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针对目前视频推荐系统功能少、推荐数据不全面,以及采集用户数据不全推荐能力弱,用户体验差等问题,提出了一种基于聚类算法的视频推荐系统算法。通过自主开发的聚类算法中的AP-聚类分层分析所获取到的不同的用户信息,以及不同的用户的视频的关注度信息,形成不同的用户视频信息聚类库,结合用户视频信息库中的历史数据,进行标签设置,自主进行计算权重,利用开发的聚类层进行用户对视频信息的喜好进行排序,生成喜好序列表,最后通过聚类分层模型计算出不同用户在聚类信息库中的喜好视频信息,进行标签和推荐。该算法成功的对不同用户的视频信息进行了标签和推荐,且推荐针对性较强,命中率较高,具有一定的学术研究价值和实际推广意义。  相似文献   

本文主要研究论文推荐算法和论文推荐主要使用的数据特征,从而对论文推荐进行总结。论文推荐算法主要有四大类:基于内容的过滤、协同过滤、基于图形的推荐方法和混合推荐方法,论文推荐数据特征主要使用如下四种:标签、用户配置文件、引文网络和社会网络。  相似文献   

协同过滤技术的核心思想是用户会倾向于利用具有相似意向的用户群的产品,在智能搜索引擎中起着重要作用.协同过滤推荐系统使用统计技术搜索目标用户的若干最近邻居,然后根据最近邻居对项目的评分预测目标用户对项目的评分,产生对应的推荐列表.本文针对智能搜索引擎重的协同过滤技术进行分析和设计,提出协同过滤分析的推荐方法和相关算法.  相似文献   

政府制定碳排放规制限制企业碳排放量,低碳供应链分三种:制造高碳排放供应链、分销高碳排放供应链及使用碳排放供应链.对制造高碳排放产品,需权衡碳减排投资与排放许可权;对分销高碳排放产品,需构建包括顾客购买成本的综合分销网络;对使用高碳排放产品,关键在提高基于生命周期的碳标签信息的透明性与对称性,缩短产品使用时间.  相似文献   

政府制定碳排放规制限制企业碳排放量,低碳供应链分三种:制造高碳排放供应链、分销高碳排放供应链及使用碳排放供应链.对制造高碳排放产品,需权衡碳减排投资与排放许可权;对分销高碳排放产品,需构建包括顾客购买成本的综合分销网络;对使用高碳排放产品,关键在提高基于生命周期的碳标签信息的透明性与对称性,缩短产品使用时间.  相似文献   

政府制定碳排放规制限制企业碳排放量,低碳供应链分三种:制造高碳排放供应链、分销高碳排放供应链及使用碳排放供应链.对制造高碳排放产品,需权衡碳减排投资与排放许可权;对分销高碳排放产品,需构建包括顾客购买成本的综合分销网络;对使用高碳排放产品,关键在提高基于生命周期的碳标签信息的透明性与对称性,缩短产品使用时间.  相似文献   

为了解决社会网络中二分图数据发布中的隐私保护问题,既要保护隐私信息,又要尽可能保持匿名数据发布后的可用性,使用二分图匿名的k-分组算法,设计和实现了一个二分图匿名的社会网络隐私保护系统,包括:1)上传二分图数据:为了满足不同用户的需求,用户将需要匿名的二分图数据统一保存为三个txt格式的文件,然后上传到系统;2)二分图匿名化:根据用户的隐私保护程度的需求,将二分图中的结点V和结点W进行安全分组处理,并生成匿名的二分图;3)匿名数据的输出:将匿名后的数据保存到用户选择的本地位置.  相似文献   

近日,欧洲议会就欧洲委员会提出的强制原产地标签法案进行了投票.该法案规定某些从第三地进口的产品必须标示原产地.据了解,目前,欧盟并无法例规管工业产品的原产地标签.欧盟的不公平商业手法指令并无界定"在某地制造"(made in)的定义,也不授权海关部门进行检查,部分成员国对使用原产地标签的规定也有差别.鉴于业界日益关注原产地标签问题,欧委会于2005年12月提出议案,建议规定某些从第三地进口的产品须标示原产地.其后法案的审议进度缓慢.而最近欧洲议会大比数支持该法案,也许能加快立法步伐.  相似文献   

最近,欧盟出台了防晒用品新标签制度,要求防晒用品应标注详细的使用说明,确保声明中的产品功能确实有效。据悉,新的标签制度到2008年夏季全部过渡完成。据了解,新标签制度推荐的指导性原则包括以下几方面内容:不允许防晒产品标注可100%阻挡紫外线辐射,诸如“完全遮挡日光”或”完全保护”、“全天候保护”等字眼的声明:  相似文献   

优化果品供应链是果品业务流程再造的本质,优化后的果品供应链包括果品生产链、果品加工贮运链和果品销售链三个子系统。以某苹果生产经营企业为例,对其业务流程进行了优化,并根据优化后业务流程的特点,分阶段对质量安全追溯进行了设计,分种植与生产、采收、商品化包装和出库销售四个阶段、三个标签(产品标签、包装标签和销售标签)实现追溯功能。  相似文献   

聂凯 《物流科技》2006,29(9):118-120
协作过滤是应用最为广泛的推荐技术,通常提供预测评分作为推荐。提出一种新的协作过滤算法,采用概率形式.即预测用户喜欢商品的概率来推荐。算法采用基于用户的思路,扩展最近邻算法,通过训练建立预测值和概率形式之间的映射模型,考察相似用户的评价提供概率形式的推荐。实验结果表明该算法能够提供比较准确的预测。  相似文献   

The importance of information retrieval systems is unquestionable in the modern society and both individuals as well as enterprises recognise the benefits of being able to find information effectively. Current code-focused information retrieval systems such as Google Code Search, Codeplex or Koders produce results based on specific keywords. However, these systems do not take into account developers’ context such as development language, technology framework, goal of the project, project complexity and developer’s domain expertise. They also impose additional cognitive burden on users in switching between different interfaces and clicking through to find the relevant code. Hence, they are not used by software developers. In this paper, we discuss how software engineers interact with information and general-purpose information retrieval systems (e.g. Google, Yahoo!) and investigate to what extent domain-specific search and recommendation utilities can be developed in order to support their work-related activities. In order to investigate this, we conducted a user study and found that software engineers followed many identifiable and repeatable work tasks and behaviours. These behaviours can be used to develop implicit relevance feedback-based systems based on the observed retention actions. Moreover, we discuss the implications for the development of task-specific search and collaborative recommendation utilities embedded with the Google standard search engine and Microsoft IntelliSense for retrieval and re-engineering of code. Based on implicit relevance feedback, we have implemented a prototype of the proposed collaborative recommendation system, which was evaluated in a controlled environment simulating the real-world situation of professional software engineers. The evaluation has achieved promising initial results on the precision and recall performance of the system.  相似文献   

黄蓝会 《价值工程》2010,29(25):166-169
随着信息时代的来临,个人信息的数量、类型均日益膨胀,传统的数据管理技术已不能满足新的数据管理的需要。如何在网络环境下构建一个分布式、集成化的数据环境,实现信息的共享成为当务之急。本文基于Web服务资源框架构建了个人信息空间管理系统模型,实验证明,该模型能在网络环境下统一管理用户信息,并通过标签技术实现信息的共享与快速查询。  相似文献   

王凯丽 《价值工程》2010,29(13):182-183
随着互联网的普及和电子商务、个性化推荐技术等的发展,Web使用挖掘成为了数据挖掘的新的研究热点。针对Web用户会话聚类,提出了一种基于序列对集合的用户会话实时聚类方法。对聚类算法进行了分析与比较,给出了时空复杂度,实验比较了BOM算法与BOC算法的效率,并验证了BOC算法的有效性与时效性。  相似文献   

Recommender systems have been extensively studied to present items, such as movies, music and books that are likely of interest to the user. Researchers have indicated that integrated medical information systems are becoming an essential part of the modern healthcare systems. Such systems have evolved to an integrated enterprise-wide system. In particular, such systems are considered as a type of enterprise information systems or ERP system addressing healthcare industry sector needs. As part of efforts, nursing care plan recommender systems can provide clinical decision support, nursing education, clinical quality control, and serve as a complement to existing practice guidelines. We propose to use correlations among nursing diagnoses, outcomes and interventions to create a recommender system for constructing nursing care plans. In the current study, we used nursing diagnosis data to develop the methodology. Our system utilises a prefix-tree structure common in itemset mining to construct a ranked list of suggested care plan items based on previously-entered items. Unlike common commercial systems, our system makes sequential recommendations based on user interaction, modifying a ranked list of suggested items at each step in care plan construction. We rank items based on traditional association-rule measures such as support and confidence, as well as a novel measure that anticipates which selections might improve the quality of future rankings. Since the multi-step nature of our recommendations presents problems for traditional evaluation measures, we also present a new evaluation method based on average ranking position and use it to test the effectiveness of different recommendation strategies.  相似文献   

This paper develops a maximum likelihood (ML) method to estimate partially observed diffusion models based on data sampled at discrete times. The method combines two techniques recently proposed in the literature in two separate steps. In the first step, the closed form approach of Aït-Sahalia (2008) is used to obtain a highly accurate approximation to the joint transition probability density of the latent and the observed states. In the second step, the efficient importance sampling technique of Richard and Zhang (2007) is used to integrate out the latent states, thereby yielding the likelihood function. Using both simulated and real data, we show that the proposed ML method works better than alternative methods. The new method does not require the underlying diffusion to have an affine structure and does not involve infill simulations. Therefore, the method has a wide range of applicability and its computational cost is moderate.  相似文献   

Motivated by the effect hierarchy principle, Zhang et al. (Stat Sinica 18:1689–1705, 2008) introduced an aliased effect number pattern (AENP) for regular fractional factorial designs and based on the new pattern proposed a general minimum lower-order confounding (GMC) criterion for choosing optimal $2^{n-m}$ designs. Zhang et al. (Stat Sinica 18:1689–1705, 2008) proved that most existing criteria can be obtained by functions of the AENP. In this paper we propose a simple method for the calculation of AENP. The method is much easier than before since the calculation only makes use of the design matrix. All 128-run GMC designs with the number of factors ranging from 8 to 32 are provided for practical use.  相似文献   

Just expecting more from your supplier is not what partnership is about. We have had the experience where the quality improvement and partnership banner has been waved but the tone and spirit of the meeting did not encourage or support a joint quality improvement effort. Benefits will not be achieved until the wall truly begins to come apart and the relationship is built on mutual respect and trust. Data collection and open answers to questions often reveal embarrassing errors and obvious needs for improvements. As stated before, blame and finger-pointing must be replaced with a mutual commitment to asking and answering the question, "How can we improve?" As Dr. W. Edwards Deming has stated, "End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust." The structured approach of a quality improvement process and the application of quality methods and techniques has proven useful in removing emotion and helping the team focus on the process rather than the people and the issues involved. Quality improvement methods are focused on achieving both customer and supplier goals--customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and operational efficiency and effectiveness. Our experience with Partners in Quality as well as our experience with the quality leadership process supports a recent quote in the Harvard Business Review: "Quality is not just a slogan...(it is) the most profitable way to run a business."  相似文献   

快递包装物的智能回收是解决当前物流行业面临的回收成本高、配合意愿低、盈利难等问题的大势所趋。通过文献研究法和问卷调查法基于SERVQUAL模型梳理了影响用户使用快递包装物智能回收箱意愿的影响因素。运用SPSS26.0将用户参与意愿影响因素划分为“服务运作”、“服务体验”、“服务便捷性”三个重要维度并分析其影响,在此基础上提出了快递包装物智能回收箱设计的相关建议。  相似文献   

赵东山 《中国企业家》2020,(4):54-58,M0003
四年前黄峥说,"如果我是张一鸣的话,我会更激进地做全球化"。张一鸣确实这样做了,且丝毫不顾及与巨头之间的竞争。此次他把国内业务全权交出,专注全球管理,能成功吗?看似退身放权,实则另有洞天。张一鸣新一轮组织架构大调整,引发了广泛的关注。此次调整的最大变化是,张一鸣把国内的业务全权交给了张利东和张楠,这两位中,张利东亲手搭建了字节跳动的商业化体系.  相似文献   

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