证检验对地方政府财政支出进行绩效审计是否提升了地方财政支出效率。研究发现:绩效审计显著提升了地方财政支出效率;预算管理水平在绩效审计提升地方财政支出效率进程中发挥了部分中介效应,中西部内陆地区绩效审计提升地方财政支出效率的效能比东部沿海地区更为显著;制度环境对绩效审计提升地方财政支出效率具有正向调节效应。  相似文献   

中国式财政分权具有经济权利下放而政治权利高度集中、收入分权度低而支出分权度高的特点,这些特征在负面导致地方政府环境治理效率低下。首先对其影响机理进行理论分析;其次选取2000—2011年中国30个省份的省际面板数据采用个体固定效应模型,对财政支出分权度、财政收入等因素对于政府工业污染源治理投资额的影响进行实证分析,结果表明财政分权度对政府工业污染源治理投资额有显著的负效应,并且在经济较为发达的东部地区负效应更为明显,总体上随时间推移政府环境治理积极性持续下降;最后在研究发现的基础上提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

运用超效率DEA方法测度了京津冀城市群10个城市2003—2013年的财政支出效率值,接着利用Malmquist指数对财政支出效率进行了动态研究,最后通过面板数据Tobit模型分析财政支出效率的影响因素。结果表明,京津冀城市群的财政支出效率整体较高,其中北京市财政支出效率要明显高于其他城市,技术进步衰退是阻碍京津冀地区财政支出效率提高的主要因素,经济发展水平对财政支出产生并不显著的负向影响,引进外资水平与财政支出效率呈显著负相关的关系,人均预算内财政收入、人口密度和受教育程度对财政支出效率产生显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

文章利用数据包络分析方法实证研究了2005年和2010年广西14个城市的财政支出效率。结果表明,处于非前沿面的城市依然很多,存在着较显著的地区差异,说明很多城市的财政支出效率依然处于较低水平,广西城市的财政支出效率有一步提高的空间。  相似文献   

领导干部自然资源资产离任审计是加强生态文明建设的一项制度安排。以部分地区开展自然资源资产离任审计试点为契机,采用多期双重差分法探讨自然资源资产离任审计对环境治理效率的影响。研究结果表明,审计试点后,环境治理效率得到显著提升;机制检验结果表明,自然资源资产离任审计能够有效提高政府环境注意力强度和持续性,进而提升环境治理效率;分样本检验结果表明,因官员变更、任期、年龄、制度环境以及地理区位的差异,审计试点对环境治理效率产生了异质性影响;拓展性检验结果表明,在审计试点期间,试点城市官员晋升概率与环境治理效率提升存在正相关关系,且更多表现为实职晋升。研究结论对加强自然资源资产离任审计和完善环境治理机制具有重要的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程不断加快,城市生态环境问题日益突出,已经成为我国城市生态安全首要解决的问题。文章对三亚城市生态环境进行深入研究,提出了三亚市在城市化进程中保护生态环境的对策,从监管队伍建设、环境治理及依法建设3个方面进行讨论,通过增强三亚市生态环境保护力度控制城市化进程,避免破坏生态环境,提高人们的生活质量,加强环境监管队伍建设,同时通过增加财政支出、加大环境治理力度等措施,改善城市生态环境,使城市生态系统处于良性循环状态,促进城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

以中国2003-2017年286个地级及以上城市政府工作报告中的经济增长目标数据为基础,对当年经济增长目标与过去实际经济增长均值之差进行归一化,构造经济增长目标压力指数,分析其对城市绿色发展水平的影响及其传导机制.研究表明,经济增长目标压力指数与绿色发展水平之间存在倒U型关系,过高的经济增长目标压力导致城市绿色发展水平下降,其传导机制在于:过高的经济增长目标压力导致地方财政支出、实际利用外资、资本存量、就业人数等增加,工业增加值占GDP比重和人均地区生产总值下降,污染产业产值占工业总产值比例上升、环境治理水平下降,进而抑制了城市绿色发展水平的提升.选择适度的经济增长目标有利于城市绿色发展.  相似文献   

中国的"土地财政"加剧了地方财政对土地出让金的依赖,也在一定程度上促进了房价的上涨.土地价格受社会经济发展的影响,同时又反作用于城市社会经济的发展,并最终影响到城市扩张.因此.土地财政和城市扩张有着密不可分的联系.本文通过分析地方土地财政与城市扩张的相关性,提出随着城市的扩张,土地财政收入呈下降趋势,并最终导致地方财政支出加大这一结论.最后从新制度经济学角度,提出解决我国地方财政困境的对策和建议.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate, empirically, what components of public spending imply a decreasing effect on organized crime and what components create opportunities for organized crime, discussing also the role of government efficiency. Using a panel data analysis, the results show a strikingly consistent pattern for the EU Member States. Organized crime mainly operates in the distribution of government spending for local public goods and public provision of private services. There is a decreasing effect on organized crime of the public expenditure devoted to education and social policy. Government efficiency in public spending is beneficial to limit the opportunities of the organized crime.  相似文献   

Roy W. Bahl 《Socio》1969,3(4):279-290
A behavioral model is presented to identify the linkages between urban social structure and urban public expenditure data. The model is then tested on data from the 198 largest U.S. cities using first a principal components analysis to dimension the structural variables and second a regression model to measure the covariation between urban spending and selected measures of urban structure. The results suggest a relevant set of considerations for planning the urban fisc for purposes of State and Federal intergovernmental policy as well as for purposes of urban physical planning.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in (local) government taxation and spending decisions have received a lot of attention. Still, the focus on taxation or expenditure levels in previous studies may be incomplete. Indeed, (rational) individuals are likely to consider the level of spending on (or taxation for) public goods provision simultaneously with how much public goods they actually receive—thus assessing the ‘price/quantity’ of government policies. Therefore, the present paper argues that incumbents may want their ‘price/quantity’ ratio to be close to that in neighbouring regions. Analysing Flemish local governments' efficiency ratings for the year 2000 (which relate total spending to the quantity of locally provided public goods), we confirm the existence of neighbourhood effects in local government policies.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in (local) government taxation and spending decisions have received a lot of attention. Still, the focus on taxation or expenditure levels in previous studies may be incomplete. Indeed, (rational) individuals are likely to consider the level of spending on (or taxation for) public goods provision simultaneously with how much public goods they actually receive—thus assessing the ‘price/quantity’ of government policies. Therefore, the present paper argues that incumbents may want their ‘price/quantity’ ratio to be close to that in neighbouring regions. Analysing Flemish local governments' efficiency ratings for the year 2000 (which relate total spending to the quantity of locally provided public goods), we confirm the existence of neighbourhood effects in local government policies.  相似文献   

Hospital efficiency and equity in health care delivery are two enduring research topics. Yet little research has been done to examine the relationship between them. This paper studies the impact of hospital efficiency on equity in health care delivery based on a proprietary dataset of hospital characteristics and 630,000 inpatient records from 149 public hospitals in a representative Chinese city. To measure the hospitals' efficiencies, this study takes the hospitals' operational features and case-mix indexes into account, and computes the efficiency levels using data envelopment analysis with bootstrapping. Through regressions that control for a variety of the patients’ personal characteristics (e.g., age, disease, residence, hospital visit frequency), this study shows that the gap between hospitalization expenses of urban and rural inpatients in more efficient hospitals is smaller than those in less efficient hospitals. Thus efficiency enhances equity in expenditure between urban and rural patients. But the dwindling urban-rural gap in expenditure is achieved by raising the spending of rural patients, thereby undermining their access to health care. This pattern is more conspicuous in large and sophisticated high-tier hospitals. Further analysis shows that hospital efficiency impacts equity of health care delivery by inducing different lengths of stay and uncovered parts of total expenditure for urban and rural groups. The findings imply that an efficiency-oriented health care policy may lead to social benefit loss.  相似文献   

Fiscal policy in developed countries has been a rich topic since the Great Recession. However, research has remained limited for developing countries despite their similar use of fiscal policy and concerns about the efficiency of public spending. To help address this research gap, this paper provides a case study of multiplier effects of local government spending in regions in the Philippines as well as spillover effects of local government spending across regions. An instrumental variable based on the country’s intergovernmental transfer system is used to identify regional public spending in panel regressions. The local fiscal multiplier is estimated to be above one, where a 1-peso rise in spending by local government units in a region corresponds to a 1.2-peso rise in regional output. Multiplier effects are highest for capital expenditures and appear to be primarily driven by the services sector. Spillover effects are comparatively large, at around 1.8–2.0, highlighting the important role of domestic trade when stimulating regional economic activity.  相似文献   

Nighttime lighting is an important public service that impacts human activities and promotes transportation and pedestrian safety. Of course, such services are not free and have been found to have negative impacts on the environment. Responsible stewardship of the built environment requires that efficiency and care in the delivery of services be taken, particularly in the context of sustainability concerns. A significant problem with existing urban infrastructure systems like street lighting is that they have evolved over time using rule-of-thumb planning standards. Given this, systematic assessment and re-evaluation offers much potential for enhancing the spatial efficiency of infrastructure but also the opportunity to explicitly account for environmental impacts in combination with safety and security. This paper applies a methodology for studying lighting in urban areas based upon the use of spatial analytics, including GIS and spatial optimization. Findings and results are reported for a study area in San Diego, California, highlighting current system configuration issues, method development and the potential long term benefits of systematic analysis of public sector services.  相似文献   

公共服务对城市居民幸福感的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2005年和2015年中国社会综合调查(CGSS)数据,分析了公共服务对城市居民幸福感的影响。结果显示:公共服务对城市居民的幸福感有显著的正向影响,且其影响随时间的推移而增强。其中,社会保障类公共服务的正面作用相对更加明显。公共服务产生幸福增进效应的可能渠道包括机会均等性的提高、居民社会经济状况的改善,以及居民生活环境的优化。  相似文献   

从工业设计看城市公共设施的设计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于对工业设计的分析 ,提出城市公共设施的设计应该充分体现其系统性、功能性、装饰性和经济性。在对城市公共设施的设计过程中 ,要贯穿以人为本的精神 ,注重整体统一与体现个性相结合、注重与整体环境相协调、注重视觉效果等设计理念。  相似文献   

The paper presents a Data Envelopment Analysis aimed at studying the efficiency of Tuscan municipalities' public expenditure. Five strategic functions of Tuscan municipalities are first considered carrying out a non-aggregate analysis; then the overall expenditure composition of each municipality and the global spending efficiency are analysed by a proposed composite indicator. The main determinants affecting the municipalities' efficiency were further investigated. In particular, the obtained results may be consistently included in the long-standing debate on the municipal size, proving that the bigger the municipality, the greater its level of public expenditure efficiency.  相似文献   

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