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近期,中国银行成功上线智能柜台,开启"客户自助、柜员协助"的业务办理新模式. 智能柜台按照"客户为本、体验为王"的理念,通过"客户自助办理+关键节点银行审核"的创新服务模式,推动网点由交易处理向服务营销的快速转变.客户无需再排长队、不再手工填写单据,只要指尖轻轻一触,便可以轻松办理开户、签约、客户信息修改、人民币汇款、手机号汇款、跨境汇款、打印流水、修改密码、购买理财、激活卡、挂失补卡、查询余额、个人外汇等21项非现金业务.智能柜台在提高客户办理业务速度的同时,也拉近了与客户之间的距离,打破了过去银行柜员与客户之间的"隔窗交流"模式,让银行员工走到客户身边,提供体贴精准的服务.  相似文献   

邹琪 《企业研究》2011,(7):60-60,64
随着电信行业市场竞争不断加剧,企业越来越重视客户服务领域的竞争。本文从客户化知识内容及种类、客户化知识管理流程、客户化知识库系统、互联网渠道应用形式、客户化运营等五方面研究了电信企业建立客户化知识管理体系的方法。客户化知识管理系统以获取、创建、分享和更新面向客户的知识信息,并通过互联网渠道发布方便客户获取,不仅满足客户自助获取知识的需要,还将分流人工服务量,降低电信企业成本,从而提升客户感知,打造企业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

自助服务业务在银行业界已经得到广泛应用,而国内有关客户对自助服务的采用意愿的实证研究还不多见。文章用实证研究方法,从自助服务特征与人口统计特征两个角度探查对客户采用意愿具有重要影响的因素。从而有助于银行改进自助服务技术并对客户进行准确定位,对银行降低交易成本、获得竞争优势具有重要意义。研究结果发现:自助服务优越性、复杂性以及协调性与客户采用意愿具有相关关系;人口统计特征与客户采用意愿不具有相关关系;根据优越性、复杂性以及协调性三个因素对客户进行分类。最后,根据以上实证结果对银行营销实践提出相应建议。  相似文献   

焦虑和感知的有用性是消费者在使用自助服务技术的过程中的同时存在的两种反应,虽然现有研究有分别针对焦虑和有用性的研究,但是却很少有学者同时考察这两者对消费者的作用。文章通过在已经开通并使用网上银行的客户当中搜集数据,从理论和实证检验上证明,对于已经使用自助服务技术的消费者来说,焦虑虽然是消费者自身的一种情绪,但是却会对消费者对企业的满意产生负向影响,而感知有用性则通过对顾客满意和信任的影响进而影响消费者的忠诚。该结论丰富了新技术领域的相关理论研究成果,同时对于实施自助服务技术的企业权衡和了解顾客在使用自助服务技术中的感受具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

  在宣传的同时,工作人员认真与客户沟通,听取意见和建议。并对客户反馈意见进行梳理归纳,决定从三方面做好消费者权益保护工作。一是做好保护客户隐私工作。提高对客户信息安全管理的重视程度,通过完善、细化个人隐私保护的相关规定、提高信息安全管理能力。避免隐私泄漏给消费者权益带来损害;二是加强自助存取款设备的管理。不断加强ATM自助设备的技术升级和规范管理,在保障客户权益的同时,持续提高客户对农信自助设备的满意度,遏制近年来与 ATM自助设备有关的投诉上升势头较快的情况;三是加强服务意识。优质的服务是对消费者合法权益最基本的保障,联社要求全体员工在今后的工作中严格执行服务规范,用最好最高的服务质量,用最真诚灿烂的微笑向客户传递属于吉林农信的温情。  相似文献   

中国建设银行根据所掌握的情况,10月1日首次向社会公布了不法分子在使用ATM机等银行自助设备时主要采取的四种作案手段。建设银行有关负责人表示,为了最大限度地保护客户利益,建设银行在国庆假期内将采取多项有效措施,配合公安机关从严打击不法分子的犯罪行为。ATM机是银行为客户提供24小时自助服务的平台,客户可以方便地进行账户查询、  相似文献   

目前自助服务在我国已经得到广泛应用,自助服务能够显著提高服务效率和降低成本。然而,自助服务技术对顾客能力也有一定要求。顾客在初次使用自助服务后,是否愿意继续使用,不仅影响顾客的体验和满意度,也会对企业的服务效率造成影响。本文以自动售票机为例,构建了顾客感知价值、顾客能力对顾客继续使用自助服务技术的影响整体概念模型,结果表明:顾客感知价值对顾客继续使用自助服务技术具有直接和间接的正向影响,顾客能力中的沟通能力与学习能力维度对顾客继续使用自助服务技术的正向作用显著,知识能力与顾客继续使用自助服务技术之间无显著关系。最后,提出了针对性的营销策略。  相似文献   

企业商业模式是股权众筹中投资者进行投资选择时关注的重要因素。文章构建了商业模式核心要素的组成模型,具体包含客户细分、核心资源、沟通形式及盈利模式,并以京东东家和36氪股权投资两家股权众筹网站的初创型多边平台企业为样本,采用多维商业模式分类方法、方差分析及后续多重比较对样本企业进行实证研究。结果显示,商业模式各核心要素的具体表现形态是企业间股权众筹融资绩效产生差异的重要原因。而其中客户细分以"小众型"占优;核心资源以"客户资源"融得较多资金;沟通形式与盈利模式搭配,则以"自助-佣金"或"半自助-佣金"模式表现突出。因此,初创型多边平台企业应结合自身业务特点选择合适的商业模式以吸引优质投资者。  相似文献   

高校图书馆自助借还服务模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自助借还服务模式就是允许读者在图书馆内利用机器设备自行借阅或归还图书馆的文献资料,而不需要经过馆员手工作业的一种自助服务方式。虽然该模式仍然存在一些不足,但是随着采取相关应对措施、进一步完善自助借还服务系统,该模式将会成为图书馆自助服务工作中一项必不可少的重要方式。  相似文献   

首先综述和探讨了物流企业客户价值和满意度的相关理论,接着从顾客抱怨管理系统、顾客流失评估系统和顾客满意度调查机制三个方面构建了第三方物流服务模式中客户价值和满意度评价系统,最后重点研究了客户价值和满意度管理在第三方物流企业物流服务中的应用模式,构建了第三方物流企业客户价值和满意度创造模型,并提出了第三方物流企业客户价值和满意度的测量评价方法.  相似文献   

Service workers are expected to maintain high‐quality service delivery despite customer mistreatment—the poor‐quality treatment of service workers by customers—which can be demeaning and threatening to self‐esteem. Although service work is increasingly delivered by middle‐aged and older workers, very little is known about how employees across the age range navigate abuse from customers on the job. Does advancing age help or hinder service performance in reaction to customer mistreatment? Drawing on strength and vulnerability integration theory, we proposed that age paradoxically both helps and hinders performance after customer mistreatment, albeit at different stages. We tested our proposed model in a two‐sample field investigation of service workers and their supervisors using a time‐lagged, dyadic design. Results showed that age heightens the experience of self‐esteem threat but, nevertheless, dampens reactions to self‐esteem threat, leading to divergent effects on performance at different stages. Implications for age and service work, as well as aging and the sense of self, are discussed.  相似文献   

abstract Drawing on social constructionist theory this paper applies discourse analysis to ten narratives told by service delivery staff in one distribution network. The analysis looks at how the narratives construct the organization through their constructions of self (the narrator), customer and manufacturer and their constructions of the relationships linking these three sets of actors. The paper argues that the narrators construct the self either as an organizational customer or an organizational partner. The two constructions locate conflict either within the organization or at the customer–organizational boundary respectively. The implications of this are suggested. Contrasts between the manner in which organizational members construct the self as customer or partner and the construction of the organizational member in the internal customer literature are highlighted and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

IBM's Human Resource Service Center (HRSC) delivers centralized human resource operational support to over 500,000 IBM employees and retirees (including spouses and dependents). Its success is attributed to a skilled workforce focused on technology and end‐to‐end HR program support. Technology allows the Center to handle high volumes of customer requests while offering self‐service options and tiered support. Training is key to delivering quality service center support. This article describes the HRSC's methods to train customer service representatives and program specialists as well as the training challenges. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

论物流服务质量管理——兼与王之泰教授商榷   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
田宇 《物流科技》2001,24(2):3-8
围绕顾客感知服务质量、物流服务质量测量、物流服务质量差距分析模型以及服务质量改善等方面,阐述了物流服务质量管理的研究框架。  相似文献   

师俊强 《物流科技》2008,31(7):143-145
CS战略是企业经营中的顾客满意战略,是企业经营活动的基本准则。物流企业要想在市场竞争中取胜,必须以顾客为中心,积极实施顾客满意战略,通过更新经营理念,完善组织管理模式和服务体系,建立顾客信息反馈系统,加强与顾客沟通等途径,为顾客创造增值服务,不断增强顾客满意度,提高自身的竞争能力。  相似文献   

This paper examines variation in the use of high involvement work practices in service and sales operations. I argue that the relationship between the customer and front-line service provider is a central feature that distinguishes production-level service activities from manufacturing. In particular, through strategic segmentation, firms are able to segment customers by their demand characteristics and to match the complexity and potential revenue stream of the customer to the skills of employees and the human resource system that shapes the customer–employee interface. Unlike manufacturing, where high involvement systems have emerged in a wide variety of product markets, therefore, service organizations are likely to use high involvement systems only to serve higher value-added customers because of the high costs of these systems and the labour-intensive nature of services. Data from a nationally random sample of 354 call centres in US telecommunications documents this pattern: from classic mass production approaches for back office workers and increasingly for front office residential service agents, to greater involvement for small business service providers and high involvement practices for middle-market service agents.  相似文献   

Tao  C. J.  Chen  S. C.  Chang  L. 《Quality and Quantity》2009,43(4):677-694
At present time the ISP (Internet Service Provider) already make a great impact to the human life as well as the economic society, everything has a close relation with the internet service and due to the fast development of information technology further lower the cost of ISP and improved the service speed as well as its quality. All of this make the customer layer of ISP more popular than before and thus bring up the fierce competition in this industry. Due to the entry barrier of high investment and high technology of ISP industry it has become as a monopoly market and the monopoly market is very respect the competition and cooperation relationship with competitors. Besides, most of the relevant literature in the past is focus on the measurement and analysis of customer to the self-company and few of them mention how to include the satisfaction of competitor’s customer into measurement and analysis. As golden strategy stated in the Sun-Tze Strategic: “Know yourself and know your competitor well, winning every war.” we must consider the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat on customer satisfaction of your company and competitors. Base on the above motivation, this article will apply the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology of 6-Sigma, focus on the viewpoint of customer satisfaction of ISP industry. At first we utilize the 5 equal scale measurement define the network quality item of ISP, which provided by the self-company and competitors. And measuring the degree of “satisfaction” and “importance” of these quality items, then use the performance evaluation matrix and strength and weakness matrix to analyze the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat of self and competitors, focus on the quality items that fall out of the 2 sigma and use the strength–weakness strategic chart to establish the improvement strategy. And at last, utilize the strength–weakness matrix chart as the control tool to verify and sustain the effectiveness of the improved performance. The complete and easy measurement improvement model provided in this article can be used by the enterprise to effectively and quickly evaluating and analyzing the service quality of self and competitors. And under the reasonable cost condition with considering the competing opportunity and threat of market to effectively improving the customer service quality and promoting the overall customer satisfaction and create powerful high value-added quality competition strength.  相似文献   

酒店顾客型服务质量管理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国酒店业在经过近二十年发展后,应从规范型服务质量管理向顾客型服务质量管理过渡,以赢得酒店服务质量的竞争优势。顾客体验价值是服务质量传递的重要环节,因此,要建立以顾客价值交付体系为基础的酒店服务质量管理方式。  相似文献   

随着电子商务和直销业的迅速发展,产品退货以及由此带来的逆向物流问题受到了广泛关注。本研究主要讨论在对退货品进行修复再制造时,由"制造商-顾客"构成的两阶供应链系统如何选择逆向物流服务模式的问题。研究发现,逆向物流服务模式的选择取决于产品的技术含量。  相似文献   

杨丽娜 《价值工程》2010,29(29):57-58
激烈的市场竞争要求硬件生产商更注重设备售后维护的质量,以保持高的客户满意度。TL9000质量管理体系被全球电信产品提供商广泛用于硬件、软件和服务的质量管理。本文以通信网络设备生产商为背景,通过分析通信产品售后维护的模式和归纳TL9000在售后维护上的要求条款,发现TL9000缺乏针对产品售后维护多部门多接口的工作模式,和产品知识的继承与共享的质量管理。这两方面的质量管理对于能否圆满完成客户服务协议的和提高客户满意度有着重要的影响。所以需要对TL9000的要求条款进行补充,并在实践过程中细化工作流程。  相似文献   

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