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李盼盼 《商》2014,(32):218-218
随着现代社会的不断发展,地球似乎越来越小,成了地球村,而这离不开交通业的兴盛,尤其是海运的繁荣。随着海上贸易往来,除了相关运输提单规定以及各种国际条约的制约,海事管辖权冲突问题也格外突出。本文通过"海娜号"管辖权冲突事件,分析其产生原因并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

"加快绿色技术的开发和应用已经不仅仅是国际社会对环境保护的要求,更是我们整个海事工业持续发展的必由之路。"汉堡海事展(SMM)主席兼首席执行官本尔德·奥佛德海德在9月7日举行的"全球海事环境大会(GMEC)"开幕式上提出了造船业今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

赵俊 《新财富》2013,(11):73-74
对于有海外投资或留学意向的客户,银行提供的服务早已突破了“零门槛”的出国金融服务范畴。服务于高端客户的私人银行客户也开始在一定程度上扮演着中介的角色,或与具备一定资质的中介合作,提供更为多样化的增值服务。  相似文献   

10月22日下午,在由中国船舶报社举办的海事大讲堂“技术与市场”专题论坛上,中国船级社质量认证公司副总经理兼总工程师黄学良、AVEVA船舶及海洋工程行业拓展总监王华伟、美国船级社大中华区中国海洋工程研究部经理刘社文、中国船舶工业集团第七○八研究所海工部副主任倪明杰、  相似文献   

村镇银行是经银监会批准的,以服务"三农"和"小微"为主的县域级别法人银行机构。自2007年以来,村镇银行经历了十多年的发展历程,利用自身的优势特点,为当地农村经济发展提供有力的金融支撑,同时村镇银行自身发展也存在一些问题,部分业务发展受限,制约了村镇银行发展。笔者以青岛西海岸新区村镇银行发展为例,通过分析当前村镇银行发展现状和不足,有针对性地提出发展村镇银行的建议措施。  相似文献   

中国银行山东省分行的私人银行服务模式是1+1+1的专业服务模式,即一位贴身的私人银行经理(PB)+一位私人银行家助理(PBO)+一位经验独到的私人银行投资顾问(IC)。  相似文献   

何晓春 《浙商》2011,(8):71-72
3年前,张俊结束学业回国接班;3年来,杭州发达齿轮箱集团的船用齿轮箱销售额以平均每年40%的增速迅速增长。  相似文献   

信用卡这只十几年前的“王榭堂前燕”.已然飞入了万千平常百姓家。在今天,信用卡之于生活在都市里的中国人来说.不再是什么洋玩意儿。信用卡的客户争夺大战从人员营销“一对一”的贴身肉搏发展成如今走鬼档般铺天盖地的街头巷战。  相似文献   

老乡,今年过年带了多少钱回家?早从网上打回去了!新闻联播中的一个真实镜头,反映出网上银行对大众百姓日常生活的变革。因为不受时间、空间限制,能够在任何时间(Anytime)、任何地点(Anywhere)、以任何方式(Anyway)为客户提供金融服务。快  相似文献   

Beijing Olympic Committee announced recently that Bank of China become a partner of 2008 Olympic Games. Bank of China will provide abundant fund, banking financial products and related services for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and China Olympic Committee and China Sports team to participate in 2006 Winter Olympic Games and 2008 Olympic Games.……  相似文献   

Beijing Olympic Committee announced recently that Bank of China become a partner of 2008 Olympic Games. Bank of China will provide abundant fund, banking financial products and related services for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and China Olympic Committee and China Sports team to participate in 2006 Winter Olympic Games and 2008 Olympic Games.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of bank funding diversity on bank income and risk in emerging markets. We utilize a data sample which includes 37 Vietnamese banks for the period 2006–2015. We find that banks with diversified funding sources have advantages in improving profitability. However, we also find that banks with higher funding liquidity tend to participate in more risk‐taking activities. The findings contradict the notion that banks which have access to diversified funding sources are able to improve profitability without increasing their risk‐taking. The study has strong implication for banks managers and prudential authorities in emerging markets.  相似文献   

The extant workplace bullying literature has largely overlooked the potential role of culture. Drawing on cognitive consistency theory, culture’s influence on targets’ reactions toward subtle forms of bullying during its early stages is theorized. This theoretical analysis proposes that employees high in individualism and low in power distance are more likely to engage in resistance-based responses toward subtle acts of bullying than employees high in collectivism and power distance, respectively. Targets’ resistance-based responses, which are also influenced by learned helplessness deficits, along with perpetrator revenge behaviors, influence whether bullying becomes prolonged. A number of testable propositions are offered based on the conceptual model presented. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed and avenues for future research are offered.  相似文献   

全球性新冠疫情的爆发,成员国相关基础设施融资的紧迫性和资金需求激增,政府财政压力增大,迫使AIIB贷款增速快于原计划。对此,作为新建的发展融资机构AIIB积极高效应对,在全球抗疫事业中发挥着重要作用。它及时提供捐赠,改革贷款工具,简化审批流程,与国际同行机构充分合作。新冠疫情爆发后,AIIB加大了对医疗卫生相关项目的资金支持,在融资领域和资金额度上对国际发展融资体系的补充作用进一步凸显。与此同时,新冠疫情的发生和发展反过来也促进了AIIB的自身建设。一方面,在抗疫工作中的快速反应代表AIIB在一定程度上实现了成长;另一方面,抗疫工作也使AIIB进一步意识到,为持续在国际发展领域中扮演重要角色,作为成长中的机构未来有必要深入开展多渠道的国际合作,持续加强投资组合管理,并提升对私人资本的"催化"作用。  相似文献   

在现代航海事业中,安全可靠的通信技术是船舶安全航行和海上生命安全的重要保 障,具有重要的研究意义。为此,介绍了现代网络技术、新一代卫星通信系统、数字海洋技 术及新一代宽带无线移动通信技术等现代通信与信息技术的发展现状,分析了其在海事 通信中的应用,并就有关应用中存在的一些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Many developing countries suffer from shortages of technical capabilities which can provide a greater handicap to economic development than shortages of capital. The remarkable success of Korea has attracted much interest in how Korea acquired the requisite technology for its rapid industrial development. The few studies on Korea's technology acquisition tend to credit ‘internal’ factors such as the government's role in purchasing licenses, providing incentives and training. This article adopts a more holistic approach by considering some of the ‘external’ factors, in particular the role of Japan. It analyses first the various channels of technology transfer and shows the strong influence of Japan. Second, it analyses the motives behind Japan's transmission of technology. The article concludes by stressing that, although the role of the government was important, more attention should be given to the interests of the major donor, Japan in order to understand Korea's technological acquisitions.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of trait conscientiousness, from the Big Five personality traits, in explaining individual saving behavior. Conscientiousness is a disposition to be responsible and pursue non‐immediate goals; thus, we expect this trait to positively predict saving behavior. Using a nationally representative survey from Chile, we find the expected effect of conscientiousness on pension and bank savings.  相似文献   

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