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互联网技术的不断发展进步使得越来越多的消费者选择通过电子商务网站购买服装产品,消费者对网购有用性、网购易用性、网购风险规避和服务质量等提出了更高的要求。本文以技术接受模型为理论模型,加入网络交易成本作为调节变量,对原模型加以改进,验证了网络交易成本在变量感知网上购买服装产品有用性、感知网上购买服装产品易用性、感知网上购买服装产品存在风险、感知网上购买服装产品的服务质量与消费者网上购买服装产品意愿的关系中具有显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

互联网技术的不断发展进步使得越来越多的消费者选择通过电子商务网站购买服装产品,消费者对网购有用性、网购易用性、网购风险规避和服务质量等提出了更高的要求。本文以技术接受模型为理论模型,加入网络交易成本作为调节变量,对原模型加以改进,验证了网络交易成本在变量感知网上购买服装产品有用性、感知网上购买服装产品易用性、感知网上购买服装产品存在风险、感知网上购买服装产品的服务质量与消费者网上购买服装产品意愿的关系中具有显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

顾客感知价值一直是国内外学术界相关学者研究的重要课题,在移动网络普及的今天,网上购物已经成为广大消费者日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。本文从感知利得、利失及网络评价三个部分研究了顾客网购行为,提取了情境价值、信息价值、网站售后服务价值、辅助价值、情感价值、产品风险、服务不满等8个维度,研究这8个维度对消费者网上购买行为的影响。结果显示,信息价值、网站售后服务价值、辅助价值、情感价值等正向影响顾客网上购买行为,产品风险、服务不满负向影响顾客网上购买行为,网络评价正向影响顾客网络购买行为。据此,网络商家应关注信息提供、售后服务、辅助服务、消费者购物体验及网络评价等因素,降低消费者对产品的风险感知和对服务的不满。  相似文献   

近年服装已经成为网络市场交易规模最大的销售品类之一,竞争程度日趋激烈。网络服装商家如何在激战中保持主动性,塑造鲜明的品牌形象,在消费者心中形成清晰的感知价值,最终使其转化成消费者实施购买的积极因素显得至关重要。为了能够精准地分析网络服装商家的品牌形象究竟如何影响消费者购买行为,文章在分别研究商家品牌形象的影响因素和消费者购买行为影响因素的基础上构建品牌形象影响消费者购买行为的概念模型,提出相关假设。然后通过对相关假设的逐一论证,得出研究结论。再根据研究结论对网络服装商家提出营销建议。  相似文献   

文章以消费者网上购买行为作为研究对象,从消费者行为学和营销学的视角对网络购买行为进行研究,分别以定性和定量的手段进行分析,在此基础上深入探讨了消费者行为特点、影响选择意向的因素,进而得出网络购物消费行为的原因以及相应提升营销水平的策略建议。  相似文献   

丁璇 《商》2014,(44):89-89
当前,现在流行一种新的购物方式,即网上购物。网上购物不仅给消费者生活上提供了很大的便利,而且还为企业提供了一种新销售渠道。本文以服装消费者网上购买行为影响因素为研究对象进行详细的分析,并对这些影响因素提出了具有针对性的措施,为消费者进行网上购物提供了理论支持和借鉴。  相似文献   

餐饮团购和在线预订、网上外卖等网上订餐市场的规模持续增长,消费者购买食物愈加方便和多元化。消费者的网上订餐意愿是购买行为的基础,可以用来预测其网上订餐行为。本文在分析国内的网上订餐市场现状的基础上,进行消费者订餐意愿的研究,提出了在互联网与传统餐饮结合的状况下,影响大学生消费者购买意愿的因素,并提出了大学生网上订餐意愿的影响因素综合模型。  相似文献   

交易成本视角下的网络消费者行为研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
薛君 《商业时代》2005,(29):64-65
20世纪90年代以来,网络对企业行为和消费者行为的影响日益明显,其交易功能也正在被人们挖掘和接受.由于网上购物打破了传统购物方式在时间和地域上的限制,契合了现代人节奏紧张的生活方式,因此在经济发展水平不同的国家都受到了消费者的普遍追捧.许多研究者都意识到了网络作为一种新的交易方式和营销渠道的重要性.但是一个无法忽视的现实是网上零售交易额在各个国家零售交易总额中所占的比重有限,即使在美国,网上B2C零售额在整个零售额中所占的比重也未达到2%.那么,究竟是什么因素阻碍了消费者在网上实施其购买行为?如何才能促进消费者在网上购买产品和服务?  相似文献   

李燕 《消费导刊》2014,(1):49-51
网上市场作为一种新兴的市场交易模式,在潜移默化的影响着人们的行为。网上零售市场产品种类多,买家多、价格参差不齐,给消费者购买带来一定的困扰。本文以淘宝网提供的四大类商品为研究对象,通过影响网上商品购买的质量因素进行调研,得出不同类型的商品影响因素不同,为网络商品卖家提供营销策略,为消费者提供购买意见。  相似文献   

李燕 《消费导刊》2014,(2):49-51
网上市场作为一种新兴的市场交易模式,在潜移默化的影响着人们的行为。网上零售市场产品种类多,买家多、价格参差不齐,给消费者购买带来一定的困扰。本文以淘宝网提供的四大类商品为研究对象,通过影响网上商品购买的质量因素进行调研,得出不同类型的商品影响因素不同,为网络商品卖家提供营销策略,为消费者提供购买意见。  相似文献   

网上商品销售与线下商品销售存在较大不同,为探索其消费模式,需要研究各影响因素对网上商品销量的作用机制。文章基于心理抗拒、贝勃定律、卢因人类行为理论等,对网络消费行为进行系统分析;综合运用分位数回归和门限回归方法,建立了门限分位数回归模型,揭示商品价格、商家信誉评分、商家信誉等级、保障标记数量、商品收藏人气、口碑数量和口碑分数等对销量的非线性异质影响。以受众广泛的iPad air2网上销售为研究对象,实证结果表明:提高商家的信誉等级、增加口碑数量能使高销量商家的销量更高,而保障标记数量的增加对热销有阻碍作用;在非热门商品转向热销品的过程中,增加收藏人气、增加口碑数量和一定价格范围内的提价对低销量商家的销量有促进作用。  相似文献   

随着网络在线交易的迅猛发展,在线评论等网络口碑传播的重要性日益凸显。以体验型产品为研究对象,以信号理论和"刺激-反应"理论为指导,建立"在线评论-消费意愿-在线销量"模型分析三个要素之间的关系机理,并采用中介效应检验和调节效应检验进行验证,结果显示:在线评论作为一种信息刺激,其数量对体验型产品在线销量具有显著的正向影响,但在线评论质量效价评分对体验型产品在线销量的影响不显著,这与产品的类型有关;在线评论一是直接对在线销量产生影响,一是通过中介变量(即作为消费意愿替代变量的收藏量)传递影响,对在线销量产生作用;商品价格在在线评论和在线销量的直接和间接关系中都起到了正向调节作用,这与体验型产品交易过程中价格质量信号功能强于促销功能有关。实践中,企业可通过一些激励设计提高消费者在线评论参与度;进行更加科学化的网页设计,完善收藏功能,以方便消费者进行筛选和比较;注意防止盲目降价行为给消费者带来的负面影响,发挥好价格的信号作用。  相似文献   

Online reviews, which significantly influence product sales, have been a central research topic in the field of marketing. Meanwhile, some motivating factors related to online retailers have been linked to product sales. While several articles have examined the impact between online reviews and motivating factors on product sales, many of the conclusions drawn are contradictory. From 28 studies focusing on online reviews and sales, this study performs a meta-analysis to analyze the true impacts of six review-related factors (i.e., the number of reviews, star ratings, standard deviation of ratings, helpfulness, review length and sentiment), and two motivating factors (i.e., price discounts and special shipping) on product sales. Meanwhile, this paper also studies how one product-related factor (i.e., product age) and one reviewer-related factor (i.e., reviewer's reputation) influence the relationship between online reviews and product sales. In addition, to study the moderating effect of product category, we divide the selected literature into two subgroups which are search and experience products. The results indicate that only review length and special shipping have no significant impact on product sales, while product category has a valid and specific moderating effect on the relationship between these determinants and sales. The presented conclusions will have important implications for academic research and for future industry practice.  相似文献   

金融海啸下珠三角运动服装业的“危”与“机”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用珠三角运动服装业最新的运行数据,从资源禀赋、销售业绩、贸易影响要素入手,以产业升级为切入点,综合分析该产业在全球运动服装产业价值链上所处位置,深度剖析珠三角运动服装业在当前金融危机背景下所面临的危与机,提出产业优化升级路径和实施策略,为珠三角运动服装业及我国其它劳动密集型产业的发展和升级提供指引。  相似文献   

基于目标设定理论,构建了一个被中介的调节作用模型,探讨正式控制(包括结果控制和行为控制)对销售人员绩效的影响。实证结果表明:结果控制、行为控制分别与销售绩效显著正相关;结果控制与行为控制对销售绩效有交互的影响效应,结果控制与行为控制较强时,销售绩效更高;销售人员的顾客导向行为对上述交互效应与销售绩效的关系起部分中介作用。本研究的结论说明销售管理者需要通过结果控制为下属设置目标,配合使用行为控制提供反馈,从而激发销售人员迎合顾客需求的销售行为,提升其销售绩效。  相似文献   

A rich theory literature predicts mixed strategies in posted prices due to standard price discrimination, search frictions, and various other rationales. While typically interpreted as implying occasional sales or price dispersion, online marketplaces enable a firm to truly use randomization as a tool in pricing, and so such behavior should be expected to arise in online settings. We investigate a case of mixed pricing across a large subset of products on a major e-commerce website. We first test for randomizing behavior, and then construct a model of price discrimination that would generate randomization as optimal behavior. We estimate the model and use it to assess pricing effects of a proposed merger in the industry.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2023,99(1):46-65
The fast-paced growth of e-commerce is impacting the type and variety of products consumers purchase across channels. A commonly held theory, known as long tail theory, posits that online sales are less concentrated at the top of the sales distribution than offline sales, and that more variety is bought online, making the tails of the overall sales distribution denser with the growth of e-commerce. Most of the literature testing the long tail theory has focused on examining entertainment goods markets that do not require much physical examination, and has predominantly found results consistent with the theory. However, the magnitude and antecedents of the observed long tail effects might be different for product categories containing products that require more physical examination before purchase, such as fashion goods. In this study, using detailed individual and transaction level panel data from two multichannel fashion goods retail brands, we show that while the shift to the online channel results in a decrease in the concentration of overall sales for both brands, this change mostly results from consumers buying different products online rather than consumers buying a greater variety online compared to offline. We show that the flattening of the overall sales distribution with the growth of e-commerce in our data is driven by consumers sorting their purchases into channels based on product characteristics. In contrast to the recommendations from the previous long tail literature, our results show that fashion apparel retailers do not need to offer broader assortments online compared to offline, but they may find it profitable to carry or emphasize a different product mix online compared to offline. Our results also provide guidance to fashion goods retailers in curating their online and offline assortments and setting inventory management strategies across the channels.  相似文献   

Consumers leave traces of key interest to managers on their journey to purchase. Next to traditional survey-based attitudes, readily available online metrics now show aggregate consumer actions. But how do survey response metrics and online action metrics relate to each other? To what extent do they explain and predict brand sales across consumer categories? This article shows that surveys and online behavior provide complementary information for brand managers. Times series data for 32 brands in 14 categories reveal low correlations but substantial dual causality between survey metrics and online actions. Combining both types of metrics greatly increases the model's power to explain and predict brand sales in low-involvement categories. By contrast, high-involvement categories do not gain much from adding survey-based attitudes to a model including online behavior metrics. The authors synthesize these generalizations in a new framework relating enduring attitudes to the contextual interest expressed by online actions. This new framework helps managers assess both types of metrics to drive brand performance depending on whether their goal is short-term sales or long-term brand health.  相似文献   

在线拍卖交易中双方的不诚信行为已经成为制约在线拍卖交易发展的一个重要因素,为此,有必要应用博弈论的有关方法对在线拍卖交易双方的诚信行为进行分析研究,构建在线拍卖信用评价机制,这样在一定程度上保证了在线交易的安全,为政府监督在线拍卖交易提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

The population density of a geographical area has a well-known and strong positive effect on sales in the area. Yet, for some brands, there may be factors that affect the strength of this density-sales relationship. The present research shows that for product categories that consumers use to signal their identities (e.g., clothing, restaurants and cars), the strength of this relationship varies with brand commonness. Consumers residing in densely populated areas are motivated to express their distinctiveness by reducing their preference for identity relevant brands that are common, such as large chains and brands owned by many people. Thus, as identity-relevant brands become more common, they suffer from a “population penalty” – a weakening of the positive effect of population density on sales. We show this effect with three experiments and two empirical analyses of automobile and alcohol sales. Our findings extend literature on distinctiveness theory by demonstrating these effects at the community level and provide insights for marketers on accounting and adjusting for this effect.  相似文献   

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