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自20世纪70年代西方国家加强环境保护以来,环境管制对竞争力的影响一直受到广泛关注。国外理论界也相继进行了关于环境管制与竞争力关系的研究。本文对相关研究观点综述如下。一、环境管制与竞争力关系的争议国外理论界对环境管制与竞争力的关系问题一直存在分歧。传统学派认为,环境管制会导致企业生产成本上升,企业不得不把有限的资金从其他更有潜力的项目转移到用于减少环境污染的工作上,从而影响企业生产率和竞争力的提高。就环境管制对竞争力的消极影响而言,可能会导致企业在国内市场与国际市场上市场份额的大幅减少,导致受管制产业转移…  相似文献   

就环境管制对国际竞争力的影响而言,国际学术界形成了两派截然不同的观点。传统学派声称环境管制的实施会降低本国企业的国际竞争力,因为较高的环境标准将导致国内厂商生产成本的上升进而损害其在国际市场上的竞争力,而且严厉的环境管制所产生的环境收益(如环境质量的改善等)有可能低于将本国市场让给国外竞争者所遭受的损失,因此采用较高的环境标准可能是得不偿失的做法。修正学派则主张新的较严厉的环境管制将会带来更多的创新活动,引起生  相似文献   

本文通过理论建模和经验数据研究了环境立法管制与中国企业出口国内附加值率之间的关系。结果发现,环境立法管制有助于提升中国企业出口国内附加值率。机制分析证明:一方面,加强环境立法管制的“成本效应”促使直接受约束的企业寻找其他可替代要素。这种替代效应的大小取决于企业对污染型资源的依赖程度。“创新效应”通过改变企业生产效率影响企业成本加成。这两种效应均影响了出口国内附加值率。另一方面,环境立法管制提高了本国企业出口到国外市场的生产率下界,使间接受约束的企业改变定价策略,进而影响出口国内附加值率。本文研究表明,地区严格的执法力度有助于扩大环境立法管制对污染型资源依赖程度较低企业出口国内附加值率的积极影响。  相似文献   

环境管制与企业的竞争优势——对波特假说的修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以波特为代表的少数学者从成本抵偿的角度得出环境管制能够增强企业竞争优势的结论。从X无效率和引致技术进步两个角度分析环境管制与企业竞争优势的关系,发现环境管制虽然能够提高企业效率,但并不一定能够增强企业的竞争优势。当环境管制引致的X无效率降低和技术进步节省的成本等于污染控制给企业增加的成本时,绿色企业将与灰色企业具有同样的竞争力。  相似文献   

制造企业发展过程表明,技术创新和商业模式创新之间存在复杂的协同演化关系。结合多案例研究方法,分析制造企业演化过程中技术创新和商业模式创新的匹配模式、协同演化关系。结果发现:技术创新和商业模式创新动态演化存在3种模式:简单线性模式、反馈控制模式、复杂系统模式。基于此,构建技术创新和商业模式创新协同演化模型,指出协同演化呈现“创新-调整-适应”等复杂的螺旋化发展过程,并提出技术创新和商业模式创新协同演化的3种机制:互动机制、学习机制、选择与反馈机制。突破了关于技术创新和商业模式创新之间简单的线性关系和静态视角,从动态视角分析技术创新和商业模式创新协同演化,补充和修正了技术创新和商业模式创新关系的认识,丰富了现有创新演化理论。研究结论对中国制造企业实施创新战略的启示在于:单一创新虽然在一定程度上能为制造企业带来盈利,但是其作用和持续性均有限,技术创新和商业模式创新有效协同是制造企业竞争力持续提升的关键。  相似文献   

本文通过讨论中关村的地位和作用指出,要想把中关村科技园建设成创新中心,在轻重缓急上,有昨于创新的制度环境第一,有利于科技小企业成长的商业环境第一,有利于创新的文化氛围第一。文章认为“知识经济的核心是高新技术产业”、“首都经济是以高技术产业为核心”等观点是认识上的误区,北京的经济发展应该是智力服务业和高新技术产业并举,智力制造业鼎力相助的格局。北京应该通过大力发展智力服务业成为全国发展知识经济的头脑  相似文献   

创新链解构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以创新为焦点的全球竞争正演化为整条创新链之间的博弈,然而,迄今国内外对创新链的研究还处于初始阶段。为此,对创新链及其内涵、结构与成因进行了系统分析,认为创新是一个连续、互动、系统的过程,自主创新不等于“孤立创新”,优化企业内部、企业之间、行业之间及区域之间的创新竞争与合作关系尤其是创新合作是至关重要的,合力打造创新链是提升整体和自身竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

生产性服务业与制造业互动发展:文献综述   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
本文介绍了目前理论界流行的四种论述生产性服务业与制造业关系的观点,即“需求遵从论”、“供给主导论”、“互动论”和“融合论”。然后,从分工和竞争力两个视角综述了生产性服务业与制造业互动的机制。从产业层面看,生产性服务业的发展能促进经济分工,提高经济效率。从企业微观层面看,制造企业使用生产性服务有利于其提高竞争力。最后,文章对论述生产性服务业与制造业互动关系的实证文献进行了概括。  相似文献   

由创新网络和企业衍生概念入手,将衍生效应分解为知识溢出、集群创新文化和竞争关系3个维度,将集群创新网络分解为 “质”、“量”两个维度,以北京、大连、济南、天津高技术产业集群的衍生企业为对象,实证研究企业衍生效应对集群创新网络的影响。结果显示,企业衍生效应对集群创新网络演化存在正向促进作用。其中,知识溢出、集群创新文化与创新网络的“质”维度存在显著正相关关系,知识溢出、集群创新文化和适度竞争关系与创新网络的“量”维度存在显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

本文通过理论建模和经验数据研究了环境立法管制与中国企业出口国内附加值率之间的关系。结果发现,环境立法管制有助于提升中国企业出口国内附加值率。机制分析证明:一方面,加强环境立法管制的“成本效应”促使直接受约束的企业寻找其他可替代要素。这种替代效应的大小取决于企业对污染型资源的依赖程度。“创新效应”通过改变企业生产效率影响企业成本加成。这两种效应均影响了出口国内附加值率。另一方面,环境立法管制提高了本国企业出口到国外市场的生产率下界,使间接受约束的企业改变定价策略,进而影响出口国内附加值率。本文研究表明,地区严格的执法力度有助于扩大环境立法管制对污染型资源依赖程度较低企业出口国内附加值率的积极影响。  相似文献   

基于可持续发展观的环境会计问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国,环境会计是一个新兴的重要研究领域,它与可持续发展战略密不可分。本文在全面梳理可持续发展观基本内涵的基础上,从多个角度探讨了可持续发展观对环境会计的影响,明确了在可持续发展观引导下企业实施环境会计所应该关注的一些主要问题,以实现二者的相互促进与协调运作。  相似文献   

In this paper, we contribute to the debate regarding the relationship between lobbying and environmental regulation by explicitly taking into account the role of market competition. We analyse how the number of firms affects both the effectiveness of lobbying in fighting environmental regulation and the individual incentive for firms to switch to green technology. To explore this issue, we present a Cournot oligopoly where firms can choose between abating the environmental externality or lobbying the government to hold a loose regulation. We investigate two alternative government's political objectives. In the first, government aims to only minimise the externality, while in the second, it also cares about the consumers surplus. We find that, in both cases, the higher the number of firms, the higher the incentive to abate. However, while in the first case, either both types of firms coexist or all firms switch to be green, in the other case, there exists a minimum the number of firms below which all firms remain polluting.  相似文献   

Over the past decades we have witnessed a tremendous growth in the number of strategic technology alliances and a growing importance of interfirm collaboration in the high-tech sectors. The literature on these topics has grown accordingly. In this respect, our paper serves two aims. One is to provide an overview of the consensus on key issues in this vast body of literature. Second is to identify some major gaps in this literature that may inform future research. In serving these aims, we first discuss the dominant structuralist perspective that stresses the role of embeddedness, but which also reflects a deterministic stance as if firms are subject to an exogenous structure. In contrast, we also explore a more voluntaristic view of how firms may possibly shape their network in view of achieving their strategic aims. This view also seems better able to capture change and network dynamics, an issue that has been largely ignored by the structuralist view.  相似文献   

This paper documents a relationship between international trade and environmental performance at the plant level. Using a panel of establishment‐level data from 1990–2006, I estimate the relationship between export orientation, import competition and pollution emissions. I find a robust relationship between international trade and pollution levels. Exporters emit 9% to 13% less after controlling for output, but there is significant heterogeneity across industries. Import competition is associated with the exit of the smallest, most pollution‐intensive plants. There is no evidence that this result is caused by polluting firms relocating to countries with low levels of environmental regulation and importing back into the US.  相似文献   

王定星  张晶 《技术经济》2019,38(12):31-41
在城市化发展过程企业渐渐由中心区迁往外围区域,鲜有研究从这一视角观察企业迁移行为。本文从环境规制的角度对现存企业的迁移行为进行了探讨。实证分析发现在省级层面,废水污染费征收率提升显著减少企业在城市之间迁移的数量,废气污染费征收率提高增加企业城市之间迁移的数量。在企业层面环境规制增强显著提升企业在县区之间迁移的概率。利用国家贫困县名录,进一步发现废气污染费率增加显著提升企业往县和贫困县迁移的概率。进一步分析发现加入WTO、2003年污染费征收改革后污染费上升时企业显著提高向贫困县迁移的概率。最后本文发现环境规制提高了企业的创新水平以规避环境规制成本从而降低了迁移的概率。  相似文献   

Even though environmental policy can affect the path of technology diffusion, the economics literature contains limited empirical evidence of this relationship. This paper provides insight into the technology adoption decisions of electric generating firms. Specifically, the diffusion of combined cycle (CC) generating units is examined. This technology is ‘environmentally friendly’ in that, it is cleaner and more efficient than alternative generating units. The empirical model explores the decision to adopt a CC generating unit and the extent to which the technology is adopted in response to environmental regulations imposed on producers. Zero-inflated models are used to evaluate adoption decisions at the plant-level as well as the firm-level. This research shows that environmental regulation has a significant effect on technology choice and the extent of adoption in this industry. Findings suggest that the stringency of regulations that control the building of new generating units is particularly influential for established power plants.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of formal and informal regulations on environmental and economic performance of Brazilian manufacturing firms. We adopt a dual approach where production technology is represented by a cost function, approximated by a translog form. Pollution is considered as a negative by-product that can be modified trough using either formal regulation (inspections or sanctions) or informal regulation (community pressure). A simultaneous equation model is estimated by three-stage least squares on a sample of 404 industrial establishments located in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil. We show that pollution abatement costs for the Brazilian manufacturing sector are different from zero which suggests that pollution emissions are affected by environmental regulation. We also demonstrate that environmental performance of firms is jointly affected by formal and informal regulation. Lastly, formal regulation is largely influenced by informal regulation and more specifically by community pressure.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed a renewed interest in the relationship between environmental regulations and international capital flows. However, empirical studies have so far failed to find conclusive evidence for this so-called pollution haven or race to the bottom effect where foreign direct investment (FDI) is assumed to be attracted to low regulation countries, regions or states. In this paper we present a simple theoretical framework to demonstrate that greater stringency in environmental standards can lead to a strategic increase in capital inflows which we refer to as environmental regulation induced FDI. Our result reveals a possible explanation for the mixed results in the empirical literature and provides an illustration of the conditions under which environmental regulations in the host country can affect the location decision of foreign firms.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence has so far failed to confirm that lenient environmental regulation attracts investment from polluting firms. In a Cournot duopoly with a foreign firm and a domestic firm, we show that the foreign firm may want to relocate to the domestic country with stricter environmental regulation, when the move raises its rival domestic firm's cost by sufficiently more than its own. The domestic (foreign) country's welfare is (usually) lower with foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

Davide Vannoni 《Empirica》2000,27(1):47-63
The present paper presents a test ofthe resource view of diversification which focuses onthe relationship between the directions ofdiversification strategies and a measure of totalfactor productivity. The results are supportive of theresource theory in that firms which pursue verticalintegration strategies and/or operate in a set ofactivities which share similar research anddevelopment and advertising intensities reach higherproductivity levels. After having checked for the directions of diversification, the degree ofdiversification is not significantly related toproductivity. This suggests that the simple inclusionof variables controlling for the extent ofdiversification might not be sufficient in order tostudy the effects resulting from diversification strategies.  相似文献   

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