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在商店里脱衣服进行试穿将成为过去的历史,目前俄罗斯一家公司“ARDoor”最新研制一种“虚拟更衣室”,当购物者站在屏幕前即可投影3D服装形象。超级时尚迷们甚至能够无须真实地更换服装就能试装,只要简单地几个手指动作,按在虚拟更衣室的虚拟按钮上,便能体验到试装的效果。  相似文献   

据外媒报道,为了帮助多市市民准备圣诞节礼品,美泰与沃尔玛合作,推出加拿大首家虚拟玩具商店。虚拟商店提供玩具商品的QR条码予消费者,让消费者享受到方便快捷的购物过程。虚拟玩具商店位于多市市中心的地下通道PATH,让消费者觉得自己好像在购买窗户里的商品一样。虚拟玩具商店会运行四个星期。希望带给通勤者一个轻松的购物过程。Walmart玩具商品总监Cheri Anthony表示,如果想购买新潮及节日  相似文献   

根据上海服装行业协会网络定期统计报表,2008年6月,上海第一八佰伴、市百一店、市百六店、新华联商厦、永安百货、黄金广场、上海时装商店、妇女用品商店、淮海青少年商店、长发商厦十家商场服装服饰类商品总销售量为77万多件,实现销售额接近1.86亿元。  相似文献   

根据上海服装行业协会网络定期统计数据,2008年1月~12月,上海第一八佰伴、妇女用品商店、淮海青少年百货、黄金广场、六百商场、上海时装商店、市百一店、新世界商厦、东方商厦、永安百货、长发商厦等11家大型商场服装大类商品总销售量为1250多万件,实现销售额38.7亿元。总销售量与2007年基本持平,总销售额同比增长了8.7%。  相似文献   

3D服装虚拟技术是服装CAD系统三大成熟模块(打版、放码、排料)之后发展的新趋势.服装领域使用3D虚拟技术可以通过模拟样衣的制作过程缩短新款服装的设计时间,从而大大减少成衣的生产周期.同时,3D虚拟技术为服装的销售方式提供了新途径,使网上销售和网上新款发布会的普及成为可能.  相似文献   

网络渠道已演变成购物一体化链条中的重要一环。RecreationalEquipment,Inc.(REI)是美国著名的户外用具与服装零售商。当REI准备促进实体商店的销售时,它却将目光投向了自己的网站。2003年6月,REI的网站为那些通过网络订货的客户提供免费"实体店内取货(in-storepickup)"的服务。这一创意源于一个发现--当REI  相似文献   

三维虚拟试衣技术从最初的一维静态模拟逐渐发展到如今的三维动态模拟,文章总结了网络化三维虚拟试衣的关键技术架构,并在此基础上探讨了网络化三维虚拟试衣在服装网购线上体验、个性化服装定制、品牌女装的开发方面的应用。最后针对三维虚拟试衣技术目前存在的不足进行展望。  相似文献   

  三维虚拟试衣技术是服装CAD研究的前沿技术,基于计算机技术的发展应用,三维虚拟动画技术和服装CAD技术得到了美国、韩国等国家的重视,我国也将其列入重点研究计划。东华大学服装学院服装设计与工程专业长期以来坚持服装CAD的探索研究和教学推广,在服装先进制造技术研究和产业技术升级方面取得了良好成果和积累。近年来更是在三维虚拟试衣技术方面进行积极探索和合作研究,与韩国首尔大学计算机信息学院在三维虚拟试衣技术方面进行项目交流和合作研究,并在此基础上开设课程教学。三维虚拟试衣技术通过个性化虚拟人体生成、二维样板设计、三维虚拟缝合三大模块使服装设计更加便捷高效,课程的开展得到了学生们的积极好评,并取得了良好成果。  相似文献   

曾经有很多人一直在质疑服装产品在网上销售的可行性,但是,接近3亿的中国网民中,已有7400万人在网上买东西,而且这个数据还在以每年60%的速度增长着。2008年网购总额已经达到了1300亿人民币,服装产品的网上销售额达到171亿元,在所有网上消费的产品中,服装产品的销售占了最大的比重。这样的数据作为强有力的证据,证明了服装产品的网上销售已经形成了一股不可小觑的势力,它的发展潜力无可限量。对于每天恨不得抱着电脑进被窝睡觉的80后、90后们,从网上买东西是最自然不过的一件事情。他们每天在网络上吃,在网络上睡,通过网络交朋友,他们是同时活在虚拟与真实两个世界的一代人,  相似文献   

2003年8月19日,国内休闲服龙头企业之一美特斯·邦威集团2003年形象代言人签约暨广告片发布会在北京华彬国际大厦隆重开演。 在国内服装界首创“虚拟经营”模式,品牌连锁网络遍布全国,专卖店达800余家的邦威集团此次选择了在“新  相似文献   

Survey evidence suggests that many U.S. and European consumers do not spend a lot of time comparing mortgage products. We show, however, that mortgage shopping is associated with a substantial monetary payoff, using a unique data set from a website where borrowers (not the lenders) can post their complete set of received mortgage rate offers. A borrower who shops for five mortgage offers is able to save 7,078 euros in net present value on average. The potential savings suggest suboptimal mortgage shopping as the opportunity cost of time to renegotiate additional quotes is unlikely to be that high.  相似文献   

近日,全球PC巨头戴尔公司负责人首次表示,第三方互联网营销模式正成为该公司销售方式上的重要补充。戴尔电脑一直坚持的直销方式让其在短短的几年内迅速占据了全球个人电脑销售的头名,然而过往全部依靠本身B2C网站直销模式显然已不能满足其需 求,C2C的热潮必然给戴尔带来所需。其实,你只要经常关注网上购物就会发现,如今,包括一大批知名PC品牌在内的企业纷纷在淘宝等C2C网站上开设旗舰店。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,网购或者电视购物的人越来越多,货到付款方式作为一种支付方式给消费者带来了更多的方便和安全,在快递业的支付方式中占据了很大的比重,代收货款业务的开展给快递业带来了新的利润增长点。但是随着快递业代收货款业务的发展,已经开始暴露出很多问题。本文通过使用模糊聚类分析法对代收货款业务中所遇到的风险进行了评估,并对各类风险提出风险管理模式和风险控制技术。最后根据问题分析以及风险控制技术为代收货款业务中所遇到的问题与风险提出解决方案。  相似文献   

服装营销目前主要有服装实体店和网店两种营销模式,服装网店是顺应网络时代的发展要求而发展起来的,是服装市场营销的必然选择。本文就传统的服装实体店与新生的网店两种营销模式在地理位置的选择、资金成本的投入、消费者购买服装时的感官体验、客源量的比较、购物所需时间及交通条件、购物的安全和可靠性以及销售时情感与传统文化等方面的优劣进行了深入的比较探讨。  相似文献   

In the United States fabrication shops build equipment to client specifications. Once their growth and profitability were closely aligned with those of their clients who were generally the larger firms. Now that most of these clients import their needs from abroad, fabrication shops need to compete on their own in both domestic and foreign markets. In order to help them achieve their goal, we need to have some understanding of their internal development and further identify possible barriers to their foreign involvement. To this end, a conceptual model with several operational and planning variables, to discriminate fabrication shops that service foreign markets from those that do not, is postulated and empirically tested. Policy implications of the study findings are discussed briefly. Limitations of the statistical procedures and possible future work are outlined.  相似文献   

Covid-19 has driven us abruptly to a new world of contactless society. It also compelled us to use online shopping, especially mobile shopping in South Korea, where the dominant mode of wireless communication was already 4G services when Covid-19 broke out. This paper examines the different roles of mobile networks and the Covid-19 pandemic in transforming mobile shopping submarkets in South Korea by estimating the long-term and short-term effects of these two factors on mobile shopping sales. We used a cointegration and an error correction model to estimate long-term and short-term effects separately. This paper finds that Covid-19 was a major short-term factor affecting sales in mobile shopping submarkets, while mobile network subscribers were a key long-term driving factor of mobile shopping sales growth.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes retailers' adoption of e-commerce in a technology adoption race framework. An internet-based firm with no traditional market presence competes with an established traditional firm to adopt the e-commerce technology and sell to a growing number of consumers with on-line shopping capability. The focus of the analysis is on identifying how consumer loyalty, differences in firms' technology and consumers' preferences for the traditional versus the virtual market, and the expansion in market size made possible by the internet can affect the timing and sequence of adoption by firms, as well as the post-adoption evolution of prices. The model's implications are used to discuss empirical evidence on adoption patterns for different product categories and firm types.  相似文献   

奇虎360主管手机安全的副总裁李涛和乌云漏洞发布平台的创始人佥0心,有着相同的癖好:从不使用信用卡、从不在网上购物、从不在手机上装任何有LBS功能的应用软件。“这个世界毫无安全可言。”这是两个多年从事信息安全工作的人的共同心声。  相似文献   

Inventories of differential items including the defective ones purchased/produced in a lot and sold from two shops (primary and secondary shops) under a single management are considered here over a finite time-horizon. A primary shop receives the differential units in a lot but sells only the non-defective ones whose demand periodically increases with time and decreases during the shortage period in such a way that it comes back to the initial value at the beginning of the next cycle. Hence in this shop, shortages are allowed and fully backlogged. Moreover, at the beginning of the next cycle, the retailer purchases purely non-defective units at a higher price to meet up the shortage amount along with the usual lot of differential units for regular sale. The defective units identified at the time of selling at the primary shop are continuously transferred to the adjacent secondary shop from which the defective ones are sold at a reduced price after some rework. Normally, the price of a defective item is fixed depending upon the quantum of its defect and people go for these items if they are cheap. Hence, demand for these units is dependent on the selling price, which is again inversely proportional to the rate of defectiveness. There may be five scenarios for dealing with defective units depending upon the coincidence of the time periods at two shops. For all scenarios, problems have been mathematically formulated and solved by the use of both parametric study and a gradient-based non-linear optimisation method. The models are illustrated with the help of numerical examples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a case-based framework to offer insights on the opportunity of recovering parts. We consider a two-stage spare parts supply chain, where independent repair shops are responsible for handling the repair process. There are two options to meet spare parts demand: repair shops may replace the part with a new one (ordered from the OEM) or they may use a part that they themselves repaired before. While repair shops achieve a larger profit by repairing parts, the OEM would prefer the use of new parts. However, he has no control over demand which might be obtained by offering buyback of broken parts. Furthermore, the OEM could recover these parts on a higher level, thus reducing production/procurement of new parts. The main contribution of this paper is the provision of a simple deterministic framework for answering the question whether a buyback option should be offered by the OEM to the repair shops, and which buyback price should be paid for each returned core. We further highlight the impact of remanufacturing performed at the OEM on the profitability of buyback.  相似文献   

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