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《China Economic Review》2002,13(2-3):134-160
The Balassa–Samuelson effect is employed to explain the observed differences in inflation between the Chinese provinces. A three-goods model is proposed to accommodate the specific features of China. The model includes the Balassa–Samuelson effect and demand side factors. It is tested for 29 Chinese provinces using cross-sectional and panel data for the 1992–1999 period. The econometric results cannot refute the hypothesis that the Balassa–Samuelson effect explains durable differences in inflation among provinces. We take this as evidence supporting the view that the Chinese economy broadly works as a market economy.  相似文献   

Japan's real exchange rate appreciation during the post-WWII manufacturing-led growth period has been regarded as a classical example of the Balassa–Samuelson effect. We choose the most conspicuous sub-period—1956–1970—to confirm the effect. Japan was in a rapid growth period under the U.S. dollar peg (real GDP growth, 9.7% per annum). The nominal anchor was weak as Japan's inflation rate (GDP deflator-based, 5.4%) was markedly higher than the U.S. rate (2.6%) during the 15-year period. The decomposition of the annual 2.7% (geometric) Japan–U.S. inflation rate gap (real exchange rate appreciation of the Japanese yen) reveals that the Balassa–Samuelson effect accounted for 0.7%; most of the real exchange rate appreciation (1.7%) was attributed to greater price increases in Japan's tradables. Although Japan's tradable sector achieved high TFP growth, the joint effect of the tradable–nontradable TFP growth difference between the two economies was too small to generate a sizable Balassa–Samuelson effect. Japan's example may suggest that even in rapidly growing economies, the magnitude of the effect in long-run real exchange rate appreciation is generally modest.  相似文献   

Our principal purpose here is to assess the extent to which both the official and black market exchange rates for the Chinese economy exhibit compatibility with the Balassa–Samuelson model over the period from 1985 to 2006. We employ annual measures of inflation and industry input on an aggregated, disaggregated and sector basis, all of which have been especially constructed for this study. Both the time series and panel cointegration tests applied to this data are generally inconsistent with the prediction of the Balassa–Samuelson model that the tradable goods sector is compatible with purchasing power parity. However, our analysis also shows that other predictions of the Balassa–Samuelson model – most notably that there will be a strong long-run relationship between the real exchange rate and the relative productivity differential between China and the U.S. – does hold up for the Chinese economy. Moreover, the black market exchange rate appears to be more consistent with the predictions of the Balassa–Samuelson model than the official exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence on the behaviour of the Swedish real exchange rate relative to Germany under different currency regimes during the period 1973:1–2001:4. The results suggest that the real exchange rate is cointegrated with Swedish and German productivity, which is consistent with Balassa (1964) and Samuelson (1964). In the short run, the exchange rate regime has mattered for the dynamics of the real exchange rate. Deviations from long-run equilibrium have been adjusted more quickly when the nominal exchange rate has been allowed to float freely. JEL no. C22, E31, F41  相似文献   

Is the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan essential for correcting global imbalances? The present study offers a new perspective to the debate by drawing upon the rich international experience embodied in World Bank's World Development Indicators database. We find that the price levels of China and the United States are both low relative to the world's average. Therefore, the discrepancy between the price levels of China and the United States has been, in fact, close to zero since 2002. The difference in per capita income can fully account for the price difference between China and the United States. However, the Balassa–Samuelson effect is not a reliable guide for projecting the trend of real appreciation. According to the experience of those economies that have experienced real currency appreciation against the US dollar in 1985–2005, the mode of faster wage growth and inflation is as common as nominal appreciation, far more common for economies with a low initial price level. We do not find empirical evidence to substantiate the claim that low price levels tend to cause external surpluses. But real appreciation has a powerful effect in boosting job creation in the service sector. Therefore, the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan would contribute to restructuring the Chinese economy towards a domestic demand-based growth track.  相似文献   

We study the contribution of market regulations to the dynamics of the real exchange rate within the European Union. Based on a model proposed by De Gregorio et al. (Rev Int Econ 2(3):284–305, 1994a), we show that both product market regulations in nontradable sectors and employment protection tend to raise the real exchange rate. We then carry out an econometric estimation for European countries for 1985–2006 to quantify the contributions of the pure Balassa–Samuelson effect and those of market regulations on real exchange-rate variations. Based on this evidence and on a counter-factual experiment, we conclude that the relative evolutions of product market regulations and employment protection across countries play a very significant role for real exchange-rate variations within the European Union and especially within the euro area, through their impacts on the relative price of nontradable goods.  相似文献   

The real exchange rate is defined as the relative price of nontradables and tradables. An index of the relative price is constructed for the U.S. and used to explain net exports. The index appears to perform better in explaining net exports than a comparable purchasing power parity real exchange rate. The relative price of nontradables, in turn, is shown to be cointegrated with a set of variables that drive the demand for and supply of nontradables. These variables capture long-run structural and demographic changes of the U.S. economy, such as the increased demand for medical services.  相似文献   

In this paper modified versions of the Balassa–Samuelson model are developed. We stress the effects of balanced productivity growth and capital accumulation, which is often ignored or not fully understood in existing studies. Our theoretical analysis shows that these effects and the differential productivity growth effect can be presented in a unified framework. Empirical estimates using 1970–1990 sectoral data for the OECD show that our modified models are more suited to the data than the commonly used Balassa–Samuelson model. J. Japan. Int. Econ., March 2002, 16(1) pp. 31–49. Faculty of Economics, Nagasaki University, 4-2-1 Katafuchi, Nagasaki 850-8506, Japan. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: F36; F41; F43.  相似文献   

Traditionally, real exchange rates are seen to be influenced in the long run by forces that return economies to purchasing power parity and by differences in productivity growth across sectors and across regions, as per the Balassa–Samuelson hypothesis (BSH). However, minor and realistic relaxations of the assumptions underlying the BSH greatly generalise the set of possible influences over real exchange rates. This paper surveys the literature on real exchange rate determination, investigates short‐run behaviour, and addresses puzzles over the trends in China's real exchange rate. While China was widely expected to appreciate against the advanced economies following its first growth surge in the mid‐1990s, it actually depreciated slightly until the early 2000s. Then, after 2005, its rate of appreciation was more rapid than expected. These puzzles are resolved by accounting for the effects of the trade liberalisations associated with World Trade Organization accession, China's excess saving, and the tightening of rural labour markets.  相似文献   

Real Exchange Rate in China:A Long-run Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the RMB exchange rate from a long‐run viewpoint. Whether China's rapid economic growth brought about real exchange rate appreciation between 1975 and 2002 is empirically examined, based on a supply‐side model, the Balassa—Semuelson Hypothesis (BSH). The same test is conducted on Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and India. Our result indicates that the BSH only exists where the industrial structure has been upgraded and the economy has been successfully transformed from an agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy. Interestingly, China, among those where the BSH does not present, appears to be upgrading its industrial and trade structure. We then try to answer the question of why past rapid growth has no significant relationship with the RMB real exchange rate and what factors are underlying the trend of the RMB real exchange rate. We expect an appreciating trend of RMB real exchange rate in the foreseeable future, presuming that China's industrial upgrading process continues and the factors pertaining to the BSH's prediction, such as rise of wage rates in both tradables and nontradables, become more significant. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

On the empirical distribution of the Balassa index   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
On the Empirical Distribution of the Balassa Index. — The concept of revealed comparative advantage as measured by the Balassa index is widely used in practice to determine a country’s weak and strong sectors. Interpreting the Balassa index is difficult, however, in view of the limited knowledge to date on the distribution of this index. We analyze theempirical distribution of the Balassa index and its stability and properties over time, using Japan-European Union trade data. It appears that the distribution is relatively stable over time and that the widely used rule that “a Balassa index above one” identifies a strong sector, selects about one-third of all industries. On the other hand, the distribution appears to differ markedly across countries.  相似文献   

Fiscal Shocks and The Sectoral Composition of Output   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We study the impact of shocks to different types of government spending on the sectoral composition of output for a panel of EMU member countries. We find that fiscal shocks lead to an increase in the relative size of the nontraded sector, with the impact varying across the different spending categories. There is typically no significant impact on the level of production in the tradables sector but the level of imports increases and the level of exports declines in most cases. Overall, the results show that fiscal shocks matter not only for aggregate variables but also for the sectoral composition of output. The sectoral output results are consistent with previous work concerning the impact of fiscal shocks on the real exchange rate and the relative price of nontradables.  相似文献   

Focusing on a small open economy, this paper provides very supportive evidence for the Balassa-Samuelson productivity-bias proposition. Using a battery of tests we show that a positive and significant long run relationship exists between the relative price of nontraded goods and real income per capita. An implication of this result is that the prices of services in Cyprus will rise, if EU membership leads to income convergence with the rest of the EU. We have, furthermore, demonstrated that Rogoff's hypothesis, that real oil price changes negatively affect the price of nontradables, is supported by the empirical results.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on export price elasticities by analyzing the cases of China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and the USA over the period 1990–2012. Estimates have been made using panel data techniques for non‐stationary data. After demonstrating that long‐run relationships are stable to any structural break, it is found that exports are significantly determined by foreign demand, with long‐run income elasticity significantly higher than unity for China, Japan, Germany, the UK and the USA. Conversely, exports are price inelastic for most of the countries in the sample, in both the long run and the short run. The exception is France, whose export price elasticity is lower (higher) than unity in the short run (long run).  相似文献   

This paper empirically assesses the effect of the yen‐dollar exchange rate on selected macroeconomic variables, namely, real output, price level, and money supply, for Malaysia. The results, which are based on a vector autoregressive framework, suggest that variations in the yen‐dollar rate can have significant influences on Malaysia's macroeconomic variables. More specifically, the yen‐dollar depreciation leads to contraction in real GDP and money supply. These results are fairly robust to alternative model specifications. We believe that, apart from providing important insights into the interactions between the yen‐dollar rate and domestic macroeconomic variables, our results contribute to the debate on choice of exchange rate regimes for Malaysia.  相似文献   

This paper employs diverse measures of persistence to analyze the convergence speed of intercity relative prices in Japan using consumer price subindices during 1970–2002. Regardless of the persistence measures, the median estimated half-lives are found to be less than two years in the vast majority of CPI items considered, which is compatible with economic models based on price rigidities. However, there exists a large heterogeneity in the persistence not just between tradable and nontradable items as is widely known, but within the categories of tradables or nontradables. The heterogeneity is substantive across cities in each CPI item as well. Our findings are robust to a subsample analysis though it points toward a presence of structural change around 1985. We conjecture that the extent of heterogeneity across CPI items is linked to the degree of tradability and market structure, while physical distance and relative city size may play some roles in the heterogeneity across cities. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (2) (2007) 260–286.  相似文献   

The 1964 effect states that when a fixed per‐unit cost is added to two substitutes, the more expensive (higher quality) one becomes relatively cheaper, and, thus, its consumption will increase. When applied to trade in vertically‐differentiated goods, the importing regions demand relatively more high‐quality goods. We examine how this result changes when the importing region is also endowed with the goods. We use a vertically‐differentiated goods model with heterogeneous consumers in which prices are endogenously determined. We show that the importing regions with an endowment have a stronger Alchian‐Allen effect than the regions that are not endowed. We use the auction data of Australian thoroughbred yearlings to empirically test our model and find consistent empirical patterns.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of U.S. firms during 1964–2007, we find that conditional conservatism is associated with a lower likelihood of a firm's future stock price crashes. This finding holds for multiple measures of conditional conservatism and crash risk and is robust to controlling for other known determinants of crash risk and firm‐fixed effects. Moreover, we find that the relation between conservatism and crash risk is more pronounced for firms with higher information asymmetry. Overall, our results are consistent with the notion that conditional conservatism limits managers’ incentive and ability to overstate performance and hide bad news from investors, which, in turn, reduces stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of exchange rate movements on foreign direct investment (FDI). We first employ a real options model to show that while the depreciation of a host country's currency tends to stimulate FDI activity of cost‐oriented firms, the depreciation tends to deter FDI activity for market‐oriented firms. With industry panel data on Taiwan's outward FDI into China over the period 1991–2002, our empirical findings indicate that the exchange rate level and its volatility in addition to the relative wage rate have had a significant impact on Taiwanese firms’ outward FDI into China. In general, the empirical results are consistent with the prediction of the theory. Our results reveal that the relationship between exchange rates and FDI is crucially dependent on the motives of the investing firms. Without considering this fact in an empirical model, the testing results might suffer from aggregations bias.  相似文献   

This article provides a direct assessment of how fixed export costs (FECs) and productivity jointly determine firm‐level export behavior. Using Chilean data, we construct indices of FECs for each industry‐region‐year triplet and match them to domestic firms. Our empirical results show that firms facing higher estimated FECs are less likely to export, while those with higher productivity export more. These outcomes are the foundation of the widely‐used sorting mechanism in trade models with firm heterogeneity. We also find that the substitution between FECs and productivity in determining export decisions is weaker for firms with higher productivity. Finally, among firms that export, both larger FECs and greater within‐triplet productivity dispersion are associated with a greater export volume of the average exporter.  相似文献   

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