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蒙英华  黄宁 《财贸研究》2012,23(3):40-48
中国文化进口主要集中于综合国力较强的发达国家,而且绝大多数文化产品进口受到出口国市场容量大小的影响,如建筑和设计、珠宝等,但受中国购买力水平影响较小;中国绝大多数文化产品出口受进口国购买力水平影响较为明显;中国文化生产效率的提高可促进其他视觉艺术、珠宝、电影和录像、建筑和设计等文化产品的出口,但对中国文化进口的影响并不明显;除古董进口及其他视觉艺术的出口以外,中国绝大多数文化产品的进、出口与距离变量呈负相关关系;自由贸易区可以促进中国绝大多数文化产品的进、出口。  相似文献   

Value of cultural goods varies across consumers with different backgrounds. Exchange of cultural goods may lead to better mutual understand and trust, which helps mitigate the entry obstacles in the investment targets. This paper studies how cultural trade affects Chinese firms' outbound foreign direct investment (OFDI). We find that both likelihood and total volume that a firm invests in a foreign country increase with the amount of bilateral cultural trade. We further show that cultural trade boosts the success rate of OFDI projects. These effects are intensified in targets with weaker institutional quality or a great cultural distance to China.  相似文献   

基于文化产品和服务进出口数据,对中国文化贸易结构、国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数、显示性比较优势指数的分析表明,尽管中国是文化产品出口第一大国,但文化贸易结构不合理,文化产业总体国际竞争力较弱且发展不平衡;中国文化贸易的竞争优势主要体现在手工艺品、设计、视觉艺术品和新媒体这些外围的文化产品中,具有核心内容的影视媒介、音乐媒介、出版物及版权、文化休闲娱乐服务等文化出口比重低、竞争力弱。  相似文献   

The number of cultural institutes from major developed and developing countries increased significantly in the last twenty years. In this paper, using cross-sectional and panel data analysis on bilateral trade in goods and services, and FDI inflows and outflows, we examine the economic effects of 1,266 cultural institutes from China, France, Germany, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and UK for the period of 1990–2015. The empirical results suggest that cultural institutes have significantly positive trade and FDI enhancing effects, which are persistent over time. However, these effects are most robust only with goods exports and FDI outflows. Furthermore, the economic effects of cultural institutes are not homogenous across destinations and are the strongest for developed rather than developing host countries. There is also significant heterogeneity among cultural institutes with significant differences in their economic effects on different types of bilateral trade and FDI flows.  相似文献   

中国消费者奢侈品消费动机的实证研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
亚洲特别是中国正成为世界奢侈品的主要市场,但是受文化的影响,东西方消费者的奢侈品消费动机是不同的。本文回顾了东西方奢侈品消费动机的研究,及其文化背景原因,特别关注了儒家文化对于东亚消费者的影响;对中国消费者的奢侈品消费动机进行了实证分析,对于奢侈品市场细分策略提出了建议。  相似文献   

GATT1994第4条是WTO规则体系中唯一一条直接涉及文化产品贸易待遇的条款,其对于文化产品特殊性的认定,国内配额措施背离于多边贸易规则之禁止数量限制原则并在特定条件下例外于WTO体制基石之国民待遇的允许,经历了长久的争论与谈判,体现了文化贸易在多边贸易体系中的独特地位。然而GATT1994第4条的内容却遇到了科学技术的巨大挑战,在文化多样性作为全球公认价值的今天,其适用范围的大小也成为文化价值诉求能否顺利实现过程中的重要问题。  相似文献   

目前,我国民族地区公共基础设施建设不足,公共安全和社会服务类的公共物品供给质量不高,农民科教、精神、文化娱乐类及社会福利类公共物品供给匮乏。其原因在于我国民族地区农村公共物品供给主体单一、供给决策机制不合理、供给结构失衡和效率低下等。我国政府应加大少数民族地区农村公共物品供给体制的配套改革力度,建立"多中心"的农村公共物品供给体制,以完善民族地区农村公共物品供给体制。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple model where micro-founded dynamics of cultural identity are endogenous and interact with an international trade equilibrium. This process generates a strong home bias under autarky. We then show that goods market integration causes a phenomenon of cultural divergence, whereby the distributions of cultures become more dissimilar across countries and one of the cultures that existed under autarky ultimately disappears. By way of contrast, we show that social integration causes cultural convergence and can counterbalance the effects of goods market integration.  相似文献   

本文结合我国2002-2013年跨省面板数据实证分析后发现,文化消费不仅有助于我国总消费水平提升,也显著改善我国消费的内部结构,突出表现为消费的服务化特点快速发展。在收入增长保证各类消费支出的“包容性”增长之下,文化消费并没有造成对非耐用品和耐用品消费支出显著的“挤出效应”。随着我国“收入倍增”计划带来长效收入增长机制作用的持续释放和社会保障体制改善带来居民预防性动机下过度储蓄的降低,文化消费通过关联作用下的“挤入效应”继续带动相关非耐用品和服务消费支出的增长。  相似文献   

闻媛 《财贸研究》2011,22(6):16-22,31
中国庞大的创意商品出口额大多是通过OEM方式生产出口,即沿袭传统制造业的发展模式,利用丰富廉价的劳动力为跨国公司代工。作为全球创意空间中的制造车间,中国在全球产业价值链中处于低附加值、低利润的生产制造环节,既不能掌握出口产品的价格决定权,更无法控制产品的文化内涵。面对强势的西方文化及西方国家成熟的商业运作,政策导向需要在经济利益与精神价值之间寻找平衡点,以更开放、更容忍的姿态对待创意阶层特立独行的思想与行为,并制定长期性的产业发展策略以整合国内创意资源,从而摆脱对发达国家跨国公司的依赖,提升中国创意产业在全球价值链中的产业位势。  相似文献   

The theory of economic integration has been well developed over time but mainly with regard to goods. Conceptually integration for services needs to be differentiated from goods according to the characteristics of services and the nature of barriers to integration. The need for personal interaction between supplier and user gives rise to different ways in which services are traded from goods with suppliers and users crossing borders and a different balance between cross-border trade and permanent presence. Obstacles to trade take place behind rather than at the border. The European Union has been chosen as an example of integration for services both on the basis of past experience and because of its ability to remove obstacles for services using specific institutional powers. Existing levels of integration for goods and services are compared with those to be expected on the basis of theory. Market integration for manufactured goods is lower than previously estimated and services higher, although services remain considerably less integrated. Finally, explanations for differing levels of integration both compared to goods and those expected among different services are sought in terms of the barriers to cross-border trade and permanent presence in the form of regulation, market structures and cultural factors.  相似文献   

论社会世俗文化对中国农村公共产品提供的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨红 《财贸经济》2006,(6):69-72
公共产品提供受到文化因素的影响.西方各国不同的公共产品实践说明了这一点.中国在农村公共产品提供过程中,同样要考虑到文化因素的影响,其中特别是中国社会世俗文化的影响.建设社会主义新农村,需要政府提供最基本的农村公共产品.政府同时要考虑到作为非正式制度的社会世俗文化的影响.  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives (a) to introduce border policy-induced barriers (PIBs) to services trade and (b) analyse the impact of border PIBs in services sectors on goods trade. The World Input-Output Database covering 43 countries is used over the period 2000–14. A three-stage analysis is employed. The measures of bilateral services trade barriers calculated in each services sector in the first stage are decomposed into its cultural/geographic and policy-induced parts in the second stage. Border PIBs to services trade are used in the structural gravity estimations of bilateral goods trade in the final stage. The results demonstrate significant and robust adverse effects of barriers to services trade on goods trade. When the level of development is taken into consideration, there are marked differences in the impact of these barriers on goods trade.  相似文献   

浅谈提升我国文化产品竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化产业竞争的核心文化产品的竞争力不仅对发展我国文化产业具有重要意义,而且对提升国家整体竞争力具有现实意义。近年来,我国对外货物贸易迅猛发展,出口占世界贸易比重不断上升,但我国的文化产品参与世界贸易相对明显滞后。本文通过分析文化产品特点以及文化产品贸易现状,提出提升文化产品竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,中国春节越来越受消费者欢迎,特别是东南亚消费者会在社交商务中参加中国春节活动。然而,现实中却存在一个矛盾的现象,即一些东南亚消费者春节期间热衷于购买中国商品,而春节过后却抵制中国商品。实证研究发现,东南亚消费者并未完全从态度上偏好中国春节和中国商品,只是出于社交商务的需要才参与中国春节和购买中国商品。东南亚消费者可区分为文化杂食型和节日身份型两个细分市场。其中,文化杂食型消费者包容并喜欢多元文化,会长期偏好中国节日和中国商品;节日身份型消费者仅在中国节日期间会参与中国节日和购买中国商品。这样的结论对指导中国企业实践具有重要价值,首先,为更好地响应“一带一路”倡议,应树立中国品牌意识,在“一带一路”沿线国家培育偏好中国文化和产品的朋友圈,转变消费者态度;其次,为更好地实施“走出去”战略,应在国际市场进行文化杂食和节日身份的细分,对文化杂食型消费者以文化为纽带培育其长期稳定的消费习惯,对节日身份型消费者通过营销策划刺激其消费;其三,为成功进入东南亚市场,对在东南亚运营的社交商务,应侧重培育消费者亲中国文化与产品的态度,并增加其使用社交商务平台的愉悦感。  相似文献   

在“物的包围”下的消费主义时代,芭芭拉·克鲁格提出“我买故我在”。这显然是对笛卡尔哲学本义的现代性颠覆,消费行为已成为推动个人主体独立存在的证明。作为现代性标志之一的品牌专卖店,正是构成都市人实现“购物”这一意义复杂的消费实践的重要场所,上演新一轮时尚的美学演示,隐含着独特的符号内涵与文化政治深意,是都市场景中新一轮消费主义叙事的当代隐喻。  相似文献   

Despite the cost and resource‐effectiveness of joint trade negotiations and complementarities between goods and services‐trade flows, more than 12% of the 132 WTO‐notified services‐trade agreements (STAs) in force until August 2015 were entered into effect sequentially to goods‐trade accords. This stylised fact motivates our study of the determinants of joint versus sequential negotiation/accession of goods and services accords, a subject hitherto unexplored in the growing literature on the determinants of STA membership. Our results suggest larger marginal effects of fundamental economic, geographic, institutional, doing business and services regulatory factors on the propensity of joint negotiation/accession compared to STA formation alone. Moreover, cultural‐distance variables are only found to affect the likelihood of joint preferential liberalisation of goods and services trade, without influencing STA‐only membership.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cross-country comparative study of industrial buyers' expectations of supplier attributes which manifest in the process of supplier selection. The results indicate a variance in these expectations across the countries, implying a multinational rather than a global approach in marketing industrial goods beyond domestic borders. The possible role of cultural factors in the formation of these divergent expectations is suggested. The implications of the findings for developing appropriate marketing strategies, and for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   


China is rapidly becoming the most important luxury market in the world (Lung, 2005). The reason for this is not simply due to the market size but also to the Chinese consumer's particular penchant for luxury goods. This study will investigate the differences between U.S. and Chinese consumers based on their hedonic and utilitarian ratings of luxury goods and the relationship that these ratings have with individual and cultural traits, with the expectation that a collectivist background will lead to a more utilitarian view of prestige goods. A sample of more than 600 Chinese and U.S. respondents was analyzed based on the ratings of three prestige goods. The results show that China is rapidly becoming a more individualistic nation and that the expected utilitarian use of prestige goods is confirmed through multiple statistical techniques.  相似文献   

One aspect of globalisation is the convergence of income, media and technology, which in turn is expected to lead to homogeneous consumer behaviour. This convergence thesis is increasingly questioned. With converging national wealth there still is substantial variation of consumer behaviour across nations, which is not disappearing. Variation is found in all aspects of consumer behaviour: in consumption of packaged goods, in usage and ownership of durable goods, and in media behaviour. With disappearing differences of GNP per capita, culture is a powerful explaining variable. This paper provides evidence of divergence of consumer behaviour rather than convergence, it describes the influence of culture, how cultural variables can explain variance of consumption, and presents the consequences for international brand management and for global advertising.  相似文献   

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