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体验经济时代旅游景区营销策略创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕敏  王显成 《市场论坛》2008,(12):47-49
体验是旅游的内核。在体验经济时代,旅游景区实施体验营销有着更为积极的意义。文章从旅游的内核入手,提出了旅游景区实施体验营销的意义和作用。文章在分析体验营销的流程上,提出了旅游景区体验营销的实施模型,并对旅游景区体验营销的策略做了分析。景区实施旅游营销是大势所趋,忽视游客体验的旅游景区在体验经济时代将难以维持,景区应该努力实施体验营销。  相似文献   

体验经济来临,体验营销的环境在我国已初步形成,我国企业在体验营销观念、实施方面存在较多问题,应进一步更新观念,对体验营销进行系统的规划和实施。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,消费者重视的不仅是商品和服务本身,更渴望获得体验的满足,力图满足消费者体验需要的体验营销应运而生。企业应在把握消费者所需体验的基础上制定相应的策略,并通过多种途径向消费者提供体验。只有尽快把体验营销这一新的营销理念付诸实践,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得竞争优势。本文介绍了体验营销的概念和特征,在此基础上从体验营销的设计和实施策略两方面,对体验营销的实施关键点进行了分析,论述了体验营销在感官、娱乐、情感、文化四个方面的实施策略和方法。  相似文献   

基于体验营销的医药保健品营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体验营销成为医药保健品重要的营销模式,本文主要从体验营销的内涵、保健品体验营销的操作流程、保健品的体验营销策略和保健品体验营销策略的实施几个方面对其进行研究,希望对我国医药保健品营销有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

体验营销是一种为体验所驱动的营销和管理模式,很快将取代传统的营销和经营方法。本文分析体验营销的策略,引入顾客满意与品牌体验的相关概念,提出基于体验营销的顾客满意与品牌体验实施策略。  相似文献   

随着体验经济时代来临,体验营销在房地产业日益得到广泛应用。本文从房地产体验营销现状分析入手,对当前体验营销存在的误区进行了探讨,进而提出实施数据库支撑的定制体验营销、鼓励消费者参与的全程体验营销、积极探索网络模拟体验营销三种改进策略,得出这将是我国房地产业走出体验营销困局,实现营销策略创新的可能途径。  相似文献   

饭店服务过程的本质就是顾客的一种体验,所以饭店业是体验业的典型代表。本文通过分析饭店体验营销的概念,饭店体验营销的特征,以及饭店体验营销发展的必然性提出体验经济下饭店的战略营销手段——体验营销及其实施的策略。  相似文献   

王安琪 《江苏商论》2009,(12):118-119
体验经济时代已经到来。面对顾客需求的变化,企业需转换营销观念,实施体验营销。星巴克的咖啡体验是体验营销的杰出代表,包括情感体验、氛围体验、感观体验和社会体验。  相似文献   

体验营销——一种新颖的营销方式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了体验营销产生的现实原因,在阐述体验营销的基本涵义和 类型的基础上,对体验营销的实施方式进行了较为详细的探讨。最后提出在实施过 程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

随着消费者的品牌意识日益增强,不少知名化妆品品牌厂家纷纷转向直营连锁经营模式,这种转变与体验营销有着内在的必然联系。本文通过对化妆品品牌直营连锁模式与体验营销的分析,指出在直营体系下化妆品品牌实施体验营销的有利条件,并强调了直营体系与体验营销对提高化妆品品牌竞争力的相辅相成的作用,最后提出化妆品品牌直营连锁经营实施体验营销的相应策略。  相似文献   

关于灰色营销道德评价的一个初步调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在调查的基础上分析了人们对灰色营销的道德评价问题。调查结果显示,人们对于推销中不同的灰色营销手段有不同的道德评价,且对某些有道德问题的营销行为并不反感;在道德评价上,人们对于推销人员的灰色营销行为的反感程度明显低于采购人员的灰色营销行为。文章认为,市场营销在中国的这种道德环境反映了中国传统文化对人们意识的深远影响,企业在制定市场营销道德规范时,要充分考虑这种实际环境,不提出过高的道德要求,要具体界定道德与不道德的行为,在理念上明辨是非,以提高员工的道德素质;从社会角度看,整治灰色营销行为,建立公平竞争环境,关键在于建立科学的采购制度,限制采购代理人的灰色营销行为。  相似文献   


Although marketing is commonly theorized to have originated at the dawn of exchange itself, few scholarly articles explore the history of marketing beyond this cursory recitation of the commonly accepted origin story of the field. The evolution of complex commercial exchange is presented as a natural outgrowth of the development of human society as opposed to the willful and intentional efforts of early merchants. Using disparate and archaic sources, this article synthesizes historical accounts and archival information to show that entrepreneurs have always practiced relational marketing from prehistoric eras and continued to do so throughout pre-industrial and post-industrial eras when the bulk of the literature claims that the scale of modern production rendered relational marketing ineffective and nearly obsolete. In doing so, we add to the virtually non-existent literature documenting entrepreneurial marketing in the early, pre-industrial history of commerce.  相似文献   

This paper expands the definition of gray-marketing to include some ethically problematic marketing activities and techniques used in personal selling in China. Based on this, a conceptual model of gray-marketing for a particular type of selling in which both the sellers and the buyers exhibit problematic ethics in an exchange and the associated hypotheses are developed and tested. The findings show that, first, the respondents have different ethical evaluations of different marketing practices used in personal selling such as giving and accepting gifts, buying and accepting meals, and offering and accepting kickbacks. Some of these practices may not be considered unethical. Second, in terms of ethical assessment, gray-marketing practiced by buying agents is more unacceptable than when practiced by sales agents. Third, a person’s ethical evaluation of gray-marketing behavior, empathy for gray-marketing, and belief that gray-marketing has serious consequences, significantly affects his inclination to use gray-marketing. This paper concludes with a discussion of some possible applications of our research findings. Both authors contributed equally to this work. Guijun Zhuang (Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong) is a professor of marketing in the School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, the People’s Republic of China. His current research interests include marketing channel behaviors, relationship marketing, and consumer choice. He has published in European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, and many leading marketing and management journals in China. Alex S.L. Tsang (Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong) is an assistant professor at the Department of Marketing, Hong Kong Baptist University. His research currently focuses on cross-cultural consumer behavior, marketing in China, and marketing communication. He has published in Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, and Business Horizons, among others.  相似文献   

Meta-Analysis in Marketing when Studies Contain Multiple Measurements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most meta-analyses in marketing contain studies which themselves contain multiple measurements of the focal effect. This paper compares alternative procedures to deal with multiple measurements through the analysis of synthetic data sets in a Monte Carlo study and a re-analysis of a published marketing data set. We show that the choice of procedure to deal with multiple measurements is by no means trivial and that it has implications for the results and for the validity of the generalizations derived from meta-analyses. Procedures that use the complete set of measurements outperform procedures that represent each study by a single value. The commonly used method of treating all measurements as independent performs reasonably well but is not preferable. We show that the optimal procedure to account for multiple measurements in meta-analysis explicitly deals with the nested error structure, i.e., at the measurement level and at the study level, which has not been practiced before in marketing meta-analyses.  相似文献   


Recently marketing has witnessed an explosion of interest in creating and maintaining relationships. It is widely being heralded as a revolutionary new way of responding to markets. But has this ?new“ method been explored or practiced before? Undertaking an early century literature review, the author uncovers evidence that writers and practitioners of 1910-1935, contrary to current belief, incorporated relational methods and espoused a relationship philosophy. Results indicate that relational selling was not only practiced for the benefit of the seller, but was also for the customer and the relationship. Conclusions about why relationship selling disappeared only to resurface again at the end of the twentieth century are put forth  相似文献   

This study considers the role of global marketing strategy and its relation to market orientation, international experience, and performance in the high tech products context. Knowledge of this important domain of global marketing strategy and performance remains limited. In this respect, the study raises a number of important questions concerning how market orientation, international experience and global marketing strategy impact performance. The study empirically tests predictions of relationships by using mail survey data from 172 business units of high tech firms. Findings from the research sample support the argument that market orientation, international experience, and global marketing strategy are the key antecedents of organizational performance. Market orientation and international experience influence global marketing. The article concludes with theoretical and managerial implications of the research findings.  相似文献   

随着体验经济的到来,消费需求已朝着多样化与个性化发展,消费者在满足自己对商品功能的需求之外,开始更加关注对消费过程本身的体验。在这强大的经济浪潮下,一种新的营销模式——体验营销,已经成为目前最有竞争力、最具说服力的营销模式。通过以雅芳公司为例进行分析,不难发现雅芳公司在为顾客提供各种体验过程中,综合运用了6E营销组合策略。该策略具体表现在精心设计体验,让顾客实现情境体验、事件体验与浸入体验的结合,全面实施印象体验策略,建立支撑体系等方面。该策略的实施让顾客得到了全方位的体验,赢得了顾客对雅芳这一品牌的忠诚。  相似文献   

Stealth marketing has gained increasing attention as a strategy during the past few years. We begin by providing a brief historical review to provide some perspective on how this strategy has been practiced in a myriad of ways in various parts of the world, and how it has consequently evolved in the emerging new marketplace. A more inclusive definition of stealth marketing is then proposed to conceptually understand its use in various contexts. Specifically, we propose a new typology of stealth marketing strategies based on whether businesses or competitors are aware of them, and whether they are visible to the targeted customers. We further provide suggestions of how firms can counter the stealth marketing strategies used by their competitors. Contrary to conventional wisdom, evidence is also provided about how such strategies can be used for “doing good” for society. Finally, the assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of stealth marketing strategies, and their related ethical implications, are discussed.  相似文献   


Despite the growing importance of brand experience and event marketing, research addressing what constitutes brand experience in an event marketing context is scarce. The purpose of this article is to develop a conceptualization of brand experience that is specifically applicable to an event marketing context. Drawing on qualitative data collected from an international motor show, which is an important form of event marketing in the automotive industry, this article develops a conceptualization of brand experience as consumers' multifaceted interaction with brands enabled through four interrelated processes of multisensory stimulation, bodily performance, social interaction, and discovery/learning. In turn, these four interaction processes trigger perceptual, embodied, social, and epistemic brand experience. Drawing on data and the relevant literature, the article elaborates on these dimensions of brand experience and discusses their theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Three decades ago, planned obsolescence was a widely discussed ethical issue in marketing classrooms. Planned obsolescence is topical again today because an increasing emphasis on continuous product development promotes shorter durables replacement and disposal cycles with troublesome environmental consequences. This paper offers explanations of why product obsolescence is practiced and why it works. It then examines the ethical responsibilities of product developers and corporate strategists and their differing responses to this problem. Pro-environment product design and marketing practices and innovative government policies may alleviate the problem over time. However, given the current lack of understanding about consumer replacement and disposal behavior, it is questionable as to whether these practices and policies will be sufficiently informed to be effective. Thus, marketing scholars have a significant opportunity to contribute to sustainable durables product development.  相似文献   

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