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<正>平遥古城作为享誉世界的文化遗产和山西省著名的旅游品牌,记载了人类历史的发展进程,是人类精神承载的依托。为促进文化遗产可持续发展,应协调好文化遗产和旅游业之间的关系,既需要考虑文化遗产保护的原则和标准,又需要考虑旅游市场需求和发展趋势,同时还需注重社会参与和持续监测评估,以达到文化遗产和旅游业协调发展的目标。基于此,文章简单阐述了平遥古城文化遗产及其文化旅游发展现状,并有针对性地提出了文化旅游发展对策,以期促进平遥古城可持续发展。  相似文献   

平遥古城,这座世界著名的文化遗产胜地,它以悠久的历史,古朴的建筑风格,保存完整的古城墙,闻名于世的晋商票号发祥地,被世界遗产保护组织批准为世界文化遗产的保护重点对象,这是我们三千万三晋儿女的骄傲。但是,平遥古城近几年来的保护、开发和利用方面存在诸多的问题。平遥古城如何增强保护与开发意识,树立竞争信念,提高自身素质,发挥自身优势,打造一个高水准的平遥这一世界文化遗产品牌,形成以晋商文化旅游、食文化为中心的游、食、住、购、娱为一体的经济发展环境,本人谈一点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

张楠 《西部旅游》2022,(9):55-57
近年来,随着我国经济、文化快速发展,旅游、文化和演艺相互融合的旅游演艺市场逐渐成熟,提高了人们的文化消费与文化素养水平,同时也使得旅游演艺产业呈现出多样性发展模式。旅游演艺产业的发展,不仅能给当地带来经济效益,也能带来社会效益。位于山西省晋中市平遥县的平遥古城作为世界文化遗产名录之一,其文化旅游业的发展越来越受到重视,文章以平遥古城的旅游演艺产业为调查对象,通过研究该地多种旅游演艺模式,分析并总结当地旅游演艺产业的特点与发展优势。  相似文献   

世界文化遗产:云南丽江 有位商业摄影师戏言,同样作为世界文化遗产和古城,平遥因国际摄影大展闻名,丽江则出名于一场地震之灾。此言当然有为平遥国际摄影大展吹噓之嫌。作为纳西族木姓世袭统治的祖居区,地处亚热带的丽江的最大特点就是没有城  相似文献   

中国旅游市场在经历了几年激烈的竞争之后,正逐渐走向成熟。与旅游相关的法律法规和制度也正在不断完善。旅游企业的营销方式也因之发生了变化,向着协同化、目标化、实用化迈进。各旅游企业间的合作越来越多,关系越来越紧密。  相似文献   

对旅游企业间动态合作的协调机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从旅游企业运营及其价值实现的特点出发,结合我国旅游企业发展的实际,从企业价值链生成和群体进化的生态理性研究视角,对旅游企业间动态合作的内生机理进行揭示.在此基础上,运用协调博弈的相关理论,对企业间实现动态合作的协调机制进行构建;最后从政府、企业和市场三个层面提出了相应策略.  相似文献   

(宝文):4月30日上午,《一把酸枣》落户世界文化遗产山西平遥古城,其推介新闻发布会在平遥云锦成演艺中心隆重举行。著名编导张继钢,山西省委常委、宣传部长高建民,副省长宋北杉,省委宣传  相似文献   

2004年平遥国际摄影大展将于9月16日至22日在世界文化遗产地平遥古城举行。这次大展的主题是“文明·发展”,重点影展将以中国、印度、埃及、巴比伦等文明古国为视点,展示人类文明源远流长的发展轨迹。大展将展出来自20个国家和地区的150余位摄影家的80多个专业化摄影展览,约3500幅作品。图片依据内容和风格共设置七个主要展区。  相似文献   

在2001年9月因国际摄影节(2002年后更名“国际摄影大展”)的缘故第一次去平遥之前,印象中的这座古城是宁静的:人们日出而作,日落而息,在老祖宗留下的深宅大院、红砖碧瓦中过着恬淡的生活。但当真正进入城门,看见满街穿着摄影背心、身挎“长枪短炮”的艺术家们不时瞄准目标”咔嚓”闪光,心中竟蓦然生出一丝忧伤——摄影会不会让古城从此再无宁日?但很快就发现,平遥人和摄影家们并不这么看,他们在为这项史无前例的国际文化交流活动带来的好处津津乐道。 尽管此前的1997年12月,平遥古城就被联合国教科文组织收入“世界文化遗产”名录,但真正让平遥扬名、走向世界,让平遥人的生活和观念产生深刻的变化还是  相似文献   

双林寺,全国重点文物保护单位,一九九七年与平遥古城、镇国寺一同申报成为世界文化遗产。寺院重修于公元571年,原名中都寺,其地本为中都故城所在,因之得名。佛经记载佛祖释迦牟尼涅在双树之下,圆寂升磐木  相似文献   

Constructions of home are powerful from both heritage and tourism perspectives, as ‘home’ suggests a certain type of heritage precedence while also providing a competitive tourism advantage over rival locations. Sport tourism sites also disseminate notions of home as part of their narrative, both to create and solidify particular heritage claims as well as to enhance the tourism potential of a location. Home narratives are used, in particular, during stadium tours, where tourists go ‘behind the scenes’ at a famous sports venue. Tour narratives at Twickenham Stadium were examined in this study. At Twickenham, it was found that the stadium was represented as ‘home’ during tours in three different ways: as the literal home of the English National Rugby team; as the spiritual home of the sport of rugby; and as the home of particular notions of English identity. These representations were created as a means of claiming cultural propriety, particularly with regard to the sport and its heritage, as well as in recognition of the venue's role as an international tourism destination. However, the employment of home narratives, which espouse notions of stability and continuity, also mask wider heritage and tourism anxieties, in particular competition from rival sites.  相似文献   

丁雨莲  陆林  黄亮 《旅游学刊》2006,21(7):12-16
随着恩格尔系数的平稳下降,中国家庭与休闲相关的消费在不断攀升.文章从丽江大研古城沿街店铺经营业务入手,搜索大研古城的文化休闲旅游符号,分析其形成机制:外在动力机制有休闲时代的即将到来、市场需求的拉动;内在动力机制有自然因素、文化因素和政府决策因素.对比丽江大研古城和以宏村、西递为代表的徽州古村落,探讨不同文化背景的遗产旅游地发展过程中出现的两种特征:文化休闲旅游和文化观光旅游.文章认为,在休闲时代到来之际,传统的观光旅游逐渐向休闲度假旅游转变,文化型遗产地应冷静对待,避免盲动,做出适合自身文化本底的正确选择.  相似文献   


Authentic intangible cultural heritage (ICH) provides a community with a unique selling point in the globally competitive tourism industry. The process of commodification of ICH, however, has threatened its authenticity and thus sustainable tourism approaches are required to achieve successful transmission and promotion of ICH as a sustainable tourism resource. This paper explores the priorities of ICH practitioners in relation to the development of ICH as a sustainable tourism resource, by utilising South Korea as a case study. The results revealed that from the ICH practitioners’ perspectives, authenticity is a holistic notion integrating the transmitted customs, inherited meanings and the practitioners’ identities. ICH practitioners agree with the potential positive symbiotic relationship between transmission of authentic ICH and promotion of ICH as a tourism resource. To achieve the positive symbiotic relationship, locals’ awareness of ICH, ICH practitioner empowerment and parallel development between tourism development and transmission of ICH are necessary. To date, the practitioner approach to the authenticity of ICH and ICH as a sustainable tourism resource is little explored in the literature, thus this paper makes a valuable addition to the area of sustainable heritage tourism.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,全国掀起了古村落旅游热潮,古村落成为旅游开发的重点。寻求古村落遗产保护和旅游发展的双赢之路、探索古村落旅游可持续发展成为旅游学术界和业界的共同任务。本文在库(Ko)构建的旅游可持续性评估理论框架的基础上,展开了古村落旅游可持续性的评估模型及其实证研究。古村落旅游可持续性评估模型包括人文系统和生态系统两大部分,其中人文系统包括社会文化发展、经济发展、古建筑保护状况、社会政策、旅游服务与质量等5个维度,生态系统包括总体环境感知、生态系统质量、环境政策与管理水平等3个维度,总共有32个具体量测指标。利用该模型对世界文化遗产宏村进行了实证研究,结果表明:①从整体上看,宏村旅游发展处于潜在可持续状态之中,旅游开发活动并未危及其健康持续发展;②从具体指标的旅游可持续性水平上看,宏村目前绝大多数指标均处于潜在可持续以上状态,仅在社区参与与管理水平、利益分配的公平性两个指标上处于潜在不可持续状态,由于这两个指标不是环境、生态等基础性因子,可以通过调整政策和管理模式来进行优化。  相似文献   


This paper examines a diverse range of sculpture trails/routes around the world in order to contribute to research currently being undertaken on linear heritage tourism spaces. This is achieved by investigating the scope and settings of sculpture trails and routes; their role in enhancing community heritage and tourism resources and how strong local partnerships are built and maintained. Two case studies from Australia and Canada, respectively, are presented in detail in order to explore these factors further in relation to how their popularity has grown with tourists and local residents.  相似文献   

对世界遗产的旅游价值分析与开发模式研究   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
梁学成 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):16-22
本文结合我国世界遗产旅游价值的开发实际,通过对世界遗产旅游及其价值的分析,指出世界遗产有形价值与无形价值的内在联系以及相互的依存关系,并通过提出假设及其理论论证与检验,指出开发世界遗产的无形价值将有助于提高遗产的旅游价值和旅游者的满意度.并在此基础上,根据世界遗产资源的类型与特点,对我国世界遗产的旅游价值开发模式以及相应的实施对策进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The relationship between heritage and tourism at Word Heritage Sites is thought to be particularly problematic. Yet, each year more heritage sites gain this status. This paper explores the issues that emerge between tourism and heritage at two heritage sites, one with World Heritage listing and the other embarking on the application process. Interview data were collected in relation to the Royal Exhibition Buildings and Carlton Gardens (REB), Australia and Oamaru's Historic Precinct, New Zealand; secondary data were used to contextualise the findings. The findings of the two case studies indicate that the process, and outcomes, of World Heritage (WH) status influence the nature of the relationship between heritage and tourism. The findings of this case study analysis indicated that prospect of WH listing seems to be a catalyst for decision-making and developing networks between the various stakeholders of heritage and tourism, but heritage stakeholders seem to be grappling for power at this time. Once the listing process is successful, heritage then seems to gain the balance of power, and tourism seems to be less successful in controlling the situation. Further research is warranted on this topic to explore whether the findings from two sites can be generalised to other heritage sites.  相似文献   


Heritage tourism has become an important sector in the tourism industry. In fact, interest in heritage tourism among the American public increased 16% from 1991 to 1995. In spite of this surge in demand for heritage tourism little is known about tourists' visitation to “types” of heritage attractions and if their travel behavior characteristics are related to their patterns of visitation. This study examined both issues in the context of industrial heritage tourism. The results indicated that tourists were visiting “types” of industrial heritage attractions. In addition, there was a relationship between the type of trip they were on, the number of people in their travel party, when they made their decision to visit, and the total number of trips they had taken in the last 12 months and the “type” of industrial heritage attraction they visited.  相似文献   

With Macau making inroads into heritage tourism, Macau people are given a push to rediscover the city's heritage values. This renewed sense of appreciation has afforded locals across all levels of society a new perspective of their homeland. As such, with heritage tourism continuing to blossom in a heritage-minded society, inhabitants' sense of place (SOP) may be affected accordingly. Although tourism research literature does not lack timely discussions of Macau's heritage tourism, no studies to date have effectively explored the influence of heritage tourism on Macau people's SOP. Owing to this, the present study aims to investigate the influence of heritage tourism on SOP among young people in Macau.  相似文献   

线性文化遗产是一种特殊的遗产类型,随着人们对遗产完整性不断深入的理解以及遗产活化利用理念的发展,线性文化遗产旅游的重要性日益显现。因此,树立线性文化遗产意识,把握线性文化遗产特征,是推进线性文化遗产旅游利用和可持续发展的重要问题。本文以《世界遗产名录》中收录的线性文化遗产为基础数据,对线性文化遗产的类别与列入标准、资源组合模式和核心区与缓冲区等典型特征进行深入分析,并从旅游空间演化和旅游活化路径两方面总结其对旅游利用模式的影响,以期为线性文化遗产旅游的可持续发展提供科学参考。研究结果表明,线性文化遗产旅游空间结构发展过程遵循“增长极”演化规律,并在遗产文化分层上表现出不同的利用方式和活化路径。  相似文献   

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