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邓薇 《新金融》2009,(6):50-53
房地产行业发展与金融支持密不可分。当前,我国房地产行业面临行业调整和经济危机双重困难,行业发展暂时陷入困境。房地产行业作为支柱产业,具有行业关联度极高的特点和巨大的市场需求潜力,决定了其必将会迎来新一轮的健康发展。银行需要在优选企业的基础上,通过"三看"进一步加大优选项目力度,在支持房地产业健康发展、寻求新业务空间的同时更好地控制风险。  相似文献   

The notable lack of success in UK public sector IT development projects has been recently recognised in policy making circles and considerable efforts are now being made to improve the situation. However, the lessons officially being drawn from the UK public sector's IT development failures, while eminently sensible, do appear simplistic and even superficial. This paper applies permanent failure theory to the stream of IT development failures in an attempt to offer some alternatives to the official lessons.  相似文献   

公共财务管理与政府财务报告改革   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文根据政府财务报告主要反映政府财务受托责任和财务受托业绩 ,并为上级政府、政府主要官员、审计机关、监督机构提供政府财务信息 ,以及近年来公共部门存在一系列财务管理问题的客观现实 ,拟从报告主体内部管理的需要出发 ,阐述公共 (部门 )财务管理对政府财务信息的需求 ,提出改革政府财务报告的基本思路 ,以促进公共 (部门 )财务管理水平的提高 ,并推动政府对外财务报告的改进  相似文献   

Risk management in the water utility sector is fast becoming explicit. Here, we describe application of a capability model to benchmark the risk management maturity of eight water utilities from the UK, Australia and the USA. Our analysis codifies risk management practice and offers practical guidance as to how utilities may more effectively employ their portfolio of risk analysis techniques for optimal, credible, and defensible decision making. For risk analysis, observed good practices include the use of initiation criteria for applying risk assessment techniques; the adoption of formalised procedures to guide their application; and auditing and peer reviews to ensure procedural compliance and provide quality assurance. Additionally, we have identified common weaknesses likely to be representative of the sector as a whole, in particular a need for improved risk knowledge management and education and training in the discipline.  相似文献   

We study risk management in financial institutions using data on hedging of interest rate and foreign exchange risk. We find strong evidence that institutions with higher net worth hedge more, controlling for risk exposures, across institutions and within institutions over time. For identification, we exploit net worth shocks resulting from loan losses due to declines in house prices. Institutions that sustain such shocks reduce hedging significantly relative to otherwise-similar institutions. The reduction in hedging is differentially larger among institutions with high real estate exposure. The evidence is consistent with the theory that financial constraints impede both financing and hedging.  相似文献   

This research provides an assessment of the utility and quality of risk management and insurance (RMI)-related journals using professorial expert opinion. Although Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)-produced citation counts and article impact factors are widely available and commonly used methods of journal comparison, they are limited to very few generally premier journals in any field, including RMI, leaving stakeholders with substantial gaps when benchmarking journal factors. We bridge this gap by comparing RMI faculty opinion of quality to SSCI assessments for 13 journals with results indicating general consistency across these measures. The expert opinion approach is extended to assess quality across a sample of 30 RMI-related publications, along with assigning journal categories delineated based on reported academic utility, contributing to RMI boundary definitions. Posthoc analysis indicates only modest influences for some individual, institutional, and journal-related factors on professorial perceptions, evidence that expert opinions are reliable measures of RMI journal utility and quality. Additionally, only modest differences are found in journal quality assessments by academics relative to the teaching versus research institutional mission of their employers, as well as across perceived individual teaching versus research role expectations. Thus, the expert opinion approach to evaluating utility and quality, coupled with regression and subsample analysis, aids RMI academics and other stakeholders in journal assessment and boundary definition issues. These contributions to the advancement of journal assessment methodologies in general may also prove useful across academic disciplines.  相似文献   

针对均值一方差方法及以其为基础的投资决策行为分析理论的缺陷,从投资人的最优投资决策过程是在心理账户上进行的事实出发,行为金融理论发展了以预期财富和财富低于某一水平的概率为基稿的行为组合选择理论,以此来研究投资的最优投资决策行为。  相似文献   

本文以2018年3467家A股非金融类上市公司为样本,从全国层面、行业层面、地区层面以及专题层面等多个维度对2018年中国实体企业资本效率与财务风险状况进行了调查,研究发现:(1)从全国层面来看,2018年全国上市公司总资金增速放缓,总资金及经营活动资金回报率略有回落,总体财务风险较低;(2)从行业层面来看,2018年总资金回报率下降的行业较多,经营活动营运资金管理绩效下降的行业也较多,有较多的行业短期财务风险水平上升;(3)从地区层面来看,2018年中、西部地区总资金存量增速较快,总资金回报率与东部地区基本持平,按渠道的经营活动营运资金管理绩效呈东高西低的阶梯差异,三地区总体财务风险较为接近;(4)从全国、各行业、各地区调查数据看,经营活动资金效率显著优于投资活动,但资金配置对营业活动间资金效率差异敏感性依旧较差,部分行业资金错配问题进一步恶化;(5)产能过剩行业2018年总资金增速放缓、总资金管理绩效得到改善、但短期财务风险仍过高;民营企业总资金管理绩效下降;高杠杆类上市公司资金管理水平有待加强,重资产上市公司总资金管理绩效相比轻资产上市公司仍有较大差距、短期财务风险过高。  相似文献   

本调查以2016年2963家A股上市公司作为研究对象,对中国上市公司资本效率与财务风险状况进行了行业调查、地区调查和专题调查,研究发现:(1)全行业总资金存量增加,总体资金配置依然向经营活动倾斜,总资金存量依然以长期资金为主;(2)总资金回报率有所提高,总资金周转率与上年持平,整体呈改善趋势;(3)经营活动营运资金管理绩效有所改善,营销渠道营运资金管理应当引起重视;(4)总资金以自有资金为主,多数行业偏好风险规避式财务安排;(5)营运资金以营运资本为主要资金来源,多数行业偏好稳健型短期资金配置,整体短期偿债能力良好;(6)民营控股公司总资金回报率平均水平最高,而国有控股公司经营活动资金回报率最高,混合持股公司投资活动资金回报率最高;(7)制造业中,轻资产企业的资金效率总体上好于重资产企业;(8)高杠杆上市公司的杠杆水平在降低,财务风险呈降低趋势。  相似文献   

为保障金融体系稳健运行,防范系统性金融风险,人民银行自2009年开始进行了一系列规范和加强金融业机构信息管理工作,开发并建立了“金融业机构信息化管理系统”,为推进我国金融标准化建设、实现金融体系内信息共享奠定了基础。系统运行两年后,相关工作有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

随着我国实体企业金融化现象越来越普遍,企业面临的财务风险也在逐渐暴露。对此,本文以公司金融理论为基础,运用动态GMM、面板向量自回归模型,实证检验了实体企业金融化对微观杠杆率和风险承担的作用机制和效果。结果表明:第一,金融化总体上对企业杠杆率有非线性影响,在金融化较高和较低时提高了杠杆率,在中间区域降低了杠杆率;第二,过度负债和负利润会强化金融化程度对杠杆率的促进作用,弱化对杠杆率的降低作用;第三,金融化程度的提高总体上能降低财务风险,但国有企业金融化对财务风险的影响具有非线性特征,金融化程度上升会先降低风险,后推高风险;第四,金融化能够通过降低杠杆率弱化财务风险承担。  相似文献   

We investigate whether the activity of financial firms creates value and/or risk to the economy within the asset pricing framework. We use stock return data from nonfinancial firms listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The value-weighted index that is solely composed of nonfinancial firms is augmented with the index of the firms from the financial sector, and we estimate multivariate asset pricing model with these two indices. We note that our procedure can simultaneously take into account the cross-holding phenomena among Japanese firms, especially between the financial sector and the nonfinancial sector. Our augmented index model performs well both with cross-sectional Fama and MacBeth regression test and GMM test. Our two index model with additional Fama and French's HML factor can capture cross-sectional variations of the returns of sample portfolios better than the original Fama and French model can, when measured by Hansen and Jagannathan distance measure. We find that this additional new sector variable can be a substitute for Fama and French's size factor, but not related to the bond index return. This variable has similar factor characteristic as money supply growth or the term structure, but the latter variables contain more information than the former. Morever, our financial sector model helps explain the return and risk structure of Japanese firms during the so-called bubble period.  相似文献   

郭光耀 《上海金融》2012,(10):21-25,116
研究金融摩擦与经济波动的关系,是考察金融市场与宏观经济互动机制的重要视角,也是当前国内外学术界的研究热点。在一般均衡模型中加入金融摩擦并不是最近才有的新观点,但是直到最近的金融危机才使得学术界认识到金融市场对理解经济周期波动的重要性。本文对这些领域的前沿文献进行了梳理,概述了在一般宏观经济模型中描述金融摩擦对经济周期波动影响的各种理论,并对金融摩擦理论在中国宏观经济问题上的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an empirical study undertaken during 1988 into how UK multinational corporations try to manage their foreign exchange exposures. The paper concludes, with reservations due to the limited nature of the study, that accounting exposure was managed actively by the majority of respondents, that transaction exposure management was seen as the Centrepiece of their foreign exchange risk management, and that the management of economic exposure was subject to very heterogeneous practices. Further, the surveyed MNCs showed a lower degree of centralisation than could have been expected on the basis of the relevant literature, and the majority of respondents described their companies as ‘totally risk averse’.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study analysis of currency risk management practice in large British and American multinational companies undertaken to extend findings obtained in a preliminary survey of 51 British multinational companies. The extension examines the behaviour of American as well as British companies, not just in terms of transaction risk but with reference to translation risk as well, and focuses upon the extent of risk neutrality. Case study analysis allows interviewers to evaluate differences in behaviour which may help to explain policies adopted.  相似文献   

保险在物流金融风险管理中的应用与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流金融是物流与金融相结合的金融创新服务,加强风险管理对发展物流金融具有重要意义.本文在充分分析物流金融风险和风险管理方法的基础上,提出开发专门为物流金融提供风险保障的银行质押财产险和质押监管责任险等保险新产品,为质押这一物流金融中产生风险的主要业务环节提供全新的风险保障解决方案.  相似文献   

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