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文章通过对车身车间主生产线改造前后进行对比、分析,说明新改造的车身车间主生产线在工艺、工装、运行效率等方面的巨大优势。两年的生产实践表明,经改造后的主生产线具备工艺布局更合理、生产效率大幅度提高、实现多种车型柔性化生产等优点,达到“生产批量少、生产车型多”的生产要求。  相似文献   

该文介绍一种利用简单设备,进行大范围内平面度、直线度测量的方法,以及该方法在大型焊装生产线的搬迁过程中的测量应用。  相似文献   

正水泥,用专业术语表达,是一种粉状水硬性无机胶凝材料。经过加水搅拌后,水泥将成浆体,在空气中硬化或者在水中更好的硬化,并能把砂、石等材料牢固地胶结在一起。长期以来,作为一种重要的胶凝材料,水泥被广泛应用于土木建筑、水利、国防等工程。水泥的生产也备受关注,其中硅酸盐类水泥的生产工艺在水泥生产中最具代表性,是以石灰石和粘土为主要原料,经破碎、配料、磨细制成生料,然后喂入水泥窑中煅烧成熟料,再将熟料加适量石膏(有时还掺加混合材料或外加剂)磨细而成。  相似文献   

传统IE模型均基于在制品库存与工人行为互相独立的假设。近来一些学者提出低在制品库存能给工人带来正激励作用。但在对我国一些产品组装类型的民营企业调研中发现,相比低在制品库存装配线,高在制品库存装配线对工人的激励效应更为显著。本文对高在制品库存装配线产生的激励效应提出多个假设,并通过装配线的模拟实验进行了验证,最后进一步研究分析了结论所适用的企业类型。  相似文献   

葛立波 《价值工程》2015,34(8):223-224
流程再造管理已成为推动现代企业发展的必然选择。本文笔者结合实践经验,浅析如何推进流程再造管理,以提升企业生产效率。  相似文献   

谢海啸 《价值工程》2015,(19):152-153
行走架焊接体是河北宣化工程机械股份有限公司平架系列推土机的主要组成部分,在实际加工过程中,检测到小孔尺寸公差有时超出允许范围,严重影响产品质量,针对此问题进行研究,专项解决这个问题,最终达到提高产品加工质量的目的。  相似文献   

Between the Ivory Tower and the Academic Assembly Line*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper considers the impact of managerialism and the reactions it has engendered in university life. It examines the degree to which institutions of higher education in the UK have in recent years been subjected to what some commentators have seen as a managerial assault, alongside economic pressures to restructure and reform, and explores the reactions of academic and administrative staff in middle and junior levels through a case study of two universities. Consideration is given to attempts to introduce managerial controls, including the setting of targets, appraisals and peer review, as well as to the resistances which followed. It is argued that the notion of resistance to domination and control has been underplayed in the literature of organization and management. In exploring its various manifestations it is shown that managerialism is not fully embedded in university life and that matters are far from settled. It is contended that those engaged in academe in middle and junior levels of the organizational hierarchy are actively seeking to keep alive the craft of scholarship by mediating and moderating the harsher effects of the changes through supportive or transformational styles of working.  相似文献   

任明宙  徐克林 《物流技术》2007,26(9):115-117
针对汽车配件制造企业喷漆车间中的喷漆线,应用统计过程控制(SPC)技术对影响喷漆线产品质量的因素进行分析,着重对影响喷漆线产品质量的人为因素进行量化,并建立方程进行研究,找出了影响喷漆线产品质量的主要因素,并提出了相应的改进意见。  相似文献   

企业自行设计的装配线存在着一些固有问题,通过现场作业时间测试计算平衡率发现装配线平衡存在较大问题,通过仿真分析找出空闲率过高的主要工位;经过工位分析后采用合并、拆分部分工位、调整工位作业人员数量、改善生产现场等措施实现装配线平衡优化,优化方案效果明显,其研究成果在行业内也具备一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique for comparing the results of different assembly line balancing strategies by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Initially, several heuristics--which can be thought of as assembly line balancing strategies--were used to solve seven line-balancing problems. The resulting line balance solutions provided two pieces of information that were of particular interest: the number of workers needed and the amount of equipment needed. These two items were considered inputs for DEA. The different line balance solutions were then used as layouts for simulated production runs. From the simulation experiments, several output performance measures were obtained which were of particular interest and were used as outputs for DEA. The analysis shows that DEA is effective in suggesting which line balancing heuristics are most promising.  相似文献   

张来新  陈强 《价值工程》2012,31(18):232-233
简述了传统的有机化学实验课考核方法的弊端,阐述了改革传统的有机化学实验课考核方法的必要性和紧迫性,并建立了新的有利于培养学生创新能力、促进教与学、提高有机化学实验教学质量的考核新办法。  相似文献   

根据笔者多年从事中低压开关柜设计生产的实际工作经验、体会,谈谈提高二次线制作工艺的一些措施,以期提高相关作业人员的技能水平,确保能安全、有效进行生产,提升产品质量,使相关企业能取得更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

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