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In this paper, we report further progress toward a complete theory of state‐independent expected utility maximization with semimartingale price processes for arbitrary utility function. Without any technical assumptions, we establish a surprising Fenchel duality result on conjugate Orlicz spaces, offering a new economic insight into the nature of primal optima and providing a fresh perspective on the classical papers of Kramkov and Schachermayer. The analysis points to an intriguing interplay between no‐arbitrage conditions and standard convex optimization and motivates the study of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing for Orlicz tame strategies.  相似文献   

This note contains ramifications of results of Delbaen et al. (2002). Assuming that the price process is locally bounded and admits an equivalent local martingale measure with finite entropy, we show, without further assumption, that in the case of exponential utility the optimal portfolio process is a martingale with respect to each local martingale measure with finite entropy. Moreover, the optimal value always can be attained on a sequence of uniformly bounded portfolios.  相似文献   

In the style of Rogers (2001) , we give a unified method for finding the dual problem in a given model by stating the problem as an unconstrained Lagrangian problem. In a theoretical part we prove our main theorem, Theorem 3.1, which shows that under a number of conditions the value of the dual and primal problems is equal. The theoretical setting is sufficiently general to be applied to a large number of examples including models with transaction costs, such as Cvitanic and Karatzas (1996) (which could not be covered by the setting in Rogers [2001] ). To apply the general result one has to verify the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 for each concrete example. We show how the method applies for two examples, first Cuoco and Liu (1992) and second Cvitanic and Karatzas (1996) .  相似文献   

We study the problem of expected utility maximization in a large market, i.e., a market with countably many traded assets. Assuming that agents have von Neumann–Morgenstern preferences with stochastic utility function and that consumption occurs according to a stochastic clock, we obtain the “usual” conclusions of the utility maximization theory. We also give a characterization of the value function in a large market in terms of a sequence of value functions in finite‐dimensional models.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal investment problem with intermediate consumption and random endowment, in an incomplete semimartingale model of the financial market. We establish the key assertions of the utility maximization theory, assuming that both primal and dual value functions are finite in the interiors of their domains and that the random endowment at maturity can be dominated by the terminal value of a self‐financing wealth process. In order to facilitate the verification of these conditions, we present alternative, but equivalent conditions, under which the conclusions of the theory hold.  相似文献   

The problem of robust utility maximization in an incomplete market with volatility uncertainty is considered, in the sense that the volatility of the market is only assumed to lie between two given bounds. The set of all possible models (probability measures) considered here is nondominated. We propose studying this problem in the framework of second‐order backward stochastic differential equations (2BSDEs for short) with quadratic growth generators. We show for exponential, power, and logarithmic utilities that the value function of the problem can be written as the initial value of a particular 2BSDE and prove existence of an optimal strategy. Finally, several examples which shed more light on the problem and its links with the classical utility maximization one are provided. In particular, we show that in some cases, the upper bound of the volatility interval plays a central role, exactly as in the option pricing problem with uncertain volatility models.  相似文献   

This paper deals with multidimensional dynamic risk measures induced by conditional g‐expectations. A notion of multidimensional g‐expectation is proposed to provide a multidimensional version of nonlinear expectations. By a technical result on explicit expressions for the comparison theorem, uniqueness theorem, and viability on a rectangle of solutions to multidimensional backward stochastic differential equations, some necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the constancy, monotonicity, positivity, and translatability properties of multidimensional conditional g‐expectations and multidimensional dynamic risk measures; we prove that a multidimensional dynamic g‐risk measure is nonincreasingly convex if and only if the generator g satisfies a quasi‐monotone increasingly convex condition. A general dual representation is given for the multidimensional dynamic convex g‐risk measure in which the penalty term is expressed more precisely. It is shown that model uncertainty leads to the convexity of risk measures. As to applications, we show how this multidimensional approach can be applied to measure the insolvency risk of a firm with interacting subsidiaries; optimal risk sharing for ‐tolerant g‐risk measures, and risk contribution for coherent g‐risk measures are investigated. Insurance g‐risk measure and other ways to induce g‐risk measures are also studied at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The correction in value of an over‐the‐counter derivative contract due to counterparty risk under funding constraints is represented as the value of a dividend‐paying option on the value of the contract clean of counterparty risk and excess funding costs. This representation allows one to analyze the structure of this correction, the so‐called Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA for short), in terms of replacement cost/benefits, credit cost/benefits, and funding cost/benefits. We develop a reduced‐form backward stochastic differential equations (BSDE) approach to the problem of pricing and hedging the CVA. In the Markov setup, explicit CVA pricing and hedging schemes are formulated in terms of semilinear partial differential equations.  相似文献   

This paper considers a non‐Markov control problem arising in a financial market where asset returns depend on hidden factors. The problem is non‐Markov because nonlinear filtering is required to make inference on these factors, and hence the associated dynamic program effectively takes the filtering distribution as one of its state variables. This is of significant difficulty because the filtering distribution is a stochastic probability measure of infinite dimension, and therefore the dynamic program has a state that cannot be differentiated in the traditional sense. This lack of differentiability means that the problem cannot be solved using a Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation. This paper will show how the problem can be analyzed and solved using backward stochastic differential equations, with a key tool being the problem's dual formulation.  相似文献   

This and the follow‐up paper deal with the valuation and hedging of bilateral counterparty risk on over‐the‐counter derivatives. Our study is done in a multiple‐curve setup reflecting the various funding constraints (or costs) involved, allowing one to investigate the question of interaction between bilateral counterparty risk and funding. The first task is to define a suitable notion of no arbitrage price in the presence of various funding costs. This is the object of this paper, where we develop an “additive, multiple curve” extension of the classical “multiplicative (discounted), one curve” risk‐neutral pricing approach. We derive the dynamic hedging interpretation of such an “additive risk‐neutral” price, starting by consistency with pricing by replication in the case of a complete market. This is illustrated by a completely solved example building over previous work by Burgard and Kjaer.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the study of insurance related derivatives on financial markets that are based on nontradable underlyings, but are correlated with tradable assets. We calculate exponential utility‐based indifference prices, and corresponding derivative hedges. We use the fact that they can be represented in terms of solutions of forward‐backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDE) with quadratic growth generators. We derive the Markov property of such FBSDE and generalize results on the differentiability relative to the initial value of their forward components. In this case the optimal hedge can be represented by the price gradient multiplied with the correlation coefficient. This way we obtain a generalization of the classical “delta hedge” in complete markets.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of valuation of American options written on dividend‐paying assets whose price dynamics follow a multidimensional exponential Lévy model. We carefully examine the relation between the option prices, related partial integro‐differential variational inequalities, and reflected backward stochastic differential equations. In particular, we prove regularity results for the value function and obtain the early exercise premium formula for a broad class of payoff functions.  相似文献   

We investigate the pricing–hedging duality for American options in discrete time financial models where some assets are traded dynamically and others, for example, a family of European options, only statically. In the first part of the paper, we consider an abstract setting, which includes the classical case with a fixed reference probability measure as well as the robust framework with a nondominated family of probability measures. Our first insight is that, by considering an enlargement of the space, we can see American options as European options and recover the pricing–hedging duality, which may fail in the original formulation. This can be seen as a weak formulation of the original problem. Our second insight is that a duality gap arises from the lack of dynamic consistency, and hence that a different enlargement, which reintroduces dynamic consistency is sufficient to recover the pricing–hedging duality: It is enough to consider fictitious extensions of the market in which all the assets are traded dynamically. In the second part of the paper, we study two important examples of the robust framework: the setup of Bouchard and Nutz and the martingale optimal transport setup of Beiglböck, Henry‐Labordère, and Penkner, and show that our general results apply in both cases and enable us to obtain the pricing–hedging duality for American options.  相似文献   

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