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The implications of the division of labor, capital, and technology for economic growth have long been a fundamental issue in development economics. This paper employs the bounds testing approach to cointegration to examine the relationship between the division of labor, capital accumulation, communication technology, and economic growth for China over the period 1952–99. We find that in the long run, capital stock and the division of labor both have statistically significant positive effects on growth, while in the short run the effects are not significantly positive. Telecommunication technology, rather surprisingly, has a statistically insignificant impact on growth both in the long run and in the short run. Our findings indicate that there exists a long run equilibrium relationship between capital and the division of labor on the one hand, and economic growth on the other, thereby lending support to the division of labor theory of growth.  相似文献   

The relationship between exports and economic growth has been analysed by a number of recent empirical studies. This paper re‐examines the sources of growth for the period 1971–2001 for India. It builds upon Feder's (1983 ) model to investigate empirically the relationship between export growth and GDP growth (the export led growth hypothesis), using recent data from the Reserve Bank of India, and by focusing on GDP growth and GDP growth net of exports. We investigate the following hypotheses: (i) whether exports, imports and GDP are cointegrated using the Johansen approach and Breitung's nonparametric cointegration test; (ii) whether export growth Granger causes GDP growth; (iii) and whether export growth Granger causes investment. Finally, a VAR is constructed and impulse response functions (IRFs) are employed to investigate the effects of macroeconomic shocks.  相似文献   

The export-led growth hypothesis is tested using monthly time series data for Shanghai (one of the major exporting provinces in China) using the Granger no-causality procedure developed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995) in a vector autoregresion (VAR) model. This paper builds on the existing literature in three distinct ways. This is the first study of the export-led growth hypothesis which employs a regional dataset (Shanghai). Second, the paper follows Riezman et al . (1996) in controlling for the growth of imports to avoid a spurious causality result; and finally, the use of the methodology by Toda and Yamamoto is expected to improve the standard F -statistics in the causality test process. The research finds one-way Granger causality running from GDP to exports  相似文献   

社会资本、人力资本与经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者采用截面数据回归分析法及时间序列数据协整分析法对中国社会资本的不同维度——信任和民间组织与人力资本、经济增长的关系进行实证研究。结果表明,我国社会资本通过影响人力资本而影响经济增长,人力资本是我国社会资本作用于经济增长的机制之一。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that tax rates and the growth rate of output are negatively related under the assumption that government wastes tax revenues. This paper shows that, if tax revenues are used for human capital accumulation, tax rates and the growth rate can be positively related. An increase in the human capital tax rate will increase (decrease) the growth rate when the initial tax rate is small (large). An increase in the physical capital tax rate will increase the growth rate when savings are completely interest-inelastic. The effects of income taxes and lump-sum taxes on growth are also analysed.
JEL Classification Numbers: E6, H2, O4.  相似文献   

This paper examines the export-led growth hypothesis using data from two Latin American countries, Mexico and Brazil, in a production function framework. It addresses some of the limitations of existing methods of testing the hypothesis. Contrary to popular belief, we do not find any evidence to support the hypothesis. Imported capital goods appear to be very significant in the growth process of these two countries. To check the robustness of the results, this study uses two different cointegrating procedures to determine the number of cointegrating vectors, and three different methods to estimate the parameters of the long-run relations. The results are robust across estimation techniques. [F43, F14, O47, O54]  相似文献   

人力资本、基础研究与经济增长   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
本文构建了一个经济增长模型 ,将知识划分为应用技术和基础科学知识两类 ,探讨了基础研究在经济增长中的基础性地位 ,得到如下三点结论 :第一 ,经济的长远增长率和基础科学知识的长远增长率成正比 ;第二 ,决定基础科学知识长远增长率的最终变量为经济体中的人力资本存量 ;第三 ,基础科学知识的非排他性决定了政府在经济增长中可以大有作为。  相似文献   

We compare growth rates in the absence and presence of life insurance using an overlapping generations framework with human capital accumulation to clarify how life insurance contributes to economic growth through the education investment of individuals depending on economic circumstances. Our results show that, as expected, the growth rate is higher when there is life insurance if the rate of time preference or the productivity of human capital accumulation is sufficiently low and if the income loss induced from lifetime uncertainty is moderate. However, if the income loss is sufficiently large, the growth rate is lower when there is life insurance.  相似文献   

FDI、人力资本积累与经济增长   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
代谦  别朝霞 《经济研究》2006,41(4):15-27
本文在一个两国内生增长模型中研究了发达国家FDI产业选择与发展中国家经济增长和技术进步问题。本文分析表明,发达国家FDI产业的选择依赖于发展中国家的技术能力和竞争能力,发展中国家技术能力和竞争能力越强,发达国家则倾向于将更多更先进的产业转移到发展中国家;FDI能否给发展中国家带来技术进步和经济增长依赖于发展中国家的人力资本积累,只有辅之以较快速度的人力资本积累,FDI才能给发展中国家带来技术进步和经济增长。因此,普及和改善教育、提高国民的人力资本水平应该成为发展中国家提高自身技术能力、吸引FDI、促进技术进步和经济增长的核心政策。  相似文献   

本文建立了一个同时含有物质资本、人力资本积累及收入分布演化的内生增长模型,来研究人力资本积累、收入分布演化与经济增长的相互作用.我们发现,更高的初始收入差异将通过直接降低人力资本增长率与间接提高下一期的物质资本与人力资本比这两个渠道对经济增长率产生负面影响.另一方面,降低收入差异能获得更高的人力资本与经济增长率,这将使得低收入国家有可能追赶上高收入国家.  相似文献   

基于中国29个省区1990—2006年的面板数据,本文采用最新发展的空间计量分析方法考察人力资本与经济增长的关系。研究发现:(1)我国人力资本和经济增长表现出鲜明的空间相关性,多数省区位于高-高和低-低类型区;(2)人力资本作为知识和技术进步的载体,对区域经济增长具有较强的空间溢出效应。此外,加入空间因素回归结果表明,我国各省区的经济增长依然呈现鲜明的条件收敛特征。  相似文献   

余长林 《财经研究》2006,32(10):102-112
文章针对已有的关于人力资本投资的理论研究往往只关注于人力资本投资数量而忽视人力资本投资结构的现状,把教育和健康看作两种资本,分析了人力资本投资结构的具体构成形式。假设人力资本由教育资本和健康资本按照Cobb-Douglas生产技术形式组合生成,在扩展MRW模型的基础上,文章构建了一个内生经济增长模型。分析结论表明人力资本投资结构制约着经济增长,人力资本投资结构和数量(存量)都对经济产生重要影响。  相似文献   

人力资本、生态资本及技术进步的经济增长模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本、生态资本是可持续发展的重要因素,可持续的发展应是物质资本、人力资本、生态资本与技术进步共同作用的结果.通过建立一个集物质资本、人力资本、生态资本与技术进步于一体的生产函数,讨论了3种资本的动态运动,并进一步探讨了在约束条件下,如何在3种资本间分配经济资源,从而使经济处于最优的平衡增长路径上.  相似文献   

许培源 《技术经济》2008,27(8):104-110
贸易的知识扩散效应和贸易竞争的资源配置效应是长期内产业内贸易影响增长的最根本的两个方面。本文将包含贸易知识扩散程度参数的人力资本积累函数引入Bucci提出的经济增长模型,把模型拓展到开放经济环境,在动态贸易均衡中考察这两种效应。研究发现:贸易的知识扩散效应促进人力资本积累,有利于经济增长;贸易竞争效应使人力资本更多地配置到低效率的非竞争性部门,不利于经济增长。因此,产业内贸易对经济增长的影响取决于知识扩散效应和贸易竞争效应的影响程度的相对大小比较结果。  相似文献   

The Distribution of Human Capital and Economic Growth   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
This paper analyzes the interaction between the distributionof human capital, technological progress, and economic growth.It argues that the composition of human capital is an importantfactor in the determination of the pattern of economic development.The study demonstrates that the evolutionary pattern of the humancapital distribution, the income distribution, and economic growthare determined simultaneously by the interplay between a local home environment externality and a global technologicalexternality. In early stages of development the local home environmentexternality is the dominating factor and hence the distributionof income becomes polarized; whereas in mature stages of developmentthe global technological externality dominates and the distributionof income ultimately contracts. Polarization, in early stagesof development may be a necessary ingredient for future economicgrowth. An economy that prematurely implements a policy designedto enhance equality may be trapped at a low stage of development.An underdeveloped economy, which values equality as well as prosperity,may confront a trade-off between equality in the short-run followedby equality and stagnation in the long-run, and inequality inthe short-run followed by equality and prosperity in the longrun.  相似文献   

张玉枚 《经济问题》2012,(10):29-33
我国作为世界上的大国,拥有世界1/5的人口,但是资源的稀缺约束着我国的发展。不过,我国所具备的充裕人力劳动资源是不可忽视的优势,若能将人力资源转化为人力资本,必定会推动我国经济进一步发展。通过计量经济学分析模式,剖析了我国人力资本投资对经济增长的贡献作用,阐明了人力资本投资对经济增长的促进作用。并就如何加强我国人力资本投资与建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

创新型人力资本、全要素生产率与经济增长分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要采用增长核算法和基于LA-VAR模型的方法,利用我国20世纪90年代以来的数据,对我国创新型人力资本、全要素生产率与经济增长的关系进行分析。结果显示:1990年以来我国TFP总体上趋于下降,经济增长方式仍属于投资拉动型,经济增长正越来越依靠于创新型人力资本;经济增长、全要素生产率增长与创新型人力资本增长之间存在单向Granger因果关系,经济增长与全要素生产率之间不存在Granger因果关系;经济增长的正向冲击对创新型人力资本具有一定的促进作用,从长期看,全要素生产率的正向冲击对创新型人力资本也具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

我国经济发展的不同时期,投资、消费、出口三大需求对经济增长的拉动作用各不相同.国内消费对于经济增长的拉动作用保持相对稳定,但在经济快速增长时期有不断降低的趋势.投资和出口则相互交替,单独或共同主导拉动了经济的增长.文章分析我国改革开放前后三十年,尤其是经济快速增长的后三十年,包括刚刚经历的全球性经济危机的几个典型时期的经济增长动力因素--投资、消费、出口的变化及其对经济增长的拉动作用,进而为优化经济增长动力结构提供分析依据.  相似文献   

Measures of Human Capital and Nonlinearities in Economic Growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we study the relationship between human capital accumulation and economic growth using various measures of human capital frequently employed by researchers. We use semiparametric estimation techniques to uncover any nonlinearities that may exist. Using mean years of schooling measures of human capital we find a nonlinear effect on economic growth. There seem to be important differences in the growth effect of educational attainment by gender and level of education. Enrollment rates do not yield a nonlinear effect.  相似文献   

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