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交通事故已成为当前相当严重的社会公害,全世界每年因交通事故造成约45万人死亡,1300多万人伤残,我国每年死亡约5.5万人,伤残近20万人。其中有相当一部分是由于救护不及时或救护方法不正确造成的。  相似文献   

金名 《市场周刊》2002,(2M):34-35
胃病是人类疾病中的常见病,有关统计资料表明,中国胃癌死亡率世界第一。每年因患胃癌死亡的人数高达90万人,国家卫生部的统计表明,在中国,有4亿胃病患,其中近2%患有溃疡病,80%患有各种胃炎,而溃疡病尤其是慢性萎缩性胃炎的癌变率为10-12%,换句话说,在未来10年来,预测我国将会有4000万人患上胃癌!  相似文献   

正在召开的全国两会上,北京衣工民主党的委员提供了一组数据:最近几年我国正在迎来家电更新换代的高峰期。粗略估计,我国平均每年需报废的电视机在500万台以上,洗衣机约为500万台,电冰箱约为400万台,每年淘汰的废旧家电达1500多万台,这还不包括保有量迅猛增长并迅速更新的电子及通讯器材。  相似文献   

正在召开的全国两会上,北京农工民主党的委员提供了一组数据:最近几年我国正在迎来家电更新换代的高峰期。粗略估计,我国平均每年需报废的电视机在500万台以上,洗衣机约为500万台,电冰箱约为400万台,每年淘汰的废旧家电达1500多万台,这还不包括保有量迅猛增长并迅速更新的电子及通讯器材。  相似文献   

王艳辉  韩颖 《商业研究》1999,(9):104-106
就未来几年经济发展而言,商业每年可增加就业约400万人,有关资料表明:今后十年我国每年新增劳动力均2000万人,那么商业即可吸纳其中的20%。  相似文献   

中国内地每年新发胃癌患者40万人,死亡30万人,且年轻患者的比例在升高。这是中国医师协会秘书长杨镜近日披露的信息。  相似文献   

<正>一、对废旧家电实行环保处理的必要性据国家统计局统计,目前我国电冰箱的社会保有量为1.3亿台、洗衣机约1.7亿台、电视机约3.5亿台。按家电正常使用寿命10到15年计算,专家预测:从2003年起,我国将进入家用电器更新高峰期,每年将以电冰箱400万台、洗衣机500万台、电视机1000万台以上的速度更新。另据保守的预测,我国计算机的保有量也有近1600万台,每年将有500万台需要更新。  相似文献   

新疆是全国穆斯林聚居的最大省区,有1300万~1400万人,约占新疆总人口的65%以上,新疆清真食品企业有4000多家,涉及到十几大类,是我国清真食品及用品最大的市场,但目前新疆清真食品认证工作还不完善,还需不断更新和发展。  相似文献   

胃癌是消化道最常见的恶性肿瘤,近年来,胃癌的早期诊断和治疗虽然有一定的进步,但目前仍为严重威胁我国人民健康的恶性肿瘤,尤其是早期胃癌症状不典型,组织分化差,预后差,死亡率高,应引起重视。现就临床确诊的病例进行临床病理分析,以探讨发病、临床及病理特点,提高早期诊断率。  相似文献   

有玩笑称,对生病的人来说,医院可能是最糟糕的地方。这话绝非玩笑,在美国,每年约有4万到10万人死于医疗失误,原因包括手术事故和发错药品等等。同时,每年约有10万人在医院中受到感染。  相似文献   

在三星堆地区出土的玉(石)器上发现了指南针及“东、西、南、北”四个方位字。其中,指南针是玉(石)的,不会转动,是象征性的,可能当时已有会转动的实物。这一发现,把中国指南针的发现史推到了伏羲时代,而其上的“东”、“西”、“南”、“北”四个方位字的发现,更显现出在上古时代我们祖先对空间的认识,这些古文字比甲骨文更早,那种认为甲骨文是中国文字的“顶峰”的观点是错误的。由此可推断,中国文字的发展史至少在万年或万年以上。  相似文献   

The strategic function of a top business leader, with its vision‐forming, persuading, and control abilities, spans much of what has been traditionally viewed as the field of leadership research. While some leaders speak or write about leadership without having led many businesses, others who have led lack the capacity for reflection which is necessary to explain what it is that they do. Yet, most leaders seem to have something to say, and they find eager listeners. Are MBA candidates being misled by the business press and thus are unable to tell a real leader from a fraud? Or is it that those we call business leaders today are only figureheads propelled by those toiling beneath them? This commentary focuses on thoughts centered on the rim of contention: business leadership in Brazil. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ethics vs. IT Ethics: Do Undergraduate Students Perceive a Difference?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Do undergraduate students perceive that it is more acceptable to ?cheat’ using information technology (IT) than it is to cheat without the use of IT? Do business discipline-related majors cheat more than non-business discipline-related majors? Do undergraduate students perceive it to be more acceptable for them personally to cheat than for others to cheat? Questionnaires were administered to undergraduate students at five geographical academic locations in the spring, 2006 and fall 2006 and spring, 2007. A total of 708 usable questionnaires were returned including 532 from students majoring in business-related disciplines and 139 from students majoring in non-business related disciplines (37 were undecided). It appears that in terms of intellectual property violations, undergraduate students in general find cheating using IT more acceptable than cheating without the use of IT. It also appears that undergraduate students perceive that it is relatively more acceptable for them to personally cheat when using IT than for others to cheat when using IT, although this is reversed when IT is not involved. No significant differences on these issues were found between undergraduate students having business discipline-related majors and those having non-business discipline-related majors.  相似文献   

To teach that being ethical requires knowing foundational ethical principles – or, as Socrates claimed, airtight definitions of ethical terms – is to invite cynicism among students, for students discover that no such principles can be found. Aristotle differs from Socrates in claiming that ethics is about virtues primarily, and that one can be virtuous without having the sort of knowledge that characterizes mathematics or natural science. Aristotle is able to demonstrate that ethics and self-interest may overlap, that ethics is largely compatible with common sense, and that Aristotle’s virtuous person can make ethical decisions rationally. Case studies can help students improve their ethical perception and keep their values from being overwhelmed by corporate culture. Edwin M. Hartman is the Peter Schoernfeld Visiting Faculty Fellow at the Stern School of New York University. He has degrees from Haverford, Oxford, and Wharton, and a PhD from Princeton. Hartman’s most recent book is Organizational Ethics and the Good Life (Oxford).  相似文献   

Citation analysis is one method of assessing the quality of a journal in a discipline. Over eight thousand citations are analysed to determine the frequency of use of a selection of American and European marketing journals. The rankings demonstrate the pre-eminence of American journals; and an analysis of marketing citations by general business journals indicates that research published in marketing journals is having an impact on other business areas.  相似文献   


As the largest post-Soviet transition economy with substantial labour immigration and a considerable informal-sector Russia serves as an interesting case to study informal employment in the service and non-service economic sectors. The study fills the gap of the lack of empirical papers grounded on the reliable massive individual data. This article discusses almost twenty years’ dynamics of informal employment rates within the service and non-service industries based on the nationally representative Labour Force Survey primary data, collected quarterly for 2010–2015 with a sample size of about 200 thousand respondents per quarter. The unexpected finding is that the rate of informal employment is higher in non-service economic activities. Informal workers in the service sector in Russia are typically male, not very young, without tertiary education, living in urban areas. The paper also provides a comparative regression analysis on the probability of being informally employed in the service and non-service sectors.  相似文献   

任稚苑 《中国市场》2008,(49):73-74
近年来,随着国际货物贸易的迅速增长,国际上大型物流企业进入中国市场,给我国处于竞争劣势的货运代理业带来巨大冲击。因此,如何尽快推动国际货运代理企业转变观念,整合现有资源,改变经营模式,进行体制再造,以全新物流理念发展第三方物流,培育一批具有国际水平的现代国际物流企业不仅是经济全球化带来的国际间竞争的需要,更是对外贸易保持可持续发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

Guangzhou is a famous city of China history and culture. The upbuilding of Guangzhou city could be traced back to 2217 year ago when Zhao Tuo set up Southern Yue Kingdom in Western Han Dynasty. Guangzhou is the birthplace and starting point of Maritime Silk Road as well as the solo trade port always opens to the foreign countries, being the intercourse platform between China and the external. Four to  相似文献   

长期以来,中国人对个人财富似乎有一种先天的“过敏反应”,往往认为“为富不仁”,甚至视“财富为万恶之源”。遗憾的是,我们的一些知识精英、理论家和作家也如此是观。这种几千年农耕社会遗留的小农经济观念显然与现代市场经济观念是格格不入的。中国市场经济的发展,有赖于培植全民的财富积累和资本增殖的理念,有赖于创造适合民营企业家创业和大显身手的环境和土壤。  相似文献   

中式点心的发展经历了几千年,饮食文化的积淀与发展,深深渗入到中式点心中,几千年的发展,人们的口味和饮食习惯也在与时俱进,在选料、制法、品种、风味方面越来越趋于成熟。但是,由于我国自有的特点,即人口众多、生活差异很大,各地的气候条件也不尽相同,所以我国今后的中式点心发展要走创新之路,以适应不同地方、不同人群的饮食习惯。基于此,从中式点心的内涵、发展潜力等方面阐述中式点心的未来发展之路。  相似文献   

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