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目前我国已成为世界公认的纺织生产大国、消费大国和出口大国,但同时纺织行业依然面临着严峻的挑战,例如2005年大量的贸易摩擦事件的出现等等,这些警示着我们不能再单纯依赖数量和低价格取胜,而是要在科技创新、品牌建设等多方面狠下功夫.可喜的是,我国纺织企业已经根据自身的实际进行卓有成效的调整和改进,比如在科技创新方面,其重要性已经被我国纺织企业理解并接受,透过不久前召开的2005年度中国纺织科技表彰大会,我们就发现了很多在科技创新方面值得推崇的进步.……  相似文献   

徐海云 《中国纺织》2007,(12):54-57
越是竞争激烈时代,科技创新的力量越是彰显。中国纺织工业经过多年快速发展,由大而强,由多而精的趋势要求企业更加重视科技创新的贡献力。可以说,科技创新决定着一个企业的明天,决定着中国纺织的世界地位。今天创新火种的点亮,必将照耀中国纺织的未来。[编者按]  相似文献   

董正 《中国纺织》2012,(6):96-97
继百位创新人物之后,我国纺织行业的创新队伍又新添了20位精神领袖。2012年5月8日,201 1中国纺织行业年度创新人物表彰大会暨论坛在北京首都大酒店召开,中国纺织工业联合会会长王天凯,中国纺织工业联合会名誉会长杜钰洲、许坤元等领导出席了此次活动并担当颁奖嘉宾,马建荣等20人荣获2011纺织行业年度创新人物称号。当天,中纺联正式发布了《建设纺织强国纲要(2011~2020)年》,更为本届创新人物  相似文献   

中国纺织工业企业管理协会是我们会员企业共同拥戴的社团组织。二十年来,协会为我们纺织业的改革深化、技术进步、管理创新起了非常重要的促进作用,我及鹿王集团全体员工衷心祝愿协会在新世纪继续团结广大成员单位,为再铸中国纺织业新的辉煌发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

3月27日,2010中国纺织行业年度创新人物表彰暨论坛活动在京举行,王凯等20人杰出人物成为行业创新的榜样。他们在加强科学管理,推进结构调整,加大科技攻关和产品研发,推动自主品牌建设,全方位开拓国内国外两大市场等方面取得了突出业绩,并产生了全行业效应。十二五时期是全面建设小康社会的关键时期,是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期。如何实现创新发展,切实为十二五经济社会发展开好局、起好步,2010中国纺织行业年度创新人物的评选表彰活动,显得格外重要,意义深远。  相似文献   

2010年,在一系列不利因素影响下,湖南纺织行业紧抓落实产业振兴规划的发展机遇和中央扩大内需的一系列利好政策,大力倡导科技创新和自主品牌建设,努力提高科技和品牌的贡献率,使全省纺织行业实现了平稳较快的发展。  相似文献   

"在当前行业困难较重的形势下.不少中小企业纷纷倒闭,金融危机给纺织企业带来了巨大的压力和挑战,尽管如此,我们依然不能放弃依靠创新求发展的决心.政府政策的调整,只能是一个导向,得到暂时的支持和压力缓解,根本的出路还是企业自身的创新和产业调整,所以我们依然要下决心把创新的事业做好.为此,纺织行业仍然需要表彰先进,传播经验,带动全行业的创新."近日,中国纺织工业协会新闻发言人、<中国纺织>杂志总编孙淮滨在谈到2008中国纺织年度创新人物评选活动时表示.  相似文献   

<正> 企业核心竞争力包括了企业理念,企业制度,企业组织,企业文化……。其中最根本的是企业的科技创新力。一个企业,如果拥有了强大的科技创新力,才能不断地发展、壮大,才能在市场竞争中保持竞争优势而不衰败。为了发展山东纺织,实现山东由  相似文献   

3月27日上午,2010纺织行业年度创新人物表彰及论坛在北京首都大酒店举行。中国纺织工业协会领导杜钰洲、许坤元、王天凯、季国标、王曾敬、林乃基、陈树津、杨东辉、高勇、张延恺、孙瑞哲、徐文英、宋  相似文献   

闫文佳 《中国纺织》2013,(11):57-59
又到一年即将结束的时候,在每年的这个日子,在北京人民大会堂的会场里,都会有一次纺织行业的科技教育奖励盛会,这样的传统已经持续了几年.这是一次纺织科技教育成果的大检阅,我们在这里可以看到有这样一群人,他们为纺织行业的科技教育事业默默奉献,他们是深爱纺织的披荆斩棘奋力前行的领军者,也是纺织强国路上实现"中国梦"的践行者."纺织之光"在他们心中生根发芽,成为一股凝聚行业的正能量.  相似文献   

“CHINAPLAS国际橡塑展”将于4月在上海举行 近年来,随着汽车、煤炭、电力、建材、机械工业等产业的持续发展,以及高铁、高速公路和机场建设等基础建设的推动下,轮胎、胶管胶带、工程橡胶产品等橡胶制品的需求量进一步增长。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an underemphasized issue in research on user innovation, namely users' adaptations and micro-innovations and their impact on industry development in user-innovation-intensive industries. It complements previous analyses of rodeo and freestyle-kayaking that explore the role of user innovators in industry development, by focusing on different aspects of micro-innovation: (1) changes in the composition of user base and preferred equipment (2) evolution of everyday practice (3) changes in the settings of these practices and (4) the range of modes of user involvement. Through micro-innovation, users, on the whole, are likely to have more impact on industry development than predicted, and yet the position of lead-users and user–manufacturers may be less powerful relative to outside manufacturers.  相似文献   

The basic hypothesis in this paper is that a gap tends to develop over an industry's evolution between potential innovators in a company and the organizational mainstream. The innovative gap is a function of the type of innovation needed for longer-run survival and the disposition of the mainstream organization towards innovation. This hypothesis is used to predict which of four popular organizations for innovation is most suited to each stage of an idealized industry's evolution. The predicted organization set is discussed in terms of well-known cases, and tested in an exploratory manner using executive survey data.  相似文献   

徐海云 《中国纺织》2006,(3):82-86,88,89
印染是纺织产业链中的关键环节之一,印染加工的优劣对体现纺织品服装附加值和提升产品竞争力起着决定性作用。我国印染行业在取得进步的同时,依然难以摆脱利润空间低、环境污染等困扰。自主创新能力低是症结。中国印染行业协会理事长李金宝提出,只有加快自主创新步伐,印染行业才有大突破。江苏紫荆花纺织科技股份有限公司和山东宾州的华纺股份有限公司,在谈及发展秘诀时,同时归功于创新二字。在他们看来,在印染行业,自主创新并非只决定着利润高低,还决定着企业的生存与否。  相似文献   

This paper aims to introduce issues that relate regulation and innovation in the telecommunications industry. We try to address the following question: which types of regulatory schemes are likely to promote innovation in a fast-growing telecommunications industry? Section 2 analyses ex ante control by sector-specific regulation and ex post control by competition policies. Section 3 deals with the importance of compatibility hence regulation of standards in the telecommunications industry. Section 4 discusses the major issues pertaining to the relation between innovation and pricing on the one hand, and innovation and unbundling on the other.  相似文献   

There is little empirical research on how the Chinese Government should function in innovation management, particularly during its critical period of economic transition. This study explores and investigates the Chinese Government's innovation management structure, procedures and functions by interviewing government R&D management officials and industrial innovation managers and users. Questionnaires were distributed to industrial innovation practitioners and users of new steel products to solicit their perspectives on innovation policy issues. Findings indicate that current government innovation management procedures have received a tepid welcome from the industries. While there was general agreement that the government should maintain some involvement in industrial innovation, opinions regarding just how the government should intervene differed significantly between producers and users. Producers generally favoured more indirect government involvement. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

科技成就中国纺织未来   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
导向作用更重要 金秋十月,纺织科技界也迎来了自己的收获季节.10月1 3日,在人民大会堂召开的首届全国纺织科学技术大会上,共对72项科技进步奖、73项科技贡献奖和7项国际合作奖进行颁奖、奖励.中国纺织工业协会会长杜钰洲在会上作了<加快纺织科学技术进步,为早日建成现代化纺织强国而努力>报告.在报告中,杜钰洲指出,科学技术进步是新中国纺织工业五十五年发展历程的主线,加快科技进步是中国纺织工业应对后配额时代机遇和挑战的必然选择,并结合<纺织工业科技进步发展纲要>提出了纺织科技进步的指导方针和发展目标.  相似文献   

With the advent of the Internet and social media platforms, advertising has become cheaper and more effective in reaching consumers. This paper studies the effect of better informative advertising on innovation and industry growth. This paper finds that improvements in informative advertising can lead to costly entry deterrence. Because advertising and innovation are complementary, better advertising raises the threats of entry. When innovation spillover is present in an industry, an incumbent firm has incentives to strategically lower its own innovation to deter entry. As a result, better advertising in innovation-intensive industries can have negative consequences on industry growth and consumer welfare. This paper also investigate the role of innovation spillover on entry deterrence.  相似文献   

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