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We derive analytic series representations for European option prices in polynomial stochastic volatility models. This includes the Jacobi, Heston, Stein–Stein, and Hull–White models, for which we provide numerical case studies. We find that our polynomial option price series expansion performs as efficiently and accurately as the Fourier‐transform‐based method in the nested affine cases. We also derive and numerically validate series representations for option Greeks. We depict an extension of our approach to exotic options whose payoffs depend on a finite number of prices.  相似文献   

Informed traders often use options that are not in-the-money due to higher potential gains for a smaller upfront cost. Thus, trading activity by option moneyness should be a gauge of informed option trading. We construct a dollar volume-weighted average moneyness measure to capture option trading activity at different moneyness levels. Stock returns increase with this measure, suggesting more trading activity in options with higher leverage predicts future stock returns. Our results hold cross-sectionally and at the portfolio level yielding a Fama–French five-factor α of 12% per year for all stocks and 33% per year for high implied volatility stocks.  相似文献   

We consider a general local‐stochastic volatility model and an investor with exponential utility. For a European‐style contingent claim, whose payoff may depend on either a traded or nontraded asset, we derive an explicit approximation for both the buyer's and seller's indifference prices. For European calls on a traded asset, we translate indifference prices into an explicit approximation of the buyer's and seller's implied volatility surfaces. For European claims on a nontraded asset, we establish rigorous error bounds for the indifference price approximation. Finally, we implement our indifference price and implied volatility approximations in two examples.  相似文献   

Bounds on European Option Prices under Stochastic Volatility   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper we consider the range of prices consistent with no arbitrage for European options in a general stochastic volatility model. We give conditions under which the infimum and the supremum of the possible option prices are equal to the intrinsic value of the option and to the current price of the stock, respectively, and show that these conditions are satisfied in most of the stochastic volatility models from the financial literature. We also discuss properties of Black–Scholes hedging strategies in stochastic volatility models where the volatility is bounded.  相似文献   

A local-volatility (LV) model captures the volatility smile while retaining the preference freedom of the Black–Scholes model. Past attempts to construct a smile-consistent tree for the LV surface do not guarantee validity. This paper presents an efficient and valid smile-consistent tree for the LV model. The only assumption is that the LV surface be upper- and lower-bounded. With this tree, double-barrier options can be priced with fast convergence even in the presence of volatility smile. This is confirmed numerically. An implied tree is also presented. It recovers the LV surface reasonably well.  相似文献   

Recently, Duan (1995) proposed a GARCH option pricing formula and a corresponding hedging formula. In a similar ARCH-type model for the underlying asset, Kallsen and Taqqu (1994) arrived at a hedging formula different from Duan's although they concur on the pricing formula. In this note, we explain this difference by pointing out that the formula developed by Kallsen and Taqqu corresponds to the usual concept of hedging in the context of ARCH-type models. We argue, however, that Duan's formula has some appeal and we propose a stochastic volatility model that ensures its validity. We conclude by a comparison of ARCH-type and stochastic volatility option pricing models.  相似文献   

Using an extended LHARG model proposed by Majewski et al. (2015, J Econ, 187, 521–531), we derive the closed-form pricing formulas for both the Chicago Board Options Exchange VIX term structure and VIX futures with different maturities. Our empirical results suggest that the quarterly and yearly components of lagged realized volatility should be added into the model to capture the long-term volatility dynamics. By using the realized volatility based on high-frequency data, the proposed model provides superior pricing performance compared with the classic Heston–Nandi GARCH model under a variance-dependent pricing kernel, both in-sample and out-of-sample. The improvement is more pronounced during high volatility periods.  相似文献   

Option Pricing in ARCH-type Models   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ARCH models have become popular for modeling financial time series. They seem, at first, however, to be incompatible with the option pricing approach of Black, Scholes, Merton et al., because they are discrete-time models and possess too much variability. We show that completeness of the market holds for a broad class of ARCH-type models defined in a suitable continuous-time fashion. As an example we focus on the GARCH(1,1)-M model and obtain, through our method, the same pricing formula as Duan, who applied equilibrium-type arguments.  相似文献   

Exact explicit solution of the log-normal stochastic volatility (SV) option model has remained an open problem for two decades. In this paper, I consider the case where the risk-neutral measure induces a martingale volatility process, and derive an exact explicit solution to this unsolved problem which is also free from any inverse transforms. A representation of the asset price shows that its distribution depends on that of two random variables, the terminal SV as well as the time average of future stochastic variances. Probabilistic methods, using the author's previous results on stochastic time changes, and a Laplace–Girsanov Transform technique are applied to produce exact explicit probability distributions and option price formula. The formulae reveal interesting interplay of forces between the two random variables through the correlation coefficient. When the correlation is set to zero, the first random variable is eliminated and the option formula gives the exact formula for the limit of the Taylor series in Hull and White's (1987) approximation. The SV futures option model, comparative statics, price comparisons, the Greeks and practical and empirical implementation and evaluation results are also presented. A PC application was developed to fit the SV models to current market prices, and calculate other option prices, and their Greeks and implied volatilities (IVs) based on the results of this paper. This paper also provides a solution to the option implied volatility problem, as the empirical studies show that, the SV model can reproduce market prices, better than Black–Scholes and Black-76 by up to 2918%, and its IV curve can reproduce that of market prices very closely, by up to within its 0.37%.  相似文献   

Nonstandard probability theory and stochastic analysis, as developed by Loeb, Anderson, and Keisler, has the attractive feature that it allows one to exploit combinatorial aspects of a well-understood discrete theory in a continuous setting. We illustrate this with an example taken from financial economics: a nonstandard construction of the well-known Black-Scholes option pricing model allows us to view the resulting object at the same time as both (the hyperfinite version of) the binomial Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model (that is, a hyperfinite geometric random walk) and the continuous model introduced by Black and Scholes (a geometric Brownian motion). Nonstandard methods provide a means of moving freely back and forth between the discrete and continuous points of view. This enables us to give an elementary derivation of the Black-Scholes option pricing formula from the corresponding formula for the binomial model. We also devise an intuitive but rigorous method for constructing self-financing hedge portfolios for various contingent claims, again using the explicit constructions available in the hyperfinite binomial model, to give the portfolio appropriate to the Black-Scholes model. Thus, nonstandard analysis provides a rigorous basis for the economists' intuitive notion that the Black-Scholes model contains a built-in version of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model.  相似文献   

国内现有关于波动率的研究多集中于时间序列模型,忽略了另一类预测波动率的方法即隐含波动率法。文章在回顾、评述了国内关于波动率的研究后,对国外关于隐含波动率的研究进行了梳理,为在我国大陆地区发展股指期权市场、通过提高期权市场的效率,以运用隐含波动率法更好地预测波动率提供了理论基础和政策建议。  相似文献   

On Feedback Effects from Hedging Derivatives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a new explanation for the smile and skewness effects in implied volatilities. Starting from a microeconomic equilibrium approach, we develop a diffusion model for stock prices explicitly incorporating the technical demand induced by hedging strategies. This leads to a stochastic volatility endogenously determined by agents' trading behavior. By using numerical methods for stochastic differential equations, we quantitatively substantiate the idea that option price distortions can be induced by feedback effects from hedging strategies.  相似文献   

周琳 《商业研究》2003,(21):67-69
本着把期权思想应用于公司价值评估,分别运用二叉树模型和Black-Scholes模型计算公司价值,并对这一方法的应用价值及局限性进行一定的探讨。  相似文献   

存款保险的期权定价模型构造及实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
存款保险定价是存款保险制度建设中的核心内容,保险定价效率直接影响制度的功效。碍于现金流贴现估价模型的局限性,从期权的角度阐述了存款保险与期权的关系,指出存款保险合同实质上就是一份看跌期权,从理论和实证两方面论述了如何运用Black-Schole期权定价模型确定存款保险价格的问题,对实践中存款保险的合理定价和制度建设具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Suppose we are given a set of prices of European call options over a finite range of strike prices and exercise times, written on a financial asset with deterministic dividends which is traded in a frictionless market with no interest rate volatility. We ask: when is there an arbitrage opportunity? We give conditions for the prices to be consistent with an arbitrage-free model (in which case the model can be realized on a finite probability space). We also give conditions for there to exist an arbitrage opportunity which can be locked in at time zero. There is also a third boundary case in which prices are recognizably misspecified, but the ability to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity depends upon knowledge of the null sets of the model.  相似文献   

唐波  张宇莹  陈德棉 《财贸研究》2006,(6):74-79,117
投资决策,即公司资源最优配置的选择问题,欧美等国理论研究者、实务工作者已开始将实物期权理论(即实际投资机会)引入到投资决策的实践中,并取得了一定的成果。本文详细介绍了国外经济学者在基于实物期权理论的投资决策等领域的研究进展,包括实物期权的理论基础及定价、该理论与传统投资决策理论的比较研究等,以期为国内后续的相关研究和实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于实物期权理论的风险投资项目评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
期权理论在金融领域的应用十分广泛,实物期权理论也被用于企业投资项目评价之中。针对风险投资项目的特殊性,以期权理论为基础,阐述风险投资项目的期权特征,进而以实例分析Black—Scholes期权定价模型在风险投资项目评价中的应用,并与NPV法所得出的结果进行对比,从而达到对投资和管理进行决策的目的。  相似文献   

Robustness of the Black and Scholes Formula   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Consider an option on a stock whose volatility is unknown and stochastic. An agent assumes this volatility to be a specific function of time and the stock price, knowing that this assumption may result in a misspecification of the volatility. However, if the misspecified volatility dominates the true volatility, then the misspecified price of the option dominates its true price. Moreover, the option hedging strategy computed under the assumption of the misspecified volatility provides an almost sure one-sided hedge for the option under the true volatility. Analogous results hold if the true volatility dominates the misspecified volatility. These comparisons can fail, however, if the misspecified volatility is not assumed to be a function of time and the stock price. The positive results, which apply to both European and American options, are used to obtain a bound and hedge for Asian options.  相似文献   

We characterize the behavior of the Rough Heston model introduced by Jaisson and Rosenbaum (2016, Ann. Appl. Probab., 26, 2860–2882) in the small‐time, large‐time, and (i.e., ) limits. We show that the short‐maturity smile scales in qualitatively the same way as a general rough stochastic volatility model , and the rate function is equal to the Fenchel–Legendre transform of a simple transformation of the solution to the same Volterra integral equation (VIE) that appears in El Euch and Rosenbaum (2019, Math. Financ., 29, 3–38), but with the drift and mean reversion terms removed. The solution to this VIE satisfies a space–time scaling property which means we only need to solve this equation for the moment values of and so the rate function can be efficiently computed using an Adams scheme or a power series, and we compute a power series in the log‐moneyness variable for the asymptotic implied volatility which yields tractable expressions for the implied vol skew and convexity which is useful for calibration purposes. We later derive a formal saddle point approximation for call options in the Forde and Zhang (2017) large deviations regime which goes to higher order than previous works for rough models. Our higher‐order expansion captures the effect of both drift terms, and at leading order is of qualitatively the same form as the higher‐order expansion for a general model which appears in Friz et al. (2018, Math. Financ., 28, 962–988). The limiting asymptotic smile in the large‐maturity regime is obtained via a stability analysis of the fixed points of the VIE, and is the same as for the standard Heston model in Forde and Jacquier (2011, Finance Stoch., 15, 755–780). Finally, using Lévy's convergence theorem, we show that the log stock price tends weakly to a nonsymmetric random variable as (i.e., ) whose moment generating function (MGF) is also the solution to the Rough Heston VIE with , and we show that tends weakly to a nonsymmetric random variable as , which leads to a nonflat nonsymmetric asymptotic smile in the Edgeworth regime, where the log‐moneyness as , and we compute this asymptotic smile numerically. We also show that the third moment of the log stock price tends to a finite constant as (in contrast to the Rough Bergomi model discussed in Forde et al. (2020, Preprint) where the skew flattens or blows up) and the process converges on pathspace to a random tempered distribution which has the same law as the hyper‐rough Heston model, discussed in Jusselin and Rosenbaum (2020, Math. Finance, 30, 1309–1336) and Abi Jaber (2019, Ann. Appl. Probab., 29, 3155–3200).  相似文献   

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