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2008奥运会的开幕式——中国元素响誉世界每一个角落,中国的四大发明重新以崭新形象呈现在世人面前。其中的造纸工艺的场面让很多人再次了解纸张的魅力,在一般人看来,一张纸可以记载下人生的每一个足迹;一张纸可以折出几百种不同造型的纸工艺品;一  相似文献   

废物造纸传统的造纸原料大多是木材、麦秸、芦苇、碎布等·但近年来,国外开发废物造纸,使造纸原料的来源更为广泛。啤酒渣造纸日本札幌啤酒公司和新富士造纸公司联合开发了将啤酒渣掺入纸浆生产麻粉纸的技术。其掺人纸浆的比例为10~25%,生产的麻粉纸可以做罐装啤...  相似文献   

邱晓兰 《科技和产业》2009,9(12):94-96,99
知识经济时代造纸产品市场空前活跃,人们及社会各部门对各种纸产品的要求越来越高,求新、求好、求廉已成为普遍愿望。随着知识经济的到来,质量管理已延伸到了产品的整个生命周期。本文基于知识经济时代的要求,提出了新的质量观念,剖析了质量管理的新特征,从意识形态领域和企业的生产运营角度两个方面,来分析制浆造纸企业提升质量管理的措施。  相似文献   

1我国废纸再生利用概况我国每年消耗纸制品3000万吨,但废纸回收利用率却较低,仅为20%左右。以北京市为例,近年来,北京市每年消耗纸及纸制品约50万吨,而回收利用的废纸量仅为8万吨左右。我国的废纸制浆造纸工艺比较简单,设备比较落后,大部分是生产低档纸产品,应尽快改革生产工艺,生产中、高档再生纸产品,提高废纸的利用价值。目前,我国的纸和纸产品的消费水平还较低,随着经济的持续发展,对纸和纸产品的需求量和使用量将日益增加,可供回收利用的废纸数量也会有较大的增加,废纸资源潜力很大。另外,适当地从国外进口废纸和废纸…  相似文献   

对理文造纸副总经理李经纬来说,2010年是很不平静的一年。2010年6月份,日本制纸集团(NipponPaperGroup)以35.5亿港元收购中国第二大造纸企业理文造纸12%股权,这一举措令竞争对手很是紧张。“造纸女王”张茵在年度内四次大手笔的投资布局,芬兰造纸巨头斯道拉恩索4080万欧元收购河北正元51%股权;诚通集团25亿增资排名第四的泰格林纸;中冶集团则在2011年1月份签署意向书,挥师山东,计划兴建中国北方最大的包装纸和特种纸生产基地。  相似文献   

造纸不用水俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立植物聚合物工艺大学研制成既不污染环境,又能高效生产高质量书写与印刷用纸的工艺与设备,其原理是空气动力成型法,具有纸成型速度高、设备小、能耗低、纸价降低等优点,不用水也不用化学添加剂,故称无水造纸法。  相似文献   

编辑同志: 近几年,随着造纸工艺技术的进步,利用废纸作原料,可生产许多品种的纸和纸板。但目前我国废纸回收率还不到15%,如果提高两倍的话,每年可生产360多万吨造纸原料,节省200多万立方米木材。为提高废纸的回收率,建议一些部门大力宣传废纸回收的重要意义,鼓励群众把零星废纸积攒起来,卖给造纸厂。物资再生与回收部门也应广开多种渠道,方便群众交  相似文献   

2009年6月18日,由中国制浆造纸研究院、中国林业产业协会林纸分会和中国造纸杂志社共同举办的“中国纸业可持续发展发展论坛2009”在苏州凯宾斯基大酒店举行。国家有关部委、研究机构、学术团体和企业代表近200人参加了会议。  相似文献   

梅河口市油毡原纸厂是一家老牌集体企业,在轻工造纸行业中久负盛名.1956年初建时仅有几十名职工,从手捞纸生产作坊起家发展成为梅河口市的重点企业和利税大户,1986-1995年连续10年利税超百万元,1989年被评为"吉林省先进级企业",1993年国家统计局公布的"全国500家最大造纸及纸制品企业录"中,我厂排名191位.截至1995年底,企业拥有固定资产原值2312万元,占地面积14万平方米,建筑面积3.5万平方米.有职工1089人,退休人员220人.拥有四条纸机生产线和一条油毡纸生产线,主要产品有:油毡原纸、黄板纸、箱板纸、牛皮纸、灰板纸及油毡纸,每年可生产各种板纸3.2万吨,油毡纸20万卷.  相似文献   

近年来,随着环保力度的不断加大,传统的纸浆造纸已经大幅度减少,取而代之的是废纸再生造纸。然而,再生纸替代原生纸虽带来了一定的资源环保效应,但在生产过程中,企业又成为另一类污染物--废渣的制造大户。  相似文献   

Chinese entry to the WTO in December 2001 marks a new phase in agricultural trade, both nationally and globally. After a context review of Chinese agriculture and WTO-related policy issues, this paper first uses a Balassa index approach to examine China's relative competitiveness in some major food products over the period since 1985, followed by an analysis of price-cost ratios and production cost structures for these products. It is found that China has revealed comparative advantages in meat products but disadvantages in cereals. With limited land resources, its production and trade competitiveness has declined despite rapid substitution of capital for labour, due to a marked rise in relative labour price in agriculture. In the long run, it is expected that WTO membership will boost Chinese agricultural trade, but its impact on competitiveness will probably depend more on production costs, and will differ between crops and animal products.  相似文献   

This paper uses the gravity model to investigate determinants of China's wood products trade from 1995 to 2004. The results suggest that trade partners' forest resource endowment and China's own logging restrictions policy affect its wood products imports and exports. China's exported wood products are shown to be inferior goods while China's imported wood products are labor intensive for the exporting countries. Due to rises in Chinese currency against other major currency, transportation costs, and foreign trade actions, China's wood products exports and imports may slow down. The results may have implications on trade and global forest resource conservation.  相似文献   

China's economic development is characterized by progressive integration with international production chains as an assembly producer. Japan and South Korea are the major partners providing intermediate products to China. The present paper analyzes the Chinese intermediate sector's present condition and evolutionary characteristics revealed in bilateral trade with Japan and South Korea. The analysis uses the framework of new trade theory represented by “intra‐industry trade”. Trade statistics from 1997 to 2004 are analyzed using the database published by the OECD. Results show that China's inter‐industrial evolution is characterized by its expanding positioning in the manner of the flying geese development paradigm of Asian countries. Furthermore, intra‐industrial evolution is characterized by a concentration on price competitiveness. The framework and results of the industrial analysis presented in this paper assist in the understanding of China's manufacturing evolution and of the policy‐making decisions taken in the process.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a quasi‐natural experimental framework into trade policy evaluation and reassesses China's trade liberalization through the survival of export products. We use propensity score matching and China's dual trade system to design a quasi‐natural experiment based on Chinese industrial enterprises, customs import and export, and tariff data over the period of 2000–2006; we then use survival analysis to study the impacts of China's trade liberalization on the export duration of manufacturing firms’ products. We find that the substantial reduction in import tariffs after China's accession to the World Trade Organization enhances the export duration of firm products, indicating that trade liberalization ameliorates the survival of export products. The promotion effects of tariff reduction on export duration are obviously stronger for core products than for noncore products.  相似文献   

China's penetration of the world market has been impressive. This paper uses highly disaggregated Korean import data (from 1992 to 2008) to examine China 's penetration of the Korean market in the context of the composition of value (the extensive and intensive margins) and the product type (homogeneous and differentiated) in trade. The increase in Chinese imports has been attributed to the rapid increase in the import of new products (the extensive margin) and of existing products (the intensive margin). However, the growth rate of new products decelerated in the 2000s. The growth in the intensive margin was due to quantity, not price. Chinese imports to Korea did not improve over the period in terms of quality. Although Chinese products became cheaper, they were more differentiated over time. Welfare gains were realized through the expanded introduction of new products from China. However, much of the gains from Korea's Chinese product import boom were realized in earlier years (1992 -2000) because even though imported products became more differentiated, the increase in the extensive margin was lower in more recent years (2001- 2008).  相似文献   

For more than three decades the goal of becoming “the factory of the world” has been at the core of China's development strategy. This strategy, in combination with high rates of domestic investment and low rates of consumption, has made Chinese production the most manufacturing intensive in the world. But as its wages have risen, China's competitiveness in the most labor‐intensive manufacturing industries has eroded. Its ability to assemble products remains a major source of its exports, but it has also tried to shift toward more sophisticated value‐added production domestically. Chinese domestic spending has shifted away from investment toward consumption as citizens' income has grown. Like Americans, Chinese are also spending more on services than on manufactured goods. All of these changes are fundamentally altering the structure of China's production, reducing the role of manufacturing and increasing the skill levels of workers in manufacturing. This paper reviews the challenges posed by these developments for China's long‐term goal of achieving more inclusive growth. It presents evidence that the commonly held perceptions that Chinese manufacturing employment growth is robust are wrong. In fact, such growth has peaked and China is now following a pattern of structural change that is typical of a more mature emerging economy, in which the share of employment in manufacturing declines as workers are increasingly employed in services.  相似文献   

This paper presents numerical simulation results that suggest that China can both reduce its trade imbalance and receive welfare benefits by switching the value added tax (VAT) regime from the current destination principle to an origin principle. We modify the traditional general equilibrium tax model to capture endogenous trade imbalances along with endogenous factor supply, a fixed exchange rate and a non-accommodative monetary policy structure which supports the Chinese trade imbalance. We calibrate model parameters to 2008 data and simulate counterfactual equilibrium for VAT tax basis switches in which the trade imbalance changes. Our results suggest that given China's trade surplus VAT regime switching to an origin basis can decrease China's trade surplus by over 40%, and additionally increase Chinese and world welfare. This has implications for present G20 discussions on finding ways to adjust global trade imbalances.  相似文献   

The effects of Sino‐US and Sino‐EU safeguard agreements on US, Chinese and world cotton and textile sectors are investigated using a partial equilibrium model. The effects are compared to a free trade scenario under the provisions of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing. The two safeguard agreements capping Chinese textile exports would decrease China's textile and apparel exports, production, and domestic consumption by an average 1.57, 0.63 and 0.32 percent, respectively. The safeguard agreements cause an increase in the US cotton textile price index and a slight decrease in US net textile imports and textile consumption. The agreements cause a decrease in the world cotton price and the quantity of cotton traded, but these trends reverse at safeguard expiration. The results generally support the view that the safeguard agreements forestall the effects of free trade in textiles and apparel rather than creating long lasting shifts in the textile trade.  相似文献   


This study investigates the macroeconomic impact of EU's free trade agreements with Asian countries and the US on the Chinese economy. In addition we examine the impacts on the Chinese industry output based on the framework of production network and production fragmentation. The expansion of the EU's economic reach toward ASEAN and Japan through free trade agreement will generate a positive macroeconomic effect on negotiation participants while it generates a negative effect on the Chinese economy: Some portions of existing trade and foreign direct investment will be shifted to partner countries from non-partner countries. However, according to a sectorial analysis, EU's free trade agreements with three countries result in a positive impact on China's electronics and machinery industry, because China's industry is linked to the production fragmentation and foreign affiliates play a crucial role.  相似文献   

Using matched firm‐level trade and production data over the period 2000–2006, we study the product‐destination portfolio and dynamics of Chinese industrial exporters and make a thorough comparison among four types of firms and between two kinds of trade modes. We find that ownership structure and trading modes do matter to the destination and product mix choices of Chinese industrial exporters. In particular, foreign firms' exports and processing trade tend to be more destination‐specific and products are more specialized. Therefore, foreign firms are more likely to maintain a particular link within a specific global supply chain.  相似文献   

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