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《Economic Systems》2006,30(1):79-97
We analyze whether the Asian crisis and the terrorist attacks of September 11 caused permanent volatility shifts in the world stock markets. In doing so, we test for the presence of structural breaks in volatility during 1997–2002 by resorting to the iterative cumulative sum of squares (ICSS) algorithm and wavelet-based variance analysis.We find that the number of shifts detected by the two methods decreases substantially when both correlated volatility and inertia are taken into account. Specifically, the ICSS algorithm fails to find any breakpoints, while a wavelet-based variance test detects breakpoints at the high-frequency components of the filtered data.  相似文献   

It is now well established that the volatility of asset returns is time varying and highly persistent. One leading model that is used to represent these features of the data is the stochastic volatility model. The researcher may test for non-stationarity of the volatility process by testing for a unit root in the log-squared time series. This strategy for inference has many advantages, but is not followed in practice because these unit root tests are known to have very poor size properties. In this paper I show that new tests that are robust to negative MA roots allow a reliable test for a unit root in the volatility process to be conducted. In applying these tests to exchange rate and stock returns, strong rejections of non-stationarity in volatility are obtained. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop tests of the seasonal (quarterly) unit root null hypothesis which reject in favour of stationarity for small values of certain variance ratio statistics, similar to those used by Canova and Hansen (J. Bus. Econom. Statist. 13 (1995) 237) in a different testing context. We demonstrate that our proposed statistics have pivotal limiting distributions under both the null and near seasonally integrated alternatives even when we allow for the possibility of both weak dependence and periodically heteroscedastic behaviour in the driving shocks. This is in contrast to the popular regression-based lag-augmented seasonal unit root tests of Hylleberg et al. (J. Econometrics 44 (1990) 215). A simulation study into the finite sample size and power properties of our proposed tests suggests that they display far superior size properties and, overall, broadly comparable power properties to the corresponding tests of Hylleberg et al. (J. Econometrics 44 (1990) 215), implemented with data-based lag augmentation. The results for the variance ratio tests at the seasonal harmonic frequency are particularly encouraging.  相似文献   

Many key macroeconomic and financial variables are characterized by permanent changes in unconditional volatility. In this paper we analyse vector autoregressions with non-stationary (unconditional) volatility of a very general form, which includes single and multiple volatility breaks as special cases. We show that the conventional rank statistics computed as in  and  are potentially unreliable. In particular, their large sample distributions depend on the integrated covariation of the underlying multivariate volatility process which impacts on both the size and power of the associated co-integration tests, as we demonstrate numerically. A solution to the identified inference problem is provided by considering wild bootstrap-based implementations of the rank tests. These do not require the practitioner to specify a parametric model for volatility, or to assume that the pattern of volatility is common to, or independent across, the vector of series under analysis. The bootstrap is shown to perform very well in practice.  相似文献   

Recent approaches to testing for a unit root when uncertainty exists over the presence and timing of a trend break employ break detection methods, so that a with-break unit root test is used only if a break is detected by some auxiliary statistic. While these methods achieve near asymptotic efficiency in both fixed trend break and no trend break environments, in finite samples pronounced “valleys” in the power functions of the tests (when mapped as functions of the break magnitude) are observed, with power initially high for very small breaks, then decreasing as the break magnitude increases, before increasing again. In response to this problem, we propose two practical solutions, based either on the use of a with-break unit root test but with adaptive critical values, or on a union of rejections principle taken across with-break and without-break unit root tests. These new procedures are shown to offer improved reliability in terms of finite sample power. We also develop local limiting distribution theory for both the extant and the newly proposed unit root statistics, treating the trend break magnitude as local-to-zero. We show that this framework allows the asymptotic analysis to closely approximate the finite sample power valley phenomenon, thereby providing useful analytical insights.  相似文献   

In an influential paper Pesaran (‘A simple panel unit root test in presence of cross‐section dependence’, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 22, pp. 265–312, 2007) proposes two unit root tests for panels with a common factor structure. These are the CADF and CIPS test statistics, which are amongst the most popular test statistics in the literature. One feature of these statistics is that their limiting distributions are highly non‐standard, making for relatively complicated implementation. In this paper, we take this feature as our starting point to develop modified CADF and CIPS test statistics that support standard chi‐squared and normal inference.  相似文献   

The behaviour of real exchange rates (relative to the US dollar) is examined using monthly data obtained from the black markets for foreign exchange of eight Asian developing countries. The data span is 31 years. The black market real exchange rates do not show excess volatility during the recent float which is in sharp contrast to the results reported elsewhere. Unit root tests in heterogeneous panels and variance ratio tests confirm their stationarity. Thus, we find support for PPP but not for the ‘survivorship’ bias (Froot and Rogoff, 1995 ). There is little evidence of segmented trends. Issues raised by Rogoff ( 1996 )—of whether PPP would hold across countries with differing growth experience—and Lothian and Taylor ( 1996 )—of whether the degree of relative price volatility may bias results in favour of mean reverting real exchange rates—are addressed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We apply bootstrap methodology to unit root tests for dependent panels with N cross-sectional units and T time series observations. More specifically, we let each panel be driven by a general linear process which may be different across cross-sectional units, and approximate it by a finite order autoregressive integrated process of order increasing with T. As we allow the dependency among the innovations generating the individual series, we construct our unit root tests from the estimation of the system of the entire N cross-sectional units. The limit distributions of the tests are derived by passing T to infinity, with N fixed. We then apply bootstrap method to the approximated autoregressions to obtain critical values for the panel unit root tests, and establish the asymptotic validity of such bootstrap panel unit root tests under general conditions. The proposed bootstrap tests are indeed quite general covering a wide class of panel models. They in particular allow for very general dynamic structures which may vary across individual units, and more importantly for the presence of arbitrary cross-sectional dependency. The finite sample performance of the bootstrap tests is examined via simulations, and compared to that of commonly used panel unit root tests. We find that our bootstrap tests perform relatively well, especially when N is small.  相似文献   

We investigate how sensitive developed and emerging equity markets are to volatility dynamics of Bitcoin during tranquil, bear, and bull market regimes. Intraday price fluctuations of Bitcoin are represented by three measures of realized volatility, viz. total variance, upside semivariance, and downside semivariance. Our empirical analysis relies on a quantile regression framework, after orthogonalizing raw returns with respect to an array of relevant global factors and accounting for structural shifts in the series. The results suggest that developed-market returns are positively related to the realized variance proxy across various market conditions, while emerging-market returns are positively (negatively) correlated with realized variance during bear (normal and bull) market periods. The upside (downside) component of realized variance has a negative (positive) influence on returns of either market category, and the dependence structure is highly asymmetric across the return distribution. Additionally, we document that developed and emerging markets are more sensitive to downside volatility than to upside volatility when they enter tranquil or bull territory. Our results offer practical implications for policymakers and investors.  相似文献   

Trend breaks appear to be prevalent in macroeconomic time series, and unit root tests therefore need to make allowance for these if they are to avoid the serious effects that unmodelled trend breaks have on power. Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. (2009) propose a pre-test-based approach which delivers near asymptotically efficient unit root inference both when breaks do not occur and where multiple breaks occur, provided the break magnitudes are fixed. Unfortunately, however, the fixed magnitude trend break asymptotic theory does not predict well the finite sample power functions of these tests, and power can be very low for the magnitudes of trend breaks typically observed in practice. In response to this problem we propose a unit root test that allows for multiple breaks in trend, obtained by taking the infimum of the sequence (across all candidate break points in a trimmed range) of local GLS detrended augmented Dickey–Fuller-type statistics. We show that this procedure has power that is robust to the magnitude of any trend breaks, thereby retaining good finite sample power in the presence of plausibly-sized breaks. We also demonstrate that, unlike the OLS detrended infimum tests of Zivot and Andrews (1992), these tests display no tendency to spuriously reject in the limit when fixed magnitude trend breaks occur under the unit root null.  相似文献   

Commodity index futures offer a versatile tool for gaining different forms of exposure to commodity markets. Volatility is a critical input in many of these applications. This paper examines issues in modelling the conditional variance of futures returns based on the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI). Given that commodity markets tend to be ‘choppy’ (Webb, 1987 ), a general econometric model is proposed that allows for abrupt changes or regime shifts in volatility, transition probabilities which vary explicitly with observable fundamentals such as the basis, GARCH dynamics, seasonal variations and conditional leptokurtosis. The model is applied to daily futures returns on the GSCI over 1992–1997. The results show clear evidence of regime shifts in conditional mean and volatility. Once regime shifts are accounted for, GARCH effects are minimal. Consistent with the theory of storage, returns are more likely to switch to the high‐variance state when the basis is negative than when the basis is positive. The regime switching model also performs well in forecasting the daily volatility compared to standard GARCH models without regime switches. The model should be of interest to sophisticated traders who base their trading strategies on short‐term volatility movements, managed commodity funds interested in hedging an underlying diversified portfolio of commodities and investors of options and other derivatives tied to GSCI futures contracts. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research has found that trend‐break unit root tests derived from univariate linear models do not support the hypothesis of long‐run purchasing power parity (PPP) for US dollar real exchange rates. In this paper univariate smooth transition models are utilized to develop unit root tests that allow under the alternative hypothesis for stationarity around a gradually changing deterministic trend function. These tests reveal statistically significant evidence against the null hypothesis of a unit root for the real exchange rates of a number of countries against the US dollar. However, restrictions consistent with long‐run PPP are rejected for some of the countries for which a rejection of the unit root hypothesis is obtained. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We suggest improved tests for cointegration rank in the vector autoregressive (VAR) model and develop asymptotic distribution theory and local power results. The tests are (quasi-)likelihood ratio tests based on a Gaussian likelihood, but as usual the asymptotic results do not require normally distributed innovations. Our tests differ from existing tests in two respects. First, instead of basing our tests on the conditional (with respect to the initial observations) likelihood, we follow the recent unit root literature and base our tests on the full likelihood as in, e.g., Elliott et al. (1996). Second, our tests incorporate a “sign” restriction which generalizes the one-sided unit root test. We show that the asymptotic local power of the proposed tests dominates that of existing cointegration rank tests.  相似文献   

We introduce a framework which allows us to draw a clear parallel between the test for the presence of seasonal unit roots and that for unit root at frequency 0 (or ππ). It relies on the properties of the complex conjugate integrated of order one processes which are implicitly at work in the real time series. In the same framework as that of Phillips and Perron (Biometrica 75 (1988) 335), we derive tests for the presence of a pair of conjugate complex unit roots. The asymptotic distribution we obtain are formally close to those derived by these authors but expressed with complex Wiener processes. We then introduce sequences of near-integrated processes which allow us to study the local-to-unity asymptotic of the above test statistics. We state a result on the weak convergence of the partial sum of complex near-random walks which leads to complex Orstein–Uhlenbeck processes. Drawing on Elliott et al. (Econometrica 64 (1996) 813) we then study the design of point-optimal invariant test procedures and compute their envelope employing local-to-unity asymptotic approximations. This leads us to introduce new feasible and near efficient seasonal unit root tests. Their finite sample properties are investigated and compared with the different test procedures already available (J. Econometrics 44 (1991) 215; 62 (1994) 415; 85 (1998) 269) and those introduced in the first part of the paper.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new panel unit‐root test based on the Lagrangian multiplier (LM) principle. We show that the asymptotic distribution of the new panel LM test is not affected by the presence of structural shifts. This result holds under a mild condition that N/Tk, where k is any finite constant. Our simulation study shows that the panel LM unit‐root test is not only robust to the presence of structural shifts, but is more powerful than the popular Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS) test. We apply our new test to the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis and find strong evidence for PPP.  相似文献   

We aim to calibrate stochastic volatility models from option prices. We develop a Tikhonov regularization approach with an efficient numerical algorithm to recover the risk neutral drift term of the volatility (or variance) process. In contrast to most existing literature, we do not assume that the drift term has any special structure. As such, our algorithm applies to calibration of general stochastic volatility models. An extensive numerical analysis is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of our approach. Interestingly, our empirical study reveals that the risk neutral variance processes recovered from market prices of options on S&P 500 index and EUR/USD exchange rate are indeed linearly mean-reverting.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new unit root tests in the context of a random autoregressive coefficient panel data model, in which the null of a unit root corresponds to the joint restriction that the autoregressive coefficient has unit mean and zero variance. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived and simulation results are provided to suggest that they perform very well in small samples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the impact of persistent cycles on the well‐known semi‐parametric unit root tests of Phillips and Perron (1988, Biometrika, Vol. 75, pp. 335–346). It is shown, both analytically and through Monte Carlo simulations, that the presence of complex (near) unit roots can severely bias the size properties of these tests. Given the popularity of these tests with applied researchers and their routine presence in most econometric software packages, the results presented in this paper suggest that practitioners should treat the outcomes of these tests with some caution when applied to data which display a strong cyclical component.  相似文献   

The cross‐section average (CA) augmentation approach of Pesaran (A simple panel unit root test in presence of cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics 2007; 22 : 265–312) and Pesaran et al. (Panel unit root test in the presence of a multifactor error structure. Journal of Econometrics 2013; 175 : 94–115), and the principal components‐based panel analysis of non‐stationarity in idiosyncratic and common components (PANIC) of Bai and Ng (A PANIC attack on unit roots and cointegration. Econometrica 2004; 72 : 1127–1177; Panel unit root tests with cross‐section dependence: a further investigation. Econometric Theory 2010; 26 : 1088–1114) are among the most popular ‘second‐generation’ approaches for cross‐section correlated panels. One feature of these approaches is that they have different strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of the current paper is to develop PANICCA, a combined approach that exploits the strengths of both CA and PANIC. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the issue of unit root testing in cross-sectionally dependent panels. We consider panels that may be characterized by various forms of cross-sectional dependence including (but not exclusive to) the popular common factor framework. We consider block bootstrap versions of the group-mean (Im et al., 2003) and the pooled (Levin et al., 2002) unit root coefficient DF tests for panel data, originally proposed for a setting of no cross-sectional dependence beyond a common time effect. The tests, suited for testing for unit roots in the observed data, can be easily implemented as no specification or estimation of the dependence structure is required. Asymptotic properties of the tests are derived for T going to infinity and N finite. Asymptotic validity of the bootstrap tests is established in very general settings, including the presence of common factors and cointegration across units. Properties under the alternative hypothesis are also considered. In a Monte Carlo simulation, the bootstrap tests are found to have rejection frequencies that are much closer to nominal size than the rejection frequencies for the corresponding asymptotic tests. The power properties of the bootstrap tests appear to be similar to those of the asymptotic tests.  相似文献   

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