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关于我国财政政策导向调整的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦彬 《经济问题》2005,(5):70-72
近年来我国实施的积极财政政策确实在很大程度上促进了经济和社会的发展。但是随着经济市场化程度的不断提高和经济环境的变化,这种积极财政政策也表现出诸多的不适应性。因此应适时调整财政政策导向以适应经济和社会发展的新要求。拟从我国近年来实施的积极财政政策的成效分析出发,阐述了当前调整财政政策导向的必然性,并提出了今后我国财政政策的调整方向。  相似文献   

从1998年实施的积极财政政策尽管对遏制我国经济紧缩起到了巨大的作用。但是由于我国体制转轨所形成的内生性紧缩效应以及由于我国积极财政政策本身的缺陷,如波及效应、联动效应、内耗效应使我国积极财政政策绩效并未达到最优,需要通过相关的制度创新和完善财政政策操作手段来提高积极财政政策的绩效,有效提升我国内需,带动经济发展。  相似文献   

我国财政政策"九五"回顾及"十五"展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总体来看,我国“九五”期间实施的是由适度从紧向积极扩张转变的财政政策,本文对这一时期财政政策的基本评价为:(1)“九五”前半期 我国实施的适度从紧的财政政策具有一定的主观性;(2)截止到“九五”期末,积极财政政策虽初见成效,但经济恢复的基础并不稳固;(3)积极财政政策对经济的长期稳定发展起到了一定的促进作用。为经济再度滑坡,“十五”期间我国应继续实施积极的财政政策。  相似文献   

我国目前实行的财政政策——积极财政政策对我国经济稳固有效的运行有着很大影响。本文就我国财政就我国财政政策取得的成果、其存在的问题和对该政策的明年的预测进行了探讨。希望读者能了解到我国经济的大概现状、积极财政政策的意义和需要改革的地方。  相似文献   

刘向真 《时代经贸》2012,(10):205-205,208
从计划经济到市场经济、从拉动自身需求到开放国门,我国自改革开放以来在经济方面做出了许多重大举措,而这些措施又从实践中被证实是符合我国发展需求的。为了进一步推动我国经济社会的全面综合均衡发展、更主动地融入全球亿化经济体系中,争取更多的国家利益和企业利益,我国自1998年实施了积极的财政政策。经过了十多年实践证明,该财政政策在运行过程中虽取得了一定的成效,但是受现在变化迅速的市场环境的限制,原先的财政政策已经不能适应新时期中国的经济需求。本文将对现有的财政政策体系进行详细的分析,并结合新时期下中国经济的发展状况探讨如何对现有政策进行改革以适应新时期的发展需求。  相似文献   

我国1998年为应对严峻的国内外经济形式变化,实行了积极财政政策,至今已达5年之久。5年来积极财政政策产生了很好的经济效应,本文对此给予充分肯定。与此同时,也对其未来趋势进行了预测,并批出和分析了积极财政政策淡出的必然性。  相似文献   

积极财政政策的"淡出":必要性、条件与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安体富 《当代财经》2003,(10):30-34
目前我国经济运行已进入新一轮的快速增长期,经济增长的内在动力已经形成,并正在增强。因此,积极财政政策“淡出”的条件已基本具备,但是鉴于我国经济中尚存在的问题和国内外的历史经验,应采取渐进式的“淡出”方式,可以把今明两年作为积极财政政策“淡出”的过渡年。积极财政政策的逐步“淡出”,应当适应经济形势的变化,在调控目标、调控方式、调控手段和方法组合上进行适时调整。  相似文献   

我国实施积极财政政策已有五年,在世界经济低迷的环境下,我国经济却一枝独秀,保持了较高的经济增长速度。现在对是否要继续实行积极的财政政策虽有不同观点,但有一点基本上取得了一致:积极的财政政策在短期内还将继续实施,否则我国经济可能面临更多的问题。但是,继续增发国债的财政空间和使用效率已逐渐降低。对此困境,笔者认为,积极的财政政策应转到主要依靠政策性金融业务来启动;通过发行政策性金融债券投资来拉动经济增长,相对于政府国债投资有诸多优势。但当前政策性银行在经营上存在一些误区,影响了其作用的发挥:必须改革政策性金融业务,实现政策性金融创新,使其能够真正起到拉动经济增长的火车头作用。  相似文献   

1998年以来,我国连续6年实施积极的财政政策,有力地拉动了经济增长,抑制了通货紧缩趋势;同时又实施了稳健的货币政策,有力地支持了积极财政政策的实施,促进了经济的发展。但是自1998年以来实行的积极财政政策,其内容主要局限于支出方面,即通过举债来扩大公共支出,投资于基础设施等方面,从而扩大内需以带动经济增长。应该说,这种以扩大需求为导向的积极财政政策,其正面效应是主要的,但也不容否认,这种正面效应已出现递减,其作用的空间越来越小。本人认为如果从当前的宏观经济态势和长远的经济增长来考虑问题,这种积极财政政策正面临着需要适时从“积极介入”向“中性调节”的平稳过渡。因此,坚持科学的发展观,实现税制改革与稳健财政政策的相互交融与互动,应该成为未来一定时期内我国财政政策的核心议题。,  相似文献   

我国目前经济形势下的财税政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国经济在实现了“软着陆”后,受国内和国际各方面因素的作用,又出现了内需不足,经济疲软的态势。国家采取了一系列的货币政策,但没有明显的收效,于是相继推出了久未被重视的财政政策以刺激经济,拉动经济增长。这一阶段的财政政策具有鲜明的中国特色,即在增加政府支出的同时,不是减税,而是“清费立税”,不但不减少税收,反而会增加税收,不同于西方经济学增加支出和减税的扩张性财政政策,但其同样达到了增加支出,减轻经济主体负担的扩张性财政政策的效果,是具有中国特色的扩张性财政政策  相似文献   

This paper continues the study of optimal fiscal policy in a growing economy by exploring a case in which the government simultaneously provides three main categories of expenditures with distortionary tax finance: public production services, public consumption services, and state-contingent redistributive transfers. The paper shows that in a general-equilibrium model with given exogenous fiscal policy, a nonmonotonic relation exists between the suboptimal long-run growth rate in a competitive economy and distortionary tax rates. When fiscal policy is endogenously chosen at a social optimum, the relation between the rate of growth and tax rates is always negative. These two properties suggest that an alternative set of government policy instruments affects the response of private sector investment to fiscal policy. Moreover, the different properties of exogenous and endogenous fiscal policy theoretically account for the difference in the relation between economic growth and fiscal policy in empirical studies.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a tractable model of endogenous growth with financial frictions and firm heterogeneity. We introduce factor income tax, consumption tax as well as the government consumption into the base model and explore the growth effect of fiscal policy. We show that from the qualitative perspective, the long‐run effects of fiscal actions in our model are similar to those obtained in the representative agent models. However, the quantitative impacts of fiscal policy on long‐run growth in our setting can be substantially different from those established in the model where agents are homogeneous and there is no financial frictions.  相似文献   

In an endogenous growth model, we characterize the fiscal policy driven by a minimum‐time objective of economic development. We find that in equilibrium government should levy the highest possible consumption taxes, reduce public expenditures to the lowest possible level, and keep labor income tax rate and capital income tax rate satisfy a substitution relationship at the balanced budget constraint. We also identify the condition under which income tax rate should be set to zero. We further find that the equilibrium fiscal policy is equivalent to the growth‐maximizing fiscal policy, whereas it generally deviates from the welfare‐maximizing fiscal policy. We hence identify a circumstance where setting the policy goal of reaching an economic‐performance target as soon as possible cannot be justified in the sense of maximizing the welfare of households.  相似文献   

基于凯恩斯主义国民收入决定理论 ,通过对H省经济运行数据的实证模拟 ,分析H省积极财政政策的执行情况 ,并结合H省省情和我国国情 ,我们得到了九个基本命题 :命题 1∶H省经济处于投资陷阱之中 ,因而货币政策无效 ,财政政策充分有效。命题 2∶H省的财政政策乘数为 5 596,投资需求拉动乘数为 2 3 945,消费需求拉动乘数为2 2 0 1 5,财政支出回馈乘数为 0 2 2 66。命题 3∶H省国债转贷与补助资金拉动的经济增长率为 :1 988年 0 6个百分点 ,1 999年 0 9个百分点 ,2 0 0 0年 0 6个百分点 ,2 0 0 1年 0 5个百分点。命题 4:乘数愈大 ,积极财政政策的效果愈大 ,但积极财政政策退出造成的负作用也愈大 ,总需求和经济增长对积极财政政策的依赖程度也愈强。命题 5,民营化程度愈低 ,投资的利率弹性愈低 ,货币政策愈无效 ,反之亦然。命题 6,民营化程度愈低 ,财政依赖程度愈强 ,反之亦然。命题 7:我国的积极财政政策必然会退出 ;退出的最佳方式是淡出 ;维持现有国债规模是淡出的最可能的形式 ,是一个聚点均衡。命题 8:H省的民营化程度低于全国的平均水平 ,财政依赖程度高于全国的平均水平 ,自主性增长动力尤显不足。命题 9:如果没有激励民间投资的有效措施出台 ,积极财政政策淡出将使H省经济增长速度下滑。  相似文献   

Government’s behavior is expected to be non-neutral in terms of impacts on both welfare and inequality. It is acknowledged in most literature that fiscal policy often involves trade-offs between economic growth and inequality.By applying an equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents, capable of exploring the relationship between fiscal policy variables and the endogenous cross-section distribution of income, wealth, consumption and leisure, this paper aims at assessing (i) the optimal menu of government expenditures as well as of (ii) their inter-temporal financing. These are key issues in times of fiscal imbalances and their correction is dominating the current (European) policy agenda.  相似文献   

地方政府财政支出可划分为投资性支出、消费性支出和福利性支出.通过构建适合我国农村居民消费特征的理论模型,运用1995-2009年省际面板数据,实证检验地方政府财政支出对农村居民消费的影响.结果显示:政府投资性支出和福利性支出对农村居民消费具有正向促进作用,政府消费性支出对农村居民消费则具有负向抑制作用.因此,政府应该进一步优化财政支出结构来促进农村居民消费的增长.  相似文献   

地区差异、财政支出与居民消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者利用跨期优化理论导出实证方程,然后运用1998年~2006年中国省级面板数据进行估计,并分析各地区政府财政总支出及其功能性分类支出对当地居民消费的影响。研究表明:1.地区差异对地方财政支出对居民消费的效应有重要影响。地方财政总支出对居民消费是一种不显著的挤出效应,这种挤出效应因不同地区、不同时期而不同;2.在国家实施积极财政政策时期,只有西部地区其他支出对居民消费有显著的挤出效应,其他地区的其他功能性分类财政支出对居民消费的效应均不显著;在国家实施稳健性财政政策时期,功能性分类财政支出对居民消费的影响随地区不同而不同。  相似文献   

A New Keynesian model allowing for an active monetary and passive fiscal policy (AMPF) regime and a passive monetary and active fiscal policy (PMAF) regime is estimated to fit various U.S. samples from 1955 to 2007. The results show that data in the pre-Volcker periods strongly prefer an AMPF regime, even with a prior centered in the PMAF region. The estimation, however, is not very informative about whether the Federal Reserve's reaction to inflation is greater than one in the pre-Volcker period, because much lower values can still preserve determinacy under passive fiscal policy. In addition, whether a PMAF regime can generate consumption growth following a government spending increase depends on the degree of price stickiness. An income tax cut can yield an unusual negative labor response if monetary policy aggressively stabilizes output growth.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of fiscal policy on macroeconomic dynamics in Japan with a particular focus on the effects of anticipated fiscal policy shock and the recent policies of Abenomics. We identify anticipated fiscal policy shock by combining excess stock returns for the construction industry and the vector autoregressive model with robust sign restrictions derived from a theoretical model. The primary result is that GDP and consumption respond positively to anticipated fiscal policy shock. In addition, the result of the historical decomposition that focuses on the period of Abenomics reveals that anticipated fiscal policy shock positively contributes to consumption dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper employs the multivariate version of the unobserved components model to reinvestigate the cyclicality of fiscal policy in eleven OECD countries. The novelty of the multivariate approach lies in its superior ability to disentangle the correlations in cycles from the correlations in slopes of the relevant variables while allowing for those correlations in the model. The results suggest that fiscal policy is mildly counter-cyclical in seven of the eleven countries analyzed which resonates with the standard Keynesian models. However, the slope (growth) of government consumption is found to be positively correlated with real GDP in these economies. There is no evidence of procyclical fiscal policies in any of these eleven industrial countries. The results remain robust when we use subsamples and an alternative fiscal policy variable.  相似文献   

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