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产业结构转换长期受学术界关注,在产业结构转换的现实表现及其理论解释等方面取得了丰硕的研究成果,但依然存在着争论和分歧。本文首先从需求侧和供给侧两个维度归纳了驱动产业结构转换的重要因素,需求侧驱动强调消费结构变化、需求收入弹性和消费外部性等引致的收入效应会驱动产业结构转换,供给侧驱动强调技术进步和资本深化引发的替代效应能够推动产业结构转换。进一步地,本文系统考察了产业结构转换的动态过程和开放经济条件下产业结构转换的国际关联与国际差异,并归纳了产业结构转换的测度方法。本文的研究结论为评价产业结构转换研究的关键问题、寻求理论模型拓展的未来方向、探讨产业结构转换的多重驱动机制、深化工业和服务业之间的互动关系及其对经济增长的影响途径等提供了文献基础。  相似文献   

技术进步和资本积累之间的动态关系是理解当代中国经济增长的重要因素.主流的新古典增长理论一般认为,技术进步是中性和无偏的;而马克思主义经济学则认为,技术进步一般会表现出资本生产率下降、劳动生产率上升等特征,这即是马克思偏向型技术进步.中国经济的技术进步正呈现出这种技术进步特征,并影响中国经济的资本积累和经济增长的基本结构,表现为技术进步在促进劳动生产率的持续提高、资本积累规模的不断扩大和GDP持续高速增长的同时,又在这个过程中不断地朝着特定的技术偏向自我强化.其后果是,在一段时间后会带来资本过度积累、供给侧和需求侧结构失衡等问题,限制未来的经济高质量发展.因此,为了适应经济增长方式的转换,有必要革新中国技术进步路径,在深化供给侧结构性改革同时,辅之以需求侧管理的调节,来推动产业结构升级和增长模式转换,释放中国经济的增长潜力.  相似文献   

供给侧结构性改革正在对我国产业结构调整及经济发展方式转型产生重大影响,过分依靠物质资本积累拉动的经济增长模式已经难以为继。提高技术创新能力、加快技术进步发展速度无疑是深化供给侧结构性改革、完成"三去一降一补"任务的关键。文章采用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数,对2000—2015年间产出、资本投入和劳动力投入数据进行处理,通过Eviews7.0软件进行回归分析,并引入索洛"余值法",对21世纪初15年间技术进步对甘肃经济增长的贡献率进行了测度和分析。研究结果显示,2000—2015年间,甘肃省GDP固然稳步增长,但结构性问题依然十分突出,技术进步和劳动力投入并没有对本地区经济增长产生明显贡献,经济增长的主要动力还是来源于物质资本的积累。  相似文献   

一、FDI技术外溢概述 1.FDI与技术外溢。外商直接投资的外溢效应,是指外商直接投资对东道国的经济效益和经济增长或发展能力发生无意识影响的间接作用。从实际情况上看,外商直接投资的外溢效应主要表现为除资本和劳动力之外的其他影响经济增长的因素,从而使全要素生产率提高,实现对经济增长的促进作用。全要素生产率对经济的贡献主要可分为产业结构变动、技术进步和制度变迁三个方面。  相似文献   

所谓技术溢出是指通过技术的非自愿扩散促进东道国的技术水平和生产力水平的提高,是技术扩敞的外部效应。跨国公司的技术溢出效应对中国十分重要。20世纪90年代以后,中国啦收外国直接投资公刊在华投资数额的增加,世界500强的跨国公司已经有400多家在华投资。跨国公司增加在华投资不仅通过资本供给推动经济增长,更重要的是对于推动技术进步,提升我国产业结构都产生重要影响。  相似文献   

论区域产业结构优化升级的决定因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域产业结构决定区域经济实力,区域内需求、供给和产业政策等三个因素是决定区域产业结构优化的主要因素,本文就这三个因素如何对区域产业结构优化产生影响进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

结合当前大力发展数字经济的背景,从供给和需求两个方面构建数字经济发展促进产业结构转型升级的理论框架,分析市场需求效应、城镇化效应等需求端的作用。以中国2013—2021年省级面板数据测算数字经济发展综合指数,探究数字经济发展对产业结构转型升级的影响并检验需求端的作用机制。研究结果表明:(1)数字经济发展显著促进了产业间、产业内的结构转型升级,选取1987年各省份邮政营业网点数的历史数据作为工具变量处理内生性问题后,基本结论不变;(2)数字经济发展在需求端主要通过人均收入效应、市场化程度效应和城镇化效应三种机制促进产业结构转型升级;(3)数字经济发展对产业结构转型升级的影响存在显著的行业间和区域经济发展程度的异质性。因此,应充分发挥区域之间的比较优势,继续加大新型基础设施和通信技术的投资力度,实施动态化、差异化的数字经济发展战略。  相似文献   

地区资本回报率的差异及其变动决定了一国总体投资效率的走向。根据1990-2012年我国东、中、西部地区宏观数据的测算,更新了三个地区资本回报率的变动情况,然后构建计量模型分析资本深化、技术进步等五大因素对地区资本回报率变化的影响。研究结果显示,1990年以来各地区资本回报率呈现波动式下降,至2012年已低于20%。资本深化抑制了地区资本回报率的增长,人力资本素质的提高和技术进步可以显著提高资本的产出效率,外贸依存度的增加阻碍了东部地区资本回报率的提高,不影响西部地区资本回报率变动,但对中部地区产生了积极影响。未来应根据地区经济特色与发展阶段,实施改善人力资本、促进技术进步的产业与竞争政策,提高投资效率,推动经济转型。  相似文献   

投资效率可以分解为规模投资效率和技术投资效率,产业转型中规模效率、技术效率和财务效率对产业转型起到重要作用,是此消彼长、协同并进的"螺旋式"演化过程。经济增长、技术进步、劳动力、资本等要素供给的优化是产业转型过程中投资效率变动的主要影响因素,可以从自主创新、产业链整合、投资主体结构优化等方面来引导制造业的结构性调整,从而提高制造业的投资效率。  相似文献   

技术进步是长期经济增长的源泉,技术进步偏向是资源要素配置特征的一种表现,考察中国工业技术进步偏向特征及其成因,对于优化技术创新模式、加快产业转型升级具有重要意义.本文通过引入要素价格扭曲和技术创新模式这两类指标,利用中介效应模型构建了中国工业技术进步偏向的影响因素体系.结果显示:现阶段中国工业的技术进步方向为资本偏向型,这将对收入分配和产业升级造成不利影响;近年来中国工业的要素价格存在负向扭曲,且扭曲程度并未得到有效遏制;技术进步偏向和要素价格扭曲程度均受到行业要素密集度的影响;要素价格扭曲通过直接效应和间接效应导致技术进步偏向资本,其中技术创新模式发挥的中介效应占总效应的比重为23%,可见引进型技术创新模式会加重技术进步的资本偏向.因而,积极推进要素市场化改革、提升自主创新能力是优化中国工业技术进步方向的必由之举.  相似文献   

高储蓄率、要素收入分配不平等和产业结构升级是我国经济增长过程中三个典型事实。本文构建一个非平衡增长模型表明这三者是一个自洽的系统,存在相互制约和矫正关系。在我国劳动收入和资本收入的储蓄倾向不同与劳动收入占比较低的背景下,高储蓄会出现两个相反地影响产业结构的动力。一方面,高储蓄转化的高投资更多体现为工业品,阻碍了服务业发展,同时,高储蓄导致的低消费使得恩格尔效应无法发挥作用,阻碍了产业结构升级;另一方面,高储蓄导致高投资,推动了资本深化,这又促进了产业结构升级。产业结构变迁又反过来影响社会储蓄率和要素收入分配。文章证明这个系统存在一个广义平衡增长路径。  相似文献   

现有文献大多关注信息技术的“增长效应”,但对其“分配效应”没有进行深入的探讨,尤其是没有研究信息技术如何影响企业初次分配中资本和劳动两种要素的收入份额。本文使用中国工业企业数据库2004—2007年的微观数据,分析企业使用信息技术对要素收入分配格局的影响。本文研究发现,使用信息技术的企业其劳动收入份额更高,并且这一结论对于不同的变量、样本和模型设定都十分稳健。信息技术的分配效应也存在异质性,在内资企业、内销企业、东部地区的企业表现更加明显。对影响机制的讨论表明,使用信息技术在提高企业增加值的同时,更大幅度地提高了平均劳动报酬,从而导致初次分配更加偏向劳动。本文不仅填补了相关领域的空白,而且具有明显的政策含义。  相似文献   

In this overlapping-generations model, there is unemployment in the manufacturing sector. Manufacturing firms engage in oligopolistic competition and choose technologies to maximize profits. With capital as a fixed cost of production, increasing returns in the manufacturing sector exist. In the unique steady state, first, when individuals become more patient, the savings rate increases while the level of an individual’s income decreases. Second, an increase in population or percentage of income spent on manufactured goods does not change steady-state technology while the level of an individual’s income decreases. Third, an increase in the wage rate leads manufacturing firms to choose more advanced technologies and the steady-state capital stock increases. Finally, an increase in the level of subsidies to technology adoption does not change steady-state technology.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Harris-Todaro model with intersectoral capital mobility to include sector specific imported technologies. Technologies are assumed to be embodied in imported capital goods. The small economy in the South, for which the model is defined, can import any amount of these technologies from the North at given royalty rates. We find that if the North agrees to reduce the royalty rate on the industrial technology, both the level and the rate of urban unemployment would rise and the income distribution change against the wage earners, whereas such a reduction for the agricultural technology would have just the opposite effects. A decrease in either royalty rate would increase the national income in the South, although the magnitude of the increase in income would be larger with reduced royalty rate for agricultural rather than industrial technology. The policy implication is that the South should emphasize the import of agricultural technology over the industrial technology.  相似文献   

We reconsider the effects of long‐run economic growth on relative factor prices across cones of specialization. We model economic growth as exogenous technical change. Allowing for capital biased technical change with a sector bias and for endogenous commodity prices, we find that economic growth may increase or decrease factor price differences across cones. For a neutral demand side and capital biased growth in the most capital intensive sector, we find that economic growth encourages less factor price diversity across cones.  相似文献   

农产品价格与农民收入增长关系的动态分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实证分析表明,在1978~2010年的样本区间内,农产品生产价格上涨对我国农民收入水平的提高没有显著作用。因此,在出台提高农产品价格的政策选择上,应持谨慎的态度。农业生产资料价格上涨对农民收入增长具有较微弱的负向影响。切实控制农业生产资料价格的非理性上涨,应是政府的长期政策取向。而加大政府对农业的支持力度,建立和完善符合国际惯例和中国国情的农业综合补贴支持体系,推进农业产业化以加快农村劳动力的转移,不失为解决农民增收困难问题的重要途径。  相似文献   

This paper studies technology adoption in an optimal growth model with embodied technical change. The economy consists of the final good sector, the capital sector, and the technology sector which role is the imitation of exogenous innovations. Scarce labor resources are allocated to the technology and final good sectors. The final good is allocated to consumption and to the capital sector. The authors analytically characterize the long run optimal allocations. Using a calibrated version of the model, they find that an acceleration in the rate of embodied technical change should not be responded by an immediate and strong adoption effort. Instead, adoption labor should decrease in the short run, and the optimal technological gap is shown to increase either in the short or in the long run. The state of the institutions and policies around the technology sector is key in the design of the optimal adoption timing.  相似文献   

Using panel data for 161 countries, we explore the determinants of cross-country disparities in personal computer and Internet penetration. We find evidence indicating that income, human capital, the youth dependency ratio, telephone density, legal quality, and banking sector development are associated with technology penetration rates. Estimates from Blinder–Oaxaca decompositions comparing rates in the developed-country total to developing countries (Total, Brazil, China, Indonesia, India, Mexico, and Nigeria) reveal that the main factors responsible for low rates of technology penetration rates in developing countries are disparities in income, telephone density, legal quality, and human capital. In terms of dynamics, our results indicate fairly rapid reversion to long-run equilibrium for Internet use, and somewhat slower reversion for computer use.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a multisector specific‐factors model with sector‐specific capital and two mobile factors, skilled and unskilled labor, to examine the effects of trade, technology, and factor endowments on the skill premium in US manufacturing industries. Based on this model and data for the US manufacturing sector from 1958–96, we calculate changes in the skill premium and then carry out a decomposition to identify the changes caused by product price changes (trade), technological progress, labor, and capital endowment changes. The decomposition reveals that trade effects, working through product price changes, caused the skill premium to increase moderately. Changes in capital endowments (new investments) had a positive effect on the skill premium, with the strongest impact during the 1980s, while the effect of technological change on the skill premium varied over time. Finally, changes in relative labor endowments had a negative effect on the skill premium.  相似文献   

Given the increased worldwide unrest and a large number of displaced individuals, understanding the economic impacts of civil war has been the subject of growing attention by academics and policymakers. The 10‐year civil war in Nepal from 1996 to 2006 provides an opportunity to assess the impact of civil unrest on income sources and remittance patterns. In this study, we examine the changes in household income generating processes over the period of the Nepali civilwar. Using survey data from the Nepal Living Standards Survey (NLSS) in 1995/1996 and 2010/2011, we observe household income and remittance patterns before and after the civil war. Specifically, we employ a difference‐in‐difference estimator that focuses on the heterogeneity in civil unrest within Nepal to examine how the civil war impacted the sources of household income. Within the context of a slower growth rate of income after the revolution for those in the hardest hit districts, we find that there was also a change in the composition of income sources. In particular, our results suggest that there was a shift from a reliance on wages in the nonagricultural sector to wages in the agricultural sector; that there was a shift from external remittances to internal remittances; and finally that home production—the market value of items produced and consumed within the household—may be taking the place of income in regions hit by unrest. “People living in zones of war are maimed, killed, and see their property destroyed. They may be displaced or prevented from attending school or earning a living. To the extent that these costs are borne unequally across groups, the conflict could intensify economic inequality as well as poverty. The destruction (and deferred accumulation) of both human and physical capital also hinder macroeconomic performance, combining with any effects of war on institutions and technology to impact national income growth. Understanding the economic legacies of conflict is important to the design of post‐conflict recovery” (Blattman & Miguel, 2010).  相似文献   

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