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This paper evaluates the performance of Egyptian banks during a period characterised by changes in economic policies. The Egyptian government's liberalisation policies in the early 1990s have had a positive or negative impact on the performance of the Egyptian banks. In addition, whether the liberalisation impact has influenced different forms of banks' ownership and sizes with consistent magnitude is examined. Another objective of this paper is to examine the impact of the privatisation process at the end of 1995 on the efficiency and productivity performance of the overall banking sector and on joint-venture banks in particular. The data envelopment analysis Malmquist methodology is employed to estimate the productivity of Egyptian banks.  相似文献   

Firm size and productivity in Spain: a stochastic frontier analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper analyses the performance of the small and medium-sized manufacturing firms during the period 1995–2001, focusing on the degree of technical inefficiency and its determinants. We use a micro panel data set to simultaneously estimate a stochastic frontier production function and the inefficiency determinants using an unbalanced panel of manufacturing firms. Our empirical results suggest that small and medium-sized firms tend to be less inefficient than the large firms are. Also, we centre our analysis in the effect on efficiency of some organisational factors related to the managerial ability to use and adjust capital and labour properly.
M. Angeles DiazEmail:

A number of existing empirical studies have attempted to estimate the foreign direct investment (FDI)-related productivity spillover effects to domestic firms in host economies using various methodologies and measures of FDI. This literature has produced mixed results. While some studies found positive spillovers, others reported zero or even negative spillovers. In this paper, using a model of firm heterogeneity, we provide a rigorous theoretical justification for the mixed findings. We show that FDI-related productivity spillover effects can be decomposed into a direct and an indirect effect. If the direct effect is positive then relatively less capable domestic firms that were not able to survive in the industry (before the arrival of foreign firms) can enter the industry, which decreases the average (expected) productivity of the industry. If this indirect effect is sufficiently strong then the overall impact of FDI on productivity of domestic firms can be zero or negative. Hence, irrespective of the type of FDI (vertical or horizontal) and control variables included in empirical models, one may find negative or zero spillover effects.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of global sourcing on firm performances by using data on Danish manufacturing firms during the period 1995–2006. The results show that firms with better ex-ante characteristics are more inclined to source intermediate inputs from abroad. The results also show that firms that source from different locations possess different ex-ante characteristics; the most productive source inputs from high-wage countries while capital stock and being an exporter are more important factors when sourcing from low-wage countries. Moreover, controlling for the endogeneity of both the sourcing decision and location by using instrument variable and DiD matching approach, the results seem also to suggest that firms that source inputs from high-wage countries benefited from doing so in terms of higher growth of productivity and export intensity. Firms that source inputs from low-wage countries, on the other hand, seem not to have experienced any significant impact on neither productivity nor export, not even three years after they started to source inputs from these countries.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of international trading activities of firms on creating productivity gains in Turkey by using a recent firm-level data set over the period 2003–2010. We establish treatment models and investigate the productivity improvements of firms through trade by using propensity score matching techniques together with difference-in-difference estimates. Three different groups of treatment are constructed: (1) firms that are involved only with import activities, (2) firms that are involved only with export activities and (3) firms that are involved with both export and import activities. The results of the study suggest that both exporting and importing have positive significant effects on total factor productivity (TFP) and labour productivity (LP) of firms. Importing is found to have a greater impact on productivity of firms compared to exporting. Further, two-way trade is found to have more significant effects than those of one-way trade on firm productivity. Finally, our results indicate that international trade has greater impact on LP rather than TFP of firms.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical methodology for the pricing of catastrophe (CAT) derivatives with event‐dependent and non‐convex payoffs given the price of a CAT indexed futures contract. We do not assume a fully diversifiable CAT event risk, nor do we assume knowledge of the martingale probability measure beyond the futures price. We derive tight bounds on the contract value and present trading strategies exploiting the mispricing whenever the bounds are violated. We estimate the bounds of the reinsurance contract with data from hurricane landings in Florida. Our method is also applicable when there is no futures market but the price of a CAT‐indexed bond is available.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in total factor productivity (TFP) in countries developed at different levels. By undertaking two tests using data of 1,696 observations across 95 countries during 2001–2018 and data of 906 observations covering 87 countries in the 1965–2015 period, we find that the linkage of IPR protection to TFP is negative in least-developed countries while inverted U-shaped in developing and developed countries. In addition, developed countries have the strongest IPR protection and least-developed countries offer the weakest protection, and the optimal IPR protection level for TFP in developed countries is greater than that in developing countries. This study enriches our knowledge of both antecedents of TFP and implications of IPR protection. It provides empirical support for the institution-based view of IPR history and extends the view to the context of developed countries. This study also informs policymakers the proper level of IPR protection if the goal is to promote TFP.  相似文献   

Of the hundreds of empirical studies examining the determinants of aggregate export volumes, almost all are based on a theoretical model that assumes that firms are operating in an identical environment. The very few studies that attempt to relax this assumption are all subject to their limitations. In this paper, a simple two-regime model is presented that allows for some environmental heterogeneity but avoids the shortcomings of the earlier approaches. This model performs generally satisfactorily when applied to nine Western European nations.  相似文献   

Usingmicro-data for Dutch firms, we argue that both the geographic component (what country is the import from) and the intensity component (what type of good is imported) is crucial for measuring and understanding productivity premia associated with importing. For example, our results indicate that the productivity premium associated with importing technology-intensive products from Taiwan differs from importing unskilled-labor-intensive products from Switzerland. We show that increasing distance and decreasing levels of development of the origin economy are negatively associated with the productivity premia of importing. Similarly, these premia are larger for technology- intensive goods and smaller for unskilled-labor-intensive goods. This implies that the geographic-intensity markets are unique and cannot be lumped together. In addition, a more dispersed import portfolio (the extensive dimension) is always positively associated with firm-level productivity.  相似文献   

文章先利用K-S检验研究中国制造类上市公司的全要素生产率分布,结果与HMY模型的预期一致,对外直接投资企业的全要素生产率分布显著优于出口企业和仅在国内生产销售的企业。进一步探讨对外直接投资与生产率的关系,结果表明,企业在进行对外直接投资时不存在显著的自我选择效应,但是,对外直接投资能够促进企业生产率的提高,具有学习效应。  相似文献   

大量的研究表明,出口贸易通过出口学习效应、出口溢出效应、出口规模效应和出口竞争效应促进了生产率的发展。我国省际面板数据的动态实证研究表明,出口量的增长不能促进我国全要素生产率的发展;人力资本和研发活动作为衡量一国吸收能力的指标,是发挥出口—生产率效应的关键因素;我国鼓励出口政策和引进外资政策的实施,使得出口—生产率效应具有明显的区域色彩。  相似文献   

The article analyses the relationship between succession and firm performance. Applying a non-parametric matching approach on a panel of roughly 4,000 Austrian family firms we evaluate the impact of actual (past) succession as well as planned (future) successions on employment growth. Analysing succession plans, we do not find a significant difference in employment growth between firms that plan to transfer the firm in the next 10 years and those who do not. In contrast, past succession exerts a significant and positive employment growth effect, which becomes stronger over time.
Denise Sandra DiwischEmail:

Motivated by a lack of consensus in the current literature, the objective of this paper is to reveal whether family firms are more or less productive than non-family firms. As a first step, this paper links family business research to the theoretical notion that family involvement has an effect on the factors of production from a productivity standpoint. Second, by using a Cobb–Douglas framework, we provide empirical evidence that family labour and capital indeed yield diverse output contributions compared with their non-family counterparts. In particular, family labour output contributions are significantly higher, and family capital output contributions significantly lower. Interestingly, differences in total factor productivity between family and non-family firms disappear when we allow for heterogeneous output contributions of family production inputs. These findings imply that the assumption of homogeneous labour and capital between family and non-family firms is inappropriate when estimating the production function.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to test the effect of firm size and business experience on export performance. In fact, despite a growing number of empirical studies, the question of the relationship between these variables is not clearly established. This research aims at contributing to a better understanding of these complex relationships with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The authors develop a general model and test it using a sample of Italian manufacturing firms that spans the 1997–2001 period. Combining a time-series with a cross-sectional analysis, they use an econometric model in order to test the relationships. Their findings provide a strong support for both relationships. The results show that it is not business experience per se which is important but that it is the relative change in experience that truly impacts upon export performance. The model also reveals that industry effects are relevant.  相似文献   

This work analyses the firms' internationalisation strategies of importing intermediates and exporting output, and the potential rewards of these activities in terms of total factor productivity (TFP), as a proxy for marginal costs, and markups. It further deepens into the study of the relationship between internationalisation strategies and markups by disentangling whether it operates through affecting firms' marginal costs and/or firms' prices. The panel database employed in this paper is the Spanish Survey on Business Strategies (ESEE) for the period 2006–14. Results in the paper distinguish between SMEs and large firms and indicate that there is high persistence in the performance of these activities and in firms' TFP and markups. For SMEs, we obtain rewards from importing inputs as well as exporting output in terms of TFP and markups. For large firms, we obtain rewards in TFP from the importing activity and rewards in markups from the exporting activity. Finally, we find evidence that the effects of internationalisation strategies on markups are due to both a price channel and a marginal cost channel.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the existence of productivity heterogeneity among foreign‐owned firms (FOFs) based in the European Union (EU). Using firm‐level data for a sample of FOFs investing in the EU over the period 2006–14, we find that foreign affiliates from advanced countries (AFOFs) show a positive productivity gap compared to foreign affiliates from emerging countries (EFOFs). However, when we consider the type and the motivation of foreign direct investment, our results reveal that, while AFOFs always seem to be more productive than EFOFs in manufacturing sectors, EFOFs appear to enjoy a productivity premium compared to AFOFs in the services, when their activity occurs in the same industry as their parent and they operate in less knowledge‐intensive market sectors.  相似文献   

本文在对2002~2007年中国工业企业数据和城市基础设施数据匹配基础上,分位数回归研究表明:道路和电信基础设施对于企业效率影响为负,中等教育基础设施对企业具有正向作用,而高等教育基础设施仅对中等效率企业具有正向影响,医疗基础设施仅对高效率企业具有正向促进作用。此外,按企业所有制分类的稳健性检验发现:道路、电信、教育和医疗基础设施对不同性质和不同效率水平的企业生产效率的促进作用存在较大差异。本文的政策含义是,加强民生基础设施的投资、优化基础设施投资结构有助于企业效率的提升,且企业自身效率的提升和企业所有制结构的改善也有助于提升城市基础设施的边际促进作用。  相似文献   

生产率是影响一国参与全球竞争的关键要素。本文基于全周期和子周期两种视角,利用C-D生产函数对我国生产率进行测算并预测了未来的经济潜在增长率,研究结果显示:21世纪以来,我国全要素生产率呈现下降趋势,但对经济的贡献率仍处于较高水平,经济呈现科技与资本双轮驱动特征;未来我国将跨越上中等收入阶段,步入高收入国家行列;预测结果显示:2036-2050年间我国经济增长主要靠全要素生产率拉动,经济增长动力的有效转换,将更加接近党的十九大提出的"两阶段"战略目标,更加适应新时代下的高质量发展需求。  相似文献   

Practitioners and scholars point out that firms are increasingly dispersing their capabilities across organizational functions. However, it is not clear whether all forms of dispersion, of any function, result in the same consequences. This study initiates investigation into the link between the cross-functional dispersion of influence on export marketing decisions (export dispersion) and export performance. Drawing on data from a sample of 225 UK exporters, the findings support the argument that active participation of non-export functions in export-marketing decisions affects export success. However, those performance consequences are dependent on internal and external contingencies. Export dispersion is beneficial for export performance when the export customer environment is more turbulent and, simultaneously, the export technological environment is more stable and the firm has lower levels of export information sharing. In all other scenarios examined in this study, greater levels of concentration of export decision-making (i.e. lower levels of export dispersion) appear to be more beneficial for export performance. Our findings imply that the management of the firm’s level of export dispersion is a complex task, whereby the degree of export dispersion pursued needs to match external environmental and internal firm factors.  相似文献   

本文基于新增长理论构建了贸易和金融内生化的生产率增长模型,并以1952-2006年的样本数据为基础,运用变参数分析方法就对外贸易和金融深化对我国全要素生产率的动态影响进行了分析。结果显示:进口贸易有利于全要素生产率增长,而出口贸易却与全要素生产率负相关;以经济货币化指标度量的金融深化有利于全要素生产率增长,而以经济金融化指标度量的金融深化同样有利于全要素生产率增长的预期却得不到经验证明。文章对上述结论进行了解释并提出了简要的政策建议。  相似文献   

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