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我国通信业经过多年的快速发展.取得了举世瞩目的成就。时至今日.我国通信水平无论从规模上还是技术先进性上均已过到国际领先水平,但是下一步我们又该如何发展?我们如何应对加入WTO后更加开放的通信市场?如何面对新技术的飞速发展?如何实现通信业做大做强的目标?  相似文献   

中国电信业逆风飞扬 中国电信业:风景这边独好 在过去的几年里,中国电信业经历了从积累到飞跃的高速发展时期.据统计,"九五"期间,中国通信业务收入年均增长28.8%,是同期国内生产总值GDP增长幅度的3.2倍.  相似文献   

China Satellite Communications Group Corporation (China Satcom) is a state-owned large-sized key enterprise formally established on Dec. 19, 2001 according to the general deployment of the State Council on telecommunication system reform. Relying on its complete service system, China Satcom provides various users with specialized and high quality information communication service.  相似文献   

中国联合通信有限公司(以下简称中国联通)作为我国打破电信垄断、引入竞争的一个新生儿,在相当长的时间内,生存空间狭窄。1999年后,作为原邮电部副部长的杨贤足掌舵中国联通。时间走到2002年岁末.杨贤足董事长接手仅仅三年多,中国联通已经取得了许多骄人的业绩:公司由成立之初的13.4亿元资本金起步,发展到已拥有807亿元净资产、1989亿元总资产,拥有世界第三大移动通信用户群、世界最大的无线寻呼网。1999年~2002年,公司移动通信用户年均增长163%,主营业务收入年均增长47%,实现利润年均增长49%。在2001年度全国企业集团排名中,资产规模列第7位,实现利润列第8位,成为我国电信行业的主要运营企业之一。2002年底,公司业务收入迈过500亿元关口。由于中国联通在2002年度以创新的精神、富有挑战性的工作和深刻的影响力成功打开了CDMA市场导入的大门,实现了在A股市场成功上市,杨贤足董事长被评为“2002 CCTV中国经济年度人物”。近日,杨贤足董事长接受了本刊记者的专访,就公司发展的有关问题作了详细的解答。  相似文献   

2019中国邮政科技成果交流会于2019年12月2〜3日在江苏南京国际展览中心举行。此次交流会以业技融合科技赋能为主题,由中国邮政集团有限公司主办,江苏省邮政分公司、邮政科学研究规划院、石家庄邮电职业技术学院、中邮信科(北京)有限公司承办,各省邮政分公司及直属单位共38家单位携近400项科技创新成果参展。  相似文献   

Despite the existence of the “great firewall,” advertising and public relations practitioners in China, much like in the United States, are embracing and enacting social media and digital strategies on behalf of their clients. In this study, we conducted 42 in-depth interviews with advertising and public relations practitioners in the United States and mainland China to explore how emerging media and integrated marketing communication (IMC) are impacting advertising and public relations agencies in the two countries. This cross-cultural comparison revealed several critical insights, which were examined through the lenses of IMC and dimensions of culture. We found that emerging media lead to converging trends in various aspects of agency performance. The blurring of paid, earned, shared, and owned media (PESO) was evidentially observed in how executives of both countries defined and used media. Chinese agencies were media agnostic, concerned more with effectiveness of media practices. The U.S. agencies embraced collaboration and information technology better compared to their Chinese peers. This research contributes to the body of knowledge in strategic communication via providing empirical evidence of how Chinese and U.S. agencies coordinate IMC and perceive PESO media relative and in response to emerging media practices.  相似文献   

老师们、同志们: 大家下午好!在2009年春节即将来临之际,很高兴能够参加学院组织的中国邮政网络大学建设学术研讨会。在此,我首先代表集团公司人力资源部及柯岩总经理向学院的各位领导和同志们表示亲切的慰问。  相似文献   

This study contributes to the growing research on government-issued information subsidies in mediated public diplomacy in a new media environment. It examines the online information subsidies issued by the foreign ministries of three countries—the United States, China, and Singapore—to address a gap in the literature that has given scant attention to how governments use news releases through online newsrooms for public diplomacy. The study is significant for its conceptual explication of public relations and public diplomacy through an integrative strategic communication framework grounded in relationship building as an end goal of public diplomacy. A Leximancer textual analysis of 13,714 public diplomacy texts published through the three countries’ online press rooms over 5 years (2008–2012) found limited congruence in themes and concepts between and among the three countries, even on the issue of human rights, a major diplomatic point of contention. The weak congruence suggests a modelling of public diplomacy on one-way communication, and reveals a fundamental obstacle to grounding engagement, dialogue and collaboration strategically in a context of co-existence, understanding, mutual interdependence and relationship building. Through a three-country analysis, this study conceptually extends the view of public diplomacy beyond the dyadic construction of public diplomacy that dominates the existing literature.  相似文献   

在邮储体制改革迅速深化,中国邮政储蓄银行成功实现第一年独立运营之际,隆重举行第17次邮政金融计算机系统安全运行工作会议暨2008年安全运行竞赛活动总结表彰大会.这次会议的主要任务:一是按照中国银监会办公厅<关于贯彻落实党中央、国务院通知精神切实做好元旦、春节期间银行业稳定与服务工作的通知>(银监办通[2008]255号文)的要求,进一步落实中国邮政集团公司刘安东总经理有关金融计算机系统安全生产的指示精神,切实加强春节期间邮政金融计算机系统运行维护工作;二是总结2008年邮政金融计算机系统安全运行工作,表彰在安全运行年活动中成绩突出的单位和个人;三是部署2009年安全运行任务.动员全国邮政金融信息技术战线的广大员工团结拼搏、奋发进取.继续把全国邮政金融计算机系统安全运行工作推向新的高潮,全力支撑邮储体制改革平稳推进和邮政金融业务持续、快速、健康发展.  相似文献   

尊敬的陈虹霞总经理助理、老师们、同志们: 本次中国邮政网络大学建设学术研讨会是在深入贯彻中国邮政集团公司工作会议精神,进一步研究落实2009年度工作任务的新形势下召开的。本次会议不但是学院贯彻集团公司工作会议和全国邮政教育培训工作会议精神、大力推动中国邮政网络大学建设的一个重要步骤,也是学院深人学习实践科学发展观活动、支撑新一轮大规模教育培训开展的一项战略举措。  相似文献   

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