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3M教学法是深圳旅游学院顺应旅游教育国际化的要求而提出的本科旅游教学改革模式。本文通过对 3M教学法实施情况的调查 ,以学生评价为基础对 3M教学模式的实施效果进行了分析 ,就进一步完善和提升 3M教学模式提出了建设性的创新策略  相似文献   

针对基于体演文化教学法的高职旅游管理专业人才培养模式分析,主要从体演文化教学法创新了高职旅游管理专业人才培养的理念,体演文化教学法创新了高职旅游管理专业课堂的教学模式,体演文化教学法创新了高职旅游管理专业的实践教学方法几个方面,进行有效评价。  相似文献   

本文阐述了中职旅游服务与管理专业教学中应用案例教学法的优点,我们提出了中职旅游专业教学过程中案例教学法的运用建议:一是案例教学法的应用要求,二是结合合作讨论法进行教学,三是进行合理的教学评价优化案例教学法。  相似文献   

体演文化教学法是美国汉语教学专家从对外汉语教学的现状出发,深入探讨教学过程中的理论与实践方面问题的教学方法。其主要是为让学生能够在真实的情境当中体验合作与实践。体演文化教学法为当前高校旅游管理人才培训提供了更加科学高效的教学新思路,在帮助学生的同时,显著地提高了教学水平。本文将对高校旅游管理,人才培养中体演文化教学法的应用进行简单分析。  相似文献   

刘丹 《西部旅游》2023,(2):91-93
中职旅游管理专业以培养旅游业所需的高素质应用型人才为目标,为了满足人才需求,需要应用行之有效的教学方法,而案例教学法具有理论与实践相结合的突出优势。文章首先通过构建案例教学法的框架,即规范教学案例开发方法和过程,以“导游业务”这门课程为例,展开实际教学及比较分析,结果表明案例教学法能够有效提升教学质量,然后针对中职旅游管理专业教学案例开发提出几点建议,以期为旅游管理专业课程的案例开发提供必要的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

目前旅游业的产品已经落后于市场的成熟和旅游者需求的变化,培养具有创新素质的旅游人才已经是旅游高等教育急迫的使命。旅游高等教育创新教育教学体系由“知识面宽、综合性强、选择性大、课程模块化”的知识培养体系、“双渠道”实践能力训练体系和旅游高等教育创新教育质量管理体系3部分组成,“产、学、研”有机结合的教育教学模式是旅游高等教育具有创新教育意义的实践。  相似文献   

现如今教育体制的不断完善,为教育产业的发展提供了更多的机遇及挑战。由此可见,高校在旅游管理专业的教学改革过程中,需要对现有教学模式进行创新,及时解决师资投入、课程设计、教材内容、考试范围、教学定位方面的问题,进而提高旅游管理专业的教学效率。基于此,本文就旅游管理专业教学改革思路进行了总结。  相似文献   

随着教育体系的不断完善,许多高校开始重视实践教学体系的地位和作用,但大多数高校的旅游管理专业,面临着实践教学师资力量匮乏、实践教学目标不够明确、校内实践教学设施设备紧缺、实践课程设置不合理、校外专业实习层次不高、校企合作缺乏有效的动力机制等问题,导致旅游管理专业实践教学质量难以保证。因此,构建旅游管理专业协同创新实践教学体系,推进旅游院校与旅游酒店企业协同创新,对提升旅游管理专业人才培养质量,更好地满足旅游行业发展对高素质人才的需求,意义重大。  相似文献   

旅游服务管理是职业院校教育的重要专业之一,随着旅游行业的快速发展,该课程受到的重视程度也越来越高,在旅游服务管理教学过程中应该要积极加强对学生的创新意识、服务意识的培养,使得学生成为全能型人才。本文对职业院校旅游服务管理专业教学存在的问题和对策进行分析。  相似文献   

随着教学教育的发展改革,在大多数院校实际教学过程中,已经根据教学需求增设了旅游摄影摄像课程,并且在摄影课程中应用到项目教学法。本文分析了项目教学法的含义还有摄影课程的特点,探究了项目教学法在摄影课程中的应用,同时讨论了项目教学法在摄影课程的应用实践启示。  相似文献   

情意教学作为一种运用现代教育、心理学原理进行教学的新型方法,在当今大学生素质教育中显得非常必要。本文分析了旅游史教学运用情意教学的必要性和意义,探讨了制定旅游史情意教学目标的方法,提出了在旅游史教学中运用情意教学的具体构想,总结了实施情意教学应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The application of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to higher education is an essential element in the improvement of open and flexible teaching–learning. This is particularly important for students of tourism, a sector in which the relationship with technological processes and their everyday use is increasing. This article describes the experience of students of an “Introduction to Economics” in a tourism degree that was involved in this initiative. It is based on the information provided by a quantitative and qualitative survey to obtain the start profile of students, gender differences and mainly the attitude of students towards the use of the wiki and blog as educational tools. As a result, it is highlighted that the implementation of these technological teaching tools increases the interest and engagement of students with the subject.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the learning style preferences of new entrants onto hospitality and tourism programmes in Australia and the United Kingdom. It suggests that a majority of students on these programmes in both countries have strong learning style preference that present some challenges to educators and the planning of learning experiences in higher education. Typically these students prefer learning styles that are concrete rather than abstract, and active rather than reflective. Furthermore, substantial minorities register low or very low preferences for learning in abstract and reflective styles. The initial learning style of new entrants on to taught programmes, therefore, present substantial teaching and learning barriers for educators who are attempting to develop reflective practitioners. Inappropriate teaching strategies can present some genuine learning difficulties for these students. In Australia, educators face added complexity because students from Confucian heritage backgrounds display learning style preferences at odds with their piers. They are more likely to respond positively to abstract and reflective approaches but negatively to active and concrete teaching strategies. The authors suggest one way of approaching the learning needs of these students is to use Kolb's experiential learning cycle as a way of encouraging the development of ‘balanced’ learning strategies that lead to reflective practice.  相似文献   

在当今信息时代 ,培养旅游专业学生的计算机应用能力成为当务之急。笔者在选择适合旅游专业学生的教学内容、采用案例教学法、改革考试方式几方面做了一些改革探索 ,力争达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine the growth and development of tourism education within Great Britain, with specific reference to the situation in England and Wales. This is a subject that has received relatively scant attention since the publication of a number of seminal papers produced in the mid to late 1990’s and early C20th. The paper reviews how tourism education has developed from relatively humble origins to that of a subject taught in a wide variety of education institutions. It examines what programmes seek to achieve in terms of knowledge skills development and preparing students to meet the labour needs of the tourism industry. It also reflects on where tourism education is going in terms of courses, course philosophy, levels of study, subject content and teaching and learning strategies.  相似文献   


The use of experiential learning in tourism and hospitality education is well-documented in literature. Experiential learning studies in this field may include, for example, internship experiences, field trip perceptions, conferences, and social events. However, there is still insufficient literature to understand students’ learning and their real-world experience in MICE education, especially in the exhibition sector. This study, therefore, addresses this gap by reporting the experiential learning of graduate students in an event course with the objectives to investigate student perceptions on academic learning experiences and the development of work-related skills by carrying out the exhibition project. Students are challenged to perform a complicated task as a real exhibition organizer, and to deal with other stakeholders of the exhibition industry (e.g., exhibition venue, exhibitors, contractors, and visitors). The experiential learning method is discussed through the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process. The results indicate that students not only gained in-depth learning about the exhibition industry, but also developed important work skills (e.g., teamwork, planning, and coordinating skills). Moreover, classroom learning, industry visits, and real-world experience are found to be the important factors contributing to exhibition learning. The current study contributes to the limited exhibition learning literature and provides event educators new insights into the teaching and learning of exhibition-based projects in regard to how students plan, learn and carry out the exhibition event through the case of Thailand. Other similar courses may apply the learning processes and results of this study to develop effective experiential learning in MICE education.  相似文献   


Students for whom English is a Second Language (ESL) and who are engaged in English based education can generate a range of pedagogical and ethical issues for educators. A multiple case study conducted in 1999 investigated issues associated with the education of ESL students from lecturers' perspectives and identified teaching strategies used by lecturers to counter the pedagogical and ethical issues. Pedagogical issues related primarily to English literacy standards of students, tailoring curricula and teaching practice to meet ESL student needs. Strategies used included monitoring of teaching strategies, provision of additional textual support, mixed groups, interactive learning, team assignments and limited use of examinations. Ethical issues were associated with the business versus academic enterprise of education and accepting students whose language ability was questionable and who subsequently expected to achieve a positive outcome-an English degree.  相似文献   

梁文慧  李玺 《旅游学刊》2011,26(2):89-94
以人为本的理念和学以致用的理念是教育中的重要思想。对于旅游管理专业的同学而言,了解其需求,并对不同类型学生的英语学习期望、学习特点以及学习方式等进行分析,有助于采用较具有针对性的方法提升学生英语学习的积极性以及成效。文章以澳门科技大学国际旅游管理专业的学生为对象,综合运用了问卷抽样调查以及深度访谈等方法,分别从学生在英语学习方面的行为特征与规律、影响英语学习效果的因素以及教师和业界人士对英语学习的认知等方面进行了分析。最终提出,旅游管理专业的英语教学应该注重业界与高校学生交流,增强其英语学习的主动性;积极创新课堂教学形式,提升课堂英语教学的吸引力;尊重学生英语水平的差异,实施个性化教学与培养;完善校园英语学习环境,渲染浓厚的英语学习氛围。  相似文献   

随着互联网的出现及其在社会上的迅速普及 ,以及随之而来的电子商务对社会产生了深刻的影响 ,而高等学校的青年学生又是接触和使用互联网的一个重要而且广大的群体 ,因此 ,互联网的出现和普及对高等学校的教育产生了不可忽视的作用。同时 ,由于旅游业所具有的特性使其能够更好、更便捷地和电子商务产生关联。因此在教学过程中 ,正确处理和使用互联网将会对教学产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

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