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雁翎  吕联 《改革与开放》2016,(20):45-46
文化走向市场化,给军队文艺单位的思想政治教育带来了全新的挑战。当前需要认真分析军队文艺单位的特点、研究其出现的新情况、新特点、新问题,探究军队文艺单位思想政治教育的诸多影响因素,紧贴强军目标,探索有效增强思想政治教育的针对性、感召性和时代性,提高思想政治教育效果的有效途径,对确保军队文艺单位绝对忠诚、绝对纯洁、绝对可靠,有着极其重要的现实意义和指导作用。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO,不等于我们的企业就天然具备了进入国际市场的资格。中国企业与国外企业竞争,可怕的不是我们的企业体量较小、技术水平不高,可怕的是我们企业的资信得不到国际社会的认可。2002年1月23日,国际著名信用评级机构标准普尔将中国银行评定为"BB ",其中还没  相似文献   

网络环境下大学生诚信危机及思想政治教育的对策探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张燕 《黑河学刊》2010,(10):138-139
当前,大学生网络诚信缺失问题尽管还不是一个普遍问题,但其危害是深远的,并已引起社会的忧虑。从"网络环境下大学生诚信危机缺失的表现、网络环境下大学生诚信危机缺失的原因、网络环境下大学生诚信危机缺失的对策"三个方面,分析研究现阶段大学生网络诚信思想政治教育的有关问题。  相似文献   

2012年11月,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会闭幕不久,习近平主席在参观《复兴之路》展览时,第一次提出实现中国梦;2013年3月,习近平主席在第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议闭幕时的讲话中对中国梦作了系统阐释。  相似文献   

左强 《黑河学刊》2012,(1):189-192
诚信,就是诚实、守信的意思。当下中国社会广泛出现了诚信缺失问题,这些问题已涉及经济、政治、文化等诸多领域。诚实是道德范畴,信用是经济范畴。利益是诚信的本质,诚信是利益的源泉。要通过建立完善的利益协调机制、深化政治体制改革、加强文化建设、完善诚信法律体系、加强道德教育等途径治理诚信危机。在当前社会主义市场经济条件下,"打造诚信"已成为我国构建和谐社会的一个重要方面;诚信政府已成为政府转换职能的目标之一;树立诚信形象已成为企业文化的核心;诚信消费已成为人们生活中的趋势。  相似文献   

文章对民法中的诚信原则的本质含义、作用进行了深入的阐释后,指出诚信原则在司法适用中应注意把握好的三个问题。  相似文献   

我们要建设政务诚信、商务诚信和社会诚信,当务之急,就是要赶快建设司法公信。法治不是一蹴而就的当前社会诚信缺失的现象很多,但诚信缺失并不是中华民族与生俱来的秉性,当前的状况是中国治理方式由人治向法治的转型过程中出现的特殊现象。中国社会长期是人治的社会,即依赖领袖权威和道德教化来治理  相似文献   

汪丙琴 《中国经贸》2013,(14):114-114
诚信是社会的基础,更是市场经济发展的基石。社会主义中国本该是一个极有诚信的国家,但在市场经济条件下,社会很多方面利益与诚信天平失衡,诚信缺失已成为一个严重的现实问题。市场经济确实与诚信原则有相矛盾的地方,但绝不是市场无道德,而是需要形成新的道德规范。  相似文献   

道德从来都不限于共同道路,尽管道德总是包括共同道德,这是因为,每个共同体都由数个个别共同体组成,而每个个别共同体都具有自己的成员身分资格,具有自己独特的生活, 制度和价值观,“可持续发展”是人类环境道德美好的追求,但若将之等同于我国目前的道德责任选择,既不实际也无战略,追求“持续生存”才是我们当前的第一要著。  相似文献   

梁坤 《魅力中国》2010,(36):168-168
中国品牌现在在十字路口.随着人民币升值,中国劳动力成本的增加,东盟贸易自由化的发展等等因素.中国的的产业链分工重组已经迫在眉睫。中国企业要放弃加工贸易和贴牌生产,真正走发展自主品牌之路。那么在中国发展自己品牌的道路上,必须要解决社会责任,企业诚信,社会道德和企业价值之间的关系,走上健康发展的道路。  相似文献   

In late February 2006, China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest holder of foreign exchange reserves. Beijing is now faced with the growing challenge of how to handle these vast reserves effectively. Although China's soaring foreign exchange reserves indicate that its overall strength has grown, they have created internal and external pressures on the balance of the economy, and introduced risks to the financial system. It is estimated in the present study that foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$ 400bn in 2005 would have been appropriate under circumstances of a managed floating exchange rate regime and capital control. China's actual reserves have far exceeded its normal demand. The objective of China is to maintain an optimal level that maximizes net benefits as a whole. Four main policy options are available for China to achieve its target: spending and investing foreign exchange reserves, gradual liberalization of the capital account, diversification of foreign exchange reserves and a switch in holders of foreign exchange reserves. Spending and investing in foreign exchange reserves can be undertaken in combination with liberalization in the capital account, given careful consideration of the risks involved. Liberalization should be extensive but gradual so that companies and individuals can adjust to changes in financial markets and manage portfolios while avoiding unnecessary risks. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

China's Regional Disparity and Its Policy Responses   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The fruits of China's rapid economic development over the 3 decades have not been distributed fairly across different regions. Using data from a sample of 815 Chinese listed firrns during 1998-2004, our error-correction investment model showes evidence of different financial constraints on firms' investment in different regions. We argue that China's regional development policies have contributed greatly to the regional inequalities. To control the rising inequality, China has shifted its focus from the coast to the interior regions. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to direct the economy, as market mechanisms now have afar greater influence on the economy than the government does. The people-centered approach of the current leadership has meant that substantial attention has been placed on regional development disparities in an attempt to build a "harmonious society. " China needs further extensive reforms if all the measures for reducing regional disparity are to be effective.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the twin surpluses in China's balance of payments will disappear in the future as a result of external and internal structural changes. China's current account surplus will diminish as a result of the decline in the goods trade surplus, the expanding service trade deficit and negative investment income. China's capital account might shift from surplus to deficit as a result of shrinking net direct investment inflows and more volatile short‐term capital flows. When the twin surpluses no longer exist, the normalization of the US treasury bond yields will be sped up, terminating the one‐way appreciation of the RMB exchange rate; the People's Bank of China's pressure to sterilize inflows will be alleviated, and new problems for the People's Bank of China's monetary operation will emerge; new financial vulnerabilities for the Chinese economy will arise. Finally, the present paper provides some policy suggestions for the Chinese Government to deal with the declining twin surpluses.  相似文献   

财政收支分类改革后科技投入的科目、构成发生了很大变化,本文在对新旧科目转换对比的基础上,分析了新科目下科技投入构成及重点科目,给出建设"创新型"国家的科技投入政策启示。  相似文献   

苏汾 《改革与战略》2011,27(4):172-175
20世纪90年代以来,中国的商品出口规模不断扩大,但在对外贸易迅速发展的同时出现了贸易条件恶化、贸易摩擦增多,以及比较优势升级缓慢等问题,这些问题直接影响到中国贸易利益的获取。针对这些现象,文章分析了中国当前贸易模式的几个特征以及这些特征对中国当前和未来获取贸易利益造成的不利影响,并根据分析结果提出适度控制对外贸易规模、逐渐向内需主导型经济过渡和推动比较优势升级的中国外贸战略调整政策建议。  相似文献   

文化产业利用外资的效应与对策支持   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓红 《改革》2004,(5):44-49
随着我国加入WTO后文化产业的进一步开放,如何有效利用外资发展文化产业的问题显得越来越重要。分析我国文化产业利用外资的现状,继而论述了外资对我国文化产业的影响,以及我国有效利用外资发展文化产业的相关对策。  相似文献   

本文在Baldwin和Robert-Nicoud(2007)提出的影子移民概念基础上,通过新古典的移民模型来重新阐释国际外包的含义。模型分析表明,由于承接外包的影子移民的边际产品大于其工资,国际外包形成外包租,这种租为发包国获得。在理论模型的基础上,本文进一步阐述影子移民对于发达国家解决人口短缺问题和发展中国家实现二元经济结构转变的意义。  相似文献   

后危机时代美国外贸政策的调整及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际经济危机后,美国政府大力调整外贸政策,确定国家出口战略,力图提升国际竞争力,文章对美国外贸政策调整的基本内容、背景及影响进行了分析,指出了美国政策调整的隐形贸易保护主义倾向,并认为它无益于美国国内产业竞争力的提升。  相似文献   

I. Introduction The background of this research is related to continued disputes between China and its trading partners, and to the resulting international pressure on China’s foreign exchange (Forex) system. As the fastest growing economy in the world, China’s foreign trade has expanded at a fantastic pace and its trade surplus with the rest of the world is huge and rising. This remarkable success has encountered increasing criticism, whether correct or not, from the countries that feel t…  相似文献   

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