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刘涛 《价值工程》2021,(3):237-238
本文以2016年《情报科学》刊载文献为数据集,从文献题录信息与引文信息两个角度,运用数理统计方法,评价期刊的质量和学术水平。  相似文献   

赵韬  陈富 《价值工程》2011,30(27):275-276
利用清华同方《中国学术文献网络出版总库》的数据,运用文献计量法对2000—2009年《教育研究与实验》载文被国内中文期刊引用频次分布、选题分布、被引论文年代分布、引用核心期刊等情况进行系统梳理和分析,揭示我国教育科学研究领域的学者对该刊载文的借鉴和利用情况,为该刊今后的发展研究奠定一定的基础和提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

竞争情报价值链首先由美国 Timothy W.Powell先生于20世纪90年代中期,在《情报分析的艺术和科学》一书中提出,他认为,竞争情报价值链是价值链上一环非常重要的价值活动.包昌火等人于2002年7月在北京"现代企业信息与情报策略高层研讨会"上提出,竞争情报价值链是由一系列相互联系,密切配合的竞争情报环节所构成的以信息流为主要特征的竞争情报价值创造活动过程.  相似文献   

在长期订阅《企业文明》过程中,我认为该杂志是本对企业很有用处。具体体现在三个方面: 其一,该杂志为企业提供了最好的学习资料,帮助我们开阔视野,转变观念。我们经常针对领导干部和全厂职工的思想情况安排学习《企业文明》的有关内容。去年我们就曾在本厂党委中心组和全厂干部中组织学习了该刊11期中《以新观念迎接新突破》、《改革理论的新突破》等大量文章,帮助领导和干部学习理解十五大精神。今年,我们又安排了该刊5~8期刊载的《知识就是财富》、《迎接知识经济新时代》、《知识经济挑战传统企业管理》、《中  相似文献   

<正> 收集情报就是搜集与对象有关的各种资料和信息(包括事实、数据、理论、方法、科学假设等)。它是提供、传递、吸取、利用已有知识、经验的工具。工作改善成果,在一定意义上取决于吸收情报和利用情报的能力。因此,从寻找问题到做出改善方案,每一步都离不开收集情报。对一些比较熟悉的简单问题,似乎未经收集情报就解决了。那是因为有关它的资料和信息我们以前已收集并记忆在大脑中了。对一  相似文献   

南京审计学院是一所以经济学、管理学为主,兼有法学、文学、理学、工学等学科的全日制普通本 科院校。由南京审计学院主办、南京审计学院学报编辑部负责编辑出版的刊物有《审计与经济研究》 和《南京审计学院学报》。 《审计与经济研究》于1985年创刊,双月刊,是面向国内外公开发行的学术理论性刊 物。该刊主要刊登有关审计、会计、财务管理、宏观经济、企业管理等方面的理论性文章,为广大审计、 经济理论和实务工作者提供丰富及时的学术研究动态和信息。该刊设有专家论坛、审计理论研究新视  相似文献   

通过对《会计研究》1980年创刊号始至2009年末期30年间发表的学术论文总体被引用状况的统计,描述了该刊三十年发表论文被引状况的分布及在不同时期的变化规律;通过对发表论文被引频率的排名及统计分析,获得在该刊发表的本学科优秀论文和活跃作者及任职机构;通过对论文作者单位的分析,发现该刊论文作者分布服从Lotka分布。结论表明,《会计研究》30年来发表的论文总体上反映了中国会计研究的历史发展,代表了各个年代中国会计研究的相应学术水平。  相似文献   

收到《住宅与房地产》创刊20周年纪念特刊的约稿函,我第一时间想起了该刊的总编红喜先生。因为我之所以结识《住宅与房地产》,全都缘干红喜先生。  相似文献   

正《决策与信息》杂志是在原中共中央总书记胡耀邦同志的提议下,致力于中国决策科学化、民主化、法制化的宣传而创立的中国决策信息第一刊。该刊原由湖北省人民政府研究室、现由湖北省新闻出版广电局归口管理,湖北省武汉决策信息研究开发中必主办的综合性期刊。该刊国内统—刊号:CN42—1128/C,国际标在刊号:ISSN 1002—8129。邮发代号38-138。《决策与信息》杂志自1984丰创刊以来,始终坚持正确的办刊方针,遵守国家法律法规,在  相似文献   

正《决策与信息》杂志是在原中共中央总书记胡耀邦同志的提议下,致力于中国决策科学化、民主化、法制化的宣传而创立的中国决策信息第一刊。该刊原由湖北省人民政府研究室、现由湖北省新闻出版广电局归口管理,湖北省武汉决策信息研究开发中心主办的综合性期刊。该刊国内统一刊号:CN42-1128/C。国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-8129。邮发代号38-138。《决策与信息》杂志自1984年创刊以来。始终坚持正确的办刊方向,遵守国家法律法规,在  相似文献   

采取高效的运行方式是发挥农业科技信息服务平台效能的关键。文章以湖南省星火科技12396服务平台的运行实践为例,从农业信息平台的服务终端、服务方式、服务流程、服务规范等方面,对典型的农业科技信息服务平台运行模式进行了探索研究。  相似文献   

杨丽 《科技与企业》2013,(8):216+218-216,218
近年来,统计工作在政府工作中的作用越来越大。数据质量是统计工作效果的重要标准。而当前开展的国家科技条件资源调查是科技部一项基本统计调查工作,本文基于数据质量控制的方法,探讨了科技资源调查体系应如何建立。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and its various modifications/extensions, including BIC, have found wide applicability in econometrics as objective procedures that can be used to select parsimonious statistical models. The aim of this paper is to argue that these model selection procedures invariably give rise to unreliable inferences, primarily because their choice within a prespecified family of models (a) assumes away the problem of model validation, and (b) ignores the relevant error probabilities. This paper argues for a return to the original statistical model specification problem, as envisaged by Fisher (1922), where the task is understood as one of selecting a statistical model in such a way as to render the particular data a truly typical realization of the stochastic process specified by the model in question. The key to addressing this problem is to replace trading goodness-of-fit against parsimony with statistical adequacy as the sole criterion for when a fitted model accounts for the regularities in the data.  相似文献   

文章以智能交通的技术发展规划为研究主题,选择ATIS为研究对象,运用情景分析,结合改良灰色统计法来选择该系统需优先发展的相关技术。通过构建情境、分析样本资料,从多个备选方案中确定了需优先发展的技术,其研究成果可用于国内在智能交通技术规划的参考。  相似文献   

李晓宇 《价值工程》2012,31(35):194-195
区域经济具有空间特征,而GIS(地理信息系统)强大的空间分析能力和直观形象的可视能力让人们逐渐将其引入到区域经济的分析中来,以弥补传统研究方式的不足。文章将设计一个基于GIS的区域规划系统,使其通过数据查询、统计分析、空间分析、区域经济差异特征分析和分析结果图形输出,为区域规划的制定者提供方便快捷的信息管理服务。  相似文献   

鄢子平 《价值工程》2011,30(26):318-318
质量是期刊的生命,关系到期刊的生存和发展,而与刊物质量紧密联系的审稿专家的选择问题就显得尤其重要。本文以《武汉大学学报.信息科学版》为例,对该刊采用双盲法审稿以来,审稿人队伍建设中存在的问题进行了分析,并就如何消除这些问题提出了采取的对策。  相似文献   

Measuring knowledge development is a new statistical activity that warrants urgent attention in the light of the current Internet explosion. The Internet creates virtual networks by connecting information nodes, knowledge nexus, people and institutions. The Internet has resulted in an unprecedented proliferation of Information, Communication, Knowledge and Entertainment (ICKE), which has in turn brought about structural changes in all aspects of social, economic and political governance. For public policy formulators, including the statistical community, it is imperative that the knowledge development aspect of ICKE be measured. Being abstract, knowledge is difficult to quantify. However, the manifestations of attributes and variables of any knowledge development activity are measurable. The paper outlines a conceptual framework for achieving this. This proposed framework adopts a socio-technological approach, premised on contemporary information and knowledge development as an integral of the people and technology dimensions. To illustrate the workability of the proposed model, the paper identifies some parameters and variables in the current statistical system, and highlights some new data generated via the Internet Subscriber Study and ICT Exposition Visitor Study. All illustrations refer to Malaysian data. Finally, the paper outlines 'way forward' initiatives for establishing a full-fledged set of information and knowledge development indicators.  相似文献   

Statistical Integration Through Metadata Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Faster and more versatile technology is fuelling user demand for statistical agencies to produce an ever wider range of outputs, and to ensure those outputs are consistent and mutually related to the greatest extent possible. Statistical integration is an approach for enhancing the information content of separate statistical collections conducted by an agency, and is necessary for consistency. It has two aspects-conceptual and physical-the former being a prerequisite for the latter. This paper focuses on methods for achieving statistical integration through better management of metadata. It draws on experiences at the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the development and use of a central repository (the "Information Warehouse") to manage data and metadata. It also makes reference to comparable initiatives at other national statistical agencies.
The main conclusions are as follows. First, a prototyping approach is required in developing new functionality to support statistical integration as it is not clear in advance what tools are needed. Second, metadata from separate collections cannot easily be rationalised until they have been loaded to a central repository and are visible alongside one another so their inconsistencies are evident. Third, to be effective, conceptual integration must be accompanied by physical integration. Fourth, there is great scope for partnerships and exchange of ideas between agencies. Finally, statistical integration must be built into the ongoing collection processes and viewed as a way of life.  相似文献   

在进行ADF检验时如何确定最优的滞后长度一直是研究者们关注的问题。最近的研究表明,不同的滞后长度选择方法对ADF检验的统计推断影响很大。本文在已有研究的基础上,模拟了更为一般的ARIMA(0,1,q)过程,分析了在不同的数据生成过程、检验式以及样本容量下,各种滞后长度选择方法对ADF检验功效和实际检验水平的影响,认为修正的信息准则通常具有较合理的实际检验水平,而从一般到特殊法具有更为稳健的ADF检验性质。  相似文献   

One of the statistical methods deployed in medical sciences to investigate time to event data is the survival analysis. This study, comparing efficiency of some parametric and semiparametric survival models, aims at investigating the effect of demographic and socio-economic factors on the growth failure of children below 2 years of age in Iran. The survival models including exponential, Weibull, log-logistic and log-normal models were compared to proportional hazards and extended Cox models by Akaike Information Criterion and variability of the estimated parameters. Based on the results, the log-normal model is recommended for analyzing the growth failure data of children in Iran. Furthermore, it is suggested that female children, children born to illiterate mothers and children born in larger households receive more attention in terms of growth failure.  相似文献   

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