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两次金融危机下我国能源国际贸易的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当1998年亚洲金融危机已经逐渐脱离人们关注之时,时隔10年,2007年美国次贷危机爆发,以迅雷不及掩耳之势蔓延到全球。2008年,此次金融危机在世界范围内愈演愈烈,波及数个领域。能源产业也未能逃过此劫。我国是一个能源消费大国,随着我国经济的快速发展,对石油、煤和天然气的需求也逐渐增加,同时能源的对外依存度也不断提高。当前金融危机对能源企业,尤其是石油行业的影响巨大,对其产量、价格和进出口贸易等都产生了深刻影响。石油作为国家的一种非常重要的战略储备,关系国计民生。因此,当前经济背景下,我国石油产业如何在"危"中寻找"机",积极开展新一轮的能源国际贸易,对于推进石油产业和整个能源产业的发展具有重要意义。本文通过将当前经济形势对我国能源的国际贸易带来的影响与10年前亚洲金融危机的背景进行对比,揭示本轮金融危机下我国能源国际贸易面临的挑战与机遇。  相似文献   

生物能源作为一种可再生的绿色能源,有望解决能源危机与环境污染等问题,以微藻为代表的第二代生物能源的出现引起了人们的极大关注,是解决能源危机的长远之计。对微藻在生物能源生产中的利用现状进行了总结,并介绍了其在CO2生物固碳、污水处理以及食品保健领域的应用价值。  相似文献   

能源合作是中俄战略协作伙伴关系和两国经贸合作的重要内容。中俄两国在能源合作方面虽然潜力巨大,但始终没有得到很好的开发。由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机爆发后,中俄两国经济均受到不同程度的影响,但却为中俄能源合作带来了契机。利用这一难得机遇,深化中俄能源合作是中俄两国亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Shrinking price & demand
Energy industry increase of China would slow down in near future, and re-shuffle of energy industry has been triggered by financial crisis, government adopts energy strategy to foster new energy for energy saving. The decreasing market demands and energy prices will lower the revenue of energy enterprises.  相似文献   

The authors are attempting an objective elucidation of the economic crisis in Portugal. They are dealing with the influence of excess investment, with external economic factors such as the energy crisis and the recession in the industrial countries, and with the consequences of the revolutionary process.  相似文献   

Europe is a long-run success model in a mid-life crisis. In the wake of the financial crisis, European growth has been low, unemployment is high and income disparity has increased - developments that have resulted in less support for the European project, manifested in populism and Brexit. The best answer to the current problems is a new strategy based on new drivers of growth and “Beyond GDP” goals, as proposed in the WWWforEurope project. A new industrial policy would be an important part of the new European strategy. It has to be systemic, working in alignment with competition, energy and innovation policy, and it must support social and ecological goals instead of calling for cheap labour or energy as a precondition for success. High ecological standards will lead to a competitive advantage for Europe in technologies that will become all-important if the Paris 2015 goal of decarbonisation is implemented. A European technology lead in low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency and renewables constitutes a core part of a new industrial policy that can help Europe end its mid-life crisis. It should be implemented in a European-wide dialogue with industry and citizens.  相似文献   

国际金融危机对全球经济格局的影响是广泛而深刻的,就中俄两国来说,石油合作对于两国有着极其重要的意义。本文基于对俄罗斯能源战略及其金融危机后面临的新格局的分析,提出在上海合作组织的框架下,中国与俄罗斯建立新的石油合作战略联盟,以更好地加强两国在石油领域的合作。  相似文献   

The 2000–2001 California energy crisis was a public policy problem of huge complexity and scope. Once considered a national and international electric restructuring model, the California system veered far off course in 2000 and 2001 as demand increases, supply shortages, a poorly designed market and abuses of market power led to exorbitant wholesale electricity prices, ongoing threats of blackouts and threats to the environment. The purpose of the paper is to consider actions of policy makers that were undertaken in 2000 and early 2001 to address policy objectives of rates, reliability and the environment within the context of the unfolding energy crisis. The paper develops a theory of how these three objectives can be addressed in a crisis. The paper then examines the actual behavior of policy makers as they developed and implemented various programs to fix or limit the consequences of the electricity crisis. Finally, the paper compares theory to practice. The paper concludes that policy makers prioritized improved reliability over low rates and environmental improvement, and prioritized low rates over environmental improvement. Based on information and predictions available at the time, policy makers’ choices reflected the expected level of degradation of each objective: policy makers believed reliability would suffer more than rates might increase and more than the environment would degrade. However, policy makers’ choices increased taxpayer and ratepayer future costs by billions of dollars.  相似文献   

乔雨  张峰  刘昕 《检验检疫科学》2010,20(2):57-59,56
在全球能源紧张的大环境下,能效正成为各国应对能源危机的有效方式之一,对通报进行评议是WTO成员国应履行的义务和享受的权利,我们可以通过这种方式争取到更为合理的权益。本文对2000年以来WTO成员有关能效的TBT通报进行了分析,对我国应对国外能效措施的状况进行了介绍,同时给出了对国外能效通报进行评议的原则、依据和基本方法,并对能效TBT通报评议工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

发展生物质能源是应对国际能源危机的重要途径。但各国生物质能源战略的出发点却似乎并不在于此。从动机看,美欧等发达国家的真正动机更像是抢占世界可再生能源市场,而巴西等少数发展中国家的核心动机则在于规避农产品贸易保护、改变与发达国家的斗争形式和斗争领域。从支持与保护措施看,它是农产品贸易大国推行农业支持与农产品贸易保护的一种特殊形式。扭曲的动机和支持与保护措施使得生物质能源的发展对世界粮食供求产生了重要的影响,并进一步恶化了广大发展中国家的经济发展环境。  相似文献   

福岛核事故导致日本电力供给不足,石化能源消费量激增,其政府更加重视可再生能源和节能降耗的作用。日本核事故的爆发是由于主观上轻视安全、监管上漠视漏洞、宣传上文过饰非。重塑安全高效的能源版图,日本在缩减核电方面需要更加可行的替代方案,在可再生能源政策上应建立明确产业激励机制,在节能手段上需更加重视社会的可承受程度。中国应吸取日本的经验教训,确保核电安全,谨慎发展核电;确保能源供给,实现能源结构多元化;建立能源危机管理体系,提高能源危机应对能力。  相似文献   

东北三省曾经是我国重要的能源生产基地。近年来,随着经济和社会持续快速发展,该地区严重依赖能源,能源供求矛盾日渐突出。毗邻的俄罗斯是能源生产、出口大国,开展对俄能源合作有利于东北三省缓解能源储量危机,保护自然生态环境,提速基础设施建设。因此,东北三省应抓住机遇,充分了解俄罗斯能源政策,发挥政府职能,加强宏观调控,加快开展对俄能源合作的步伐。  相似文献   

许立  王力舟  乔雨 《检验检疫科学》2010,20(4):20-24,57
本文从年度发布数量、成员组成结构和涵盖产品类型等方面分析通报状况,研究其特点和趋势,并且从增加成本、减少市场机会、影响行业发展等方面分析了对我国相关行业的影响,提出了完善预警和评议机制、促进机电产品出口的多元化、加强标准化政策的研究和制定、加大产品创新等应对措施。  相似文献   

The author discusses the short-term and long-term aspects of the present energy crisis. He describes the various scenarios for the immediate future and the long run that could be given place by the emerging hold of OPEC over the oil consuming countries.  相似文献   

作为应对气候变化对策以及金融危机的刺激措施,不少国家都对以可再生能源为代表的低碳产业采取了鼓励措施,其中补贴措施是最为常见的一种措施。本文,在归纳各国相关可再生能源产业措施的基础上,重点剖析了国外免费碳排放配额及交易措施与WTO补贴规则的合规性问题,并就将来可能引用"绿色补贴"例外问题进行了分析。本文认为,可再生能源激励措施一方面符合全球应对气候变化的潮流,但另一方面,也可能被一些国家用作贸易保护主义的手段。为应对气候变化而采取的低碳措施,具有双刃剑的效果,我们应该慎重使用。  相似文献   

Drawing largely upon the stakeholder theory and the resource dependence literature, this article examines the relationship between corporate governance structure and sustainability measured by energy efficiency. The model uses data from South Korean (Korean hereafter) firms that have relied heavily on energy-intensive industry for economic growth and have experienced major changes in their corporate governance structure since the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Estimation results show that a corporate governance structure that includes the appointment of heterogeneous outside directors, given other conditions, leads to an increase in energy efficiency and thus sustainability.  相似文献   

在国际金融危机的冲击下和世界经济环保化、低碳化、可持续化的发展趋势下,新能源已经成为我国战略性新兴产业的重要发展方向之一。本文在对河北省新能源产业发展现状进行分析的基础上,从产业分布、产业规模、融资渠道、政策体系等角度界定了河北省新能源产业存在的主要问题,认为河北省应细化产业规划,推动新能源产业结构优化升级;衔接京津规划,谋求京津冀新能源协同发展;推动技术研发,提升新能源产业自主创新能力;采取多种措施,拓宽新能源企业融资渠道;搭建服务平台,全方位推动新能源产业发展。  相似文献   

We use micro data for 10,412 U.S. manufacturing plants to estimate the degrees of factor substitution by industry and by plant size. We find that (1) capital, labor, energy and materials are substitutes in production, and (2) the degrees of substitution among inputs are quite similar across plant sizes in a majority of industries. Two important implications of these findings are that (1) small plants are typically as flexible as large plants in factor substitution; consequently, economic policies such energy conservation policies that result in rising energy prices would not cause negative effects on either large or small U.S. manufacturing plants; and (2) since energy and capital are found to be substitutes, the 1973 energy crisis is unlikely to be a significant factor contributing to the post 1973 productivity slowdown.  相似文献   

全球金融危机危及到国内消费市场,严重影响消费者购买信心,造成零售商销售业绩下滑。为了激发消费者购买信心,零售商应尽快调整营销战略,为低迷的消费市场注入活力。即建立供零联盟,降低商品成本;加强供零合作,让利消费者;发展零售商自有品牌实现商品低价。通过全新的营销方略,提升零售商的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球能源危机日益严重,新型建筑节能材料应运而生,新型建筑材料是在传统建筑材料基础上产生的新一代建筑材料.本文就国际工程中新型建筑材料的选择及应用方面谈几点看法.  相似文献   

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