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对于在运动饮料市场上有着专业研究的佳得乐而言,目前最大的挑战就是,如何教育消费者,通过全方位的沟通网罗更广泛的大众。中国的运动饮料市场,仍有庞大的消费潜能未被开发。这对百事旗下的运动饮料品牌佳得乐(Gatorade)来说,无疑是大好机遇。一份来自国家体育总局的调研数据显示,目前约30%的中国人经常参加运动,但在这其中,仅有约30%的人有饮用运动饮料的习惯。另一个现实的情况是,在中国市场上,并无真正占领导地位的运动饮料品牌。  相似文献   

人体在运动中,会消耗很大能量,各种微量元素也会随着流失。因此,运动饮料应运而生。运动饮料在补充人体水分的基础上,科学添加了一些营养元素,促进体液保持平衡、改善调节体内代谢,以达到保持身体机能、消除运动疲劳的功效。本文通过分析运动饮料中各种营养元素,探讨运动饮料对运动能力的影响与作用,希望能为人们带来一些帮助。  相似文献   

文章描述了中国饮料市场的发展与现状,分析了在中国饮料市场的市场结构和市场特征背景下加多宝的营销策略,提出中国饮料企业营销对策建议。  相似文献   

鲁靖  邓晶 《商业时代》2003,(3):47-48
中国的饮料市场极具潜力,可本国却没有一家真正的饮料巨头。本文将中国饮料巨头不能诞生的原因归咎于国内饮料市场混乱的局面,分析了中国饮料市场上巨大的市场机会,并就如何培养饮料巨头提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了饮料制造业的运行情况,提炼了最新的行业发展动态,分析了2007年饮料市场的特点,预测了2008年市场的发展趋势。  相似文献   

允翀 《市场周刊》2013,(1):80-80
2011年12月,美国14岁少女阿内斯·福尼尔在24小时内喝了两罐“怪物能量饮料”(MonsterEnergy),最终身亡。验尸报告显示,阿内斯死于咖啡因中毒导致心脏供血不足而引起的心律紊乱。法医同时还发现,阿内斯有遗传性疾病,她的血管很脆弱。这种“怪物能量饮料”是全美销量第一的能量运动饮料,占据同类产品市场的39%,与奥地利的运动饮料“红牛”分庭抗礼。  相似文献   

中国饮料市场现状及应对措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国的饮料市场极具潜力,可本国却没有一家真正的饮料巨头。本文分析了中国饮料巨头不能诞生的原因及中国饮料市场的巨大商机,并就如何培养饮料巨头提出建议措施。  相似文献   

竞争力代表了一个企业相对其他企业的竞争优势,对于品牌企业来说,竞争力是影响企业决策力、支持力和执行力的决定性因素。中国运动品牌的竞争力各不相同,在国内外市场上各自占有一席之地,自新冠疫情爆发以来,中国运动品牌企业都受到了严重冲击。本文以新冠疫情为分界点,分析中国运动品牌国内外发展现状,研究国产运动品牌的竞争优势与劣势,通过SWOT分析法、4P战略等具体分析了疫情前后中国运动品牌在发展中存在的问题及影响运动品牌竞争力的各种因素,从科学技术、资源分配、管理营销等几个方面提出相应的对策与建议,明确中国运动品牌未来几年发展趋势。本文对中国运动品牌在后疫情时代的竞争力发展具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

鲁靖  邓晶 《商业时代》2003,(238):47-48
中国的饮料市场极具潜力,可本国却没有一家真正的饮料巨头。本文将中国饮料巨头不能诞生的原因归咎于国内饮料市场混乱的局面,分析了中国饮料市场上巨大的市场机会,并就如何培养饮料巨头提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

宋琳 《中国市场》2012,(31):143-144
改革开放以来,中国医疗卫生体制改革在探索中不断前进,借用波兰尼的"双向运动"理论对此进行全面审视,并结合国家转型的时代特征进行综合分析,中国医疗卫生体制改革大致经历了市场化运动和社会自我保护运动两个阶段,在这当中成绩和问题并存,矛盾和争议不断。在市场化过度与不足的争论中,第三条道路的优势和可行性日益凸显,即充分发挥政府与市场的双重功能,促进二者有机结合,推动中国医疗卫生体制改革的健康发展。  相似文献   

体育运动中科学补水影响着人体水平衡、新陈代谢、人体温度与人体组织器官,科学补水需把握好补水时机、补水容量与补水类型,同时注意不补充生水,做到浓淡冷热相宜,区分水和饮料。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):185-192
Sports performance is not the unique ingredient of a sports star's market value. Some gifted players are undermined by weak media exposure while some less talented players who actively engage in social media and attract fans in millions benefit from exorbitant contracts. This research conceptualizes the effect of social media in the sports business and analyzes the recipes that lead to high market value for sports stars. This study uses qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) on a sample of 95 top soccer players in Europe. The empirical results reveal that sports performance and social media activity are both necessary but insufficient conditions for a high market value condition. This research provides a roadmap for managers and sports stars to navigate in the social media arena.  相似文献   

运用系统分析法和文献资料法对我国竞技表演类体育产品供应链内涵、市场特征、系统结构等进行研究,分析竞技表演类体育产品供应链失调的5大原因,并提出通过建立联合决策机制、综合考评激励机制、战略合作伙伴关系和契约机制、完善运动员的利益保障机制和供应链成员间信息沟通机制来共同协调我国竞技表演类体育产品供应链。  相似文献   

两店运行乃至今后将会出现的多店运行,海关面临离岛免税监管工作的挑战将会逐步升级。尽管已经有三亚离岛免税店运行数月的监管经验积累,但是丝毫没有减轻海口海关对于海口美兰机场免税店开业的重  相似文献   

湖南体育产业近年来取得了长足的发展,但也存在着诸如产业意识不强等问题。因此,为了促进湖南体育产业的发展.其策略是:提高体育产业意识、建立健全管理机制、加强法律法规建设、整体规划发展战略、培育体育产业市场、完善体育市场体系、拓展资金融资渠道、实施人才发展战略、充分发挥传媒作用。  相似文献   

克服全球性金融危机对体育休闲产业的冲击,并在困难中实现产业的不断发展,是各级政府和体育休闲产业的经营者必须应对的现实。在政府的有力推动下,按照产业发展的规律和市场的原则提升经营策略和体育产品与服务层次,引导和创造市场需求,规范市场化经营,打造产品和服务的品牌,在市场中"强身健体"、自我发展,应成为金融危机下我国体育休闲产业经营和发展的重要方略。  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that 'revenue maximization of the tenants of sports facilities is dependent on the geographical location of the facility (location of distribution)'. Revenue maximization was operationalized pertaining to sponsorship. A survey instrument was sent to all sponsors of a Melbourne-based football club. The sponsors were grouped as location dependent and location independent based on the location of their head office and financial turnover achieved in the area around the sports facility. The survey collected information on three different steps in the sports consumption process including 'coming to the sports facility', 'being in and around the sports facility' and 'being serviced in the sports facility'. t-Tests were run for most items of the questionnaire in relation to location dependency. Indicative evidence was found in support of the general hypothesis. In particular, direct sales (turnover) in the area around a sports facility were found to be an important factor when considering the issue of location dependency. Smaller, lowspending sponsors with an important percentage of turnover in the area around the sports facility were less likely to move with the football club to a (remote) new facility. In relation to sponsors' objectives, it was found that the objectives of location-dependent sponsors are directed more towards direct sales (or product /brand related as defined elsewhere), whereas location-independent sponsor's objectives seemed to be indirectly related to sales (or corporation related and generation of media benefits as defined elsewhere).  相似文献   

兰兰 《中国市场》2009,(2):136-137
本文首先分析了体育消费与体育市场发展的关系,紧接着以南宁市为例进行了体育消费现状分析,并分析了其存在的影响因素,最后探讨了相关策略。  相似文献   

As surprising as it may sound, sales to the female sports market are almost equal to sales to the male sports market. Also, an increasing percentage of viewers of various broadcast sports events consist of females, even in male-dominant sports like football and baseball. Couple these with the increasing role that females play in purchasing decisions for a variety of products, and sports marketing emerges as an effective vehicle to reach this lucrative market. To investigate the extent to which marketers are taking advantage of this promotion strategy, a two-step project was conducted. First, gender differences with regard to advertising were delineated based on an extensive literature review. Second, a content analysis of commercials shown during the men's and women's tennis final in the 1990 US Open was performed. The results of the content analysis were contrasted with the expected findings indicated by the literature review. Only one product was found to be specifically targeted to women. Moreover, very few differences were found between the advertising strategy in both finals. The results indicate that to a large extent, marketers are not taking advantage of sports marketing targeted to women, and continue to use sports marketing to target the traditional male sports fan.  相似文献   

The number of studies on the marketing–finance interface has escalated in response to increased interest in the value of marketing investments, such as sports sponsorship. This study integrates current research findings and establishes empirical generalizations on how sports sponsorship announcements impact firm value. The empirical literature finds contradicting results on the value shareholders place on these marketing investments. This paper addresses this issue by undertaking a meta-analysis on stock reactions to sport sponsorship announcements, using 3192 of these announcements taken from 36 studies (41 samples). On aggregate, these announcements drew the attention of shareholders since there was a positive and significant cumulative abnormal return (CAR). However, this positive effect was mostly observed in the 1990s and became negative in the 2000s. Overall, shareholders viewed sports sponsorship investments favorably when there was a functional and geographical congruence between sponsors and sponsees. This paper also shows that the differences in the CAR can be explained by controlling for confounding events and host country. The paper concludes by providing potential avenues for further research in sports sponsorship, using the event study method.  相似文献   

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