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国家技术监督局规定:1997年1月1日起,未设置防止不完全燃烧装置的旧直排燃气热水器不准再销售。这一规定犹如一颗核弹,在拥有百多家生产企业的燃气热水器行业引起强烈反响。7家燃气热水器大企业联名上书中国五金制品协会,要求暂缓执行,但是遭到国家执法部门的坚决拒绝。  相似文献   

随着国家对城市基础设施建设的放开,燃气行业市场化的进程越来越快,这将促使国有燃气公司适应新的环境变化,不断提高自身的竞争力,同时给燃气企业带来了全新的机遇和挑战。虽然现在燃气定价由政府管制,但企业的成本并不是都在定价中得到补偿,如何降低成本永远是整个燃气企业的核心问题,文章则对如何有效控制燃气工程造价进行分析。  相似文献   

燃气行业是一个高投入、高风险、高技术的行业,尤其要做好企业内部管理工作。在企业内部的管理体制中,内部会计控制是其中重要的组成部分,内部会计控制的实施是燃气企业经营管理的成败关键,关乎着企业的长远发展。因此,本文将重点分析燃气行业内部会计控制存在的问题并探讨解决的对策。  相似文献   

在计划经济时期,由于我国当时经济困难、物资异常短缺、国内积累能力不足,通过高度集中的国家计划来进行资源配置,使有限的资源集中用于最需要发展的部门,完全排斥了市场机制的作用,因此,企业与国家的利益不存在矛盾。而目前我国已确立了社会主义市场经济体制的方向,市场经济是一种竞争经济,在这种体制下各种经济成分相互公平竞争、优胜劣汰,而国有企业除了履行经济职能以外,还要履行其他非经济职能,因此就出现了国家的宏观利益与企业的微观利益相互冲突,国有企业如果顺应国家的宏观利益,势必要影响自身的微观利益,因此企业是…  相似文献   

近年,随着国际油价走高,原油开采企业因此获得了特别收益,这些收益在很大程度上并不是由石油开采企业通过更多要素投入和努力而产生的,如果完全由其占有,将会不利于各行业平衡发展。在此背景下,财政部于2006年出台了石油特别收益金政策,该政策对调整石油开采企业与国家之间的利益分配关系具有重大影响,起着非常重要的作用。但该政策未能充分考虑资源禀赋等  相似文献   

我国过去的经济体制是高度集中的计划经济体制,投资项目都是按行政系统确定,各地区、部门的投资项目都是在国家总投资规模内由国家统一安排,而国家计划的投资规模是按照国家财政经济状况确定的。建国以来,我国的投资一直紧缺,其重要原因之一,就是过去项目投资(指全民所有制投资,1978年以前我国全民所有制基建投资占社会基建投资总额的80%以上)是国家无偿拨款,项目建成投产后所需要的各种生产条件完全由国家提供,生产的产品完全由国家统购包销。这种“大锅饭”体制,使得各地方、部门在制定经济建设投资项目方案时,一般都没进行认真的、甚至根本不进行可行性研究。许多项目是为了争投资而盲目上马,片面追求扩大再生产规模。结果造成经济建设  相似文献   

近几年来,随着国家能源政策的调整以及环保形势的推动,城市燃气得到了广泛应用,城市燃气公司作为管理服务型企业也有了快速的发展。但是长期以来,由于行业的自然垄断性和传统的经营模式,我国燃气企业对于怎样搞好天然气下游市场的经营和终端营销普遍经验不足,对营销重点和营销战略缺少足够的研究,这在市场竞争中必将处于被动和不利的地位,因此创新营销管理是新时期燃气企业快速发展的重要选择,势在必行。  相似文献   

国务院参事室特约研究员姚景源做客中新网时表示:我们要坚持调控不动摇,从深层次,从机制解决问题,让这个行业最终回归健康。这一轮调控前的房地产行业疯狂且呈现病态。要解决房地产行业的根本问题,除了当前的限购等措施外,还需要建立起长效机制。2000年是中国消费的分水岭,因为中国人的消费开始由"衣、食"向"住、行"升级。而这个消费升级决定了我们国家两个  相似文献   

一、燃气企业的特点 我国的燃气企业集团大多是由行业主管部门以行政手段将本地区内的相关企业组合起来的多层次组织结构,其层次和大多数企业集团相似,一般都由集团总部、控股子公司或分公司、参股子公司所构成。  相似文献   

房地产企业融资难在我国是普遍的问题。特别是近年来,国家加大宏观调控力度,对房地产行业进行重点规范与调控,严控流向房地产行业的银行贷款,使得这个问题越发突出。对于我国房地产企业来讲,如何解决资金瓶颈问题,把握良好的发展时机迅速壮大成为企业面临的首要难题。  相似文献   

资本市场开放后,互联互通机制引进了国际资本和先进治理经验,这既增加境内资本市场信息风险水平,亦带来监督效应,审计费用也发生相应变化。基于2010—2019年中国上市公司数据分析发现:在资本市场开放后,上市公司审计费用显著提高;行业竞争程度负向调节资本市场开放对审计费用的正向影响且这一调节作用在高市场竞争地位的公司中更显著,而市场竞争地位负调节效应主要体现在高竞争行业中。结果表明,行业竞争与市场竞争地位会对资本市场开放与审计费用的关系产生双重调节效应,资本市场开放有助于低竞争行业公司和高竞争行业中的低市场竞争地位公司提高审计质量需求。进一步研究表明,资本市场开放后,非国有企业和内控弱有效企业审计费用显著提高。  相似文献   

Between 1969 and 1987 pharmaceutical companies holding patents in Canada were subject to immediate compulsory licensing. This study evaluates the stock market response to both the imposition of immediate compulsory licensing in 1969 as well as its subsequent revocation in 1987. Since the affected companies were multinational enterprises, we analyse the movement of share prices on the New York Stock Exchange. The results indicate that patent protection is viewed positively by the stock market, but only when measured with hindsight (in 1987). Our results are consistent with other studies that suggest that patent protection does allow the appropriation of gains from knowledge by firms in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, pharmaceutical companies would benefit from international agreements to provide more stringent levels of patent protection.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the current state of specific corporate responsibility practices in the global forest sector. We compare the motivations for the leading forest industry companies to invest in certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and in the ISO 14001 environmental management system. For the empirical investigation, we use quantitative survey data collected from 60 of the world's leading forestry companies. This study's empirical results indicate that incentives for adopting forest certification are more often external rather than internal, and more market driven than regulation driven, which would suggest the dominance of extrinsic motivation. The results also indicate that the adoption of ISO 14001 certification represents a reactive strategic approach, emphasizing customer satisfaction as a key motivation. Motivations differ depending on the firm's business sector and the geographical location of its headquarters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

制度条件、机构投资者与上市公司市场价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
上市公司市场价值是投资者获得投资收益的主要来源,公司市场价值的提升是投资者保护的重要体现。本文在制度分析的基础上,通过面板数据模型,实证分析中国机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的制度条件。结果发现,机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的作用受到机构持股数量和上市公司所有权性质的影响。较高的持股比例是机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的重要条件;而上市公司的国有控制特征降低了机构投资者的上市公司价值提升作用,并且国有控制的这种限制作用主要来自地方控制的上市公司。上述研究发现,对理解发展机构投资者的经济后果具有重要意义,有助于更加深入地理解机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的制度条件,也为投资者保护研究提供了一个有益的视角。  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate scale efficiency patterns of local operating companies in the US telecommunications industry. Scale efficiency is defined as the ability of each company to operate as close to its most productive scale size as possible, and is calculated using data envelopment analysis. The analysis of scale efficiencies is conducted for a set of 39 local operating companies, over six time periods: 1975, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1987 and 1990. During these time periods, several technical and institutional changes took place in the industry which are likely to have had an impact on the abilities of the companies to exploit feasible scale efficiencies, and we find that scale efficiencies have steadily increased over these time periods. We also establish that the Bell operating companies are no different from the independent companies in their ability to be scale efficient; single-state firms are relatively more scale efficient; line digitization, during the periods studied, has not significantly impacted scale efficiency; and firms belonging to multi-company parents are more scale efficient. Additionally, policy regime changes, such as the introduction of intra-LATA toll market competition and incentive regulation schemes, have positively impacted firms' abilities to attain scale efficiency, while micro-segment competition in local markets have, so far, not had the expected impact.  相似文献   

李亮 《价值工程》2014,(29):198-199
国内关于股利政策的研究大部分是以A股市场全部的上市企业为对象,针对特定行业上市企业的研究不多,其有些研究结论在特定行业不适用。本文具有针对性地分析在A股市场上市从事货币金融服务的银行类企业历年的股利政策,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper aims to pinpoint and to discuss the factors that determine (i) why companies which have previously not been market oriented become so, and (ii) why already market-oriented companies increase their level of market orientation. This paper also analyses drivers of market orientation adoption and dynamics of processes as well as potential links between market orientation, strategy and learning orientation. Empirical research is based on a multi-case study of the Spanish construction and real state industry, providing a longitudinal approach. Data suggest that competitive environments trigger heightened interest in the market orientation and learning orientation constructs. In the analysed industry market orientation seems to be more prevalent in the “sunset” rather than before during the “sunrise” of the industry, which is opposite to the early work of Baker et al. (In: Sauders J (ed) The Marketing Initiative: ESRC Studies into British Marketing. Preentice-Hall, Hemel Hempstead, 1994). The link between market orientation and strategy is unclear, but proactive firms are better prepared for periods of crisis. Thinking on practical implications, this research highlights the relevance of market orientation and learning orientation in times of turbulence and suggests that proactive firms are better prepared for times of turbulence. The paper also includes discussion and implications for both literature and practice. Recommendations for best practices are also provided.  相似文献   

Oil and gas producers play a pivotal role in the Russian economy. The industry itself is very energy consuming and capable of producing major environmental damage. For a long time, however, innovative ways of production were low on their priority list, leading to heavily outdated equipment and hardware. Recently, Russian oil‐ and gas producers have kicked off major programs to catch up with their western counterparts. Until now, however, insights into the importance of environmental management of oil and gas producers are very limited. We studied the annual reports and environmental reports of the six most prominent industry actors between 2008 and 2010 and analyze their changing approaches to green management. Most companies start in 2009 to address their environmental activities in the statement of the CEO and chairmen. In 2010, the environmental activities have made it up to the list of top priorities in the companies. On an industry‐level, we find that management's own initiatives drive companies' adoption of greener production technologies and are much more influential than government regulation. In fact, we see that leading industry actors inform government regulation and thereby lift up the greening of production also in late followers. Green innovation either stems from international cooperation for industry leaders or out of in‐house knowledge generated through own R&D institutes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

既有文献忽视了作为行政保护手段的专利无效宣告。通过专利无效宣告事件识别无效宣告方和专利被无效宣告方,采用事件研究法探讨投资者对专利无效宣告的市场反应。基于2014—2020年无效宣告数据的经验证据表明:投资者对发起专利无效宣告公司有显著正向市场反应,而对专利被无效宣告公司有显著负向市场反应;无效宣告的专利质量越高,投资者的市场反应越大,说明专利质量强化了投资者对专利无效宣告双方公司的市场反应;投资者对专利无效宣告双方公司的市场反应主要体现在专利数量较多组、行业收入占比较高组以及高科技公司组中,说明行业专利竞赛策略、势态以及激烈程度影响投资者对专利无效宣告公司的市场反应。研究有助于丰富专利竞赛和市场反应方面的文献,同时对于加强专利竞赛行为的监管具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The construction industry is a key industry in any economy. Due to its specific characteristics, the industry is of substantial importance to the development of other sectors. Competition is highly intense, and the industry itself is susceptible to changes in market circumstances that force the entities operating in it to continuously take actions to enhance their competitiveness by, among other things, introducing innovative solutions. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the level of innovativeness of enterprises in the small and medium-sized (SME) sector in the Polish construction industry and to identify the factors that influence this level of innovativeness, which relates to the location of the business and managers’ awareness of the significance of innovation in shaping a firm’s competitiveness. Qualitative research was conducted on a sample of 608 companies. The obtained results demonstrate that construction companies from the SME sector in Poland are characterized by a level of innovativeness that is similar to that found in other enterprises, which is a consequence of the relatively high awareness of the significance of innovation to obtaining a competitive position among the managers of these companies. An analysis of the innovative activities of these companies by location shows, in turn, that entities operating in regions that are less economically developed and less attractive in terms of investment are more innovative.  相似文献   

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