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This paper studies the predictability of cryptocurrency time series. We compare several alternative univariate and multivariate models for point and density forecasting of four of the most capitalized series: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple and Ethereum. We apply a set of crypto-predictors and rely on dynamic model averaging to combine a large set of univariate dynamic linear models and several multivariate vector autoregressive models with different forms of time variation. We find statistically significant improvements in point forecasting when using combinations of univariate models, and in density forecasting when relying on the selection of multivariate models. Both schemes deliver sizable directional predictability.  相似文献   

We extend the recently introduced latent threshold dynamic models to include dependencies among the dynamic latent factors which underlie multivariate volatility. With an ability to induce time-varying sparsity in factor loadings, these models now also allow time-varying correlations among factors, which may be exploited in order to improve volatility forecasts. We couple multi-period, out-of-sample forecasting with portfolio analysis using standard and novel benchmark neutral portfolios. Detailed studies of stock index and FX time series include: multi-period, out-of-sample forecasting, statistical model comparisons, and portfolio performance testing using raw returns, risk-adjusted returns and portfolio volatility. We find uniform improvements on all measures relative to standard dynamic factor models. This is due to the parsimony of latent threshold models and their ability to exploit between-factor correlations so as to improve the characterization and prediction of volatility. These advances will be of interest to financial analysts, investors and practitioners, as well as to modeling researchers.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a composite indicator for real-time recession forecasting based on alternative dynamic probit models. For this purpose, we use a large set of monthly macroeconomic and financial leading indicators from the German and US economies. Alternative dynamic probit regressions are specified through automated general-to-specific and specific-to-general lag selection procedures on the basis of slightly different initial sets. The resulting recession probability forecasts are then combined in order to decrease the volatility of the forecast errors and increase their forecasting accuracy. This procedure features not only good in-sample forecast statistics, but also good out-of-sample performances, as is illustrated using a real-time evaluation exercise.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the performances of prediction intervals generated from alternative time series models, in the context of tourism forecasting. The forecasting methods considered include the autoregressive (AR) model, the AR model using the bias-corrected bootstrap, seasonal ARIMA models, innovations state space models for exponential smoothing, and Harvey’s structural time series models. We use thirteen monthly time series for the number of tourist arrivals to Hong Kong and Australia. The mean coverage rates and widths of the alternative prediction intervals are evaluated in an empirical setting. It is found that all models produce satisfactory prediction intervals, except for the autoregressive model. In particular, those based on the bias-corrected bootstrap perform best in general, providing tight intervals with accurate coverage rates, especially when the forecast horizon is long.  相似文献   

This work focuses on developing a forecasting model for the water inflow at an hydroelectric plant’s reservoir for operations planning. The planning horizon is 5 years in monthly steps. Due to the complex behavior of the monthly inflow time series we use a Bayesian dynamic linear model that incorporates seasonal and autoregressive components. We also use climate variables like monthly precipitation, El Niño and other indices as predictor variables when relevant. The Brazilian power system has 140 hydroelectric plants. Based on geographical considerations, these plants are collated by basin and classified into 15 groups that correspond to the major river basins, in order to reduce the dimension of the problem. The model is then tested for these 15 groups. Each group will have a different forecasting model that can best describe its unique seasonality and characteristics. The results show that the forecasting approach taken in this paper produces substantially better predictions than the current model adopted in Brazil (see Maceira & Damazio, 2006), leading to superior operations planning.  相似文献   

We introduce a mixed-frequency score-driven dynamic model for multiple time series where the score contributions from high-frequency variables are transformed by means of a mixed-data sampling weighting scheme. The resulting dynamic model delivers a flexible and easy-to-implement framework for the forecasting of low-frequency time series variables through the use of timely information from high-frequency variables. We verify the in-sample and out-of-sample performances of the model in an empirical study on the forecasting of U.S. headline inflation and GDP growth. In particular, we forecast monthly headline inflation using daily oil prices and quarterly GDP growth using a measure of financial risk. The forecasting results and other findings are promising. Our proposed score-driven dynamic model with mixed-data sampling weighting outperforms competing models in terms of both point and density forecasts.  相似文献   

We construct factor models based on disaggregate survey data for forecasting national aggregate macroeconomic variables. Our methodology applies regional and sectoral factor models to Norges Bank’s regional survey and to the Swedish Business Tendency Survey. The analysis identifies which of the pieces of information extracted from the individual regions in Norges Bank’s survey and the sectors for the two surveys perform particularly well at forecasting different variables at various horizons. The results show that several factor models beat an autoregressive benchmark in forecasting inflation and the unemployment rate. However, the factor models are most successful at forecasting GDP growth. Forecast combinations using the past performances of regional and sectoral factor models yield the most accurate forecasts in the majority of the cases.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a novel inhomogeneous Markov switching approach for the probabilistic forecasting of industrial companies’ electricity loads, for which the load switches at random times between production and standby regimes. The model that we propose describes the transitions between the regimes using a hidden Markov chain with time-varying transition probabilities that depend on calendar variables. We model the demand during the production regime using an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) process with seasonal patterns, whereas we use a much simpler model for the standby regime in order to reduce the complexity. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters is implemented using a differential evolution algorithm. Using the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of our model for probabilistic forecasting, it is shown that this model often outperforms classical additive time series models, as well as homogeneous Markov switching models. We also propose a simple procedure for classifying load profiles into those with and without regime-switching behaviors.  相似文献   

We explore a new approach to the forecasting of macroeconomic variables based on a dynamic factor state space analysis. Key economic variables are modeled jointly with principal components from a large time series panel of macroeconomic indicators using a multivariate unobserved components time series model. When the key economic variables are observed at a low frequency and the panel of macroeconomic variables is at a high frequency, we can use our approach for both nowcasting and forecasting purposes. Given a dynamic factor model as the data generation process, we provide Monte Carlo evidence of the finite-sample justification of our parsimonious and feasible approach. We also provide empirical evidence for a US macroeconomic dataset. The unbalanced panel contains quarterly and monthly variables. The forecasting accuracy is measured against a set of benchmark models. We conclude that our dynamic factor state space analysis can lead to higher levels of forecasting precision when the panel size and time series dimensions are moderate.  相似文献   

General dynamic factor models have demonstrated their capacity to circumvent the curse of dimensionality in the analysis of high-dimensional time series and have been successfully considered in many economic and financial applications. As second-order models, however, they are sensitive to the presence of outliers—an issue that has not been analyzed so far in the general case of dynamic factors with possibly infinite-dimensional factor spaces (Forni et al. 2000, 2015, 2017). In this paper, we consider this robustness issue and study the impact of additive outliers on the identification, estimation, and forecasting performance of general dynamic factor models. Based on our findings, we propose robust versions of identification, estimation, and forecasting procedures. The finite-sample performance of our methods is evaluated via Monte Carlo experiments and successfully applied to a classical data set of 115 US macroeconomic and financial time series.  相似文献   

One of the most powerful and widely used methodologies for forecasting economic time series is the class of models known as seasonal autoregressive processes. In this article we present a new approach not only for identifying seasonal autoregressive models, but also the degree of differencing required to induce stationarity in the data. The identification method is iterative and consists in systematically fitting increasing order models to the data, and then verifying that the resulting residuals behave like white noise using a two stage autoregressive order determination criterion. Once the order of the process is determined the identified structure is tested to see if it can be simplified. The identification performance of this procedure is contrasted with other order selection procedures for models with ‘gaps.' We also illustrate the forecast performance of the identification method using monthly and quarterly economic data.  相似文献   

Silver future is crucial to global financial markets. However, the existing literature rarely considers the impacts of structural breaks and day-of-the-week effect simultaneously on the volatility of silver future price. Based on heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) theory, we establish six new type heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models by incorporating structural breaks and day-of-the-week effect to forecast the volatility. The empirical results indicate that new models’ accuracy is better than the original HAR model. We find that structural breaks and the day-of-the-week effect contain much forecasting information on silver forecasting. In addition, structural breaks have a positive effect on the silver futures’ volatility. Day-of-the-week effect has a significantly negative influence on silver futures’ price volatility, especially in the mid-term and the long-term. Our works is the first to combine the structural breaks and day-of-the-week effect to identify more market information. This paper provides a better forecasting method to predict silver future volatility.  相似文献   

Probabilistic forecasting, i.e., estimating a time series’ future probability distribution given its past, is a key enabler for optimizing business processes. In retail businesses, for example, probabilistic demand forecasts are crucial for having the right inventory available at the right time and in the right place. This paper proposes DeepAR, a methodology for producing accurate probabilistic forecasts, based on training an autoregressive recurrent neural network model on a large number of related time series. We demonstrate how the application of deep learning techniques to forecasting can overcome many of the challenges that are faced by widely-used classical approaches to the problem. By means of extensive empirical evaluations on several real-world forecasting datasets, we show that our methodology produces more accurate forecasts than other state-of-the-art methods, while requiring minimal manual work.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper unifies two methodologies for multi‐step forecasting from autoregressive time series models. The first is covered in most of the traditional time series literature and it uses short‐horizon forecasts to compute longer‐horizon forecasts, while the estimation method minimizes one‐step‐ahead forecast errors. The second methodology considers direct multi‐step estimation and forecasting. In this paper, we show that both approaches are special (boundary) cases of a technique called partial least squares (PLS) when this technique is applied to an autoregression. We outline this methodology and show how it unifies the other two. We also illustrate the practical relevance of the resultant PLS autoregression for 17 quarterly, seasonally adjusted, industrial production series. Our main findings are that both boundary models can be improved by including factors indicated from the PLS technique.  相似文献   

Accurate solar forecasts are necessary to improve the integration of solar renewables into the energy grid. In recent years, numerous methods have been developed for predicting the solar irradiance or the output of solar renewables. By definition, a forecast is uncertain. Thus, the models developed predict the mean and the associated uncertainty. Comparisons are therefore necessary and useful for assessing the skill and accuracy of these new methods in the field of solar energy.The aim of this paper is to present a comparison of various models that provide probabilistic forecasts of the solar irradiance within a very strict framework. Indeed, we consider focusing on intraday forecasts, with lead times ranging from 1 to 6 h. The models selected use only endogenous inputs for generating the forecasts. In other words, the only inputs of the models are the past solar irradiance data. In this context, the most common way of generating the forecasts is to combine point forecasting methods with probabilistic approaches in order to provide prediction intervals for the solar irradiance forecasts. For this task, we selected from the literature three point forecasting models (recursive autoregressive and moving average (ARMA), coupled autoregressive and dynamical system (CARDS), and neural network (NN)), and seven methods for assessing the distribution of their error (linear model in quantile regression (LMQR), weighted quantile regression (WQR), quantile regression neural network (QRNN), recursive generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCHrls), sieve bootstrap (SB), quantile regression forest (QRF), and gradient boosting decision trees (GBDT)), leading to a comparison of 20 combinations of models.None of the model combinations clearly outperform the others; nevertheless, some trends emerge from the comparison. First, the use of the clear sky index ensures the accuracy of the forecasts. This derived parameter permits time series to be deseasonalized with missing data, and is also a good explanatory variable of the distribution of the forecasting errors. Second, regardless of the point forecasting method used, linear models in quantile regression, weighted quantile regression and gradient boosting decision trees are able to forecast the prediction intervals accurately.  相似文献   

Financial data often contain information that is helpful for macroeconomic forecasting, while multi-step forecast accuracy benefits from incorporating good nowcasts of macroeconomic variables. This paper considers the usefulness of financial nowcasts for making conditional forecasts of macroeconomic variables with quarterly Bayesian vector autoregressions (BVARs). When nowcasting quarterly financial variables’ values, we find that taking the average of the available daily data and a daily random walk forecast to complete the quarter typically outperforms other nowcasting approaches. Using real-time data, we find gains in out-of-sample forecast accuracy from the inclusion of financial nowcasts relative to unconditional forecasts, with further gains from the incorporation of nowcasts of macroeconomic variables. Conditional forecasts from quarterly BVARs augmented with financial nowcasts rival the forecast accuracy of mixed-frequency dynamic factor models and mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) models.  相似文献   

Forecasting economic and financial variables with global VARs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the problem of forecasting economic and financial variables across a large number of countries in the global economy. To this end a global vector autoregressive (GVAR) model, previously estimated by Dees, di Mauro, Pesaran, and Smith (2007) and Dees, Holly, Pesaran, and Smith (2007) over the period 1979Q1–2003Q4, is used to generate out-of-sample forecasts one and four quarters ahead for real output, inflation, real equity prices, exchange rates and interest rates over the period 2004Q1–2005Q4. Forecasts are obtained for 134 variables from 26 regions, which are made up of 33 countries and cover about 90% of the world output. The forecasts are compared to typical benchmarks: univariate autoregressive and random walk models. Building on the forecast combination literature, the effects of model and estimation uncertainty on forecast outcomes are examined by pooling forecasts obtained from different GVAR models estimated over alternative sample periods. Given the size of the modelling problem, and the heterogeneity of the economies considered–industrialised, emerging, and less developed countries–as well as the very real likelihood of possibly multiple structural breaks, averaging forecasts across both models and windows makes a significant difference. Indeed, the double-averaged GVAR forecasts perform better than the benchmark competitors, especially for output, inflation and real equity prices.  相似文献   

This work presents key insights on the model development strategies used in our cross-learning-based retail demand forecast framework. The proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art univariate models in the time series forecasting literature. It has achieved 17th position in the accuracy track of the M5 forecasting competition, which is among the top 1% of solutions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the out-of-sample forecasting properties of six different economic uncertainty variables for the growth of the real M2 and real M4 Divisia money series for the U.S. using monthly data. The core contention is that information on economic uncertainty improves the forecasting accuracy. We estimate vector autoregressive models using the iterated rolling-window forecasting scheme, in combination with modern regularisation techniques from the field of machine learning. Applying the Hansen-Lunde-Nason model confidence set approach under two different loss functions reveals strong evidence that uncertainty variables that are related to financial markets, the state of the macroeconomy or economic policy provide additional informational content when forecasting monetary dynamics. The use of regularisation techniques improves the forecast accuracy substantially.  相似文献   

In a data-rich environment, forecasting economic variables amounts to extracting and organizing useful information from a large number of predictors. So far, the dynamic factor model and its variants have been the most successful models for such exercises. In this paper, we investigate a category of LASSO-based approaches and evaluate their predictive abilities for forecasting twenty important macroeconomic variables. These alternative models can handle hundreds of data series simultaneously, and extract useful information for forecasting. We also show, both analytically and empirically, that combing forecasts from LASSO-based models with those from dynamic factor models can reduce the mean square forecast error (MSFE) further. Our three main findings can be summarized as follows. First, for most of the variables under investigation, all of the LASSO-based models outperform dynamic factor models in the out-of-sample forecast evaluations. Second, by extracting information and formulating predictors at economically meaningful block levels, the new methods greatly enhance the interpretability of the models. Third, once forecasts from a LASSO-based approach are combined with those from a dynamic factor model by forecast combination techniques, the combined forecasts are significantly better than either dynamic factor model forecasts or the naïve random walk benchmark.  相似文献   

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