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5月12日到14日。在越南的中国企业度过了惊魂72小时。根据中国驻越南使馆发布的信息,此次越南国内涉华游行和打砸抢烧暴力活动覆盖越南平阳、胡志明市、同奈、隆安、巴地一头顿、河静、太平等省市。截至5月21日,在此次打砸抢烧暴力活动中死亡的中国公民人数已达4人。事件发生后,中国外交部、商务部、国防部等多个部门向越南相关部门表达了强烈不满。5月20日.中国国务院新闻办公室举办的发布会上,商务部对外贸易司司长张骥表示,中方要求越南立即采取有效措施制止一切暴力行为,妥善安置受袭中方企业和人员,依法严惩所有犯罪分子,赔偿中国企业和个人的一切损失。同一天,我国赴越接返中方人员的客轮安全抵达海口。3553名中方人员被妥善安置。 相似文献
Nation-building is often proposed as a device for integration in ethnically divided societies. The determinants of national sentiment, however, remain imperfectly understood. This paper analyses the role of interethnic contact in the process of nation formation within multiethnic Yugoslavia, just before its disintegration in 1991. Using a variety of data sources and empirical strategies, I find that interethnic contact stimulated the formation of the Yugoslav nation. I argue that ethnic intermarriage is the key mechanism through which ethnic diversity influenced the adoption of a shared Yugoslav identity. These results illustrate the powerful effect that interethnic contact can have in reducing ethnic division even in a tense ethnic environment on the verge of conflict, like that of Yugoslavia. 相似文献
1997年亚洲金融危机后,国内房地产业呈现了高速增长。如今,房价高企,房地产业已经失去了增长动力,其支柱产业的龙头地位正在发生动摇 相似文献
HAIM FALK 《Contemporary Accounting Research》1989,5(2):816-826
Abstract. This report provides an overview of submissions to the Contemporary Accounting Research from its inception until 59 days prior to the end of my term as editor. A total of 615 articles, notes, comments and discussions has been submitted. Breakdowns by month of submission, topic, research method, number of authors and affiliated institutions as well as by country of author's residence, at the time of submission, are provided and some trends are calculated. The contribution to the advancement of Accounting Knowledge during the period analyzed can be judged by reviewing the first five volumes of the Journal and therefore is not addressed in this report. Résumé. Les lecteurs trouveront dans le rapport qui suit un tour d'horizon des articles qui ont été soumis à le revue Recherche comptable contemporaine, depuis sa création jusqu'à 59 jours avant que ne s'achève mon mandat à titre de rédacteur. Au total, 615 articles, notes, commentaires et études nous ont été soumis. Ces documents sont ventilés en fonction du mois de présentation, du sujet traité, de la méthode de recherche, du nombre d'auteurs et des institutions affiliées ainsi qu'en fonction du pays de résidence des auteurs au moment de la présentation, et certaines tendances sont dégagées de cette analyse. Il suffit de parcourir les cinq premiers volumes de ladite revue pour en apprécier la contribution à l'avancement des connaissances en comptabilité au cours de la période soumise à cette analyse, et c'est pourquoi le sujet n'est pas davantage approfondi dans le rapport qui suit. 相似文献
文章指出,从传统计划经济体制下,我国矿产资源无偿使用到现在的有偿勘探、开采,我国的矿产资源相关制度发生了质的转变,国家的矿产资源所有者地位得以明确界定,并在经济上以各种方式得以保障.尽管如此,随着矿业经济的发展,我国的矿业权有偿使用制度所存在的问题被不断暴露出来.针对我国现有的矿产资源有偿使用制度存在的问题,文章提出了完善征管机制、规范收支管理、建立矿产资源有偿使用制度、规范矿产权出让方式、活跃矿产权交易市场和保护矿业权人的合法权益等措施. 相似文献
数据挖掘技术目前已经在很多领域得到了广泛的应用,而且发展前景在国际上也得到了确认。为更好的进行客户关系管理提供支持,本文在系统总结基于数据挖掘的客户关系管理相关理论之后,并针对国内某移动公司具体案例给出基于数据挖掘排序算法的客户细分实证分析。 相似文献
Maano F Ramutsindela 《Development Southern Africa》1998,15(1):1-12
The reconfiguration of South Africa's internal territorial spaces after 1990 was a logical outcome of the need to undo the effects of decades of territorial dismemberment under apartheid. In spite of the spatial reordering of areas which were controlled and administered by town councils established during apartheid, the Town Council of Groblersdal and its area of jurisdiction have remained unchanged up to the time of writing. This article attempts to explain and analyse the survival of the town council of Groblersdal in the Northern Province. It argues that the town council used the vacuum created by the provincial boundary dispute between Mpumalanga and the Northern Province to maintain the status quo in spite of legal struggles to determine its political future. 相似文献