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在国内被看作是新兴产业的文化产业,在世界上的一些发达国家被看作是国家经济动脉。而国内的文化产业处于发展时期,相比较外国来说缺少国内市场的整合能力,在世界竞争中也处于弱势地位。公共政策的价值取向是政策科学的根本构成,而公共政策中的文化产业政策的合理程度直接关系着国内文化产业的发展速度。在本文中对公共政策中的财政政策进行了分析和研究,并且提出了问题对策,为文化产业快速发展起到了推波助澜的作用。  相似文献   

正近期,国家发改委、国家工商总局对进口汽车开展反垄断调查。随着调查的扩大,进口汽车的问题引起了社会关注。,以往人们以为,进口汽车关税比较高.所以价格也比较高,然而事实并非如此。专家指出,没有哪个国家允许或放任外国进口汽车在本国获取暴利,而一些跨国公司却在中国汽车市场上,通过横向限制、纵向限制以及滥用市场支配地位等涉嫌垄断行为,大幅抬高产品价格,控制零配件销售等手段获取暴利,严重侵害了消费者权益。专家建  相似文献   

怎样区别“原装”和“组装”进品机电产品我国实行改革开放政策以来,外国名牌机电商品纷纷涌入我国市场。与此同时,我国市场上也出现了用进口散件由国内组装的“组装外国名牌产品”,由于进口散件的质量及国内的技术设备等原因,组装产品的性能一般都难以达到进口原装产...  相似文献   

经济全球化下,跨国资本直接投资产生了有别于传统的新趋势。对于跨国资本直接投资新趋势和作用的认识以及外国直接投资政策的制定应从经济全球化和国家战略发展的维度来思考。引入跨国资本的目的应是促进国内经济市场化、国际化,从而完善市场经济制度,实现产业结构与技术结构升级,而不是让跨国资本发挥其垄断优势来挤占中国国内市场,并实现其全球战略目标。  相似文献   

随着中国加入世贸组织和全球经济一体化的加速,在工程造价领域我国电力企业面临着新的形势,外国电力厂商将迅速地进入中国市场,在电力领域里参与竞争。国内电力企业也将走出国门,进入国际市场参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

随着中国加入世贸组织和全球经济一体化的加速,在工程造价领域我国电力企业面临着新的形势,外国电力厂商将迅速地进入中国市场,在电力领域里参与竞争.国内电力企业也将走出国门,进入国际市场参与国际竞争.  相似文献   

一引言 随着中国高耗能经济的高速发展,加上国内几大油田陆续进入产油晚年期和没有发现新的大油田,中国最近几年原油进口剧增.而近期中国经济又开始进入"轿车时代",我国石油供需缺口会越来越大.而日本也是一个严重依赖石油进口的国家,这样中日围绕石油能源展开了多线交锋.例如中国和俄罗斯达成协议的"安大线"被日本破坏,俄日将进行"安纳线"的项目.日本对中国东海的"春晓油田"油气工程的指责也越来大.  相似文献   

农业是一国经济发展的基础。农业在许多国家的经济中占有相当重要的地位。既使是工业很发达的资本主义国家出于对未来可能发生的战争中国家安全方面的考虑,也积极扶持本国的农业生产,随之出现了各种各样的农业保护政策。在八十年代之前,发达国家对农业的保护主要体现在生产和贸易两方面。为刺激农民生产,提高农民收入,国家制定了较高的农产品保护价格,对农业投入实行补贴。如欧共体在八十年代对农产品的补贴占其预算的2/3。为防止国外廉价农产品冲击国内市场,国家则对进口农产品建立关税及非关税壁垒。对农产品实行人为的高价及对农…  相似文献   

玉米是我国主要农作物之一,是重要的粮食作物和饲料作物。随着国家农业现代化的逐步发展,玉米在农业生产中的地位日益重要。研究国内玉米市场的波动,分析玉米市场的供给需求,能够帮助农业生产者做好生产决策,为政府制定政策提供依据、从而做好市场预测,防范市场风险。对于发展中国式农业现代化、维护国家粮食安全、贯彻乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。本文将以蛛网模型和回归模型的理论为基础,综合运用两种模型对国内玉米市场的供给和需求进行分析,判断国内玉米市场的稳定情况,预测国内玉米市场。以期为相关农贸企业提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

本刊讯著名经济学家张维迎日前指出,政策制定者对民营企业和国内私人企业发展的限制,为外资的进入留下了非常巨大的空间。当我们欢呼外资在中国市场最大程度投资时,中国所有政府部门和中国企业家应该感到一些悲哀,这个悲哀是由于我们的政策束缚了中国民营企业家的手脚,而把大量机会都给了外资企业,而在未来中国的市场上,真正主导中国经济崛起的可能不是中国企业。因此,中国企业的壮大有待国家政策的支持,厚彼薄此的后果只能拉大国内企业与国际企业的差距。“重外轻内”将制约国内企业发展@李小川  相似文献   

本文对我国贸易失衡的结构特征和原因进行了研究,并讨论了相应的政策启示.研究发现,近年来我国贸易顺差占GDP比重与其他新兴经济体相比并不大,但对欧美的贸易顺差以及对日、韩的贸易逆差的绝对规模处于上升趋势;从地区层面看,贸易失衡主要由贸易规模最大的几个省份引起;加工贸易占比越高的行业,贸易顺差规模越大.本文的政策启示如下:...  相似文献   

受美国金融危机的影响,我国对外贸易额大大缩水,实体经济发展受到严重阻碍,要求我国企业把业务重心转移到内需上,而农村市场是一个有着巨大需求潜力的内需市场。文章通过对农村市场的特征和农民消费动机与行为进行分析,提出企业开拓农村市场的基本策略。  相似文献   


Since China's implementation of its open-door policy in 1979, the most effective way to obtain a foothold has proved to be to create joint ventures (JV) with a Chinese business partner. The foreign partner provides the transfer of technology, management skills, financing and access to international markets, whilst the Chinese partner contributes a production base with cheap land and labor, contacts with central and local government officials and access to the domestic Chinese market. The Chinese economy has benefited to a large extent from the creation of joint ventures in the past two decades. Hong Kong firms have used China as a production base for many years, usually with great success and to the mutual benefit of both. However, although Hong Kong firms had considerable experiences in running business and manufacturing operations in China, several have suffered substantially from their investment in joint ventures with Chinese partners. This paper evaluates various issues relating to the performance of equity joint ventures in China. The evaluation is based on a case study of four Sino-Hong Kong joint venture manufacturing firms in the electronics industry, and the findings of this paper indicate that there are number of important factors affecting the stability of joint ventures in China. Foreign investors' experiences in other areas may not be applicable to their investment in China because the operation of a joint venture in China is inevitably faced with a variety of problems that the foreign firms may not have encountered before.  相似文献   

The paper examines a model of strategic infrastructure investment. Two oligopolistic firms compete on home and foreign product markets for market shares. The national governments support the firms in the market rivalry by providing cost reducing public infrastructure services that are financed out of taxing an input used in the production process. It is shown, that infrastructure policy can be used as an instrument for strategic trade policy. However, governments are facing the problem of balancing the burden of taxation and the benefits of infrastructures. The theoretical model also raises some critical issues with respect to the policy relevance of recent empirical infrastructure research.  相似文献   

论我国大豆产业安全问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国是大豆主产国之一。早期,我国大豆自给有余,且有大量出口。近年来,国内大豆供应严重短缺,必须扩大进口来平衡国内市场的供需矛盾。同时,外资大举进军我国大豆加工业,我国大豆产业面临严峻的产业安全问题。针对上述问题探讨实现我国大豆产业安全的对策。  相似文献   

1979~2008年,FDI进入占中国年度固定资产投资总额比重的变动过程,呈现显著的倒U形变动特征。1979~2000年前后,FDI占中国年度固定资产投资比重显著上升,起促进作用的因素主要是国有企业和集体企业劳动就业人口比重相对下降,税收政策优惠,以及对外贸易开放度提高。2002~2008年,FDI占中国年度固定资产投资比重显著下降,起关键作用的因素主要有中国高等教育入学率提高,以及中国加入WTO后对外贸易壁垒下降。此外,本文还就FDI占中国年度固定资产投资比重变动的决定因素分不同地区进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

How does foreign competition affect growth and innovation in China? Using our unique measures of proximity of Chinese firms and industries to the world technology frontier, we find that despite vast sectoral heterogeneity, Chinese manufacturing industries have undergone rapid technological upgrading over the period of 2000–06. The distance to the world production frontier of firms and industries plays an important role in shaping the nexus between the competition pressure from foreign imports and domestic firms' growth and innovation behaviour. Our results support the theoretical predictions of Aghion et al. (2005, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 701–728) that import competition stimulates the domestic firms' productivity growth and R&D expenditure if firms and their industries are close to the world frontier, but discourages such incentives for laggard firms and industries. The two forces highlighted by the model operate for imports under the ordinary‐trade regime, for collective and private firms, and for imports originated from high‐income countries. Our findings are robust after controlling the influence of foreign investment, the reverse causality of regressors and the short‐term business cycle fluctuations.  相似文献   

Yifei Sun  Debin Du 《Technovation》2010,30(9-10):540-550
This study examines the sources of technological innovation in Chinese industries using the 2004 economic census data. On the one hand, it analyzes the relationships between patent grants and new product sales. On the other hand, it analyzes the relationships among in-house R&D, technology transfer from foreign and Chinese domestic technology markets, spillover effects of foreign investment, as well as export. The study reveals that in-house R&D has become the most important source for industrial innovation in China. In-house technological efforts are critical for developing original innovations as well as for absorbing the technologies transferred from external agencies. However, neither technologies transferred from foreign countries nor those from the domestic technology market are playing significant roles in China’s industrial innovation. The spillover effect of foreign investment on patent grants is strong and significant, though its impact on new product sales is insignificant. Export shows negative, though insignificant, impact on patent grants, but positive, strong, and significant effects on new product development. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate the critical role of in-house R&D in China’s industrial innovation.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2005,12(3):379-406
International product market integration enhances both the export possibility of supplying to foreign markets and the import threat of foreign firms penetrating into domestic markets. These mechanisms affect labour markets since they amount to increased job mobility. At the same time heterogeneity may increase since it is unlikely that the opportunities and threats are uniformly distributed across different groups/sectors. In a Ricardian trade model admitting heterogeneity in the labour market, it is shown that lower trade frictions are associated with aggregate welfare gains, increased trade and specialization, but also more dispersion in wages. Structural labour market problems caused by union market power are reduced while those caused by minimum (reservation) wages are strengthened.  相似文献   

In March 2018, the US used an immense trade deficit as an excuse to provoke trade friction with China. This study uses the EGARCH model and event study methods to study the impact of the major risk event of Sino-US trade friction on soybean futures markets in China and the United States. Results indicate that the Sino-US trade friction weakened the return spillover effect between the soybean futures markets in China and the US, and significantly increased market volatilities. As the scale of additional tariffs increased, the volatility of the Chinese soybean futures market declined; however, the volatility of the US soybean futures market did not weaken. In addition, expanding the sources of soybean imports helped ease the impact of tariffs on China’s soybean futures market, while the decline in US soybean exports to China intensified the volatility of the US soybean futures market. In addition, while the release of multiple tariff increases has had a short-term impact on the returns of soybean futures markets, the impact of trade friction has gradually decreased.  相似文献   

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