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刘希曦 《现代商业》2012,(12):44-45
本文通过构造由包钢认购权证、包钢认沽权证、包钢A股股票及无风险债券所构成的套利组合,根据欧式看涨期权和看跌期权的平价公式及不同执行价格的同类期权所具有的内在价值规律,对包钢权证的平价关系进行实证研究。实证结果表明,包钢权证并不满足欧式期权平价关系,从而引出中国权证市场的期权平价关系不成立的内在原因。  相似文献   

权证是发行人与持有者之间的一种契约,持有人在约定的时间有权以约定的价格买卖标的资产。权证可与债券、优先股或普通股共同发行。权证目的不符合市场经济发展要求及监管不力是致使我国权证市场失败的主要原因。鉴于我国资本市场现状,发行权证必须确定主体,设计出风险小的权证产品及带有期权性质的衍生工具。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了权证的定义和分类等相关概念,然后简单阐述权证在内地和香港地区的发展状况,最后对两个市场进行比较分析,为内地权证市场的进一步繁荣和规范发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国由于法律制度的约束,股票来源受到限制,使企业股票期权激励难以操作.而虚拟股票期权由于其虚拟性特征,可以绕开法律法规的限制,有较大的发展空间.本文从虚拟股票期权奖励基金来源、授予范围、行权价的确定及行权等方面来构造适合我国本土的虚拟股票期权激励模式.  相似文献   

随着股改权证在权证市场的淡出,权证这一投资品渐渐的淡出了人们的视野.但作为金融衍生市场中不可或缺的金融工具,权证这一品种不但有存在必要,而且应该有它发展的空间.本文以香港地区权证市场的发展为例,来分析我国未来权证市场的发展,并认为适时推出备兑权证是十分必要的.  相似文献   

张作民 《市场论坛》2008,(10):51-53
权证实质是一种看涨、看跌期权。权证的定价比较复杂,有多个因素可决定权证的价格,其中正股价格、执行价格、到期日、股价波动率等几项是最主要的。在国内投资权证,可以选择利用波动率构建无风险套利组合;根据国内权证收益率特点确定在折价时买入权证而在溢价比率非常高时卖出权证;针对不同的市场预期,选择投资不同的权证类型等投资策略。  相似文献   

权证实质是一种看涨、看跌期权。权证的定价比较复杂,有多个因素可决定权证的价格,其中正股价格、执行价格、到期日、股价波动率等几项是最主要的。在国内投资权证,可以选择利用波动率构建无风险套利组合;根据国内权证收益率特点确定在折价时买入权证而在溢价比率非常高时卖出权证;针对不同的市场预期,选择投资不同的权证类型等投资策略。  相似文献   

股票期权,作为一种内部分配制度的创新,早已成为世界各国上市公司重要的激励模式。国外学者的研究主要集中在股票期权的激励机制、股票期权补偿合约标的资产、股票期权方案的影响因素等方面。并认为股票期权的快速发展与其激励效应密切相关。我国证券市场尚处于逐步完善和发展阶段,尚未推出期权等衍生工具市场,对于股票期权激励制度的研究也仅仅处于初级阶段。目前,我国学者关于股票期权激励常4度本身已有较全面的研究,包括其运行机理、组成要素及其优点等,但是在实施股票期权激励制度上仍然存在两种观点,即我国股票期权激励制度的实施还有一定的环境与障碍问题;我国公司化改革的进程迫切要求推行股票期权制度,股票期权激励制度的效应分析应主要集中在该制度的正面效应上。  相似文献   

周梅 《中国市场》2011,(26):54-57
2005年8月,股权分置改革再度催生了我国的权证交易,我国权证市场取得了令人瞩目的成绩,成为了世界上交易活跃、成交量最大的权证市场之一。目前,学术界已经很深入地研究了我国权证市场的定价及其溢价效应,但作为股票的衍生品,权证市场和其标的资产市场之间的相互关系还缺乏系统性地探讨。本文将实证研究这些权证的收益、波动性和股票指数之间存在的联动关系,进而论证这些衍生品所具有的部分普通股票的性质。本研究的直接启示就是:建立有序且高效率的股票卖空机制,将对我国的资本市场产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

王辉 《中国物价》2009,(4):49-52
本文利用GARCH(1,1)模型,通过建立控制样本,对我国证券市场上权证上市对标的股票波动率的影响进行检验。结果表明,权证上市不仅对标的股票的波动率没有显著性的影响,而且对于股票价格对信息调整速度的影响也不显著。  相似文献   

This study finds that the growth of index options open interest has a significant relation with future stock market returns. We propose a theoretical model that considers hedgers and informed traders in the options market and suggests that hedgers fully utilize options according to their expectations of future stock returns. The empirical results show that the growth of out-of-the-money call options open interest is significantly related with future stock market returns. These findings provide supporting evidence for our theoretical model.  相似文献   

本文介绍了股票期权计划作为一种新的长期激励制度的特征和实施的内容,并从人力资本产权理论、团队生产理论、风险理论和契约理论四方面阐述了股票期权计划的理论基础,进而结合我国的具体实际分析了在中国实施股票期权计划面临的一些限制性因素,从而就我国实行股票期权计划提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

We consider the optimal exercise of a portfolio of American call options in an incomplete market. Options are written on a single underlying asset but may have different characteristics of strikes, maturities, and vesting dates. Our motivation is to model the decision faced by an employee who is granted options periodically on the stock of her company, and who is not permitted to trade this stock. The first part of our study considers the optimal exercise of single options. We prove results under minimal assumptions and give several counterexamples where these assumptions fail—describing the shape and nesting properties of the exercise regions. The second part of the study considers portfolios of options with differing characteristics. The main result is that options with comonotonic strike, maturity, and vesting date should be exercised in order of increasing strike. It is true under weak assumptions on preferences and requires no assumptions on prices. Potentially the exercise ordering result can significantly reduce the complexity of computations in a particular example. This is illustrated by solving the resulting dynamic programming problem in a constant absolute risk aversion utility indifference model.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ethics of contemporary managerial compensation in the context of executive stock options. Economic considerations would dictate that executive stock options should be adjusted to eliminate the effect of overall stock market movements which are beyond the control of the executive. However, in practice, most executive stock options are not adjusted to control for these outside factors. Agency considerations are the most likely culprit. Adjusting for the influence of outside factors, such as a generally rising stock market, from executive stock options sets a higher bar for managers to reach. Furthermore, traditional accounting standards permitted firms that did not adjust options to avoid reporting options as expenses. This presents CEOs and boards of directors with a major ethical dilemma. On the one hand, their duty to their shareholders and stakeholders dictates that executive stock options should be adjusted to eliminate outside noise from unrelated movements in the overall stock market. However, financial statements are presented in the language of accounting. If the overwhelming majority of the users of a language define a particular item in one way, then to deviate from the norm implies that the recipient of such a deviant statement may not properly interpret the statement. Likewise, if the standard practice is for firms to use unadjusted options and thus under-report expenses, to deviate from this industry norm risks that users of financial statements would not properly interpret the financial statements, with perhaps negative consequences for the shareholders. In short, if “everyone else does it,” then it could be wrong for an individual firm to deviate from the norm as that would harm the shareholders. James J. Angel is an Associate Professor of Finance at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He is a financial expert whose research focuses on the operation of financial markets in the United States and other countries. He currently serves on the OTCBB Advisory Board, and he has served as Chair of the Nasdaq Economic Advisory Council. He earned his undergraduate degree from the California Institute of Technology, his MBA from the Harvard Business School, and he earned his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of California at Berkeley. Douglas M. McCabe is a Professor of Management at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He serves on the Editorial Boards of 20 scholarly journals, including Research on Ethical Issues in Organizations, JAI Press as well as the Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. Considered by the media to be an expert in his field, he has appeared more than 200 times on international (CNN), national (ABC, NBC, and CBS), and local television and radio. He holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.  相似文献   

经营者股票期权计划是一种被广泛应用的有效的长期激励措施,在此计划中,如何确定经营者的股票期权授予数量是其中关键的一环,此环节包括授予经营者股票期权总量的确定、授予经营者股票期权余额总量的确定和授予经营者个人股票期权数量的确定三个方面。应由股东会议决定选择何种方法计算和决定经营者的股票期权数量。  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that Asian stock options provide stronger managerial equity incentives than traditional stock options do, holding the cost of the option grant constant. Although this is true on the grant date, it is not over the life of the option grant. Very little of the initial advantage remains after 2 years because Asian stock options have diminishing incentive effects over time. A simple solution is to replace averaging over the option's life with averaging over a moving window. We show that moving average options do not have the diminishing incentive problem and are effective in preventing managerial gaming.  相似文献   

在现代市场经济条件下,传统投资决策方法已不适应由于环境的不确定性而产生的动态战略投资管理的需要。而实物期权思维方式在一定程度上弥补了传统投资决策方法的不足,帮助企业管理者在不确定性环境下做出正确决策。  相似文献   

This study examines employee stock options in private entrepreneurial companies. I focus on private U.S. venture-backed firms because they are renowned for the intensity and organizational depth of their stock option grants. Contrary to simple stereotype, however, I show that 27% of U.S. venture-backed firms do not grant stock options to all employees. I seek to explain this by theorizing that the economic and legal settings in which venture-backed companies exist lead to both costs and benefits from the use of stock options to attract, compensate, incent, monitor, and retain certain employees, and that sometimes the costs exceed the benefits. I test the theory by determining whether variation in the organizational depth to which venture-backed firms grant employee stock options can be explained by proxies for these economic and legal costs. Such proxies include the fraction of employees who are in technical positions; the degree of flatness in the firm's organizational structure; its proximity to other venture-backed companies; the number of patents it has been granted; and the fraction of equity held by venture investors. The results support the theory and thereby imply that venture-backed firms grant employee stock options in an economically sophisticated manner.  相似文献   

This study investigates the cross-sectional implication of informed options trading across different strikes and maturities. We explore the term structure perspective of the one-way information transmission from options markets to stock markets by adopting well-known option-implied volatility measures to examine stock return predictability. Using equity options data for U.S. listed stocks spanning 2000–2013, we find that the shape of the long-term implied volatility curve exhibits extra predictive power for stock returns of subsequent months even after orthogonalizing the short-term components. Our findings indicate that the inter-market information asymmetry rapidly disappears before the expiration of long-term option contracts.  相似文献   

We propose a measure for the convexity of an option-implied volatility curve, IV convexity, as a forward-looking measure of risk-neutral tail-risk contribution to the perceived variance of underlying equity returns. Using equity options data for individual US-listed stocks during 2000–2013, we find that the average realized return differential between the lowest and highest IV convexity quintile portfolios exceeds 1% per month, which is both economically and statistically significant on a risk-adjusted basis. Our empirical findings indicate the contribution of informed options trading to price discovery in terms of the realization of tail-risk aversion in the stock market.  相似文献   

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