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李忠 《金融与市场》2014,(4):33-35,39
从国外经验来看,社区银行是一种非常成功的经营模式,这种模式对于推动我国商业银行转型发展具有借鉴意义.本文分析了美国富国银行社区银行的经营特色及其成功经验,提出了借鉴富国银行经验,推动转型期我国银行业发展的对策建议.  相似文献   

富国银行并购特征、绩效评估及其启示北大核心   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
肖建军  黄彦菁 《新金融》2009,(11):40-43
受并购主体、并购客体以及并购市场环境等各种复杂因素的影响,单一并购行为是否成功并不受并购行为一般统计规律的约束。因此,研究并购具体案例比研究并购一般统计特征更具有现实意义。本文选取富国银行作为研究对象,基于富国银行并购行为具有频率高、持续性长、规模大、逆经济周期性等特点,并结合该行经营绩效长期发展趋势,发现富国银行的并购活动具有提升该行综合经营绩效的作用。在此基础上,本文从富国银行并购战略制定、并购对象选择以及并购后整合三个角度总结富国银行的经验及其对我国金融机构的启示。  相似文献   

论文分析了利率市场化给商业银行带来的机遇及挑战,在此基础上,研究了美国利率市场化过程中富国银行的经营模式。研究发现富国银行与农行在外部环境和内部条件上均有相似之处,部分成功经验值得农行借鉴,论文基于此提出了农行在利率市场化环境下的四点应对策略:一是立足商业银行传统业务,服务实体经济;二是以客户需求为导向,注重交叉营销;三是调整客户结构,向零售客户倾斜;四是逐步完善风险定价和风险管控机制。  相似文献   

黄隽 《金融博览》2012,(10):17-18
今年以来,中国宏观经济形势出现了近十多年来少有的严峻局面,企业利润普遍下滑,经济增长乏力.银行不良贷款率显著上升,各银行的利润增速放缓.未来经济下行给银行带来的风险值得关注. 理论和实践均证明,宏观经济形势对商业银行的经营会产生较大的影响,商业银行的经营具有明显的顺周期性.  相似文献   

小微企业是我国社会经济发展的重要力量,在推动社会发展、完善经济结构、解决社会就业等方面具有不可替代的功能,但我国商业银行在服务小微企业方面却存在明显的"排小性",普遍认为小微企业业务收益小、风险大,对办理小微企业信贷业务积极性不高。相比之下,美国富国银行却通过采取交叉销售策略,有效的降低了小微企业的办理风险,提升了收益,成为各国银行学习的典范,分析和研究富国银行交叉销售策略,对推动我国小微企业信贷业务转型具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

关于商业银行混业化经营的研究由来已久.20世纪80年代,金融创新及自由化的发展使分业经营的界限逐渐模糊,1999年美国颁布的<金融服务现代法>使混业经营的法律地位得以确立,并成金融业发展的新趋势.2008年的金融危机再次对混业经营提出了挑战.本文在回顾我国混业经营进程的基础上,通过对美国银行、花旗银行和富国银行的净收入...  相似文献   

如何应对经济周期性波动带来的风险是商业银行面对的重要课题。本文在分析我国经济周期性波动对商业银行影响的基础上,提出要以发展的态度来看待问题,经济下行和紧缩的宏观经济政策在给商业银行带来困难的同时,也促使商业银行加快改革创新和业务转型步伐,完善公司治理,提高综合经营能力和风险管理能力;监管部门也应创新监管机制和政策,为我国银行的改革创新和发展壮大提供宽松的环境。  相似文献   

商业银行的亲周期性是指宏观经济波动会对商业银行的经营产生巨大的影响,而商业银行也会通过信贷活动推动经济周期的形成和加剧经济的周期性波动。在宏观经济萧条时,信用违约将会显著增加;相反,在经济繁荣时,信贷质量则会明显改善。因此,银行信用也呈现萧条时收缩、繁荣时扩张的特点。信用卡业务与商业银行其他信贷业务类似,也会深受宏观经济波动的影响。本文在例举近10年来我国香港经济环境变化对信用卡市场影响的基础之上,分析了信用卡行业亲周期性对信用风险计量的影响,同时根据我国实际情况提出了相关风险缓释策略。  相似文献   

富国银行是全球最先进的商业银行之一,其经营转型对中国商业银行具有重要的借鉴意义。本文以中国农业银行为例,从7个层面探讨员工和网点数量最多的银行的转型之道。  相似文献   

混业经营的诱惑与现实——浅谈交叉销售的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萧兵 《国际融资》2003,(7):30-30
商业银行的未来在金融混业,而金融混业的成败在于交叉销售。富国银行是美国金融业在混业经营方面公认的典范,他是如何运作的?请看  相似文献   

Wells Fargo's recent acquisition of First Interstate Bancorp represents one of the relatively uncommon cases in which the economic values of both the acquiring and acquired banks increased sharply upon announcement of the deal. The transaction is also one of the few cases where the bidder in a major bank acquisition chose purchase instead of pooling accounting–despite the fact that the deal was openly hostile and that Wells Fargo had to fight off a competing bid from First Bank Systems.
Based on the stock market's reaction to this merger battle, as well as the results of their study of 153 bank mergers over the period 1985–1991, the authors argue that the most promising mergers are those presenting large opportunities to reduce costs by eliminating redundant operations. The stock market is much less responsive to other merger rationales such as diversification or entry into new markets in pursuit of growth.
The Wells case also suggests that a preoccupation with the accounting treatment of a merger is a mistake if it becomes the primary reason for turning down a deal that creates economic value, or if it prevents the bidder from choosing the lowest-cost method of financing the deal. Throughout the bidding contest for First Interstate, the stock market responded positively to the success of Wells Fargo's efforts, even though purchase accounting would have a large adverse impact on reported earnings.
But if the stock market does not appear to care about the accounting treatment of a merger, the method of financing does appear to matter to investors. In general, acquisitions financed with cash are viewed more favorably by the market than stockfunded transactions. The evidence also suggests, however, that acquiring firms can reduce the negative impact of stock deals by making conditional offers (those in which the number of shares depends on the stock price performance of the acquirer) and by combining such offers with stock repurchase programs.  相似文献   

花旗银行与富国银行增长方式及其业绩表现的对比表明,以推进大型并购为主的外延式增长虽然有助于商业银行迅速做大规模,却容易忽略核心业务、盈利能力与风险管理建设,难以实现可持续发展。我国商业银行应借鉴国际同业经验,从市场定位、业务结构、盈利模式和资本约束机制等方面入手,实现平衡增长。  相似文献   

2006年上半年工行、中行、建行、交行经营态势比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
胡婕  何崇阳 《金融论坛》2006,11(11):3-7
在中国经济持续快速增长的大背景下,已经完成财务重组、引进战略投资者并积极推动经营转型和公司治理改革的工商银行、中国银行、建设银行和交通银行2006年上半年经营绩效持续改善,并展示出了各自显著的发展特色。本文依托这四家银行2006年中期报告披露的经营及财务信息,对四行2006年上半年经营发展的基本态势进行了梳理与分析。结果显示,从整体来看,这四家银行的总体经营发展态势良好,未来发展都面临创造长期可投资价值、培育核心竞争力、提高风险掌控水平、加强区域发展战略研究等一系列新议题。  相似文献   

In this panel that also took place at the recent SASB Symposium, senior representatives of four leading institutional investors—BlackRock, Ca lPERS, Ca lSTRS, and Wells Fargo—emphasize the relevance of ESG data for “mainstream” investors and the importance of integrating it with traditional fundamental analysis rather than viewing it as a separate set of reporting responsibilities. Moreover, the logical place for integrating ESG information is in the most forwardlooking section of financial reports, the “Management Discussion and Analysis,” or “MD&A,” which would be strengthened by including more and better information about the companies' ESG risks and initiatives. Some panelists noted that ESG information is likely to be valued by investors because of its ability to shed light on “idiosyncratic” risks that are not captured by the traditional risk factors that have long dominated asset pricing models. Others described ESG information as helpful in evaluating and comparing the “quality” of management in portfolio companies. But all agreed that efforts like the SASB's to standardize ESG data are essential to successful integration of that data into the decision‐making process of large mainstream investors. And as the panelists also made clear, there is an important generational component to the growing movement to integrate ESG into mainstream investing, with Millenials—and particularly Millenial women—showing especially strong support.  相似文献   

Judicial Reform and Economic Development: A Survey of the Issues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acknowledging the importance of sound judicial systems to goodgovernance and economic growth, the World Bank and several otherdonor organizations have funded judicial reform projects inmore than two dozen developing countries and transition economiesduring the past few years. Yet little is known about the actualeffect of judicial reform on economic performance or even aboutwhat elements constitute a sound reform project. This articlesurveys a wide range of current studies on judicial reform andfinds some surprising results.   相似文献   

I investigate how monetary policy can avoid a deflationary slump when policy rates are near zero by studying interest rate policy during Japan's “Lost Decade.” Estimation results suggest that the Bank of Japan's interest rate policy fits a conventional reaction function with an inflation target near 1%. The disapointing economic performance thus seems primarily due to adverse economic shocks rather than extraordinary policy errors. Also, counterfactual policy simulations suggest that simply raising the inflation target would not have substantially improved performance. However, price‐level targeting or combining a higher inflation target with an aggressive output response would have achieved superior stabilization results.  相似文献   

自2012年9月份以来,美联储、欧洲央行以及日本银行(中央银行)纷纷推出量化宽松政策,其间日本银行在9月19日、10月30日和12月20日,四个月内连续三次推出量化宽松政策,这在日本历史上实属罕见。日本银行是在2001年初最早使用这一非传统金融政策的中央银行,中国与日本经贸往来密切,日本银行的量化宽松政策必将对我国经济和金融政策带来一定的影响,如何直面和应对,是摆在我们面前刻不容缓的课题。  相似文献   

金融控股公司控制下的上市银行绩效及其协同效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从理论角度论述金融控股公司与全能银行以及经营单一业务的金融企业相比具有比较优势;并构建“税前经营现金流收益率”指标,对金融控股公司控制下的上市银行绩效进行评估,并对这一指标进行分解和进一步分析。结果显示兴业银行表现较优,而中信银行和招商银行经营绩效逊于单一经营的银行平均值,显示两家银行未能有效实现金融控股公司内部的协同效应。  相似文献   

本文结合人民银行工作会议精神,在认真分析形势的基础上,结合上海总部辖区特点,全面部署了人民银行上海总部2010年的各项工作。  相似文献   

新巴塞尔资本协议较旧巴塞尔协议最大的突破是在银行监管中引入了透明度原则,即信息披露制度.该制度立足于社会利益论、立足于银行是一个公众公司.信息披露制度是市场约束的基础和保障、是第一支柱和第二支柱的补充、是一种有限信息披露的理念.但该制度要求范围过于宽泛增加了银行的无效成本,在统一标准方面尚存在一些问题.  相似文献   

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