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In the lead‐up to the 2009 climate change discussions in Copenhagen, the role of China began to take center stage. It had just become the world's largest emitter of carbon emissions, and it was taking the lead to represent developing nations at the talks. It was a coming‐out party for China that elevated its role to a position of significant responsibility, at a time when China really was not capable of meeting the obligations they themselves set out. While China's internal focus may be seen externally as stymieing a global effort, it may be exactly what the world needs. A practical approach to fixing “local” problems that in turn recalibrates the very systems that are constantly stalled at the global levels from the bottom up. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

我国应对气候变化的融资策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候融资是生态文明建设的关键环节,也是中国经济低碳转型的重要保障,在发展过程中面临多重挑战。第一,要明确气候融资目标,制定气候融资战略规划,从融资主体、时间战略、空间战略等三个层次,在目标设定、路径选择、重点任务、核心渠道及政策组合等方面作出合理部署;第二,要健全气候融资管理体制和政策体系,适时出台相关法律法规;第三,要激活气候融资机制,扩大公共资金来源,推动国内碳市场发展。  相似文献   

段颖 《中国海关》2001,(9):32-34
4月6日,早春时节.北京还有些凉意. 下午4点,首都国际机场货运处仍然是车水马龙. 北京市某贸易公司经理杨某正在接收从肯尼亚首都内罗毕经英国伦敦发到中国北京的货物.杨某一米七三的个头,留着生意人流行的板寸,练达、稳重.一切手续都齐备,没有任何纰漏.验票之后,一个标号为AKE30219BA装有445公斤皂石雕刻工艺品的包装箱被装上一辆蓝色的小型卡车.杨某一身轻松地拉开"桑塔纳"轿车的门.两辆车一前一后,相随着驶出了机场专用道,风驰电掣般地向昌平方向奔去.杨某志得意满地轻击着方向盘,盘算着再过一个小时货物就可以安全到家了.然而,他断然不会想到,在身后的车流中,有几辆北京海关调查局、侦查分局的车子,已经紧紧地盯住了他.一张由中国和英国海关联手布下的打击象牙走私的大网,正在收紧.  相似文献   

补贴是各国目前所普遍采用的应对气候变化措施之一。但是,依据现有补贴与反补贴(SCM)规则,很多以应对气候变化为真实目的的补贴都可能被判定为禁止性补贴或可诉性补贴,从而在很大程度上限制了WTO成员采取应对气候变化补贴措施的自由。因此,要为各国推行正当的应对气候变化补贴铺平道路,就必须对SCM协定的相关规则进行修改和完善。目前比较可行的办法是借鉴GATT第20条模式,增加环保例外条款。  相似文献   

鲍文 《商业研究》2011,(5):205-209
通过国际贸易与气候变化的关系,本文审视了碳关税作为贸易领域减缓气候变化措施尚存在的问题,认为即使碳关税为世贸组织所接受,在传统意义上也未必能成为一种有效的保护产业竞争力的手段,在亟需全球合作的时刻反而会适得其反。目前,全球的产业合作协定、技术共享等可能更为有效。从长期看,碳关税成为气候政策的一部分将是必不可少的,它可以成为减缓和适应气候变化的重要措施,中国须未雨绸缪。  相似文献   

This paper outlines and reviews four major changes that have occurred in the UK public house retailing (PHR) sector since 1989, that is the 1989 ‘Beer Orders’, the changing socio-economic context, public house estate investment, and financialisation. While these changes have been taking place, it is argued that a degree of continuity (discussed in terms of people, the regional brewer/retailers, and control and business development) is to be found underpinning this period of turbulence in the sector, which is typically not foregrounded to the same extent. The paper illustrates the change and continuity argument with primary data gathered by the author through a longitudinal study of the industry, and concludes with a discussion linking UK PHR change and continuity.  相似文献   

何帆 《市场研究》2010,(1):19-21
<正>哥本哈根气候大会,场内争锋相对,相互角逐,场外如火如荼、声势浩大。自哥本哈根气候大会伊始,各国民间力量也齐聚哥本哈根,一方面使用层出不穷的方式宣传气候变化严重性;一方面表达民意,敦促大会代表达成  相似文献   

This paper aims to apply game theory matching mechanisms to international climate change negotiations using numerical analysis in order to overcome the free-riding problem without a central authority. The analysis found that the mechanisms can increase the reduction by 2.5 times compared to the case without the mechanisms. It also demonstrates that coupling it with an emission trading scheme could reduce total abatement costs, and improve countries’ payoffs substantially. Matching mechanisms could be tabled in international climate change negotiations based on the conditional pledges which are currently proposed by the European Union and a few other countries.  相似文献   

This article examines employment patterns in British retailing during the 1980s. It focuses on two debates central to contemporary economic sociology: the flexibility thesis and theories of skill and technical change. The data derive fiom the ESRC's Social Change and Economic Life Initiative and represent a sample of 72 retailing establishments fiom six localities in Britain. The article reveals that technological change had not produced much in the way of deskilling: rather, it had enskilled the work of already qualified and trained employees. Whilst part-time employment had increased in many stores, there was little evidence of any significant growth of other kinds of peripheral labour.  相似文献   

This article highlights the export potential trade gap in climate smart goods (CSG) in Asia in 2008. Using the trade gravity equation, this article estimates trade value and measures potential trade gap. This potential trade gap suggests that there is a scope to increase the export of CSG. This study identifies individual trade partners and focuses on the trade opportunity in CSG in Asia.  相似文献   

暴雨、洪水、风雪……城市越来越频繁地遭受种种极端气候的侵袭。如何帮助城市应对气候变化?美国弗吉尼亚大学景观建筑系主任克里斯蒂娜·希尔(KristinaHill)是气候变化如何影响建筑环境及自然环境这一领域的专家。她指出,专业设计师们必须从实际和心理两方面做好准备帮助城市适应气候变化。"我们经济的未来,多数人的健康、安全以及福利都要依靠现在的最佳实践"。令她欣慰的是,已经有城市着手积极应对气候变化。  相似文献   

Change in the size distribution of UK firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the extent of change and stability in the population of UK firms through time in terms of its size distribution, as defined by number of employees. It was empirically found that the distribution of employment by firm size remained surprisingly constant over the 1987–1989 period. A major implication of this finding is that in times of very high net job creation (involving high gross job creation and loss), factors are at work in the economy to keep the population distribution of firms (in terms of employment concentrations) more or less stable. It is hypothesised that a natural concentration exists for each different size band, and that as change takes place, the proportion of total employment based in the size band will tend towards this natural level.The rise in the proportion of employment in small firms, and the comparatively high job creation ability of small firms in recent times has come about in part because of negative rather than positive macro-economic influences. In recession, small firms in aggregate in spite of their individual volatility, are the most resilient. In prosperous times they do not increase their proportion of employment share, while in times of recession they do. Our results imply that large firms have a very significant, if not the most significant, bearing upon aggregate employment trends. On the other hand, small firms inherently have more potential to create jobs than large firms.The majority of public expenditure and legislative support for UK business is directed at large firms, as a result of culture and tradition. Even with the benefit of this support, large firms in recent decades have still performed badly, in job generation terms. In contrast, small firms have shown an inherent advantage in their ability to create jobs. A shift of government expenditure and legislative support from large to small firms would further enhance and realise the potential of small firms to benefit the economy and create jobs.  相似文献   

Learnt from PBoC. by the end of Dec. last year. Chinese urban and rural rcsidents' bank deposits have surpassed 14 trillion yuan. In last January. the remaining sum of residents' deposits once surpassed 12 trillion yuan. And what's more, in May, the number broke 13 trillion, Now it is the third time that it has surpassed trillium yuan,  相似文献   

This study examines perceptions of ethical climate and ethical practices of 118 successful Chinese managers among business students and managers in the Zhejiang province of China. The impact of different ethical climate types on perceived ethical practices of successful managers was also investigated. The “rules” was the most reported, and “independence” was the least reported, among the various climate types. A majority of the respondents perceive successful managers as ethical. In addition, those who believed that their organization had a “rules” climate perceived a strong positive link between success and ethical behavior. None of the other climate types had an impact on the link between success and ethical behavior.  相似文献   

WTO与UNEP联合报告:《贸易与气候变化》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年6月26日,世贸组织(WTO)与联合国环境规划署(UNEP)共同发表了一份报告:《贸易和气候变化》——首次阐释自由贸易与气候变化的关系。报告主要通过文献研究和调查各国政策的研究方法分析了贸易和气候变化的联系。报告从四个层面分析了相互交织的贸易和气候变化问题,包括"当前气候变化的科学体系"、"贸易与气候变化的理论与证据"、"应对气候变化的多边协作"、"减缓与适应国家气候变化政策及其对多边贸易的影响"。WTO和UNEP一直寻求在实现可持续发展问题上建立合作伙伴关系,该报告正是双方合作的重要研究成果。  相似文献   

There is a direct physical relationship between the quantity of raw materials used in industrial processes, the energy required and, hence, GHG emissions. The latter are emitted in all stages of the product lifecycle: extraction, production, consumption and waste management.  相似文献   

10月25日,由中国社会科学院-中国气象局气候变化经济学模拟联合实验室组织撰写、社会科学文献出版社出版的2009年气候变化绿皮书《应对气候变化报告(2009)——通向哥本哈根》在京正式发布,绿皮书分析了当前国际气候谈判和未来走势。  相似文献   

10月25日,由中国社会科学院-中国气象局气候变化经济学模拟联合实验室组织撰写,社会科学文献出版社出版的2009年气候变化绿皮书<应对气候变化报告(2009)--通向哥本哈根>在京正式发布,绿皮挡分析了当前国际气候谈判和未来走势.  相似文献   

【正】It will be easier for Chinese consumers to get access to British food and fashion,thanks to the new online initiatives of the UK in China’s fast-growing e-ma...  相似文献   

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