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随着互联网电子商务的繁荣和物流交通网络的完善,快递已发展为日常生活中不可或缺的物流服务形式。同时,每年产生的数不尽的快递包装不合理弃置行为对于资源节约和环境保护而言是一大损失与危害,更体现出物流包装回收管理体系的匮乏。高校学生是网络购物消费主力人群,以人群密集的高校校园为例,调查分析快递包装处理存在的问题,结合回收流程图,从快递包装回收体系的构建和实操策略等不同层面,探讨校园快递包装回收方案。  相似文献   

随着我国电子商务行业的快速发展,电商快递包装对环境的影响愈加严重,为了节约自然资源以及实现可持续发展,文章主要提供基于"互联网+"的电商快递包装循环利用模式的研究。主要研究内容分为两个部分:(1)分析快递包装存在的资源浪费,不能循环利用问题;(2)提供基于"互联网+"的快递包装生产,流通以及回收的循环利用模式。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的迅速兴起,网购增加,快递包装数量增多、种类多样化,对于快递包装的回收利用,目前仍存在可回收快递包装设计与回收体系不完善、回收意识不强、合作力度小等问题,导致回收效率不高。本文针对这些问题,从快递包装设计、回收体系、回收意识以及合作机制方面分别提出解决措施,对快递包装回收利用进行研究。  相似文献   

在快递业务量持续增长的情况下,大量的快递包装垃圾如何处理的问题一直困扰着我国物流快递业的发展。通过分析我国电子商务快递业的发展与快递包装的回收现状,提出了快递包装回收的主要问题:快递包装的标准、监管制度欠缺、技术落后、回收意识等;并针对问题提出推行快递绿色包装的策略,包括推行快递包装的电商化、标准化、绿色化,加强政府法律机制的建设和监管力度;建立以第三方为主、多方参与的快递包装回收模式;构建绿色包装供应链一体化组织等解决策略。  相似文献   

现如今,网购已成为一种消费习惯,人们对快递的需求越来越大。近年来,由快递包装废弃物造成的环境污染与资源浪费问题愈发严重,引起了人们的高度关注。高校学生是网购的主力军,高校快递包装是否得到合理有效回收,对于此问题的解决至关重要。以武汉工商学院为例,采用抽样问卷调查法对高校快递包装回收现状进行分析,并据此提出相应的合理化建议,希望能为快递包装带来的环境压力和资源浪费问题的解决提供建设性意见。  相似文献   

电商的发展催生了网购的热潮,但快递包装物的浪费也愈加严重。本文从循环经济的视角,分析了快递包装的现状及回收再利用存在的问题,并结合镇江地区在读大学生的快递包装回收情况调查,提出了采用新型环保包装材料、多方共建快递包装回收体系、提高公众快递包装回收意识、完善快递包装回收制度等策略和建议,以期实现快递包装绿色健康发展。  相似文献   

伴随着我国快递行业的快速发展,快递商品包装的需求量及快递商品包装废弃物日益增大,并且由此引发了一系列社会、经济问题。本文从快递商品包装现状着手,分析了现今我国快递商品绿色物流包装的必要性及快递商品包装存在的问题,并针对该问题提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

电子商务的不断发展促进了快递服务业的壮大,网购业务量的增多也使快递包裹堆积如山,然而,大部分消费者在收到快递后都是直接将快递包装扔掉,因此,快递包装垃圾随处可见。论文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数据分析法等形式,重点分析快递包装流向及处理现状,提出了快递垃圾大量浪费的问题及对策。  相似文献   

新型共享快递包装回收系统除了各主体的参与,也需要政府立法调控来保证顺利施行。共享快递包装的推广仍面临许多问题,如实行过程中职责不明确,推广前期乏力,消费者对于隐私、安全问题存在疑虑等,政府可以出台相关法律明确针对共享快递包装建立监管部门和执法部门,并出台配套的法律和奖惩机制,明确消费者、电商、物流公司等各方责任,对于使用此系统的电商、制造厂进行奖励,并落实追责制度,以此来消除共享快递包装回收系统施行的阻力。  相似文献   

近年来,我国快递物流业发展迅猛,仅"双十一"期间主要电商企业全天共产生快递物流订单就达4.6亿件,全天各邮政、快递企业共处理快件量1.48亿件。大量的快递订单的背后是数以亿计的快递垃圾,而快递包装的回收难题则造成了资源浪费、环境污染和包装成本上升的问题。因此,发展绿色包装,实施包装标准化管理,实现资源回收利用、保护生态环境和控制包装成本是一个双赢的方式。文章结合绿色包装、包装标准化管理的含义,简要分析了我国快递物流业包装回收存在的问题并提出解决问题的方向。  相似文献   

物流包装中存在的问题及措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要实现物流的绿色化,必须实现包装的绿色化——绿色包装。我国商品过度包装不利于可持续发展和节约型社会的建设,高投入、高消耗、低质量、低效益,导致了资源浪费和生态环境恶化。我国应顺应国际环保发展趋势,倡导绿色包装,制定包装及商品包装的管理办法,采取包装模数化、大型化和集装化以及绿色材料技术等措施实现包装的合理化与现代化。并将物流与包装有机地融合在一起,大力发展绿色物流体系下的绿色包装。  相似文献   

陈晶 《中国电子商务》2014,(10):215-216
伴随电子商务的快速发展,快递业给消费者提供了更为快捷、便利的工作及生活方式,但同时因快递邮件也带了快递服务中某些法律方面的纠纷。其中快递邮件损害赔偿一直是社会各界关注的热点问题。本文首先阐述了快递邮件损害赔偿的内容,接着指出快递邮件损害赔偿的法律依据,其次,对快递邮件损害赔偿的法律适用问题作了初步的分析和探讨,最后从国家立法、快递企业,消费者三个层面思考,为进一步完善快递行业制度提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

The food sector is identified as one of the fastest growing industries introducing package innovations and new package designs. This article is based on a packaging development project of a food company producing eggs. The case presents the company's first-time engagement with package development. The materials generated during development project serve as a starting point for an interpretive single case study. The units of analysis are three perspectives identified by the various research as essential for the packaging development project. These are the food company's, an outsourced branding and packaging consultants' and that of the consumers'. This study is motivated by how the package attributes are perceived as meaningful in the particular context and by how the package attributes are created when a low involvement primary food product package is developed. The exposition of case study findings is organised according to a theory-led literature review outlining the essential package attributes and a project-led case describing how these attributes were created during the project. The results show signs of substantial qualitative differences in contribution of the participants as well as the quality of information they provided for the package development. Moreover, findings on packaging development indicate that the practical interplay between company, external consultancy and information generated by the consumer research provide together a backed up and sharper view on packaging development decisions made during the project.  相似文献   

当前,我国众包速递平台大多注册为技术或信息服务公司,自认为是撮合用户与自由快递员的中介平台。结合对众包速递平台业务本质以及《中华人民共和国邮政法》第84条的法释义学分析,众包速递平台并非技术或信息服务公司,其从事的封装物品递送业务属于快递业务,不能以分拣环节的省略否认其快递性质。基于试错观察和管制均衡,有必要将众包速递平台纳入快递安全管制范畴,针对其寄递环节的非典型性配置管制工具,评估以备案制替代行政许可制的可行性,强化以自由快递员培训为重点的管理型管制,有针对性地设计实名收寄、收寄验视等技术标准管制,适度合理引入绩效管制,沿袭我国邮政业安全管制的路径依赖,以单独立法的方式构建针对我国众包速递平台的差异化监管模式。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the re-engineering and design optimization of a warehouse for package storage operations occurring daily at a leading courier express company in Italy. The objective of our study is to quantify the return on investment and error reduction that can be achieved by the application of advanced tracking technologies in the package management process. This study considers the use of RFID tags to facilitate identifying items in a package delivery service facility. In a first phase, we analyze the current process and show the speed-up of the operators with barcode readers compared to the operations handbook. In a second phase, we introduce radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in the warehouse and perform practical experiments in order to detect configurations with error-free item scanning. An optimal configuration of the warehouse and of the RFID-based package management process is obtained by a non-linear optimization model that minimizes the overall technology and management costs. The probability of item errors is modeled by a maximum likelihood estimation procedure that determines the scanning area of each antenna with minimal scanning error. The new process with RFID technology reduces the costs of daily operations in the studied warehouse up to 25% and the workload of the operators up to 4 h.  相似文献   

湖北技术对外依存度近年大幅提高,其高低总体上与湖北经济发展水平、创新能力、经济外向度有关。湖北应通过重点引进先进技术,加大研发投入力度,提高自主创新能力,促进消化吸收再创新,加强技术引进、研究和开发服务机制建设,加强企业、科研机构和高校技术联合研发,降低技术对外依存度。  相似文献   

This study aims to establish whether the residential background of consumers has a varying influence on their buying decisions. A survey of 1090 urban and rural respondents was carried out of which 523 were rural and 567 were urban. The gathered data were analysed by applying counts, percentages, means, and analysis of variance. Rural residents found that packaging is more helpful in buying, that better packaging contains a better product and that they are more influenced by the ease of storing a package than their urban counterparts. Ease of carriage, package weight, simplicity, transparency and similarity of packaging have comparatively less impact on purchase decisions of rural consumers than urban ones. However, rural consumers are more critical about packaging as they strongly consider that it contributes to misleading buyers and is also an environmental hazard.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2019,95(4):204-218
Visual elements of packaging design serve as a powerful, cost-efficient tool for manufacturers and retailers alike to communicate sensory features of the product to consumers and influence their consumption behaviors. Based on studies of packaging design, cross-modal correspondences, and food science, this research establishes a “packaging visual-gustatory correspondence effect” whereby the image of a food product placed at the bottom (vs. top) of the package façade enhances consumers’ expectations (Study 1A) and actual perceptions (Study 1B) of the food’s flavor heaviness. Further, this effect carries over to help consumers make healthier eating decisions such as eating less of the food (Study 2) and subsequently choosing a healthier snack (Study 3). This research also shows that the packaging visual-gustatory correspondence effect is moderated by consumers’ processing style such that those who engage in holistic (vs. analytic) processing are more affected by the location of the food image on the package façade (Study 4). Our theoretically novel findings are also conducive to addressing the self-control dilemma: The location of the food image on the package façade can serve to increase flavor perception but decrease consumption quantity.  相似文献   

试论我国现代物流包装管理发展新趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王玫 《中国市场》2008,(45):22-23
物流包装的合理化是有效降低物流成本,提高物流效率的主要途径。本文介绍了我国物流包装管理现状和存在的问题,指出发展现代物流包装管理的必要性,并对物流包装在中国的发展趋势进行探讨,希望借此能对我国物流包装的发展起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

随着以高科技和互连网为代表的信息技术推动的经济全球化在世界各国进程的深入,不仅给我国的经济发展带来挑战和冲击,也使得高校的思想政治工作面临着严肃的挑战。深入研究经济全球化背景下高校思想政治教育面临的新情况、新特点,找出新规律,与时俱进,开拓创新,是高校思想政治教育工作的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

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