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产品内分工对当代国际贸易发展的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化浪潮不断推进的过程中,信息技术的进步与贸易及投资自由化的进展使得全球产业分工深化到特定产品生产流程所包含的生产区段或工序层次,即产品内分工。这种全球产业分工的新模式在微观层面体现为跨国公司国际生产组织方式的调整,即企业价值链在全球范围内的广泛分解。在宏观层面体现为不同国家在特定产品的生产流程中的序贯联系日益加强。产品内分工的盛行对当代国际贸易发展产生了深远的影响:一是对传统的国际分工和贸易理论提出了挑战,并拓展了比较优势的内涵;二是为解读当代国际贸易的集约化增长提供了新的视角;三是导致了国际贸易流动性质上的变化。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple model where micro-founded dynamics of cultural identity are endogenous and interact with an international trade equilibrium. This process generates a strong home bias under autarky. We then show that goods market integration causes a phenomenon of cultural divergence, whereby the distributions of cultures become more dissimilar across countries and one of the cultures that existed under autarky ultimately disappears. By way of contrast, we show that social integration causes cultural convergence and can counterbalance the effects of goods market integration.  相似文献   

对外直接投资与贸易的关系:互补或替代   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用2000-2004年我国进出口贸易和对外直接投资的数据资料,使用引力模型分析了我国对外直接投资和对外贸易之间的关系。结果表明:在我国,对外直接投资与出口贸易之间存在显著的互补性,即对外直接投资与出口相互促进。本文的研究结论对我国实施"走出去"战略具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

中国对外贸易优势——基于国际分工视角的再研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国对外贸易优势的研究要么结合国际直接投资,要么分析中国出口贸易的RCA指标。本文从国际分工的视角出发,运用国际专业化指标,探讨了中国对外贸易的比较优势。发现中国对外贸易的比较优势主要集中在消费品领域,2004年,资本品领域开始具备了一定的比较优势。中国对外贸易的比较劣势主要集中在半成品以及零部件领域。通过国别研究,我们发现,中国对亚洲国家和地区的对外贸易中,半成品以及零部件领域具有较大的比较劣势。中国对外贸易比较优势形成的关键原因在于加工贸易的贸易政策、外商直接投资企业的作用日益显著以及中国融入了亚洲生产网络等。  相似文献   

Examining the relationship between factor endowments and production patterns using data from Japanese prefectures and from OECD nations, we find evidence of substantial production indeterminacy. Regressions of outputs on endowments yield prediction errors six to 30 times larger for goods traded relatively freely than for non-traded goods. We argue that a compelling explanation for these results is the existence of more goods than factors in the presence of trade costs. If so, regressions of trade or output on endowments have weak theoretical foundations. Furthermore, since errors are largest in data sets where trade costs are small, we explain why the common methodology of imputing trade barriers from regression residuals has produced counterintuitive results.  相似文献   

产业内贸易与垂直专业化贸易比较及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二战以后,产业内贸易成为国际贸易主流,与此同时,在经济全球化背景下垂直专业化贸易也迅速发展起来.从理论上分析,这两种贸易形式产生、发展的基础和动因既有相同点又有区别.两种贸易形式存在密切关系,二者均以跨国公司为主体,并且垂直专业化构成产业内贸易的另一重要起因.文章对两种贸易形式的发展趋势、理论基础、相互关系进行了分析、比较,并在此基础上提出我国参与国际分工与贸易的相关启示.  相似文献   

本文计算了中国、日本、美国、英国等国各个部门出口波动情况,同时借助垂直专业化比率(VSS)这一指标衡量了各个部门参与垂直专业化分工的程度。测算结果表明:以其他商业服务(OCS)为典型代表的服务贸易相比于货物贸易尤其是高端货物贸易较少地参与了垂直专业化生产,服务贸易尤其是其他商业服务贸易以及传统货物贸易在国际金融危机中表现出较好的稳定性。  相似文献   

Surviving globalisation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the effects of international trade on firms' strategies for industry exit, either via closedown, switching industry or being acquired. We use a rich dataset of Swedish firms that extends over two decades to track firm choices between alternative strategies. We find that higher levels of international competition increase the probability of exit by merger and closedown. If trade is more intra-industry in character, the effect of import penetration on the probability of exit is less. The probability of exit by switching industry is higher in revealed comparative disadvantage industries. Finally, we find that the geographical source of international competition is important, the effects of trade on exit being strongest when trading partners are other OECD countries.  相似文献   

The structure of factor content predictions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The last decade witnessed an explosion of research into the impact of international technology differences on the factor content of trade. Yet the literature has failed to confront two pivotal issues. First, with international technology differences and traded intermediate inputs, there is no existing definition of the factor content of trade that is compatible with Vanek's factor content prediction. We fill this gap. Second, as Helpman and Krugman (1985) showed, many models beyond Heckscher-Ohlin imply the Vanek prediction. Thus, absent a complete list of these models, we do not fully know what models are being tested when the Vanek prediction is tested. We completely characterize the class of models being tested by providing a familiar consumption similarity condition that is necessary and sufficient for a robust Vanek prediction. Finally, we reassess the performance of the prediction using the correct factor content definition and input-output tables for 41 countries. We find that the prediction performs well except for the presence of missing trade. Further, missing trade is not pervasive: it is associated entirely with ‘home bias’ in the consumption of agricultural goods, government services and construction.  相似文献   

中国服务贸易发展影响因素的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国际服务贸易的迅速发展使其逐渐成为国际经贸竞争的新领域。改革开放以来,中国服务贸易虽然取得迅速发展,但其总体发展水平仍然相对滞后,加快服务贸易发展已经成为中国对外贸易发展的主要任务。本文运用最小二乘法分析了影响中国服务贸易发展的因素,指出国内服务业发展、国际货物贸易发展与服务贸易发展具有正向的关联关系,并提出加快发展中国服务业和服务贸易的政策建议。  相似文献   

运用迈克尔.波特的钻石模型,从要素禀赋、需求状况、相关与支持产业和企业战略、组织与竞争四大特性,以及机遇和政府方面综合分析廊坊出口加工区加工贸易出口的优劣势,寻求加工贸易可持续发展的途径,旨在为廊坊出口加工区的发展提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

本文运用GTAP模型实证模拟了北美等八大区域工业制品部门的技术进步对我国经济发展、国际贸易及社会福利等方面的影响。研究发现:八大区域均能通过国际贸易技术溢出促进我国工业制成品部门技术的进步及社会福利的增加;但与Jaumotte(1999)和Connolly(2003)等文献结论不同,俄罗斯、北美和欧洲等区域对我国工业制成品部门产出及GDP增长至少在短期内有较大冲击,并会加大我国的贸易逆差。  相似文献   

垂直专业化分工及我国的分工地位   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
垂直专业化分工是国际分工的深化,是同一产业或行业内同一产品的不同生产阶段之间的国际分工。基于比较优势的垂直专业化分工,其表现形式是包含中间产品的产业内贸易,其分工和贸易模式是可预测的。我国在全球垂直专业化分工中的地位是进口半制成品并加工装配成消费品,然后出口,其主要形式是加工贸易。  相似文献   

美、欧发达国家为促进本国绿色产业发展,以"碳关税"为突破口,在国际贸易中试图设置绿色壁垒。本文以剖析碳关税的潜在影响为例,建立了国际贸易壁垒对我国经济影响的系统分析框架,并利用动态可计算一般均衡模型(SIC-GE)定量测算了各方面经济影响。结果表明,碳关税对我国实体经济的影响要小于对名义价格水平的影响;对高耗能产品出口抑制作用明显,而对高附加值产品出口影响很小,甚至会有刺激作用。  相似文献   

This paper shows that a manufacturer may benefit from parallel trade. In addition to an intuitive condition about the effect of demand shocks, this occurs when competitive retailers must order inventories before they know the realization of demand and for products whose sale value drops at the end of the demand period. For these types of products, letting retailers trade unsold inventories generally results in larger orders placed with the manufacturer and higher manufacturer profit. The model provides a simple explanation as to why the volume of parallel trade is now very large and accepted by manufacturers for some products such as automobiles, clothes, toys, consumer electronics, musical recordings, cosmetics and perfumes.  相似文献   

我国服务贸易竞争力评价及影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取1982-2007年的样本数据,在服务贸易竞争力常用指标基础上通过主成分因子分析法构建了我国服务贸易竞争力的综合评价指标,并以此作为回归因变量,借鉴波特的国家竞争优势理论模型,实证研究了影响我国服务贸易竞争力的各种因素。研究结果表明,采用主成分因子分析法构建的竞争力综合评价指标比目前普遍采用服务出口额作为竞争力替代变量的研究方法具有更好的模型回归效果和经济解释意义,最后针对实证模型的回归结果提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates under which circumstances trade has impact on inflation dynamics by examining the independent effects of trade intensity, intra-industry trade and trade on value added. Trade in goods is decomposed into consumption (final) goods and intermediate inputs to deepen the assessment of the role of the globalisation of production activities on inflation dynamics. Open-economy new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) analyses suggest that inflation is sensitive to domestic factors and that the relevance of external factors changes with respect to the nature of trade, country groups and time. Vertical intra-industry trade in intermediate inputs and value-added trade play important role, whereas final goods trade has no statistically significant effect on inflation dynamics.  相似文献   

基于CGE模型定量探析碳关税对我国经济的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳关税是发达国家在应对金融危机中为保持本国经济对其他国家设置的绿色壁垒。文章基于可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,在生产模块、对外贸易模块、收入支出模块、碳关税模块等模型相互嵌入式的构建,定量探析碳关税对我国对外贸易、总体经济、生态环境、不同省区经济的影响,进而得出碳关税政策对我国外贸、经济生产等方面造成较大负面影响,而在生态环境改善下影响甚微,其实质是一种保护本国经济、阻碍中国经济发展的贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

蒲华林  张捷 《财贸研究》2012,23(1):70-76
中国巨大的贸易顺差引致贸易伙伴的诘难,国内外学者的实证分析却表明中国从产品内国际分工与贸易中获取的国内价值增值非常有限。产品内国际分工与贸易主要表现为零部件等中间产品的进出口,这一特征在机械运输设备和自动数据处理产业表现得尤其明显。通过计算1994—2007年零部件进出口的单位价值比率,发现中国出口零部件的单位价值远远低于相同编码进口零部件的单位价值。这意味着中国在进口大量高价值零部件从事终端产品低附加值出口加工的同时,也在制造并大量出口低价值零部件。中国激增的贸易顺差是产品内国际分工的副产品,掩盖了产品价值真实的国际分配。中国要成为真正的制造业强国并获得更大的国际分工利益,必须从提高国产零部件的价值开始。  相似文献   

汪斌 《财经论丛》2006,(1):78-82
中国正式加入WTO以后,其产业发展已进入按国际分工结构来选择和实施战略性调整的关键时期。本丈分析了中国对韩国出口工业制品的比较优势和中韩间在工业制品中产业内贸易发展的状况,指出了两国间产业国际分工的类型及特征。  相似文献   

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