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近几年来,我国机构投资者发展迅速,同时证券投资基金成为我国资本市场上最大的机构投资者。证券投资基金以其投资的长期性、专业性被认为能够积极地参与公司治理,本文将以2008-2010年我国A股上市公司为样本,以代表市场角度的托宾Q值为公司业绩的度量指标,研究不同股权类型下证券投资基金对公司绩效的影响。  相似文献   

选取中小板上市公司作为研究对象,跟踪其前十大无限售条件股东中的证券投资基金,建立线性和曲线回归模型,实证分析了基金持股期限对上市公司绩效的影响.研究表明,证券投资基金持股期限与上市公司绩效存在显著的相关关系,并且基金持股期限与上市公司每股收益呈二次曲线关系,即存在最优持股期限使得上市公司每股收益达到最大值.  相似文献   

学术界对于上市公司股权结构与公司绩效之间关系的研究可以追溯至八十几年前,由于股权结构安排会影响到公司的经营激励机制设计、代理权竞争、公司监管甚至对外收购和兼并等方方面面,因此上市公司的股权结构是公司治理的重要内容。作为股权结构中很重要的因素"股权集中度",也经常作为一项指标来进行实证分析。本文正是以2008年上海上市公司为样本,通过实证分析来论证股权集中度与公司绩效的关系。  相似文献   

郑琳 《新金融》2014,(2):22-26
本文运用以Brinson模型为基础的理论,引入Carino多期绩效归因模型,通过样本基金的五年数据分析显示,基金经理普遍具有股票选择能力,但缺乏对债券的研究;通过面板数据分析方法显示,证券市场在牛市阶段,基金经理更加重视股票资产配置;在熊市阶段,基金经理对于股票资产配置和个股选择均很重视;基金规模越大,分散投资的作用越明显;基金投资风格和我国的CPI情况与股票资产配置贡献和股票个股选择贡献之间未表现出显著相关关系。  相似文献   

激励问题是激励机制设计理论中的一个重要问题,而报酬机制的设计则是激励管理管理水平提高的核心。本在投资基金委托——代理制度安排的框架下,剖析了造成基金管理效率损失的原因,并基于生产有效性理论提出了一种更为有效的相对绩效评价机制,据此设计了将基金管理的报酬与其绩效相挂钩报酬机制。  相似文献   

本文从风险与收益最优匹配的视角研究基金的投资行为与投资绩效的关系,将风险与收益匹配基础上的投资行为纳入研究视角,建立包含行为因素的基金绩效评价模型,并利用此模型对中国开放式基金进行实证分析。研究发现基金的投资行为对其绩效产生了显著影响,在大部分研究期间内,满足风险与收益匹配要求的投资行为提高了基金的投资绩效;同时发现在大部分研究期间内,大部分基金基于风险与收益匹配基础上的投资行为提高了其投资绩效。  相似文献   

近些年来,国家证券投资基金经历了快速的发展,取得了一定的成绩,但是其中依然存在一定的缺陷,因为基金管理是得以稳定发展和运行的基础,对此我们必须针对证券投资基金管理公司治理结构展开深入的分析。本文首先阐述了证券投资基金内部治理结构的特殊性,进而结合现阶段证券基金管理公司内部治理结构的状况展开分析,同时指出其中存在的问题,最后针对相关问题探讨相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

王亚卿 《时代金融》2012,(12):229-230
近十年来证券投资基金业在我国取得了长足发展,投资基金行业也经历了完整的证券市场牛熊周期。本文按照行为金融学的实证研究,来分析证券投资基金的投资行为是否对股票市场起到稳定作用。通过对我国2002年至2010年证券投资基金的实证研究,得出以下结论:在我国A股市场,证券投资基金的持股比例是影响股票的波动的重要因素,即证券投资基金的投资行为导致股票市场具有一定的波动性。  相似文献   

We show that 70% of Chinese listed companies are ultimately controlled by government agencies, thereby indicating that state ownership remains widespread in China's stock markets. Three questions are considered that are related to government control structures and their impact on firm value: (1) how do government agencies maintain their control of listed companies; (2) what are the impacts of different government control structures on firm value; and (3) are these impacts different in local government and central government-controlled firms? We find that the Chinese government controls listed companies directly or indirectly through solely state-owned enterprises (SSOEs). Taking into account the trade-off between political and agency costs, we show that firm value increases when some control rights are decentralized from the government to state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Moreover, decentralization improves significantly the performance of local government- controlled, but not central government-controlled firms.  相似文献   

This paper uses a large sample containing the complete return histories of 2300 UK open-ended mutual funds over a 23-year period to measure fund performance. We find some evidence of underperformance on a risk-adjusted basis by the average fund manager, persistence of performance and the existence of a substantial survivor bias. Similar findings have been reported for US equity mutual funds. New findings not previously documented for other markets include evidence that mutual fund performance varies substantially across different asset categories, especially foreign asset categories. We also identify some new patterns in performance related to the funds' distance from their inception and termination dates: underperformance intensifies as the fund termination date approaches, while, in contrast, there is some evidence that funds (weakly) outperform during their first year of existence.  相似文献   

This paper uses a large sample containing the complete returnhistories of 2300UK openended mutual funds over a 23-year periodto measure fund performance. We find some evidence of underperformanceon a risk-adjusted basis by the average fund manager, persistenceofperformance and the existence of a substantial survivor bias.Similar findings have been reported for US equity mutual funds.New findings not previously documented for other markets includeevidence that mutual fund performance varies substantially acrossdifferent asset categories, especially foreign asset categories.We also identify some new patterns in performance related tothe funds' distance from their inception and termination dates:underperformance intensifies as the fund termination date approaches,while, in contrast, there is some evidence that funds (weakly)outperform during their first year of existence.  相似文献   

The paper provides a critical review of empirical findings on the performance of mutual funds, mainly for the US and UK. Ex‐post, there are around 0‐5% of top performing UK and US equity mutual funds with truly positive‐alpha performance (after fees) and around 20% of funds that have truly poor alpha performance, with about 75% of active funds which are effectively zero‐alpha funds. Key drivers of relative performance are, load fees, expenses and turnover. There is little evidence of successful market timing. Evidence suggests past winner funds persist, when rebalancing is frequent (i.e., less than one year) and when using sophisticated sorting rules (e.g., Bayesian approaches) ‐ but transactions costs (load and advisory fees) imply that economic gains to investors from winner funds may be marginal. The US evidence clearly supports the view that past loser funds remain losers. Broadly speaking results for bond mutual funds are similar to those for equity funds. Sensible advice for most investors would be to hold low cost index funds and avoid holding past ‘active’ loser funds. Only sophisticated investors should pursue an active ex‐ante investment strategy of trying to pick winners ‐ and then with much caution.  相似文献   

本文研究了董事会行为与公司业绩之间的关系。我们首先从董事会成员的能力、努力程度和董事会组织认同与和谐等三个方面提出了董事会行为与公司业绩相关性的逻辑框架。然后,利用我国沪市上市公司的数据对董事会行为与公司业绩之间的相关性进行了实证检验。研究结果表明,董事会成员的能力、努力程度与公司业绩正相关,董事会成员之间的和谐程度与公司业绩相关。这表明董事会行为确实影响着公司业绩,而且这种影响比起董事会结构与特征更为直接。  相似文献   

股价崩盘严重损害投资者利益并阻碍股票市场健康发展,因此,探寻抑制股价崩盘风险的手段成为当前公司治理与企业财务领域关注的热点问题。使用2009~2013年我国 A 股上市公司数据为样本,实证检验董事高管责任保险与公司股价崩盘风险之间的关系。研究发现:上市公司购买董事高管责任保险能有效监督与约束高管利己行为,进而降低股价崩盘风险。该结论有助于深入了解董事高管责任保险,同时也为监管部门遏制股价崩盘现象提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

张学勇  张秋月 《金融研究》2018,460(10):141-157
理论研究表明声誉好的券商在公司IPO过程中能发挥认证作用,但是在实证中学者们对于券商声誉是否真的发挥了认证功能仍然莫衷一是。与国内外文献中普遍采用的券商市场份额、排名等间接声誉指标不同,本文以中国券商所承销的公司IPO过程违规造假为新的研究视角,从声誉损失的角度重新衡量了券商声誉,并以公司IPO后市场表现检验了券商声誉的认证效应。实证研究表明,相较声誉受损的券商,声誉未受损的券商确实具有更好的认证效果,具体表现在:(1)从同一时期来看,相较于那些没有被披露承销过IPO违规造假公司的券商,承销过IPO违规造假公司的券商再次承销的公司IPO发行抑价率较高,股票长期回报率较低;(2)对于同一券商,相对于在IPO违规造假披露之前,在披露之后(声誉受损)券商所承销的公司IPO表现为显著较高的发行抑价率和显著较低的股票长期回报率;(3)基于双重差分模型的结果依然支持上述结论。实证结果还表明相对于传统的券商声誉指标,基于IPO造假构建的声誉损失指标更加有效。  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of managerial outsourcing on the performance and incentives of mutual funds. Fund families outsource the management of a large fraction of their funds to advisory firms. These funds underperform those run internally by about 52 basis points per year. After instrumenting for a fund's outsourcing status, the estimated underperformance is three times larger. We hypothesize that contractual externalities due to firm boundaries make it difficult to extract performance from an outsourced relationship. Consistent with this view, outsourced funds face higher powered incentives; they are more likely to be closed after poor performance and excessive risk‐taking.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of cultural factors on the use of trade credit, an important non-formal financial channel. Using a sample of Chinese listed companies from 2007–2017, we find that firms headquartered in regions with a stronger Confucianism atmosphere can obtain more trade credit than their peers elsewhere. Further, the positive association between Confucianism and trade credit is more prominent for non-state-owned enterprises and firms located in regions with underdeveloped financial markets. Overall, our results highlight that Confucian culture—as an implicit value norm and an ethical philosophy—plays an important positive role in fostering honesty, and thus, promoting the use of trade credit. It enriches the literature on the determinants of trade credit and provides insights on the impact of Confucianism on corporate behavior and its underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

本文通过从BVD-Zephyr全球并购交易分析库提取了2000年至2010年间的外资并购事件,分析目标公司被并购前后三年的科技创新指标变化,并与未被并购的对照组公司样本比较,发现外资并购事件能够显著促进目标公司的科技研发人员数量增加,却未能对目标公司的研发强度和专利申请数提升产生显著影响。尽管外资并购未能促进目标公司的科技创新,但对目标公司所属行业的其他竞争者的科技创新指标都有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

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