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绿色作为"一带一路"的底色,推进绿色"一带一路"建设,可为解决全球性环境问题和建设美丽世界贡献中国智慧,有益于增进我国与沿线各国的政治互信,实现与沿线各国的合作共赢、包容性发展,减少"一带一路"建设障碍。目前,绿色"一带一路"建设尽管取得了一定成效,但也面临着"一带一路"相关国家生态基础薄弱和绿色发展诉求不一、"一带一路"相关国家传统工业化发展模式与绿色发展存在矛盾、中国企业"一带一路"绿色开发能力不足、发达国家在"一带一路"区域的绿色竞争等问题。因此,在推进绿色"一带一路"建设中,需要优化绿色投资区位选择,着力推广绿色发展理念、经验和实践,大力发展绿色金融,积极推动适用性绿色技术的开发与应用,培育和提升企业参与绿色"一带一路"建设的能力,加强绿色"一带一路"国际合作。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议背景下加强中印两国农业合作的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"一带一路"倡议的开展,为中国与沿线国家农业合作带来了新的机遇与挑战。中国和印度同为"一带一路"倡议沿线国家,近年来,双方宏观发展环境等不断改善,进入农业合作的黄金发展期。采用SWOT分析方法,剖析"一带一路"背景下,中国和印度双边农业合作的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战,指出未来农业合作应该集中在农产品贸易、农业技术合作、农业投资及共同扶贫等四方面。未来应该从建立健全宏观规划、政策支持体系、双边合作机制、项目监测与评价系统、农业合作信息平台等入手,推动中印双边农业合作深入开展。  相似文献   

张瑜 《中国商论》2021,(8):104-106
在“一带一路”倡议下,沿线国家数字经济进入全新发展阶段。加强“一带一路”沿线国家数字经济建设,不但可以帮助中国制造走出去,还可以帮助国家国际贸易、经济发展。本文主要围绕“研究背景”“一带一路沿线国家数字经济发展中存在的问题”“一带一路沿线国家数字经济发展策略”“加强一带一路沿线国家数字经济发展安全保障”这几个方面展开论述,希望明确国家数字经济发展的方向与趋势,加快“一带一路”沿线国家数字经济的发展步伐。  相似文献   

Profile of route map In 1949,right after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC),overall economic blockage and embargo imposed by other countries,except the Soviet Union and eastern European countries,separated China from the global economic and trade community.In such a context,China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) was born in May 1952 to facilitate non-governmental trade with other countries,Japan in particular.  相似文献   

Due to the differences in economic and social conditions among the Belt‐and‐Road (B&R) countries, resources exchange might bring significant effect on companies and organizations in these countries. In recent years, vigorously developing university education and attracting more outstanding international students have become important means for “B&R” countries to expand education market and enhance international influence. However, there is limited research discussing the impact of “B&R” on the internationalization of higher education. Taking the sponsoring country (China) of the “B&R” strategy as an example, this article explores the impact of this strategy on Chinese universities' expansion in the education market, and further analyzes the important relevant factors from the perspectives of international competitiveness. The findings show that the B&R Initiative has a significant impact on the expansion of Chinese universities in overseas markets along the route. Furthermore, we have found “push” factors related to China's macro and micro environments, and “pull” factors associated with countries along the B&R route.  相似文献   

"一带一路"倡议提出的初衷是实现各国的共赢共享发展,那么沿线各国之间的经济合作是否能在促进各国经济增长的同时缩小彼此差距、实现包容性增长呢?基于"一带一路"沿线54个国家2006~2015年的贸易数据,借助引力模型和社会网络分析方法得到各国之间的经济合作网络结构特征,进而采用GMM模型对该问题进行研究。结果发现:在考察期内,"一带一路"贸易关联网络呈现出逐渐增强的趋势,中国、俄罗斯和土耳其等国家在网络中处于核心地位;"一带一路"沿线各国的经济合作能实现包容性增长,这与"一带一路"倡议提出的初衷一致。在合作网络中,接近中心度的影响作用最高,点度中心度次之,中介中心度排在最后,说明"一带一路"贸易关联网络的"直接联系"有着最显著的影响作用。  相似文献   

文章从现实中反倾销的频繁使用情况出发,以反倾销功能的实现路径为主线,从倾销产生的经济学理论、倾销影响和反倾销的贸易保护效果、法学视角以及反倾销规则的产生及其实施中的政治考虑等方面对这种现象进行了理论上的梳理和解释,认为反倾销在现阶段不仅能够生存,而且拥有很大的市场,其前景十分广阔.  相似文献   

One of the hottest buzzwords in today's global corporate environment is “sustainability.” But long before the topic became “cool,” it was on the mind and on the agenda of Costa Rica's president, José María Figueres. In this well‐thought‐out article, Figueres maps the route that he forged for Costa Rica's future as a developing country leveraging its resources into a model of sustainable development for Latin American emerging economies. Using concrete examples, he explains the thought leadership behind projects that have moved Costa Rica into the forefront of countries doing well by also doing good. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在“一带一路”合作推进过程中,与贸易有关的法律纠纷在所难免,完美地解决贸易法律纠纷势必涉及承认与执行他国法院判决的问题。本文探讨了我国与沿线国家之间关于外国民商事判决的承认与执行的完善路径,通过与沿线国签订相关的双边条约、积极参与国际公约和区域性公约的制定、完善国内立法以及借鉴《选择法院协议公约》的规定等,以期在“一带一路”进程中进一步提升司法合作,促进“一带一路”合作的顺利进行。  相似文献   

食品供应链安全透明演进路径与机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从历史演进的视角,对主要国家食品供应链安全透明演进的路径特征及其内在规律进行了比较与总结。以技术接受模型2为理论起点,以复杂适应系统为理论基础,构建了食品供应链安全透明演进驱动力模型。  相似文献   

介绍了环氧乙烷法合成乙二醇的研究开发进展,重点介绍了环氧乙烷催化水合法和碳酸乙烯酯法制乙二醇的研究进展,提出了我国今后的发展建议.  相似文献   

中国企业对外直接投资的区位选择和路径安排   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着中国综合国力增强和国内企业参与国际经济分工的深化,目前中国企业具有对外直接投资的基本条件和现实需要,近年来关于中国企业如何实施“走出去”战略已成为学术界和企业界共同关注的热点问题之一。文章综合发达国家和发展中国家的对外直接投资理论,结合我国企业的具体实际,对我国企业在实施“走出去”战略过程中的东道国区位选择和路径安排进行研究。  相似文献   

中国商品流通现代化研究综述   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
中国流通现代化问题,成为近些年政府和学者关注的热点之一,但还没有文献对这些研究成果进行梳理。文章从流通现代化的定义、内容、评价、差距及路径等方面,对已有文献进行了归纳,大体呈现出关于这方面研究的全貌,以理清我国流通现代化研究的基本脉络,发现新的研究视角,推进中国流通现代化的健康发展。  相似文献   

We present and calibrate a model where trade with advanced economies spurs development, and trade opportunities depend on the relative population in advanced and developing countries. As developing countries become advanced, prospects improve for the remaining developing countries. If population growth differentials between developing and advanced economies are small, economic development accelerates over time. Otherwise, long-run global prosperity requires a sufficiently large initial population in advanced countries. More open countries develop faster, but more openness by all developing countries may only modestly increase their aggregate growth. China's development may hurt developing countries in the short-run, but improves their long-run prospects.  相似文献   

尤宏兵 《北方经贸》2007,(12):168-170
中国对外政治、经济及文化交往的日趋频繁使得中国对双语型人才的需求近年来呈现出旺盛的增长势头,但双语教师队伍的建设却严重滞后于社会对双语型人才的需求。基于以上事实,本文提出了双语教师应具备的素质,并从中国双语教师队伍的现状出发,提出了通过改变培训内容与培训方式来培养中国双语教师的途径。  相似文献   

Stock markets have been recognized in literature as a source of financial development and economic growth. Notwithstanding the recent trend of the stock market development in emerging countries, some argue that Islamic countries' stock exchanges are still infantile. The central aim of this research, therefore, is to investigate factors impeding stock market development (SMD) in Islamic countries. We explore a panel annual data of 11 main Islamic countries vis-à-vis the developed countries for the period of 1996–2011. The findings show that all of our concerned macroeconomic determinants play a major role in the developed countries. On the other hand, financial openness has substantially less contribution in Islamic countries, while the financial intermediary development plays a major role. The results are also indicative of the need for the Islamic countries to improve their legal environment and economic freedom. Lastly, we also attempt to measure the integration level, where the findings tend to indicate a relatively lower and unstable pattern of integration for the Islamic countries, suggesting the impact of volatile inflows.  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the interactions among economic growth, financial development, and trade openness through simultaneous equation systems. The identification and estimation of the systems rely on the methodology of identification through heteroskedasticity. The empirical results show that each of the three variables interacts in important ways. When controlling for the reverse causation, trade promotes economic growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries but has a negative impact on growth in countries with the opposite attributes. Similarly, when accounting for the feedbacks from growth, banks and stock markets have different impacts on economic growth. While banking development is detrimental to output growth, stock market development is more favorable to growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries. The data also reveal coexistence of a positive effect of financial development on trade and a negative effect of trade on financial development in poorer countries. In richer countries, financial development stimulates trade openness whereas trade has an ambiguous impact on financial development.  相似文献   

政府、企业及其消费者的绿色创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以问卷调查的形式对我国消费者在绿色消费方面的倾向进行了分析,对比了中德消费者在相关方面的差距,并在此基础上对政府、企业、环保非政府组织和消费者在绿色创新方面分别给出了有针对性的建议:政府重点在公共政策干预、绿色税收和政策法规方面进行创新,企业在管理思想、流程再造、社会责任和绿色文化方面要有相应的行动,环保非政府组织应举办各种活动培育消费者绿色消费的意识,引导消费者的购买行为,关注滞后群体,并开展绿色教育,最终在政府、企业、环保非政府组织和消费者四者之间建立一种共生或合作的关系。  相似文献   


This paper looks at the pedestrian safety issue and the research that has followed to understand and solve the problem of pedestrian safety in the last 120?years - since the time of the first reported pedestrian fatality in 1899. Researches have studied the epidemiology of pedestrian crashes, pedestrian behaviour, pedestrian movements and pedestrian flows. The suggested strategies to reduce pedestrian crashes have ranged from controlling vehicular speeds to controlling pedestrian behaviour. This study presents a summary of the progress we have made in understanding pedestrian crash patterns. Pedestrian behaviour observed in different regions of the world tend to have similarity in pedestrian behaviour: gap acceptance, preferences of route choice and location for crossing roads. High income countries(HIC) have reported reduction in pedestrian fatalities as compared to low and middle income countries(LMICs), however pedestrian trips have also reduced in these countries leading to concerns about the effectiveness of ‘known’ strategies. Speed control through active measures have been found to have themaximal benefit and education and training programs for altering pedestrian behaviour on the road the least benefits. Low and middle income countries face pedestrian exposure on high speed roads. New research efforts are required to address pedestrian safety in both HIC and LMICs.  相似文献   

本文运用扩展的Solow模型阐述了援助影响FDI的理论机制,并以中国为研究主体,以17个OECD国家的数据为样本,实证分析了双边发展援助对FDI的短期、中期和长期效应。实证结果显示:在短期,17个OECD国家的对华发展援助挤出了这些国家对中国的FDI,但在中长期促进了这些国家对中国的FDI,并且时间越长,促进效应越强。因此,发达国家向中国投入发展援助是有效的。双方应充分利用这种有效性,发达国家现期不适宜取消对华发展援助,中国应积极寻求双边发展援助来促进新兴产业和中西部地区的发展。  相似文献   

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