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为了适应生活水平的不断提高,更好的满足精神文明需求,近年来,我国广播电视传媒产业随之迅猛发展,越来越多的观众渴望在有限的时间里能够得到更多的信息以及更实惠的服务,所以在银屏上出现了许多新类型、新形势、新内容的新节目,电视购物节目就是其中一个主要的节目类型.本文就浅析了当前电视购物节目主持人的角色定位和普遍存在的问题等,希望能对电视购物节目主持人提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

一、电视节目主持人的正确定位 众所周知,节目主持人这个电子时代的宠儿发源于美国。1952年随着美国“电视天才”唐?休伊特将“最后一棒”形象地引进电视传播领域,随着沃尔特?克朗凯特以资深记者的老到将“最后一棒”隆重推出与成功尝试,加上大众喜爱的传播媒介电视的发扬光大,节目主持人从此开始了在电子传媒上飞速地、超国界地发展。  相似文献   

规模化和公开性使得大众传媒成为了公众舆论的良好载体,传媒影响力的实质在于传媒通过与舆论互动而形成的对社会资本的占有,而传媒经济的实质就是实现这种社会资本与经济资本之间的转化。影响力提高了,传媒才能够最大限度地占有社会资本,只有这样,传媒的经济效益才能够得到保障。虽然要实现传媒社会资本与经济资本之间良性的循环转化并不容易,但毋庸置疑的是,在一个健康的传媒环境中,负责任的报纸,提供有价值的信息,才是真正的卖点。  相似文献   

在新媒体背影下,电视媒体的激烈竞争愈演愈列,同时也给电视台主持人提出了更高的要求,分析新媒体环境下电视台主持人应具备的形象特点和现状,为提升主持人形象进行一点思考,为我国传媒事业的发展略尽绵力。  相似文献   

11月22日,江南水乡,群星璀璨。由中国电视艺术家协会主持人专业委员会主办的中国电视“60年60人”表彰活动颁奖盛典在浙江省嘉兴市桐乡隆重举行。来自中央电视台、各省级电视台和部分知名传媒集团的60名获选主持人次聚一堂,共同庆祝新中国成立60周年,见证中国电视主持事业的发展历程。其中,央视7套《乡约》栏目制片人兼主持人肖东坡成为唯一获此殊荣的农业节目主持人。  相似文献   

略论电视传媒的政治属性与经济属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国电视传媒事业以其迅猛的势头和惊人的速度持续发展。目前,我国电视机拥有量已超过3亿台,电视台(频道)已有3000家左右,有线电视网络遍布全国,几乎所有省一级的电视台都至少有一套节目通过卫星向全世界传播,我国的电视观众超过10亿人,堪称宇内之最。如今电视传媒在我国政治、经济、文化等社会生活各个领域中越来越显示出巨大的影响力,对于我国社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设起着积极的作用。电视传媒既有一般产业的经济属性,又具有自身的特殊性,即政治属性。在我国逐步建立社会主义市场经济制度,加入世界贸易组织,实行全方…  相似文献   

现今大众传媒事业发展迅速,而电视节目主持人无疑是电视传媒中最重要的组成部分之一.主持人作为一个光鲜亮丽的职业迅速走进我们大众的视线,他们的语言风格、形象特色、个人生活等都成为公众关注的焦点.据最新统计全国在册主持人已有7万人.节目主持人的队伍迅速扩大,大批播音员成为了主持人,一些记者、编辑、演员、教师等也加入了主持人的队伍,不少播音与主持专业和其他专业的大学毕业生也成为了主持人队伍的生力军.由此可见,播音主持行业中科班并非从业的唯一标准.  相似文献   

高红樱 《现代财经》2006,26(9):22-24
传媒产业化改变了中国电视业的现状,入世把传媒推向了市场的最前沿。目前,我国电视传媒的格局呈现出外资进入、内部变革的总体趋势。外资进军中国电视传媒的步伐日益加快,并寻找各种方式与我国合作,期望在中国电视市场占一份额。为了实现适合我国国情的电视产业化转型,需要推翻原有的“外资进入电视传媒不合适”的理论,尝试“实际操作要快于政策法规”,使外资通过合法的途径进入电视传媒领域,尽快掌握国外的媒体技术,通过重组、整合、融资等现代化的产业模式来扩大规模,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

她,曾经实现中国奥运会历史中游泳项目金牌“零的突破”:她,早早退役之后拍过电影,也做过电视主持人;她,最终选择与朋友一同创业,成立了郁金香传媒,成就了奥运冠军到商界强人的完美转变。[编者按]  相似文献   

本文针对中国电视传媒企业内容同质化严重问题,以国内21家电视传媒企业为样本进行电视传媒企业价值链与商业模式创新路径之间关系的实证研究,验证电视传媒企业价值链类型与商业模式创新路径之间存在着正向关联性。研究结果表明,电视传媒企业可以通过选择和构建不同类型的价值链,锁定核心价值环节进行相应的商业模式创新。  相似文献   

Childhood obesity rates have recently been rising in many countries. It has been suggested in the literature that changes in children’s media exposure may contribute to explaining this trend. I investigate whether or not this hypothesis is supported by data. I contribute to the literature by focusing not only on television but also on new media – computers and video games. The Child Development Supplement to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics is used for the analysis. To address the endogeneity of children’s media exposure, I use dynamic and panel data models. This is another improvement upon the existing literature. Additionally, an extensive list of control variables is included in the regressions. I find that video game playing or computer use has no effect on children’s body weight. On the other hand, television viewing may increase children’s body weight slightly.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether and how social events, which have specific impact levels and consequences, influence the relationships between the use of different types of media and media users’ life satisfaction. The impact levels refer to the number of impact factors, which characterize social events (relevance, non-polarization, certainty, radicalness and proximity). The consequences, in turn, refer to the outcomes for media users (positive or negative outcomes). The results are based on data from the Standard Eurobarometer survey (N = 73,860) as well as on data from a content analysis and cover 36 social events in 13 European countries over a time period of 6 years. The moderated moderation analysis reveals that social events only influence the effects of the use of more interactive media types (the internet and social network sites) on media users’ life satisfaction, but they don’t influence the effects of the use of less interactive media types (written press, radio and TV) on media users’ life satisfaction. In fact, social events with positive consequences increase these effects, while social events with negative consequences buffer these effects. Previous research has investigated how the use of different types of media or specific social events affect people’s life satisfaction. This study contributes to the literature by revealing how social events and media use interact and thereby influence media users’ life satisfaction.  相似文献   


How do people form beliefs about the factual content of major events when established geopolitical orders are violently challenged? Here, we address the tragic events of 2 May 2014, in Odesa, Ukraine. There, Euromaidan protest movement supporters and opponents clashed following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the onset of the Donbas conflict, culminating in the worst civilian death toll the city had seen since World War II. Shortly after, we surveyed Ukraine’s population about who they thought had actually perpetrated the killings and relate people’s answers to alternative narratives (frames) that an original content analysis finds were available to Ukrainian citizens through different media. We find evidence, consistent with theories of hot cognition and motivated reasoning, that the Odesa violence triggered emotional responses linked to ethnic, regional, and partisan identity, which then activated attitudes associated with these identities that, in turn, led people to adopt very different (sometimes highly improbable) beliefs about who carried out the killings. Ethnic identity in particular is found to have strongly moderated the effects of television, with Ukrainian television greatly influencing Ukrainians but backfiring among Russians, and Russian television mainly impacting non-Ukrainians. Education and local information are found to reduce susceptibility to televised factual narratives.  相似文献   

This paper examines Irish mainstream media coverage of the housing bubble that burst in 2007 and plunged Ireland into economic and financial crisis. It is shown that news organisations largely sustained the bubble until the property market collapsed. As such, news stories reflected the views and interests of the Irish corporate and governmental sectors, which had adopted neoliberal policies during the ‘Celtic Tiger’ years (1990s to 2007). A political economic conceptualisation of the Irish media outlines four factors explaining why this is so: (1) news organisations have multiple links with the political and corporate establishment, of which they are part, thus sharing similar interests and viewpoints; (2) just like elite circles, they hold a neoliberal ideology, dominant during the boom years; (3) they feel pressures from advertisers, in particular, real estate companies; and (4) they rely heavily on ‘experts’ from elite institutions in reporting events. The last section presents a detailed empirical analysis of Irish media coverage (newspapers and television) of the housing bubble that confirms the above claims. It is shown that prior to the bubble's collapse, the media made little mention of it, remained vague about it or tried to refute claims that it even existed, thus sustaining it.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to obtain insights into how agribusiness firms can gain image recognition and positioning on SM and, in doing so, determine the images that can increase or diminish their positions on SM and predict the frequency of an image’s visibility on SM. This article uses data collected from a large number of Spanish agribusiness firms of the agrarian, agrifood and wine subsectors, located in rural peripheral areas or urban cores, to identify their images and positioning on social media. We use the Tagxedo digital tool to show the distinctive images of agribusiness firms on SM. Using the Howsociable digital tool and observing the SM key performance indicators (KPI), we measure the traffic and visibility of agribusiness firms on social media, and we find that a lot of agribusiness firms leave the potential of SM unused. The agribusiness firms upstream in the value chain and located in rural peripheral areas could take more advantages of SM visibility. We then create a model of image and positioning on SM using a binary logistic regression. We predict that more than two messages of sales per week on SM can diminish the visibility of agribusiness firm on SM.  相似文献   

Joanna Szostek 《Geopolitics》2017,22(3):571-593
This article examines how the Russian state promotes and protects its preferred self-identity, using the conceptual framework of ‘strategic narrative’. Nation branding practices, including state-funded ‘mega-projects’ like the Sochi Olympics, have contributed to the narrative by characterising Russia as a welcoming, attractive destination. However, a more salient feature of Russia’s strategic narrative is intense ‘anti-Western’ and ‘anti-American’ political and media discourse, formulated to defend against rival, threatening narratives projected from other countries. Through analysis of official statements and state television content, this article demonstrates how determination to protect ‘great power’ and ‘European’ identities underlay Russia’s strategic narrative in 2014. It considers responses which the narrative has prompted, arguing that desired results in domestic reception have been achieved at the expense of unsatisfactory results internationally. Heavy-handed attacks on the identities of other states boost collective self-esteem among Russian citizens, but they fail to produce – and arguably obstruct – desired responses among foreign audiences.  相似文献   

Emerging superstars on social media platforms reshape the media landscape. This research analyses social contagion as a stardom trigger of social media superstars (SMS). We argue that in addition to serving as a quality indicator, the number of observed consumers of SMS performances also indicates the suitability of discussing the SMS performances with others. We experimentally manipulated the number of previous views of a YouTube video and find that a high number of previous views significantly increases the perceived quality and the video’s discussion suitability even when holding all objective video characteristics constant. We discuss implications for aspiring SMS and (online) marketers.  相似文献   

With the exponential growth of data from social media, new opportunities for businesses to supplement marketing have been created. However, finding potential interest of consumers from a social media platform is a crucial but challenging task. Analysing the actual textual content of social media platform can help business managers to better understand the consumers’ interest for marketing. In this article, an approach was proposed to discover and quantify the business marketing topics, repost interest points on consumers and trends over time from company's micro-blog posts, furthermore gaining insights into the business marketing on social media platform. The case study results on real world data from Sina weibo show that it is useful for companies to better understand the digital traces of interaction with its consumers. The approach offers a systematic method for dealing with a large number of textual data on social media platform for business intelligence.  相似文献   

文章运用演化博弈理论建立了区域知识产权形象形成过程中区域政府和核心企业之间的演化博弈模型,在对模型求解和参数分析的基础之上,指出一个区域的知识产权形象,既与两者之间的初始状态有关,更受演化路径的影响.建设积极健康的区域知识产权形象是一个社会系统工程,各个要素不是独立起作用,而是相互联系、相互作用的.区域政府的激励、保护与服务的社会综合效益及区域内核心企业的创新发展的正收益之间正好构成一个互动的正反馈过程.文章的论述为建设和提升区域知识产权形象提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

"柔弱胜刚强"是老子哲学的重要命题,是老子关于"道"的弱用原则的理论依据。由于老子思维方式的特殊性,又造成了人们对该命题的误解。文章从老子的思想体系本身出发,提出正确理解这个命题的四个维度:道的维度、象思维的维度、社会治理的维度和价值的维度,并由此推出该命题成立的约束条件及其局限性。  相似文献   

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