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The well‐known theorem of Dybvig, Ingersoll, and Ross shows that the long zero‐coupon rate can never fall. This result, which, although undoubtedly correct, has been regarded by many as surprising, stems from the implicit assumption that the long‐term discount function has an exponential tail. We revisit the problem in the setting of modern interest rate theory, and show that if the long “simple” interest rate (or Libor rate) is finite, then this rate (unlike the zero‐coupon rate) acts viably as a state variable, the value of which can fluctuate randomly in line with other economic indicators. New interest rate models are constructed, under this hypothesis and certain generalizations thereof, that illustrate explicitly the good asymptotic behavior of the resulting discount bond systems. The conditions necessary for the existence of such “hyperbolic” and “generalized hyperbolic” long rates are those of so‐called social discounting, which allow for long‐term cash flows to be treated as broadly “just as important” as those of the short or medium term. As a consequence, we are able to provide a consistent arbitrage‐free valuation framework for the cost‐benefit analysis and risk management of long‐term social projects, such as those associated with sustainable energy, resource conservation, and climate change.  相似文献   

The long‐term limit of zero‐coupon rates with respect to the maturity does not always exist. In this case we use the limit superior and prove corresponding versions of the Dybvig–Ingersoll–Ross theorem, which says that long‐term spot and forward rates can never fall in an arbitrage‐free model. Extensions of popular interest rate models needing this generalization are presented. In addition, we discuss several definitions of arbitrage, prove asymptotic minimality of the limit superior of the spot rates, and illustrate our results by several continuous‐time short‐rate models.  相似文献   

This study uses multiple maturity-independent variables to examine whether the volatility information implied in the term structure of volatility index can improve the prediction of realized volatility. The empirical results for the S&P 500 index show that, in terms of both the in-sample estimation and out-of-sample forecasting, the term structure variables provide substantial incremental contribution to the models with only level variables. Our empirical results are robust to various forms of volatility, alternative ways to develop the term structure variable, the impact of macroeconomic variables, and alternative underlying assets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the excursions of Bessel and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) processes with dimensions . We obtain densities for the last passage times and meanders of the processes. Using these results, we prove a variation of the Azéma martingale for the Bessel and CIR processes based on excursion theory. Furthermore, we study their Parisian excursions, and generalize previous results on the Parisian stopping time of Brownian motion to that of the Bessel and CIR processes. We obtain explicit formulas and asymptotic results for the densities of the Parisian stopping times, and develop exact simulation algorithms to sample the Parisian stopping times of Bessel and CIR processes. We introduce a new type of bond, the zero‐coupon Parisian bond. The buyer of such a bond is betting against zero interest rates, while the seller is effectively hedging against a period where interest rates fluctuate around 0. Using our results, we propose two methods for pricing these bonds and provide numerical examples.  相似文献   

何飞平 《财贸研究》2006,17(1):71-75
本文利用Nelson-Siegel模型,通过实证分析发现:存贷差、狭义货币供应量和保费收入对利率水平有负效应,而工业增加值、企业商品价格指数和上证指数对利率水平有正效应;工业增加值与企业商品价格指数的增加会使利率曲线斜率下降,而狭义货币供应量与保费收入的增加则会使斜率上升。这对预测利率曲线的变化,从而规避由于利率曲线的非平行移动所产生的利率风险有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

A large literature suggests that standard exchange rate models cannot outperform a random walk forecast and that the forward rate is not an optimal predictor of the spot rate. However, there is evidence that the term structure of forward premia contains valuable information for forecasting future spot exchange rates and that exchange rate dynamics display nonlinearities. This paper proposes a term-structure forecasting model of exchange rates based on a regime-switching vector equilibrium correction model which is novel in this context. Our model significantly outperforms both a random walk and, to a lesser extent, a linear term-structure vector equilibrium correction model for four major dollar rates across a range of horizons.  相似文献   

This paper constructs an oligopolistic dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin (H–O) model of a small open economy to analyze the relationship between the saving rate and the upgrade of the trade commodity structure. The analysis shows that the saving rate determines the trade commodity structure of a country in the long-run equilibrium. Furthermore, a developing country with a low capital–labor ratio in the initial state will change from exporting labor-intensive goods in the initial state to exporting capital-intensive goods in the long-run equilibrium if it has a higher saving rate, and this upgrade of trade commodity structure has a social welfare effect under an oligopolistic market structure. The effect of trade policy on the upgrade of the trade commodity structure is uncertain in our model; therefore, a high saving rate is the irreplaceable driving force for trade commodity structure upgrades in developing countries.  相似文献   

We decompose the VIX futures term structure into systematic components driving the VIX and idiosyncratic components reflecting demand by various types of futures end-users. We model two distinct channels by which trading activity manifests itself into futures prices: a contemporaneous “level effect” across the term structure due to the aggregate size of nondealer net demand and a mean-reverting “roll effect” due to large trades in specific contracts. The observed futures term structure was, on average, higher and steeper than it would have been in the absence of the observed nondealer demand, but the impact varies in sign and magnitude over time.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that fixed‐income markets exhibit unspanned stochastic volatility (USV), that is, that one cannot fully hedge volatility risk solely using a portfolio of bonds. While Collin‐Dufresne and Goldstein (2002, Journal of Finance, 57, 1685–1730) showed that no two‐factor Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) model can exhibit USV, it has been unknown to date whether CIR models with more than two factors can exhibit USV or not. We formally review USV and relate it to bond market incompleteness. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a multifactor CIR model to exhibit USV. We then construct a class of three‐factor CIR models that exhibit USV. This answers in the affirmative the above previously open question. We also show that multifactor CIR models with diagonal drift matrix cannot exhibit USV.  相似文献   

文章采用1985-2010年人民币实际有效汇率和福建省FDI及出口贸易结构的年度数据进行协整分析,结果表明,福建省出口贸易结构与人民币实际有效汇率之间存在长期的稳定的均衡关系,人民币汇率稳步升值将有利于我国贸易结构的优化升级。  相似文献   

The lognormal distribution assumption for the term structure of interest is the most natural way to exclude negative spot and forward rates. However, imposing this assumption on the continuously compounded interest rate has a serious drawback: rates explode and expected rollover returns are infinite even if the rollover period is arbitrarily short. As a consequence, such models cannot price one of the most widely used hedging instruments on the Euromoney market, namely the Eurodollar futures contract.
The purpose of this note is to show that the problems with lognormal models result from modeling the wrong rate, namely the continuously compounded rate. If instead one models the effective annual rate these problems disappear.  相似文献   

从家族接班人的职位视角,按照家族内部传承的进程,可以把家族内部传承区分为三个阶段:传承前期,传承中期和传承后期。文章基于我国2007-2011年上市家族企业的数据,分析了家族内部传承进程对贷款期限结构的影响。研究结果表明:(1)家族内部传承进程与长期借款比率呈倒“U”型关系。(2)在传承前期,家族内部传承可以促进企业获得长期借款,此结论支持了家族声誉理论。相对于家族间接控制来说,家族直接控制会强化家族内部传承的促进作用。(3)在传承中期,家族内部传承与长期借款比率的关系不显著。(4)在传承后期,家族内部传承会阻碍企业获得长期借款,此结论支持了资产专有理论。与第一代家族成员同时担任董事长和总经理相比,第二代家族成员同时担任董事长和总经理对长期借款比率的负面效应更大。  相似文献   

银行间债券市场收益率曲线税收效应实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用品种相对较多、交易相对较活跃的银行间债券市场中的无风险债券来构建收益率曲线.由于投资者面临不同的税收待遇,税收因素是否显著影响投资者对债券的定价与市场收益率曲线的形状是个重要的研究课题.通过实证比较分析,发现我国银行间债券市场收益率曲线存在税收效应.也就是说,考虑了税收影响的Svensson模型具有更好的拟合能力.  相似文献   

本文利用2001-2010年我国机电行业的203家上市公司的面板数据以及2000-2010年我国机电行业各子行业的季度数据,分别从微观层面和行业层面实证研究汇率变动对我国机电行业就业的影响。研究发现,人民币实际有效汇率波动对机电行业就业的负面影响的短期效应明显低于长期效应,且具有明显滞后性,表明更富弹性的汇率制度有利于缓解汇率波动对就业的影响。同时机电企业规模经济的发展、产品附加值的提升对就业有显著支撑作用,因此在人民币汇率日益走高的背景下,机电行业更应加速行业资源整合和产业升级。  相似文献   

生产率是影响一国参与全球竞争的关键要素。本文基于全周期和子周期两种视角,利用C-D生产函数对我国生产率进行测算并预测了未来的经济潜在增长率,研究结果显示:21世纪以来,我国全要素生产率呈现下降趋势,但对经济的贡献率仍处于较高水平,经济呈现科技与资本双轮驱动特征;未来我国将跨越上中等收入阶段,步入高收入国家行列;预测结果显示:2036-2050年间我国经济增长主要靠全要素生产率拉动,经济增长动力的有效转换,将更加接近党的十九大提出的"两阶段"战略目标,更加适应新时代下的高质量发展需求。  相似文献   

This article presents a two‐factor model of the term structure of interest rates. It is assumed that default‐free discount bond prices are determined by the time to maturity and two factors, the long‐term interest rate, and the spread (i.e., the difference) between the short‐term (instantaneous) risk‐free rate of interest and the long‐term rate. Assuming that both factors follow a joint Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck process, a general bond pricing equation is derived. Closed‐form expressions for prices of bonds and interest rate derivatives are obtained. The analytical formula for derivatives is applied to price European options on discount bonds and more complex types of options. Finally, empirical evidence of the model's performance in comparison with an alternative two‐factor (Vasicek‐CIR) model is presented. The findings show that both models exhibit a similar behavior for the shortest maturities. However, importantly, the results demonstrate that modeling the volatility in the long‐term rate process can help to fit the observed data, and can improve the prediction of the future movements in medium‐ and long‐term interest rates. So it is not so clear which is the best model to be used. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23: 1075–1105, 2003  相似文献   

We study completeness in large financial markets, namely markets containing countably many assets. We investigate the relationship between asymptotic completeness in the global market and completeness in the finite submarkets, under a no-arbitrage assumption. We also suggest a way to approximate a replicating strategy in the large market by finite-dimensional portfolios. Furthermore, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for completeness to hold in a factor model.  相似文献   

Our paper provides a brief review and summary of issues and advances in the use of latent structure and other finite mixture models in the analysis of choice data. Focus is directed to three primary areas: (1) estimation and computational issues, (2) specification and interpretation issues, and (3) future research issues. We comment on what latent structure models have promised, what has been, to date, delivered, and what we should look forward to in the future.  相似文献   

As well‐known, the canonical Neo‐Kaleckian growth model fails to reconcile actual and normal rates of utilization in equilibrium. Some recent contributions revive an old proposal for solving this problem—making the normal rate of utilization an endogenous variable that converges to the actual utilization rate—justifying it with new, micro‐founded premises. We argue that these new justifications for the convergence of normal to actual utilization do not stand closer scrutiny. First, the proposed microeconomic model relies on various restrictive assumptions, some of which are mutually inconsistent. Second, the derivation of the macroeconomic adjustment mechanism from the microeconomic analysis involves a logical leap that can be justified only by a very arbitrary assumption with little economic justification. Finally, we discuss the way in which this mechanism has been incorporated into the Neo‐Kaleckian growth model by proposers of this approach. We show that, even if one puts aside, for the sake of argument, the first two points, the existence of autonomous components of demand is sufficient to invalidate the resulting macroeconomic model.  相似文献   

研究了LTE系统中探测参考信号(SRS)的定时同步方法。由于基本的滑动相关算法和传统的后向搜索算法不能有效地消除相关过程中旁瓣峰值的影响,不适用于SRS的定时同步。因此,针对SRS的时频结构特点,提出一种改进的后向搜索算法。该方法通过将本地序列与接收序列在时域上相关得到定时度量函数,并重新定义门限值,通过结合门限和新的搜索技术来确定第1径的位置,从而得到正确的定时采样点。仿真结果表明,所提方法的估计性能优于滑动相关算法和传统的后向搜索算法,有效地消除了旁瓣峰值的影响,提高了SRS的正确定时概率。相比传统的后向搜索算法,所提方法的估计性能提高了6倍左右。  相似文献   

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