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纺织品原产地规则与纺织品国际贸易   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
<正> 随着贸易自由化的发展,关税作为保护贸易的一种措施,其作用在减弱。为弥补关税作用的不足,尤其是70年代新贸易保护主义的抬头,各种非关税措施层出不穷,不仅严重影响了国际贸易的发展秩序,而且还给一些发展中国家的对外贸易带来越来越不利的贸易环境。原产地规则就是非关税措施的主要形式之一。  相似文献   

隐性非关税措施:我国保护国内市场的策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受世界贸易组织贸易自由化原则及我国削减关税水平承诺的影响,我国保护国内市场的主要手段将从关税措施转向非关税措施,而在非关税措施中,又应从显性非关税措施向隐性非关税措施转变,即向那些虽不直接限制进口数量,但却在实际上起到阻碍进口作用的措施转变.从紧迫性和重要性出发,在我国加入世界贸易组织后的相当一段时期内,国内立法、技术标准、卫生安全要求这三种隐性非关税措施是特别值得我们认真研究、对待和逐步推行的.  相似文献   

多功能贸易管理手段:纺织原产地规则评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾强 《国际贸易》1997,(5):31-34
多功能贸易管理手段———纺织原产地规则评介顾强随着贸易自由化的发展,关税的削减,关税作为保护贸易的一种措施,其作用正在减弱,为弥补关税作用的不足,尤其是70年代新贸易保护主义的抬头,各种非关税措施(NTM)层出不穷,不仅严重影响了国际贸易的发展秩序,...  相似文献   

非关税措施近年来对我国国际贸易的影响越来越重要,由于其表现形式多样,针对性、灵活性强,具有隐蔽性,对于我国产品的出口日益产生重要的影响,针对目前国际贸易中非关税措施新的发展形式以及对我国进出口贸易的影响,文章总结了应采取的措施。  相似文献   

王艳秀 《商业时代》2012,(32):49-50
美国经济波动与贸易保护程度存在相关性,本文选择经济波动的主要计量指标:经济增长率、通货膨胀率、失业率和进出口增长率等来构建贸易保护风险模型,运用1986-2008年数据,对美国贸易保护主义波动情况进行实证测算分析,由此可验证美国经济增长、失业、通货膨胀和国际收支状况的恶化对美国贸易保护波动的影响状况。在经济波动的情况下,运用这些指标可以测度美国贸易保护主义发生的概率。  相似文献   

对外开放程度度量方法的研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从贸易方面度量开放程度的指标有外贸依存度、关税率、有效保护率和数量限制平均覆盖率、非关税壁垒覆盖率、价格扭曲度等。从金融角度来研究开放的指标有外汇黑市溢价、本国对外投资和吸收外资的流量、存量、增长率以及它们占GDP的比重等。有些学者运用计量方法测算选定指标的理论预测值,通过比较实际值与理论预测值的差异来度量开放程度。国内学者一般选择3至6个分指标的加权平均值来度量我国经济的对外开放程度。  相似文献   

本文从分析李斯特的保护贸易理论入手,结合国内外经济背景,对我国重返关贸总协定的适度贸易保护措施进行探讨,认为李斯特的保护贸易理论具有其内在的合理性,关贸总协定中很多保护性条款使是这些合理性的体现,国际上新贸易保护主义的抬头和中国“返关”后企业受到的挑战决定了我国采取适度贸易保护的必要性。应采取自由贸易为主、自由贸易政策与适度的保护相结合,实行差别关税,以非关税措施为主,充分利用GATT保护性条款,增强企业保护意识等措施,以争取适度的贸易保护。  相似文献   

本文基于产品层面详细梳理了中国10个FTA中敏感农产品的关税、原产地规则以及其他非关税措施的总体特征、产品特征和国别特征,同时总结了中国对不同贸易伙伴和不同产品的保护策略。研究结果表明:中国FTA中农产品对外开放相对保守,贸易保护措施相对简单;除政治目的性较强的FTA外,针对不同的贸易伙伴,中国主要考虑双方比较优势、贸易流量以及对方国家出口潜力等内容而采取关税、原产地规则和其他非关税措施的"交叉保护"、"双重保护"等4种策略;针对不同产品,中国主要基于产品的政治敏感性、比较优势以及相关产业的政治力量等内容而采取"交叉保护"、"双重保护"和"一般保护"等7种策略。  相似文献   

朱华 《国际市场》2002,(6):22-23
农产品市场在入世后可获得哪些利益? 首先,加入WTO后,我国可以享受40多年来关贸总协定各缔约国在开放贸易、降低关税方面所取得的进展成果,并可取得大多数成员方无条件贸易最惠国待遇,尤其是对发展中国家的优惠待遇.乌拉圭回合后,无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,都取消了非关税措施,均以关税及关税配额的形式来管理农产品贸易,这就有利于减少其他国家对我国农产品出口的非关税限制措施等不公平待遇,促进我国农产品进入国际市场.  相似文献   

<正>随着世界经济危机向纵深发展,各国政府为了保护自己的经济体系纷纷出台了一系列带有明显贸易保护主义色彩的壁垒措施,国际标准壁垒等在国际贸易发展中正逐渐取代传统的非关税贸易壁垒,成为发达国家重要的贸易保护手段。面对愈演愈烈的新型壁垒,强化政府的公共管理者作用十分必要。一、建立标准壁垒的预警机制建立标准壁垒预警机制对于我国对外贸易健康发展意义重大,因为国际标准化机构和各国政府及其标准化机构经常对其  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of the recent proliferation of Specific Trade Concerns raised at the WTO on non‐tariff trade measures (NTMs), with a focus on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) and technical barriers to trade (TBTs). Even though NTMs are imposed de jure to protect consumers from unhealthy products, they increase trade costs de facto. So, when tariff protection lowers, NTMs become effective barriers to trade and the exporting countries can complain at the dedicated committee at the WTO (STCs). Therefore, we study whether STCs are raised by exporting countries as a consequence of tariff reductions in importing countries, that is when non‐tariff measures become barriers to trade. Using a recent database on STCs over the period 1996–2010, we find empirical evidence that SPS and TBT concerns are raised by exporting country as a consequence of importer's tariff cut.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of reducing non-tariff measures (NTMs) in major ASEAN countries. New econometric estimates of the impact of different types of NTMs are used in a global supply chain model to separately model the effects on intermediate products and those sold to final consumers. We also distinguish between whether the NTM cost burden is directed at exporters or importers. This paper makes important advances in modelling the heterogeneity of NTMs, offering much richer policy analysis of the impact of NTMs on supply chains in the Asia-Pacific region than has previously been possible. We illustrate the benefits, both to the major ASEAN countries and to their trading partners, from the partial liberalisation by ASEAN countries of their most trade distorting types of NTMs. Such liberalisation increases the GDP and welfare of all countries, with the effect particularly pronounced for the major ASEAN countries themselves, especially Vietnam and the Philippines. As trade in plant products and animal products is particularly affected by NTMs, these sectors show the largest expansion of trade.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of trade protection rates on evasion in three African countries Kenya, Mauritius, and Nigeria. In capturing the effect of trade protection on tariff evasion, we use a much improved measure of trade protection (MAcMap-HS6 2001 and 2004). For two of these countries, this dataset allows the novelty of using variation in trade protection across product, time, and trading partners leading to significantly refined estimates of evasion elasticity relative to existing studies on tariff evasion. We find a robust evidence for positive elasticity of evasion with respect to tariffs in Kenya and Nigeria with relatively weaker evidence for Mauritius. Our results match the rankings of countries in institutional quality. Greater responsiveness of evasion to the level of tariffs is established in Nigeria (comparatively weak institutional quality) vis-à-vis Kenya, and in Kenya vis-à-vis Mauritius (comparatively good institutional quality). This pattern is preserved even when focusing on same set of trading partners and same set of imported products for the three countries. This result is robust to controlling for protection on related products (that creates incentives/ opportunities for evasion) and also for degree of differentiation of the product and some other characteristics.  相似文献   

随着世界贸易自由化进程的不断加快,非关税壁垒特别是技术性贸易壁垒成为各国新的贸易屏障,许多国家通过制定严苛的卫生及植物卫生措施限制进口,以保护国内市场。《SPS协定》对中国农产品出口造成了正、负两方面效应,从中分析中国农产品出口的现状及存在问题,法律上应补充、完善中国的标准立法体系、加强技术法规制定、建立卫生与植物卫生措施的预警机制、建立相关的法律协助机构,同时应利用《SPS协定》等应对措施,以便趋利避害促进中国农产品出口贸易的长效发展。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国农产品标准化水平大幅提高,极大地促进了农产品贸易的发展,但与发达国家还存在很大的差距,这种差距是导致我国对发达国家出口受到贸易限制的主要原因,同时也使得我国不能像发达国家一样,将标准化作为贸易保护的政策工具。运用引力模型从实证角度对标准化对我国农产品贸易的促进效应和贸易保护效应的检验也证实了这一观点。我国必须采取措施,提高农产品标准化水平,促进对外贸易的发展。  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):59-76
Empirical results on the links between trade openness and economic growth often suggest that, in the long run, more outward‐oriented countries register better economic growth. However, a similar level of trade openness can hide different types of trade structures. The aim of this paper was to enrich the way of measuring trade openness taking into account two different dimensions of countries’ integration in world trade: export quality and export variety. Based on the estimation of an endogenous growth model on a panel of 169 countries between 1988 and 2014 using a generalised method of moments estimator, our results confirm that countries exporting higher quality products and new varieties grow more rapidly. More importantly, we find a non‐linear pattern between the export ratio and the quality of the export basket, suggesting that openness to trade may impact growth negatively for countries which are specialised in low‐quality products. A non‐linear relationship between export variety, the export ratio and growth is also found, suggesting that countries increasing their exports will grow more rapidly after reaching a certain degree of the extensive margin of exports.  相似文献   

Trade coverage ratios are calculated to assess the 1989 incidence of non-tariff measures (NTMs) on imports of major industrial nations. Recent trends in NTM use are evaluated. Industrial nations are found to make heavy use of NTMs to regulate trade flows. Overall, about 24% of all imports are found to be covered by one or more NTM. Considerable changes in NTM use have occurred over the 1986-1989 period. The major factor responsible for this trend is the increased reliance placed by the United States on the use of antidumping/countervailing duty actions and voluntary export restraints.  相似文献   

Yu Ri Kim 《The World Economy》2019,42(9):2684-2722
The importance of aid for trade as a tool for facilitating trade, economic growth and social development has received attention since the concept was introduced in 2005. While one of the main targets of aid for trade is export diversification, reflecting the fact that the exports of many developing countries are concentrated in a small range of items, there have not been many efforts to measure the effect of aid for trade on export structure. This study, therefore, attempts to trace the relationship between aid for trade and 133 aid recipients' export structure between 1996 and 2013. Using the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index to measure the degree of export concentration, the findings suggest that total aid for trade has reduced the concentration level in the short run. In the long run, on the other hand, aid for trade has had no significant effect on export structure of recipient countries. Only aid for building productive capacity, which is one of the three categories of aid for trade, contributes to lower concentration. Yet, this change is not caused by an increase in export diversity but by the redistribution of shares of existing products of a similar sophistication level.  相似文献   

Previous studies have generally found evidence that countries with open trade systems have grown more rapidly than those that followed a protectionist path. There has been some evidence, however, that openness and growth have not been directly linked. The strength of this linkage was re-tested, controlling for some of the possible confounding factors involved in previous studies. The analysis was restricted to industrialized nations rather than including both industrialized and developing countries. Further, an empirically derived measure of openness was used rather than average tariff rates, or weighted tariff rates, or coverage by non-tariff barriers. The empirical measure was based on actual import levels, controlling for wealth, population size, and customs area membership, thus providing a relative measure of openness with more precision. The ensuing analyses indicated that for the industrialized countries, the linkage between trade openness and growth was weak and inconsistent, although there was no evidence that open trading systems hindered growth.  相似文献   

This paper looks empirically at the implications that protectionist measures implemented during the current crisis may have had for a country’s ability to attract foreign direct investment. The research utilises data on such measures that are available from Global Trade Alert, combined with bilateral FDI data between OECD countries and a large number of partner countries for 2006 to 2009. This allows us to examine the short‐run effect that protectionist measures may have had on bilateral FDI flows. The verdict from this analysis is clear: a country that implements new protectionist measures may expect that this may result in lower foreign direct investment inflows into the economy. The point estimates from our preferred specifications suggest that, depending on the empirical model, the implementation of a trade protection measure is associated with about 40 to 80 per cent lower FDI inflows. Trade protection does not appear to have any implications for the country’s FDI outflows, however. The negative effect on FDI inflows does not appear to be due to direct investment measures but rather to actions related to intellectual property rights protection and other more trade‐related measures.  相似文献   

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