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在简述了项目管理理论中启动阶段管理的基础上,以确保装备维修器材竞争性采购项目管理活动顺利开展为目的,主要从任命项目负责人、组建项目团队、明确项目目标与要求、识别项目利益相关者四方面对维修器材竞争性采购项目启动阶段管理进行了设计,对维修器材竞争性采购工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

随着工程项目建设的不断发展,越来越多技术型人才转型为项目管理复合型人才,文章对工程项目管理中一些基本理论进行了阐述,以促进工程项目管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

工程造价控制是企业项目管理过程中的重要工作,贯穿于项目管理的全过程,造价控制效果的优劣会对整个项目的经济效益产生直接的影响。文章从企业项目管理及实施要求出发,详细分析了企业项目管理视角下的工程造价控制方法,以期为企业今后的项目管理与工程造价控制工作提供理论参考。  相似文献   

王明章 《价值工程》2014,(20):171-172
本文以某网上审批系统为例探讨了项目管理中有关质量管理在项目建设中的关键作用,笔者总结了一些经验在本文中与大家分享。  相似文献   

项目管理和预算管理本属两个不相关的管理领域,但通过ERP系统,实现了二者的关联,从而实现了项目计划及其预算配置、项目分解结构和预算下达分解、项目执行和预算控制、项目实施效果及预算资源投入等的有机结合。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对东方和西方文化下人的行为及思维方式的差别出发,为跨文化项目管理团队提供项目沟通管理的策略和方式来减少冲突和误解,从而提高在跨文化环境下项目管理沟通的效率。  相似文献   

王建伟  崔忠民  房卫东 《价值工程》2012,31(13):175-177
本文通过产品研发过程测试管理现状的分析,并结合PMBOK(项目管理知识体系A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge),对产品测试管理体系进行了研究,提出了"产品研发的测试整合管理"、"测试团队建设"等一系列加强产品测试管理的探索性建议,最后,简要描绘了产品研发过程的测试管理体系应用的前景。  相似文献   

随着我国建设事业的迅速发展,对现在的企业来说,企业间竞争将逐渐由产品质量竞争过渡到价格竞争.加强项目成本核算,减少不必要的支出,增加企业的效益,将成为大多数企业的长期经营战略.施工项目管理与项目成本控制是相辅相成的,只有加强施工项目管理,才能控制项目成本,也只有达到项目成本控制目的,加强施工项目管理才有意义.本文主要就施工项目管理成本控制的特点以及具体的控制措施进行了深入的分析与研究,可与同行共同探讨.  相似文献   

社会的快速发展使得房地产企业的相关开发项目的数量正在不断的上升,房地产企业的整体开发规模也在不断的上升,越来越多的房地产企业需要面临管理难度不断上升的问题。所以很多房地产企业都出现了管理效率低下、顾此失彼、疲于奔命的情况。此时就需要对房地产企业的项目管理能力进行显著的提高,从而突破现存的限制。实现全国化布局和跨区域多项目开发的目标。  相似文献   

合同管理是工程项目管理的主要内容,是降低工程造价、提高经济效益、预防经济风险、保证工程质量的有效途径。注重对合同管理的研究,建立符合中国实际的合同管理为核心的项目管理体系,是达到提高项目管理水平的必经之路。  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的路桥市场中,做好项目成本管理与控制,在合理的范围内最大限度地降低生产成本,实现企业利润最大化是施工企业所面临的问题,已是不可缺失的企业经营理念。文章从施工企业高速公路项目成本的构成出发,着重分析了项目成本管理与控制中存在的问题,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an undergraduate project to develop a project management model for integration into a government research and development (GR&D) organization. The project was divided into three main phases: literature review, creation and execution of an organizational culture survey, and the development of a project management model compatible with GR&D organizations. It was found that, although there are cultural gaps between the GR&D and project management cultures, it is possible to bridge these gaps by a combination of training, organizational structure, and the application of project management techniques blended to match the type of research project and fundamental cultural assumptions.  相似文献   

文章在对国外先进的项目管理理念进行全面学习和分析的前提下,理清我国建设工程项目管理模式发展的脉络,找出其中的不足和缺陷,并及时解决存在的问题,最终找到适合我国国情发展的工程项目管理模式。  相似文献   

工程项目招投标及风险管理探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了工程项目招投标的概念、国际工程项目招投标的一般程序和国际工程项目承包方式、类型和内容,针对特殊工程项目面临的风险,主要从招投标方面探讨了风险识别、估计、规划、控制等问题。  相似文献   

文章认为,对工程项目投资实施全过程有效的成本控制,从组织、技术、经济、合同与信息等方面,可以挖掘潜力、降低成本、提高投资效益和社会效益,并针对对工程造价影响比较大的设计阶段、招标投标阶段、施工阶段、竣工结算阶段叙述了如何进行工程造价控制。  相似文献   

梁茂华 《企业技术开发》2013,(16):115-116,119
建筑市场竞争日益激烈,特别是普通的施工项目,利润大幅降低,因此,一个工程项目甚至一个施工企业,能否在这样的环境下生存和发展,做好项目的成本管理成为企业和项目的重点工作。  相似文献   

项目管理在市场调研中的应用探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场调研是现代企业决策的重要依据,为企业在复杂多变的市场环境中生存和发展提供了有效保障。而企业项目管理能力则是企业在市场竞争中突围的关键手段。文章初步探索了项目管理在市场调研中的应用,以及二者的有机结合所取得的成果。  相似文献   

The increasing projectification of the business world corresponds with a high diversity of theoretical perspectives used in project management research. This diversity is reflected by a variety of influencing factors, which have been the subject of empirical studies. This article aims to systemize the different streams of research on the basis of a literature review and at developing a research framework by integrating multiple theoretical perspectives and influencing factors. We elaborate on the crosslinks between the perspectives and identify fundamental elements of a project management theory. The framework consists of three dimensions: design, context, and goal. Its purpose is to support the combination of different perspectives and the development of strategies for further research.  相似文献   

This article examines the intersection of the project management body of knowledge with new product development (NPD). The area under examination is the development of consumer products that have a significant engineering production content. It is concluded that the project management method, with its structured task definition and software tools, is generally useful for managing NPD projects. However, in some areas, project management incompletely meets the needs of NPD. Specifically, NPD is characterized by complex interrelated activities and large uncertainties about precisely which solution path will be taken, such that the full scope of the project can often not be anticipated beforehand. The article identifies that more research is required to validate the stage‐gate and lean project management methods. Whereas cost is the primary focus in project management, with NPD there is a need to consider both cost and income (from product sales) in making strategic decisions. Communication and human resource management are important factors in NPD success, but existing project management perspectives have little to say about the social and behavioral aspects, such as organizational culture, team dynamics, and leadership styles, especially not for NPD. Current project management practices are very much based on “output control” (targets, appraisal, rewards, management by objectives), which the human resource management literature identifies as inhibiting innovation. There is also likely to exist an intersection, as yet poorly understood, between project management and knowledge management, particularly for innovation processes such as NPD. For practitioners, the main message is that the project management method provides a basic, but imperfect, tool for managing NPD. The relevance for researchers is that gaps have been identified in the project management method as it is currently applied to NPD. Several places are identified where further research is required to (a) better understand the causality between factors (e.g., human resource management) and project success and (b) adapt project management methods to better serve the NPD process.  相似文献   

This study surveyed 497 participants to determine the factors that affect project professionals' acceptance of project management software and the perceived impact of software usage on their performance. The study finds that greater information quality and higher project complexity are the dominant factors explaining higher levels of system utilization, that greater system functionality and ease of use have a significant positive relationship with increased software usage, and that a strong positive relationship exists between higher usage of project management software and perceived project managers' improved performance. Inconsistent with prior research, more training was not found to be associated with project management software usage. The study explains more than 40% of the variation in project management software acceptance and adds project management software usage to project success factors by empirically confirming for the first time that project management software enhances project professionals' perceived performance and provides a positive impact on the results of their projects. The study provides practical implications for project professionals, their organizations, senior management, decision makers, software developers, and vendors. These findings support the call for further research that investigates the diffusion of information technologies in the project management field and their impact on project success and competitive position.  相似文献   

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