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梅慎实 《董事会》2008,(10):48-50
《公司法》将召集程序、决议方式等有关股东大会决议的程序作为其重要内容加以详细规定,目的是防止因程序不当而给股东利益造成不应有的损害。  相似文献   

T-30卧式加工中心(美旧CINCINNATIMILACRON公司生产),经常出现系统程序报警,或工件程序紊乱、丢失,甚至系统程序丢失的故障,致使机床运行时好时坏,影响了公划的生产、  相似文献   

对程序的总体要求 从性质上讲.商标法属于私法。但同时.为维护社会经济秩序.行政权力亦大量参与到这一过程中,商标法又具有很强的公法色彩。这在商标注册程序中表现最为强烈。这种特点决定了商标注册程序要以确立申请人、注册人的权利为核心、宗旨,完善行政程序.引导、规范行政机关正确行使权力,在商标领域内为权利人提供良好的法治环境。我国现行的《商标法》及《实施细则》  相似文献   

可编程序控制器应用在建筑电气方面,主要有塔式吊车,消防电气控制及电梯控制等。它的功能用来实现自动化、技术监测、数据采集显示提供给企业生产管理,它具有较高的控制功能,运行可靠,现场抗干扰能力强等优点。如何运用可编程序控制器?1.首先是选择生产可编程序控制器的厂商.索取该厂的使用说明书,编程操作手册和安装手册。根据以上的内容和技术资料,掌握好编程指令和操作符号(映象继电器的存贮通过接点编号)。统计出被控设备的讯号发生点数和受控点数,找出与统计结果相对应规格的可编程序控制器。  相似文献   

建筑市场管理及招投标监管工作,如何适应市场经济的发展,简化现有的招标程序,减轻市场主体各方的负担,特别是企业的负担,如何为企业提供更好、更快捷的服务,是当前必须面临的一项新任务。转变职能,简化程序目前,招投标工作的基本程序是:招标人持项目立项计划、报建、规划许可证  相似文献   

使用PCMCIA卡传输FANUC数控系统PMC程序,编辑、修改和调试相对简单。  相似文献   

数控机床加工程序的输入,原采用纸带传输或手工输入,存在效率低、自动删除原有程序、纸带不易保存等缺点。PCIN4.2和DNC4.0数据传输软件,传输程序快速准确。  相似文献   

技术性贸易壁垒与合格评定程序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着WTO和贸易自由化的发展,各国的关税水平大幅度降低,以及配额、许可证等非关税措施的逐步取消,大大促进了国际贸易的发展,技术贸易措施在国际贸易中的地位日益重要。合格评定程序是指任何直接或间接用以确定产品是否满足技术法规或标准要求的程序。合格评定程序是企业扩大对外出口、突破技术贸易壁垒的有效措施。  相似文献   

开采程序是影响露天矿投资、产能、效益的重要因素.选择合理的开采程序对露天煤矿的高效快速建设和减少基建投资具有重要意义。本史对西湾露天煤矿达产前8年的煤矿开采程序优化方案及效果进行了阐述。  相似文献   

自豪 《车间管理》1998,(3):19-21
所谓工作程序,是指工作进行中依其内在的联系和规律组合成的先后次序、步骤。工作程序,从表面上看,似乎浅显易懂,没有什么费解和难掌握的。但是,如果我们剖析那些屡屡进行的重复劳动、屡屡发生的混乱局面、屡屡出现的本末倒置等问题,则会发现:诸如此类问题之所以屡禁不止、屡见不鲜,在很大程度上是工作程序上有毛病。由此看来,工作程序看似简单,其时并不简单,你轻视它,它反过来折腾你。  相似文献   

项目群管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目群管理起源于项目管理,但是项目管理并不能完全代表项目群管理。对项目群以及项目群管理的相关知识进行了详细的分析和总结,并提出了项目群管理面临的挑战以及需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

The Food and Agriculture Program (FAP) of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) has been engaged in the development of a set of linkable national models for agricultural policy analysis since 1976, with the help of a network of collaborating institutions around the world. The purpose of the FAP is to study the effect on the domestic food situation in given countries of alternative policy measures as taken by their own governments, by the governments of other countries, and by international organizations which operate under specified international agreements.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the needs identified by three teachers during an investigation into their first experiences of implementing technology in their primary classrooms. One part of one teacher's case is presented in detail to illustrate that the meanings the teachers made of their experiences were related very closely to their beliefs about teaching and learning, to their understanding of technology as a phenomenon and to the place they saw technology having within the whole curriculum. One particular outcome of the investigation was that the teachers experienced a lack of knowledge of the scope and breadth of the technology learning area, and as a consequence, faced challenges in planning for the successful implementation of activities. In response to this particular need and to the many issues emanating from current research literature in technology education, the paper then presents two models for conceptualizing and planning units of work in technology in primary classrooms. The models form frameworks that may be useful to help structure thinking for authentic classroom planning and sequencing of lessons or learning experiences. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mean-variance analysis of Quick Response Program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quick Response Program (QRP) has been well established in fashion supply chains. It is known that QRP may not be equally good to all channel members and some measures have to be taken in order to achieve a win–win situation. However, little is known about the corresponding level of risk associated with QRP and some proposed measures. In light of this, we study QRP via a mean-variance (MV) approach. We illustrate how the measures such as price commitment policy, service-level commitment policy, and buy-back policy can be adjusted to achieve the MV win–win situation in which the channel members can be better off with considerations of both expected profit and risk. Numerical analyses are included and the analytical conditions for achieving both the supply chain channel coordination and the MV win–win situation are derived. Managerial insights are generated.  相似文献   

构建基于DLLs的可扩展软件结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
程序的运行完全绕开编译器是不可能的,但可以把那些来自DLL库、用于驱动设备的函数或其他目的性很强的函数从主程序中分离出来,实现一种可扩展的软件构架,即不在程序中直接调用函数,而是将需要调用函数写在一个脚本里,在程序运行时去读这个脚本,根据脚本的内容载入相应的动态连接库并执行其中的函数,这样就形成了一种灵活的软件结构,使软件的可伸缩性得到改善。本文介绍在C++源程序中嵌入汇编语句来构建基于DLLs的可扩展软件结构的方法,并提供部分源代码。  相似文献   

计算机应用水平的不断提高,使得本科非计算机专业的计算机教学重点向程序设计转移。构造程序设计课程考试平台,是保证程序设计课质量的基础。笔者从计算机程序设计教学的角度提出了基于Windows平台下应用程序代码测试方案,并在教学实践中予以实施,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

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