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高倩怡 《商》2013,(7Z):121-121,105
美国次级贷款危机从2007年一季度爆发至今,全球许多顶级金融机构都受到了不同程度的打击,蒙受了巨大的损失,此次危机的爆发原因和途径引起了国内外大量金融学者的关注和研究.国外学者对影子银行系统的研究较为丰满,对影子银行系统的定义及其对金融系统稳定性的影响有了一定的共识;国内学者对影子银行系统的研究尚不丰富,只停留在概念介绍及微观事实介绍阶段.整体来看,国内外学者从影子银行系统与次贷危机的助推与反削弱关系角度的研究较为缺乏,本文将重点从以上角度进行探讨,以其丰富影子银行系统及次贷危机领域的研究.本文以美国次贷危机为案例,对影子银行助推次贷危机并受到次贷危机削弱的过程进行了经济学和金融学的理论分析;揭示了影子银行系统在给金融市场带来繁荣的同时也暗藏着扩大风险、引爆危机的可能性,以及次贷危机给影子银行系统带来的重创;对奥巴马政府在《华尔街改革和消费者保护法》中提出的对影子银行系统监管的方案给予评价.在此基础上,本文对中国影子银行系统的构成及特征作出评速,为中国金融监管改革和完善的重点提出个人建议.  相似文献   

在次贷危机的影响下,世界范围内的各个国家均受到了不同程度的冲击,其中发达国家的金融市场所受到的损失最为严重。各国政府为了恢复经济,纷纷制定了相应的政策,同时,诸多学者对次贷危机展开了研究,主要研究的内容有危机的成因、影响及其走向等。次贷危机对各国经济的影响是显著的,金融监管的改革是必要的,在国内外,各个国家改革的内容主要体现在金融监管的思路与模式两方面,本文对此内容展开了全面的研究,旨在指导中国金融监管的有序与高效改革。  相似文献   

周真 《现代商贸工业》2009,21(13):82-84
2007年4月2日,美国新世纪金融公司宣布申请破产保护,美国次贷危机爆发。两年来,危机逐步升级,演变成一场世界范围的金融危机,并且已经波及实体经济。众多学者对于次贷危机发生的原因进行了研究。研究的焦点主要集中在美国经济增长模式以及资产证券化的弊端等方面。从2000年以来美国货币政策角度对次贷危机的政策根源进行探讨,并由此引出一些思考。  相似文献   

万田杰 《商》2013,(5):143-144
全球化的今天,经济危机越来越频繁的发生,自美国次贷危机,欧债危机以来,各大产业的倒闭以及国家的破产促使各国政府高度关注对金融体系的维护以及措施的采取。金融稳定要如何去维护也成了各国学者关注的议题。本文主要选取了美国次贷危机发生后到2010年这个时间段为研究对象,进行了扩张货币政策与金融稳定的研究。  相似文献   

房地产泡沫成因探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚洲金融危机以及近期美国次贷危机的爆发,使得房地产泡沫成为学者们研究的焦点。本文就当前国内外学者对房地产泡沫的定义、评价、成因的研究进行了梳理,深层次分析房地产泡沫生成原因,并在此基础上提出预防泡沫过度膨胀的对策建议。本文认为,应当从金融监管、税收体制、城市规划等多个方面出发进行调控,预防房地产泡沫危机的产生。  相似文献   

资本资产定价模型(CAPM)是证券市场中研究资产的预期收益率与风险之间关系的核心理论。针对资本资产定价模型的实证运用,国内外的学者已经进行了诸多研究,争论的焦点在于资本资产定价模型是否对市场风险和金融资产公允价值估计不足。美国次贷危机不仅造成了美国经济的持续不景气,而且直接导致了全球诸多次级抵押贷款机构的破产、投资基金的关闭和股票市场的剧烈震荡、金融机构对市场风险和资产公允价值估计不足是这些现象产生的重要原因之一。因此,我们有必要从资本资产定价模型的角度分析美国次贷危机。  相似文献   

史一峰 《商》2013,(6):120-120
国际次贷危机往往是先从美国开始,换句话说就是美国次贷危机是国际次贷危机的导火索。美国次贷危机直接影响了全球经济发展的格局及速度。本文就2007年爆发的次贷危机给我国经济发展带来的影响进行分析,并提出相关切实可行的挽救措施。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机不仅影响到整个美国经济,而且波及全球,导致全球金融危机。文章在阐述国债利率期限结构理论和国内外相关研究文献基础上,采用幂函数这一非线性回归模型对次贷危机时期我国国债收益率曲线的形状进行了静态拟合实证分析以及多个时点国债收益率曲线的动态分析。结果表明,我国国债市场已经逐渐走向成熟,能够较好地反映我国实际的经济运行状况以及世界金融市场受到的冲击,基本符合市场预期理论和流动性偏好理论。  相似文献   

宗佩民 《浙商》2013,(18):23-23
事件 近一段时间,很多国内外学者认为,继美国次贷危机、欧债危机之后,世界第二大经济体——中国正面临“硬着陆”风险,资产价格崩溃的“明斯基时刻”恐将降临。  相似文献   

企业社会责任理论研究综述与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董进才  黄玮 《财经论丛》2011,(1):112-116
企业社会责任已成为当今社会的一个热点问题,国内外学者对此进行了深入的探讨与研究。本文通过对国外50年来发表的一部分重要相关文献的归纳和整理,旨在理清国外企业社会责任理论研究的发展脉络,重点对企业社会责任的内涵、理论模型进行梳理,概括企业社会责任理论研究的特点,并对未来研究的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

Many local businesses have and are continuing to struggle as a result of the pandemic crisis due in part to reduced consumer spending. However, the motives behind why some consumers are more supportive than others toward local businesses in such a crisis are not adequately understood. We address this gap in the literature through three experimental studies where we examine how the core consumer value of religiosity explains consumer response to the crisis as consumers seek to act in ways that align with their value system. Study 1 (257 adults from MTurk) shows a positive relationship between religiosity and support for local businesses but only during a pandemic. Study 2 (307 adults from MTurk) shows that this relationship is greatest for local (vs. non-local) businesses, and caring for one's neighbors mediates this effect. Finally, Study 3 (200 adults from MTurk) uses advertising to prime focus on one's neighbors, revealing that a neighbors-focused ad increases local business support to similar levels for consumers of all religiosity levels. Findings build on belief congruence theory with implications for marketing practitioners in the current pandemic crisis and other crises of medical, environmental, and other origins.  相似文献   

文章的定性分析表明,既存在支持国际石油价格波动会对我国通货膨胀产生影响的理由,也存在削弱这种影响的理由,而VAR经验分析表明,并没有令人信服的经验结果支持国际石油价格波动会对我国通货膨胀产生影响的结论,这种影响在25%的显著性水平上,即使在滞后12期之后,也至多是微弱的.  相似文献   

Rajan points to rising income inequality as a root cause of the recent financial crisis through high household leverage. The Rajan hypothesis has ignited debate over the relationship between inequality, leverage and crises. Kumhof, Ranciere, and Winant prove the validity of this hypothesis with a theoretical formulation, but empirical studies provide mixed evidence using different samples and estimators. To clarify this controversy, we re‐examine the issue by using the same data as in the literature and provide additional evidence after taking into account the role of asset bubbles and policy interventions. Our regression is based on a new tractable theoretical model that is supported by key stylised facts, and all our analyses confirm the existence of the inequality–leverage–crisis nexus.  相似文献   

As Social Economy financial institutions, credit unions have traditionally been considered less efficient than traditional banking entities. However, like banks and savings banks, they have to be as efficient and competitive as possible to survive in today’s business environment, especially at times of crisis. To date, there have been very few studies on their efficiency and practically none for the crisis period. Moreover, almost all the existing studies assess only financial efficiency, without considering their social function. This study examines the levels of both financial and social efficiency in Spanish credit unions as well as their main determinants during the recent crisis. We apply the two-stage double bootstrap data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology based on panel data corresponding to all the credit unions active in Spain between 2008 and 2013. The empirical results indicate that financial and social efficiency achieved an acceptable level, although on average the former was slightly greater than the latter. We also find that both age and merger and acquisition activity were positively influential on the financial efficiency of credit unions but had a significant negative effect on their social efficiency. Moreover, the regional location of such entities and the financial crisis were also crucial determinants of both types of efficiency. Our findings are therefore useful for all the stakeholders of credit unions to know if these entities have been efficient according to a double bottom line accounting in the crisis period and hence to maintain successful social management that is compatible with satisfactory financial efficiency.  相似文献   

美欧发达国家政府的债务危机问题已经越来越严重,逐渐引起了包括发展中国家在内的世界各国的广泛关注.面对此次债务危机,美欧各国都相继采取了各种财政、货币政策措施加以应对.在分析美欧国家债务危机产生原因以及列举美欧国家应对危机采取的措施基础上,对其政策措施实施效果进行了分析比较,最后总结了主权债务危机给中国发展所带来的几点启示.  相似文献   

Business schools have become implicated in the widespread demonisation of the financial classes. By educating those held most responsible for the crisis – financial traders and speculators – they are said to have produced ruthlessly talented graduates who have ambition in abundance but little sense for social responsibility or ethics. This ethical lack thrives upon the trading floor within a compelling critique of the complicity of the pedagogy of the business school with the financial crisis of the global economy. An ethical turn within the curriculum is now widely encouraged as a counteractive force. Within this paper, however, we argue that taking this ethical turn is not enough. For business ethicists to learn from the financial crisis, the crisis' legacy needs to be taken account of, and financialisation needs to be taken seriously. Pedagogical reform cannot bracket itself off from the crisis as if it were coincidental with or separate from it. Post-crisis pedagogy must rather take the fact that it is requested now, in light of the crisis, as its very point of departure. The financial crisis must not be understood as something to be resisted in the name of Business Ethics. Instead, the financial crisis must be understood as the very foundation for contemporary Business Ethics in particular and for contemporary business and management education more generally.  相似文献   

In a previous essay (Sison and Fontrodona 2012), we defined the common good of the firm as collaborative work, insofar as it provides, first, an opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, virtues, and meaning (work as praxis), and second, inasmuch as it produces goods and services to satisfy society’s needs and wants (work as poiesis). We would now like to focus on the participatory aspect of this common good. To do so, we will have to identify the different members of the firm as a community, drawing from corporate citizenship literature and stakeholder theory. Afterward, we will explore both the manner and the intensity of these different members’ participation and its impact on the firm’s common good.  相似文献   

Securitization is considered to be one of the biggest financial innovations of the last century. It is also regarded as both a catalyst and a solution to the 2008 financial crisis. Once a popular method of financing the mortgage and consumer credit markets, aspects of the global securitization market are now struggling to revive. In this paper, I discuss the role that ethics played in securitization prior to the 2008 financial crisis and find that it is not an obvious story of moral failures, but rather that it lies in more subtle elements of the financial system. The ethics uncertainty role in the securitization story is one of flawed incentives and the shifting of responsibility for handling risk. The role of securitization and the ethics of risk transfer have rarely been discussed explicitly in the literature. The historical origins of securitization and lessons learned from previous flawed uses of the process are also provided. I also detail the various global institutional reform proposals that have taken place. Moving forward, it is crucial to understand the causes, consequences, and ethical implications of securitization in the financial crisis so as to help individuals and managers better assess risk, align incentives, and design appropriate policy responses.  相似文献   

金融发展与经济增长:实证研究文献述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长期以来,经济学家们对金融发展与经济增长间的关系问题颇有争议。伴随着新增长理论的兴起,国外出现了大量关于金融发展与经济增长关系的研究文献。对于两者关系的相关理论和观点,很多学者进行了实证研究以期获得经验上的证据,对我们理解两者间的关系问题提供了很大帮助。本文围绕金融发展与经济增长以及金融体制与经济增长的关系这两个主要问题对国外代表性的实证研究作了评述。  相似文献   

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