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Recent work by Näslund and Sellstedt report results which apparently conflict with accepted opinion on the techniques generally adopted in R&D budgeting. The analysis here suggests that these results can be reconciled with previous analyses and that in fact the role of ‘big science’ in Swedish R&D as well as relative size of Swedish firms compared to large U. S. and U. K. firms may explain the different conventions adopted in Swedish industry.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study on the practice of R&D management in a Newly Industrializing Country, Korea. Based on a review of literature, a survey framework has been generated. The data were collected from 73 laboratories of Korean private companies through a structured questionnaire, via mail and additional telephone interviews in some cases. The major findings concerning R&D planning, R&D project management and evaluation, and R&D personnel management are described. In Korea, substantial efforts have been made in order to enhance the efficiency of R&D management, though the practice of R&D management is by now in the unstructured/flexible phase. Beyond this study, more detailed research on the R&D management of Newly Industrializing Countries is needed.  相似文献   

Innovation is sometimes the result of collaboration between different agents with complementary resources. When companies make formal agreements to collaborate in R&D they do so with different types of organizations, such as their competitors, suppliers, and customers, or universities and research centres. This paper focuses on attempting to understand the reasons that lead companies to cooperate with universities and research centres and the characteristics of the relationship that this involves. The empirical study is based on a sample of 747 Spanish firms that took part in some type of collaborative R&D project between 1994 and 1996. Results indicate that cooperation with centres is a nation–wide phenomenon involving basic research, conducted under the sponsorship of different research support schemes promoted by central and regional administrations.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of cooperative R&D in two vertically related duopolies, which are two final-good manufacturers and two input suppliers, with horizontal and vertical spillovers. Vertical R&D cartels yield a larger social welfare than non-cooperative R&D and, if the horizontal spillover rate between the input suppliers is not sufficiently high, than horizontal R&D cartels. Technological improvement is accelerated by forming vertical research joint ventures (RJVs), whether or not their member firms' R&D decisions are coordinated. Vertical RJV cartels yield the largest social welfare when the vertically related firms can coordinate their R&D decisions and/or share useful knowledge fully.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between the research and development (R&D) performance and the fit between a researcher's cognitive type and the task demand of the project that was implied in Wang, Wu & Horng's (1999) study. Three hundred and eighteen research projects completed by 205 project leaders in the 3 years were classified into Unsworth's four creativity types along two dimensions: (1) whether the research addressed an open- or closed-ended problem and (2) whether the project was assigned or actively sought by the researcher. Each researcher's personal traits were assessed using Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Kirton's Adaptor–Innovator Scale (KAI). Results show that researchers with a conforming, feeling, or judging-type cognition performed better with assigned projects for solving closed problems. Those with an originality and intuitive-type cognition performed better on self-initiated projects for solving open-ended problems. Researchers with sensing-type cognition performed better with assigned projects for solving open-ended questions. Thus, a careful match between a researcher's cognitive type and the task demand of project is important for R&D management.  相似文献   

Ray Oakey 《R&D Management》2007,37(3):237-248
Much of the policy assistance for high-technology small firms (HTSFs) over recent years has been directed at encouraging their research and development (R&D) collaboration through local networking and technology transfer. Following a consideration of why HTSFs are formed, and how they perform R&D in order to cope with the competitive environment, this paper explores the value of external collaborative R&D to internal R&D management, inside geographically concentrated incubators, science parks or clusters. It is concluded that, although R&D collaboration with external partners occurs in limited instances, much HTSF R&D is highly confidential, competitive and wholly internalised. This tendency, as far as it relates to R&D management, is significant in that it minimises the likelihood that local management collaboration between co-located firms will improve the performance of R&D projects.  相似文献   

R&D investment has been widely regarded as an important input for firms, particularly for high‐tech firms, to achieve competitive advantage within their industry. Hence, a number of high‐tech firms are now investing substantial amounts into R&D. Since R&D efforts enable firms to raise the competitive advantage, one noticeable and interesting issue expected to know is the degree to which R&D investment influences firm output performance. In Taiwan, much greater emphasis is also being placed into R&D investment in the high‐tech industries; however, R&D output performance has never been seriously examined within this sector. Since the island's electronics industry is widely regarded as the most promising industry in the ‘high‐tech sector’, and is expected to place greatest emphasis on its R&D efforts, we take the electronics firms as our analytical sample. This paper therefore sets out to estimate the impact of R&D on firm performance, in terms of productivity growth and the rate of return on investment, within the electronics industry in Taiwan, whilst also examining the Schumpeterian hypothesis, that R&D performance is an increasing function of firm size. Our examination of R&D performance is based on a panel sample of 83 large electronics firms, completely balanced over the period from 1994 to 2000, with series data of R&D capital also being constructed. Based upon the extended Cobb‐Douglas production function, a random effects model is developed with the estimations revealing that the output elasticity of R&D is around 0.19 and the average rate of return on R&D is around 22%. These findings clearly demonstrate that investment in R&D by these electronics firms has had an impact on their competitive advantage. Compared to the findings of previous studies, where the analytical unit of data was at firm level, here the rate of return on R&D is consistent with similar estimates for the US and UK, but lower than those for Japan. However, our estimations do not provide support for the hypothesis that the impact of R&D on productivity is an increasing function of firm size.  相似文献   

R&D activities are increasingly costly and risky and, as a consequence, measuring their performance and contribution to value becomes critical. This paper illustrates a formal model for measuring R&D performance, based upon a balanced and synthetic evaluation of quantitative indicators from five different perspectives of performance: financial, customer, innovation and learning, internal business, alliances, and networks. The model is built in coherence with the suggestions coming from the theory of measurement in soft systems, which gives relevant guidelines for ensuring validity, objectivity and inter-subjectivity of the model. Then, an application in a real R&D setting is described, which helps to understand the model and to enlighten its main advantages and limits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to show how certain internal organisational activities affect an organisation's ability to engage in the external acquisition of technology commonly referred to as inward technology transfer. The study focuses on a technology trawling exercise conducted by ICI and reveals difficulties in 'receptivity' on the part of the receiving businesses. A conceptual framework is developed which identifies four major components of the inward technology transfer process. These are: 'Awareness'-'Association'-'Assimilation'-' Application'. Using this conceptual device separate studies are conducted within two large multinational chemical companies in the North West of England. The findings reveal the importance of certain non-routine activities and indicate how successful organisations are able to manage the tension between the need for creative non-routine assimilation processes to generate a 'receptive' environment for future growth and efficient routine activities to remain competitive in the short-ierm.  相似文献   

Traditionally, R&D studies focus on organisational characteristics and internal context factor effects on a firm's R&D activities. This paper extends previous research by analysing firm–level R&D expenditures in the wider context of inter–organisational networks. Using sample of 2002 manufacturing firms in Italy, it provides evidence that R&D intensity is linked to a firm's positioning within an industrial group's hierarchy. Further tests on the antecedents of R&D expenditures are carried out in relation to the effects of firm characteristics and industry factors. Important findings include a significant and positive association between R&D intensity and the firm's size, performance, intangible assets and industry concentration. These findings suggest that, in addition to firm–level factors and its market environment, network resources and organisation may play an important role in driving the intensity of the firm's R&D expenditures.  相似文献   

Efforts by MNCs to develop coordinated international R&D networks have taken place from different historical bases of internationalization and in the context of differing trends in the role of R&D within the corporation, as the cross-Pacific R&D investment in leading U.S. and Japanese firms in the electronics industry shows. Japanese firms, although they espouse a strategy of 'localization', are establishing wholly-owned R&D centres in the U.S. with highly specialized technology mandates that to be used by the company must be networked with their parent organizations. U.S. firms rely on joint ventures or wholly-owned labs with a wider array of technologies that face strong pulls to a local orientation. The patterns are somewhat out of line with the models of internationalization each side is espousing.  相似文献   

Science Parks (adjacent to universities) provide an important resource network for technology-based firms. To ascertain the 'added value' of a Science Park location the innovativeness (with regard to a variety of 'input' as well as 'output' measures) of independent technology-based Science Park firms are compared with the levels recorded by a comparable group of firms not located on a Park. Empirical evidence collected in 1992/93 from firms in a 'follow-on' sample (originally interviewed in 1986) as well as a 'new sample' study (independent firms that had located on a Science Park between 1986 and 1992) both revealed no statistically significant differences between the two groups on a variety of innovativeness measures. Results from both samples suggest Science Park firms do not directly invest more in R&D than off-Park firms nor do they record significantly higher levels of technology diffusion. The policy implications of the research findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between intercorporate technology alliances and firm performance. It argues that alliances are access relationships, and therefore that the advantages which a focal firm derives from a portfolio of strategic coalitions depend upon the resource profiles of its alliance partners. In particular, large firms and those that possess leading‐edge technological resources are posited to be the most valuable associates. The paper also argues that alliances are both pathways for the exchange of resources and signals that convey social status and recognition. Particularly when one of the firms in an alliance is a young or small organization or, more generally, an organization of equivocal quality, alliances can act as endorsements: they build public confidence in the value of an organization's products and services and thereby facilitate the firm's efforts to attract customers and other corporate partners. The findings from models of sales growth and innovation rates in a large sample of semiconductor producers confirm that organizations with large and innovative alliance partners perform better than otherwise comparable firms that lack such partners. Consistent with the status‐transfer arguments, the findings also demonstrate that young and small firms benefit more from large and innovative strategic alliance partners than do old and large organizations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bou-Wen Lin 《R&D Management》2003,33(3):327-341
The objective of this article is to answer why and how firms in developing countries with limited R&D resources can gain sustainable competitive advantage through technology transfer (TT). Successful firms are those that can accumulate competence through internal technological learning after transferring technologies from external technology sources. Organizational intelligence, firm specificity of technology, and causal ambiguity are identified as three mediators between technological learning performance and several antecedents previously discussed in the literature. A survey of Taiwanese manufacturers is conducted to explore the technological learning phenomenon as an integral part of TT, which is important but often neglected. This article also provides an interesting research setting for the evaluation of technological learning theories.  相似文献   

The author suggests that the systematic identification of a firm's technologies opens up the possibility of evaluating, protecting, optimizing, enriching and exploiting these technologies to the full. A firm's technologies fall into two parts: those embodied and exploited in current operations and those evolving from the collective competencies of its R&D staff. The author's aim is to evaluate and describe the firm's R&D competencies.
The identification of R&D competencies proceeds in three steps: tracing the background of the current and past programmes, constructing a programmes/competencies matrix, and deriving an expertise profile. The construction of the matrix is the key activity and requires much care in its execution, if competencies are to be properly defined and truly existing, and if it is to be exhaustive. The author sketches a procedure for constructing a matrix and discusses problems of implementation and draws attention to some of its limitations.
The author claims that such an inventory of expertise could improve the efficiency of the use of the R&D resource, identify a laboratory's strengths and weaknesses, direct R&D into hitherto neglected channels, assist individuals to identify and evaluate their own expertise, justify obtaining funding for building expertise in shortage areas. The method should be considered as a starting point to formulate appropriate strategies to gain access to technology.  相似文献   

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