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技术扩散的溢出效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对目前流行的技术溢出效应概念的局限性,指出溢出效应应该是一个具有普遍意义的概念,即应该等于要素的扩散与聚集的差。同时根据技术溢出与载体的不可分性,指出溢出效应不是单一形式的简单溢出,其表现形式包括人员形式、资本形式、文化形式三种不同形式的溢出,进而从溢出效应对区域经济发展的作用出发阐述了影响技术溢出效应的主要因素。  相似文献   

基于网络环境的技术扩散机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络环境给技术扩散机制带来了巨大的影响与改变,论述了网络环境下技术扩散强度的理论,着重分析了在网络环境下信息扩散与实施技术扩散的过程,并且对技术扩散的机制进行了多方面系统深入的研究。  相似文献   

跨国公司直接投资的技术扩散效应和效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
跨国公司直接投资的技术扩散效应和效果孙洪涛跨国公司直接投资行为中的技术扩散效应和技术扩散效果是两个不同的概念。技术扩散效应是指伴随在直接投资行为中的技术“外溢”。而技术扩散效果是指技术扩散效应对东道国企业和产业的技术水平影响的最终结果。由于技术等级、...  相似文献   

近10年来,国际上军事与民用技术研发投入呈现新的趋势,军民两用技术相互扩散、转移的特征和方向也随之发生了变化。对国际上主要发达国家和我国军民两用技术相互扩散、转移的特点和规律进行比较和分析,为我国加强军民两用技术R&D合作及制定相关政策提供借鉴和理论支持,以达到有效利用有限的国防预算发展经济的目标。  相似文献   

中国环境技术扩散的法律激励机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了环境技术的研发、使用、转移等环节及其外部要素中存在的问题,研究了影响环保科研单位环境技术成果扩散和环境技术向企业扩散的主要原因。基于此,提出了建立健全相关法律法规和加强相关执法行为,完善法律激励机制,以大力推进环境技术的国内扩散和国际间扩散的意见和建议。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,我国区域经济一体化进程在加快,区域经济的增长不仅依靠其内在因素,同时也越来越受到周边地区经济增长的关联带动。文章通过研究技术扩散溢出效应的基本类型及技术溢出效应的影响因素,提出了我国区域间技术溢出效应实证检验的理论模型,为今后收集相关数据进行定量研究奠定了基础。通过实证分析提出了促进区域经济快速增长,缩小我国东西部经济的区域差距,在研究与探讨的基础上提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文在现有技术扩散研究的基础上,对于产业集群与技术扩散的关系进行系统深入的分析,确定产业集群内技术扩散的评价指标,构建评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法对指标体系进行评价,得出各指标的权重,确定重要指标进行分析,给出结论.  相似文献   

农业技术空间扩散环境的分析与评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
农业技术的经济价值必须通过空间扩散来实现,而扩散效果的高低却在一定程度上取决于外部环境。因此,首先肯定农业技术空间扩散环境的重要性,然后对农业技术空间扩散环境进行因素分析,构建农业技术空间扩散环境评价指标体系,最后提出了优化空间扩散环境的具体措施。  相似文献   

基于技术创新扩散环境的Bass扩散模型修正研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对技术创新扩散环境进行了界定和分类,并就环境因素对技术创新扩散的影响进行了分析,得出由于环境的不确定性决定了技术创新扩散轨迹的不稳定性的结论。在此基础上,从环境因素的影响入手,分别对基本的Bass模型和扩展的Bass模型进行了修正,并对新模型的性质进行了分析。  相似文献   

论技术扩散及溢出效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会,技术不仅是提高劳动生产率、优化资源配置、转变经济增长方式的重要决定因素,而且它已经成为实现资源互补、利益互惠、功能互动的重要物质载体。对发展中国家而言,技术能力是增强和维系一国持久竞争力的关键。许多国家为了吸引国外的科技资源,增强本国的技术能力,都采取了相应的政策措施鼓励或要求跨国公司在当地增加技术投资,从事研究与开发,促进先进技术的转移和扩散。  相似文献   

Technology transfer is an important channel of technological change and sustainable development for countries with less innovative ability than technological leaders. This paper studies whether domestic environmental policies affect the inward technology transfer of cleaner innovation from abroad. We focus specifically on the power sector, for its important role in the decarbonization process, by looking at zero-carbon (renewable) and carbon-saving (efficient fossil) technologies for energy production. Using data on cross-country patent applications, we provide evidence that environmental policy contributes to attracting foreign cleaner technology options to OECD markets but not to non-OECD markets. We show that this is due to the nature of the implemented policy instruments. Market-based approaches positively impact technology transfer to both OECD and non-OECD economies, while non-market based approaches have at best only a weak effect in OECD countries. Domestic environmental policies may provide too weak a signal for foreign innovators in countries off the technological frontier. This calls for a strengthening of policy incentives for technology transfer in light of pressing climate change objectives.  相似文献   

We examine the hypothesis that induced technological change (ITC) can dramatically lower the cost of a carbon tax in a static optimal tax model. The research and development sector is represented by an aggregate stock of energy-saving technology, which acts as a weak substitute with a polluting resource in the energy generation sector. Using this model, we analytically show how ITC occurs and affects the cost of a carbon tax. Applying quantitative estimates of the size of ITC to numerical simulations calibrated to the US economy, we find that existing empirical evidence can reduce the welfare cost of environmental tax reform by 12%. Our tests of alternative parameters show that this result is highly sensitive to the assumptions used, suggesting that ITC could result in much larger reductions in cost.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the diffusion of GHG mitigation technologies in developing countries. We develop a model where an abatement technology is progressively adopted by firms and we use it to compare the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) with a standard Cap and Trade scheme (C&T). In the presence of learning spillovers, we show that the CDM yields a higher social welfare than C&T if the first adopter receives CDM credits whereas the followers do not. The analysis leads us to suggest two CDM design improvements: relaxing the additionality constraint for projects which generate significant learning externalities, and allowing collective CDM projects which could internalize learning externalities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates an environmental policy designed to reduce the emission of pollutants under uncertainty, with the agent problem as an optimal stopping problem. We first analyze the two cases in which there are one agent and two competing agents by following Ohyama and Tsujimura (2005). When we consider a model of strategic agents, we need to analyze the external economic effect that is peculiar to an agent’s environmental policy implementation. Then, to improve and resolve these external effects, we examine three alternative political measures, comprising an environmental subsidy, an environmental tax and an emission trading system. The results of the analysis indicate that the environmental subsidy and environmental tax promote environmental policy. However, they do not create an incentive to be the leader. On the other hand, an emissions trading system not only promotes environmental policy but also creates an incentive for leadership.This paper was previously circulated under the title “Political Measures for Strategic Environmental Policy with Induced Effects”. The authors would like to thank Masaaki Kijima for helpful comments. The authors would also like to thank Alistair Munro and two anonymous referees providing detailed comments and suggestions. This research was partially supported by Daiwa Securities Group Inc. The second-named author was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2), 16310118.  相似文献   

We study the incentives to adopt advanced abatement technologies in the presence of imperfect compliance. Interestingly, incentives under emission taxes and pollution abatement subsidies are the same that in the perfect compliance scenario. However, under emission standards imperfect compliance can increase firms’ incentives to invest, whereas under an emission permit mechanism investment incentives decrease only if widespread non-compliance induces a reduction in the permit price. Our results are valid for fairly general characteristics of the monitoring and enforcement strategies commonly found in both, theoretical and empirical applications.  相似文献   

Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A theoretical, representative‐agent economy with a depletable resource stock, polluting emissions and productive capital is used to contrast environmental policy, which internalises externalised environmental values, with sustainability policy, which achieves some form of intergenerational equity. The obvious environmental policy comprises an emissions tax and a resource stock subsidy, each equal to the respective external cost or benefit. Sustainability policy comprises an incentive affecting the choice between consumption and investment, and can be a consumption tax, capital subsidy or investment subsidy, or a combination thereof. Environmental policy can reduce the strength of the sustainability policy needed. More specialised results are derived in a small open economy with no environmental effects on utility.  相似文献   

发展低碳经济的核心在于低碳技术创新和扩散,低碳技术创新和扩散受政策工具及其组合的直接影响。总结归纳政策工具类型、设计要点及其组合特征,分析德国海上风电技术政策工具及其组合特征,并定性研究政策工具、组合特征及相应组织对德国海上风电技术创新和扩散的具体影响。结果表明,各政策工具对海上风电技术创新和扩散具有正向影响;全面性政策工具组合能够克服海上风电技术创新和扩散面临的市场失灵、制度失灵和其它瓶颈;政策工具组合特征在单个政策工具对海上风电技术创新和扩散的影响中起调节作用;政策工具组合全面性、可靠性、一致性程度与海上风电技术创新和扩散正相关;政策工具组合可靠性与全面性、一致性之间在对海上风电技术创新影响中存在互补关系。  相似文献   

本文从环境税的理论基础入手,回顾了环境税经济效应分析的几个有代表性的基本观点,认真分析了环境税经济效应传统分析中存在的局限性,并在此基础上将"经济结构优化效应"和"国际贸易受益效应"引入到环境税经济效应分析当中,大大拓宽了环境税经济效应分析的研究视角,最后在环境税经济效应创新性分析的基础上提出了相应的环境税政策启示。  相似文献   

环境税作为环境保护的有效政策工具,已被许多发达国家所采用.但是,环境税也有其负面影响。本文基于我国经济发展实际情况.主要分析我国建立环境税制对公众心理税负、对居民收入分配以及对国家和企业竞争力等方面可能产生的负面影响,借鉴国际经验.结合我国实际.提出解决的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文考察我国财政分权下地区间在环境管制上的相互影响。已有研究强调中国分权式改革对地区经济发展的促进作用,但经济发展带来的严重环境污染问题,要求讨论财政分权对环境治理的影响。本文首先通过一个简单的理论模型对地区之间在环境管制上的策略性行为进行了分析,随后利用我国实际的省级数据对地区之间在环境管制上的相互影响进行了考查。我们的研究发现,财政分权下,地区对经济增长的追求导致地区之间在对环境治理上可能存在策略性行为。在实际的环境管制上,地区之间存在"搭便车"现象,其它地区环境管制对本地区环境管制产生的作用为负,我国地区之间在环境管制上存在一定程度的"竞争到次"现象。  相似文献   

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