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This study analyzes seller‐defaultable options that allow option writers to have a free‐will right to default, along with some prespecified default mechanisms. We analytically and numerically examine the pricing, hedging, defaulting, and profitability of the seller‐defaultable options, considering three possible scenarios for seller default. Analyzing the essential implications of seller‐defaultable options, we show that the option price is positively correlated with the default fine, underlying asset price, and volatility. The seller‐defaultable option's Greeks appear more complicated than those of the plain vanilla options. The likelihood of sellers defaulting increases with the underlying asset price, interest rate, volatility, and maturity time. Subject to the default mechanism, the buyers’ trading involves a trade‐off between profits and costs. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 33:129–157, 2013  相似文献   

The optimal hedging portfolio is shown to include both futures and options under a variety of circumstances when the marginal cost of hedging is nonzero. Futures and options are treated as substitute goods, and the properties of the resulting hedging demand system are explained. The overall optimal hedge ratio is shown to increase when the marginal cost of trading options is reduced. The overall optimal hedge ratio is shown to decrease when the marginal cost of trading futures is decreased. One implication is that hedging demand can be stimulated by a reduction in the perceived cost of trading options through the education of hedgers about options and the initiation of programs such as the Dairy Options Pilot Program. The demand approach is applied to estimate optimal hedge ratios for dairy producers hedging corn inputs in five regions of Pennsylvania. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:693–712, 2001  相似文献   

This article develops a new methodology for estimating implied probability density functions for futures prices from American options. The restricting Black–Scholes assumption of a lognormal distribution for the underlying asset is relaxed with the use of the more flexible distributional form of an Edgeworth series expansion around a lognormal distribution. The model is applied to the crude oil market. The results provide strong evidence that the market consensus can be accurately reflected in the risk‐neutral densities recovered from observed option prices. The recovered distributions are tested and found to differ significantly from a single lognormal distribution. In addition, the recovered distributions are more robust than those recovered with a model, which assumes a mixture of two lognormal distributions. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:1–30, 2002  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the hedging decisions for firms facing price and basis risk. Two conditions assumed in most models on optimal hedging are relaxed. Hence, (i) the spot price is not necessarily linear in both the settlement price and the basis risk and (ii) futures contracts and options on futures at different strike prices are available. The design of the first‐best hedging instrument is first derived and then it is used to examine the optimal hedging strategy in futures and options markets. The role of options as useful hedging tools is highlighted from the shape of the first‐best solution. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:59–72, 2002  相似文献   

专利作为现代企业重要的无形资产,对企业募集发展资金、扩大收益回流、形成竞争优势发挥着巨大的作用,因此专利定价问题也成为现代企业管理决策中的重要内容.本文基于专利的实物期权特征,运用蒙特卡罗模拟方法对专利的实物期权定价问题进行研究与探讨.首先,分析探讨专利投资项目的决策过程及其实物期权特征;在此基础上,建立专利定价的实物期权蒙特卡罗模拟模型,并引入对偶变量技术用以提高蒙特卡罗模拟的效率;最后,以生物医药企业专利定价为例进行实证模拟.研究结论认为,引入适当方差减少技术的蒙特卡罗模拟则成为专利实物期权定价的一种有效的分析方法.  相似文献   

This paper studies contingent claim valuation of risky assets in a stochastic interest rate economy. the model employed generalizes the approach utilized by Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1992) by imbedding their stochastic interest rate economy into one containing an arbitrary number of additional risky assets. We derive closed form formulae for certain types of European options in this context, notably call and put options on risky assets, forward contracts, and futures contracts. We also value American contingent claims whose payoffs are permitted to be general functions of both the term structure and asset prices generalizing Bensoussan (1984) and Karatzas (1988) in this regard. Here, we provide an example where an American call's value is well defined, yet there does not exist an optimal trading strategy which attains this value. Furthermore, this example is not pathological as it is a generalization of Roll's (1977) formula for a call option on a stock that pays discrete dividends.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the London markets and the significance of the relationship for market makers, little published research is available on arbitrage between the FTSE‐100 Index futures and the FTSE‐100 European index options contracts. This study uses the put–call–futures parity condition to throw light on the relationship between options and futures written against the FTSE Index. The arbitrage methodology adopted in this study avoids many of the problems that have affected prior research on the relationship between options or futures prices and the underlying index. The problems that arise from nonsynchroneity between options and futures prices are reduced by the matching of options and futures prices within narrow time intervals with time‐stamped transaction data. This study allows for realistic trading and market‐impact costs. The feasibility of strategies such as execute‐and‐hold and early unwinding is examined with both ex‐post and ex‐ante simulation tests that take into consideration possible execution time lags for the arbitrage trade. This study reveals that the occurrence of matched put–call–futures trios exhibits a U‐shaped intraday pattern with a concentration at both open and close, although the magnitude of observed mispricings has no discernible intraday pattern. Ex‐post arbitrage profits for traders facing transaction costs are concentrated in at‐the‐money options. As in other major markets, despite important microstructure differences, opportunities are generally rapidly extinguished in less than 3 min. The results suggest that arbitrage opportunities for traders facing transaction costs are small in number and confirm the efficiency of trading on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:31–58, 2002  相似文献   


Web related initiatives are a viable method for many companies seeking to enhance their customer focus. Web personalization is a technique that can be used by firms to develop and foster relationships with their customers. Web personalization may not be suitable for all types of businesses. Web personalization is used to generate individualized content for each visitor. Personalization techniques include content filtering, collaborative filtering, and a rules-based engine approach. The scope and technique chosen for the personalization initiative determine the resources required for successful implementation. This paper presents a framework to help firms ascertain the value of web personalization. The components of the framework include the ability to classify the popular features of the website, the degree the product is considered personal, the competitiveness of the market, and the value customers place on personalization. A survey was conducted and results of the survey are presented to help determine factors that influence an individual's value for personalization. The factors we found that influence the value an individual places on personalization include: sites that belong to an established brick and mortar company, sites that let visitors download music, and sites that offer the possibility of winning something. The first two factors were found to positively impact the value an individual places on personalization, while the ability to win something was found to have a negative impact on personalization. We also found that education played a part in determining whether an individual values personalization. Other characteristics such as age group and gender were found not to influence an individual's value for personalization.  相似文献   

This article uses the algorithm developed by Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian (1995) to make comparisons among the Heath—Jarrow—Morton (HJM) models (Heath, Jarrow, & Morton, 1992) with different volatility structures in pricing the Eurodollar futures options. We show that the differences among the HJM models as well as the difference between the HJM models and Black's model can be insignificant when the volatility of the forward rate is relatively small. Moreover, our findings imply that the difference between the American‐style and European‐style options is insignificant for options with a life of less than 1 year. However, the difference can be significant for options with a 1‐year maturity, the difference depending on the exercise price. Finally, our tests indicate that the difference between the forward price and the futures price is insignificant if the volatility parameter is low enough and when the volatility of the spot rate is proportional to the spot rate. A higher volatility parameter can lead to a significant difference between the forward price and the futures price, although its impact on the price of the options will still be trivial. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21: 655–680, 2001  相似文献   

2004年我国正式提出粮食购销市场化改革,粮食市场化改革主要需要解决两大问题。一是市场化后粮食经营主体的风险如何规避的问题,二是国家如何对粮食市场进行宏观调控的问题。笔者认为这两个问题的解决都离不开农产品期货市场。  相似文献   

以郑州期货交易所PTA期货和进口、国产PTA现货为研究对象,利用格兰杰因果检验、协整检验、误差修正模型等方法,分析了我国PTA期货市场与现货市场长期均衡关系和短期动态关联关系。结果表明:国内的现货PTA价格和期货PTA价格是互相引导的;PTA期货价格对现货价格的影响强于现货价格对期货价格的影响;短期来看PTA期货价格与现货价格之间存在协整关系;长期来看PTA期货价格与现货价格保持着长期的均衡关系。以上研究表明,我国PTA期货市场已基本具备市场价格发现功能和一定的价格自我约束机制。  相似文献   

A Continuity Correction for Discrete Barrier Options   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The payoff of a barrier option depends on whether or not a specified asset price, index, or rate reaches a specified level during the life of the option. Most models for pricing barrier options assume continuous monitoring of the barrier; under this assumption, the option can often be priced in closed form. Many (if not most) real contracts with barrier provisions specify discrete monitoring instants; there are essentially no formulas for pricing these options, and even numerical pricing is difficult. We show, however, that discrete barrier options can be priced with remarkable accuracy using continuous barrier formulas by applying a simple continuity correction to the barrier. The correction shifts the barrier away from the underlying by a factor of exp(bet sig sqrt dt), where bet approx 0.5826, sig is the underlying volatility, and dt is the time between monitoring instants. The correction is justified both theoretically and experimentally.  相似文献   

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